FL 10 midi multichannel ...help!

Discussion in 'PC' started by lysergyk, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I tried FL out and I was having good fun with their drumaxx plugin but i couldnt find a way to use all trilian midi channels in FL :dunno: ...if I create a track and load trilian, it only uses midi channel one...is there a way to re-route it so as to use trilian's channel 2 to 8 (the idea being to do that with new midi tracks that will all use the same instance of trilian ofc)?

    TIA for your input. :bow:
  3. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    So you want multiple instruments coming from a single vst? Or you want it to simply output to different mixer channels?

    I'm just not completely sure what your trying to do. Because what it sounds like is you want 1 instrument to play several different things at a time which is a horrible idea. You'll have frequencies hitting each other and it'll drain your memory like no other not to mention in FL Studio it will simply mute all but 1 instance of notes playing from a single plug in. Basically your far better off having 2 instances of the plugin open.

    Only some plug-gins have the ability to have different instruments/sounds on different midi channels from 1 plug in, but not many.
  4. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    i just want different (midi) tracks routed to a single VST (that accepts multichannel)...basically it's very simple and I did it in any other DAW...

    you get one track with trilian loaded, this track send messages out using midi channel one by default ...and then (that's where I couldnt find how to set it up) i'd lik a bunch of other midi tracks using midi channel 2 to 8 to send messages out to that same instance of trilian. A single instance of trilian can receive messages from up to 16 midi tracks at a time, that way you dont need to load it multiple times and save some CPU.

    there' this wrapper thingy in FL but it doesnt seem to offer any way to do that...
  5. Breakz

    Breakz Newbie

    Sep 22, 2011
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    You have to use Midi Channels.

    Goto Channels > add one > midi out

    add as many chanels as you need (upto 8 for trilian) You should then if you add 8 midi outs, have them on 'Channels 1-8' , but they should be on the smae port. If you add other midis for different Plugins you need to have a diferent port for each plugin you want to control!

    Then in Trilian click the icon in the top left corner of the plugin that looks like a wheel cog and in settings change the input port to zero (this corresponds with the 'Port' number on the midi channel.

    To put them in seperate channels in the FL mixer, click the cog in the Trilian and choose the Processing Tab and the 'Outputs' correspond to FL's mixer channels!

    hope this helps!!

    Been using FL since version 3 so any help you need!! :)

  6. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Well you can do it but only within the same "piano roll".

    Hopefully this is what your talking about if not I can probably figure it out.

    Basically in your piano roll you'll see a box that is green in the upper left hand corner of the piano roll. These are your midi channels. Select the notes you with the be on a certain midi channel and hit "alt c" to change the notes to that midi channel [color]. I usually use wide tracks to keep them straight like 1/5/9etc. The colors are far enough a part not to mix them up.

    After that just set up the midi channels in trillion and this should work. In fact you could probably do this in multipal piano rolls if you just assign the midi channels right like how I mentioned.

    tell me if this works, if not I'll check around in FL Studio.
  7. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    UK Breaks method will probably work better if your going to use a lot of different tracks [more than 4-5]. My way should work well for less.
  8. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thanks for all that but unfortunately i cannot see this channel->add one->midi out...so that's maybe why..(i checked all the sub menus and it is nowhere to be found)
    ps i use FL10

    same goes for the piano roll, either the embedded one or the one you can get clicking the icon in the menu at the top on the right...no green box to choose midi channels... :dunno:

    can anyone post a screen capture? cuz im really wondering whether i have a normal version of FL! :rofl:
  9. cxc90

    cxc90 Newbie

    Oct 24, 2011
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    if it doesn't appear in your menu, then you need to enable it..
    go to channels > add one > more... > Midi Out

  10. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thanks a lot man! i was a bit blind! i'll try that ASAP! :bow:
  11. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    This is the green box which will allow you to change the midi channel of notes.
  12. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    OK thanks for that but when I click on it I just get a windows where i can choose a bunch of different colours...what is it that I'm doing wrong?

    also i tried the midi out channel, but it seems this is to send a message to an external controller and not a VSTi....it offers a choice for the channel, bank, port and patch...the only one I need in my case is channel basically but I couldn't get it to work with trilian, and ofc no message was sent to trilian channel 2 (that is on midi channel 2)..if you have any idea why?

    otherwise I'll just stop there and go back to my DAW, as it's way quicker and simpler to set it up in there, ...and instead I'll try to find image line plugins to see if they work well in it!
  13. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The colors are midi channels. The default green color is for midi channel 1. 9 is pink etc. So basically if you want midi channel 2 go to the color to the right of the first color. It's really not that bad. FL Studio is kind of annoying because a lot of simple things are rather "hidden". This is one of them that drove me nuts for a year back in like 2003. Bug yeah your not doing anything wrong they just chose to represent midi channels with colors for the piano editor so you can see the colors clearly.
  14. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thank you so much for the info (BTW do we read 1-4 as a row or a column??) ...but either way i cant get it to work with trilian...no matter whether I choose channel 2 in the piano roll or the midi out layer control panel....nothing triggers trilian... :snuffy:
    too bad cuz i really liked this drumaxx plug-in they had...I'll try to get it as a third party if it exists...but midi wise FL seems kinda crippled and intricate just for the sake of it honestly!

    EDIT: SO i eventually found out what it was that i was doing wrong...(should have read the help section a bit more carefully! :dont: ) forgot to set up the midi port i wanted to use in trilian, i had left the default value..and then indeed it works! so there is one more step than in most DAWs..choose the midi channel + midi port in both the MIDI out layer and your Vsti

    thanks a bunch xoso for your patience, time and help!
    I used fruity loop a long time ago (the first two versions!)..and left it by the wayside...after all these years I forgot almost all I knew about it! time to catch up! :bow:
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