
Discussion in 'Live' started by insaner, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    I need this to get off my chest...

    Who does agree with me that Ableton has done almost nothing in all those years...
    Man it is a great DAW do not get me wrong but look at S1..

    - Max 4 life
    - ummm....

    Ableton cons..

    - No automation curves or advanced editing
    - Sidechaining support
    - Resizing gui = blurry

    Who can add more things they do not like or miss compared to other DAW's ??
  3. alboz

    alboz Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2014
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    I'm agree with u,but I heard that live 10 is coming soon and it gonna explode like atom bomb..

    It's a complete new daw.

    So let's wait and see..
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  4. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    From 9.0 to 9.6 nothing, just Push updates and bug fixes... You are totally right.
    It's funny, but with 9.6 I have serious problems with CPU and RAM management.
    (test: load Kontakt, or some M4L device, and then delete -> RAM stays unchanged)
    Loading projects take ages...
    When I back to 9.5 everything is back to normal, as we can say that :)
    Such a shame, such a great software, but with every new update things becomes slower and slower. On my mac machine Live works better because of SSD HDD.
    M4L is different story... Max 7 is slow that can't be slower, so what to expect with working in Live as device.
    Latest M4L instruments, dark synth etc... consumes up to 20 - 30% of CPU !?!?!!!
  5. beadiebeads

    beadiebeads Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Hmm.. you can't curve automation? Isn't this curve automation in the picture attached? Theres not a complete overhaul to the Simpler with warp inside of simpler? Theres not better Filters? Seems like a lot has changed from Live 9 to 9.6. a whole new Push 2 unit? What are you looking for in a new version?

    Attached Files:

  6. alboz

    alboz Ultrasonic

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Version 9.6 works great for me...I don't have same problems..but the pianoroll in live I use fl studio and believe me it's much better .much synths pianoroll is the best u can find in a daw...before I was thinking fruity loops u know the name sounds not so good,but the tool u get is just amazing...
  7. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    i was about to mention Ableton does have curves haha!

    it also does have sidechaining

    but its not intuitive as logic's.

    the things i dislike about Ableton is chopping clips. i find it easier and quicker in logic. because of key commands.
    i dislike the meters and clip view but thats my pref. but it does allow you to stretch your meter as wide or tall as you like which is a bonus.
    Ableton's simpler & sampler are also great and got a overhaul in 9.5

    I think ableton is great but as of late cpu and ram have becoming a big problem.
  8. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I do agree with op, it feels like ableton realeses very little new with every new patch and update. The feeling that they do that might be personal tho, maybe some people who are really into some of abletons plugins feels like they delivered more than they needed to. Its still the best software I have on my computer even if they stop updating it all together. Daws arent really that important tho, I can use midi and plugins and with that the limits are limitless :)

    You can curve automation as the guy above me said but it still has its limits imo. A curve should be editable in all kinds of different way, would be awesome.
  9. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    As I said... only Push and bug fixes.
    For non push users, only headaches :)
    I love Live a lot, just because of different approach with music creating. But, it becomes slower and slower, and that's not very good.
    Everything was great from the moment Ableton includes that search indexer and database for sound library. From that every new version was [BUGFIX: faster loading of ....]
    If you remove user samples location it's a lot better, but then you can't browse through samples directly in Live, what's the problem of including sample path and browse sound without library I don't know. For example I almost never use search at the top... I have nice sample folders structure and I can find the thing when I want to. Database is dedicated just because of fast searching, but that dramatically change overall app speed, because when you start Live, it must figure out what is new for library, what is missing etc.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
  10. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Last week I play with old VSL giga files and I convert it to live simpler devices, just to avoid loading through Kontakt or G-Sampler... conversion was very successful, I'm very surprised
    That samples folder is now about 20Gb... dramatically change loading speed, because my Live database now has a lot of records to handle...
  11. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Not really sure what version you are using, but sidechaining has been around for ages, blurry gui? not really on my monitor, curves have been there from version 9.00 although admittedly they are not great & can be improved. They have added a ton of new features & also beyond 9.5. So i don't really agree with you at all. Is it perfect? no there are many frustrating features but they can't just add every requested feature in one go, everything takes time and has to be tested. I think many people don't really 'get' live and its philosophy, they like some features then try to work with it like a traditional sequencer & then wish for features to be added to make it somewhere in the middle of logic/cubase & live. Thankfully Ableton have not pandered to this.
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  12. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    - Max 4 life
    - ummm....
    - Cytomic stuff?
    - Tuner that works even on percussion?
    - New amazing simpler with warping slicing & dicing?
    - Overall uberfast workflow?
    - Rms meters per channel?
    - Best on this planet Drum rack which allows you to put synths on pads?
    - Good warp algorithms?
    - Automation pdc?

    What exactly you need? VCA Faders bullsh!t?
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  13. beadiebeads

    beadiebeads Noisemaker

    Feb 26, 2016
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    I think he wants VCA faders bro lol
  14. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    The issue has to be something different at your place, because my "places" are several hundreds of GB heavy and there seems no slowing down at all (it takes five seconds from the click on the icon to work-ready state, I just counted the time). What slows down opening projects are m4l devices, but that's the ownly thing. Once loaded up, there's no slowing down.
    So I really don't know what's the issue at your end but it seems unfair to extrapolate your experience to a general behaviour of the software.

    Speaking of automation... I really do miss the different automation curves Cubase had already years ago. But for me, that's the only thing Live really lacks and I use Live for 10 or so hours every day.
  15. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Yeah your right of corse i forgot somethings... finally RMS meters. :)
    Good algo's also and some stock plugins have nice quality. (Cytomic,Softube)
    Uberfast workflow also right.
    And i think Ableton has a clean ''interface'' compared to Cubase and S1 so no distraction.
    Logic has that to.

    What i forgot to mention about the automation, there are no waveforms available, ok you can solve this with the midi lfo, but you need a midi lfo for every parameter that you want to control also no automation line is being recorded.

    Compared to S1, Ableton has some serious work to do.
    Sidechaining support suck Antares will not work (OSX + WIN)
    In 2014 no sidechain support for Waves C6 (WIN)
    That was one of the reasons why i switched to Ableton OSX.

    I have used Ableton now for a while but for me there is nothing really changed.
    I liked it from the very beginning (Ableton 8), next to Ableton i use Logic 9.1.8, Cubase 7.5.
    And do not get me wrong i am aware that every DAW has strong points and weaknesses.

    So to me if they would add good sidechain support. (not 100% sure if this is all on ableton).
    And would add automation waveforms + transforming like in S1 + knob control curve (don't know how else to say) like S1 have.
    I would be so much happier :)

    Oh i forgot about the GUI part, if i go under the 100% zoom display things are not getting better, it could be because of my monitor but it is also on my imac so... maybe i need a 4K monitor. :D
    I am feeling this way because when i look at FL Studio how clear you can see 22 lines automation.
    If i want to do 22 automation lines (with the same height ofc) on Ableton, man i think i need to change my zoom display to 80%.
    Maybe it is blurry because of the black letters, the white ones are fine.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  16. 9000k

    9000k Producer

    Feb 1, 2016
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    then switch DAW... Ableton is not for ppls that are looking to make next song for Adele. If you are struggling with this program to make a song then u don't deserve to have it installed
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  17. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    My only real complaint is MIDI channel support.
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    It would be better if they include vst3 support and vst bridgind support.
    Otherwise, Ableton is perfect DAW.
    Very fast workflow of arranger view.

    And yes, Bitwig is Rising. But Arrange view is not good n bitwig as compared to live.
  19. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    yes it's a pain in the ass, things get blurry..
  20. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    would LOVE "takes" , "playlists" to name a few, somewhat reasonable VIDEO support.... nudging by samples... great "instrument', lacking DAW, but use it as so, because it is creative, but i wish they would really address some seriously obvious things..... it's really getting old Ableton.... SAME complaints for years.... NO progress. Don't need your cytomic compressor... just some basic functionality present in most if not all daws... please!
  21. T4b

    T4b Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Live supports MIDI channel routing, though it is a bit tricky.

    Example: if your MIDI controller sends note messages on channel 1 but you want your VSTi get triggered on channel 9, you have to insert an additional MIDI track. Arm that track and put it to output it's MIDI messages on channel 9. On the track that holds your VSTi select input from the other MIDI track and activate the monitor switch. Now your VSTi gets note messages on channel 9 when playing your MIDI controller outputing on MIDI channel 1. So it works, but it isn't the most elegant way as you have to set up an additional track.

    BTW. Hi audiosex. Finally I signed up :)