Another dark ambient track, feedback?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Eucalyptus, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Eucalyptus

    Eucalyptus Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I wanted to see if I could make an experimental dark track using only Omnisphere as a source. This is what came out. It is part 1. I still need to mix part 2. Comments most welcome!

    Edit: finished part 2, heads in a much more aggressive direction:

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  3. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i feel like it lacks an overall "motion". seems static in a way.
    lack of "depth" maybe. i dont feel like im INN the room, but i can HEAR the room.

    there are places where there is too much going on and i think simple volume fades in and out on the different sound would help alot.
    make room for them to come alive and shine in all thier glory.

    creating simple filter automations would also work great.

    or none of the above and just go for it :)
  4. Eucalyptus

    Eucalyptus Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Thanks for listening, reliefsan :)

    Very interesting and helpful comments. I'm wondering if you can maybe tell me where there seems like too much going on?

    Edit: I took your comment about depth to heart. What struck me is the ping sound did not have depth to it. So I put some reverb on it - I find that now overall the track feels deeper.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  5. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    my pleassure.

    I aim to give the comments and feedback about your tune - as i would want to recieve it , as if it was my owne tune really :)

    on top of my head, it was sort of in the middle of the tune where things got a little "heavy trafic"' in sounds :)
    when you have worked on the tune for a long time , you kind of go "blind" and cant hear all the different elements, because "you know them so well" - so it cant be hard to pay attention to that over time.

    About depth,
    sometimes i try to picture myself different "layers" of sounds, that all have theier owne life, that evolves and moves about over time. but each "layer" always support the "main element".

    Try imagine old shootergames from the 90's, where "parallax scrolling" was the shit!

    ( ok i had to go search. a picture explains 1000 words they say)

    and then you have your "layers of sound" inbetween the forground and the background that all "scroll/move" at different speeds.

    2 tips on reverb
    use the pre-delay in your Reverb to "place" your sound in the room.
    simple eq moves after the reverb to "place" the sound. is the sound farway in the distance? make it darker by highpassing it a bit.
  6. Eucalyptus

    Eucalyptus Member

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Wow thanks a lot for taking the time to explain that. At the moment, I like the heavy traffic moments. Most of the sounds have their moments where they are almost the only sound heard, so I do feel each ones gets a chance to shine. But it's interesting to see how others might perceive this.

    Reverb is a dimension of mixing I have barely delved into, as is the sort of deep, dark ambient I was going for in this track (like the group Inade, perhaps). I'm guessing it's like eq and compression: your ears have to learn to hear it. At the moment, the space of this tune sounds good to me, but maybe after a long time of grappling with reverb it would sound as bad to me as my the eq in my old mixes sounds. For now, I'll keep that parallax scrolling stuff, "placing" the sound, and background/foreground in mind, let them percolate a bit. Thanks again!
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