Waves Complete V9.6.44 Installation and firewalling

Discussion in 'Software' started by quadcore64, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Red color in quote: don't follow Steinberg specification about VST2 plugins, detailled article here, but commonly accepted.
    Green follow Steinberg blabla...

    Also you can use custom folders, one for 32-bit VST, another (different) for 64-bit, must be declared in Registry, useful article here... or do search "vst path registry" from google.

    When declared in Registry, some audio apps/DAWs, and installers, are using it/them as default VST2 folders - where plugins will be scanned from.

    Example: Live 9, REAPER, Audition CC, Studio One 3, Native Instruments installers, Waves Complete installers (until V9r30) and so on.

    However, ton of them ignore Registry entries, partially (use only x86 but not x64, or rarely, vice-versa), like DMGAudio, AIR Music Technology, FabFilter, iZotope (lastest I've seen). And finally, some ignore them totally (both x86 and x64), like Audio Ease Altiverb 7, Roland PLUG-OUTs, Waves Central...

    Some vendors are using their specific folders for their plugins, like Cakewalk (as explained by quadcore64) for Rapture, Z3TA+, Dimension, and ProChannel plugs (SONAR)...

    Some DAWs/audio apps permit multiple paths for VST2, like REAPER, Audition CC, Studio One 3, SONAR, Cantabile... Unfortunately, some are using only once: Ableton Live 9. (NOTE: apps I'm using or I've tested, I don't know about other).

    Using custom "shared" VST2 folders is useful to avoid rights/permissions issues, in particular for C:\Program Files (x86) folder (and its subfolders).

    I'm using always this scheme for VST2 folders:

    C:\VST64 for native 64-bit/x64 VST2 plugins.
    C:\VST32 for 32-bit/x86 plugins (REAPER can use it because it have its internal bridge).
    C:\VSTBridged for bridged plugins (only one: SQ8L v0.91b as x86 VSTi), for other DAWs via jBridge.

    About VST3: as indicated by quadcore64, these folders are mandatory and can't be located elsewhere. Fortunately, you can create subfolders to organize your VST3 plugins, like this (it's my 64-bit VST3 folder structure, by vendor).

    32-bit Windows: simply ignore any Program Files (x86) :yes:

    Cheers. :bow:
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  2. Trinity

    Trinity Member

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Many thanks!..You are the one.:wink:
  3. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Is it worth the hassle? going from 9.30 to this? anything new or "shiny" that could make me want it?
  4. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yes same guy

    I've also replied cheers...

    but my final oppinion is that release is not for everyone

    the installer was not fully adressed by TEAM VX so...not everyone will succeed...
  5. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    VR is not responsible...

    But he lack the touch of other teams who make sure of consistancy in the sequencing of applygin patches and installs...for all

  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Yes you can use custom VST folder locations if you know how. I was simply pointing out some of the most frequently
    used install locations for installers. Some read the registry and follow what is set up, others totally ignore even
    your carefully setup custom locations and give you no warning or opportunity to change it until after the fact.

    The so called "fixed" installer from Waves is just one example of this. The VST3 and AAX locations are spot on.
    The dll location miss the mark.
  7. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Yes. There some updated/fixed pugins and some new additions as well.
  8. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If Waves and other companies got their end right the first time, whatever followed would be that
    much better...
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  9. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Of course, I've understood this (I've voted "Useful" about your post), simply gave additional infos (a bit complex I admit) for users who are interessed by custom VST2 folders and related Registry keys. EDIT (added after your reply): ...and be sure quadcore64, I never assumed it as disrespect, anyway, it's clear in my mind :yes: :mates:Cheers.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  10. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Meant no disrespect. Thhanks for your additional info. Every little bit helps.

    Too bad installers from developers don't follow common structures at a minimum.
  11. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Waves are ok...

    I don't diss them I doubt this company has flaws with their installer after all these years...
    and we could shift the discussion over for security on both mac and win plateforms that have been getting more and more paranoid over the years...

    So...everyone has their spookes and addresses for it's outcome
    I don't diss anyone

    But clearly the fact is

    That this solution for trying these plugz that cost 7 grand with taxes where I'm from a little longer than in demo mode

    is not fit for all users....

    and has some flaws...
    That I feel should be adress unless it is not a goal initiated by the ones who pave the way for so called facillitation

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  12. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hell Uhe timebomb on a computer that never have been online after about ONE year :)

    My statement is that is way BETTER to be offline and also ALWAYS offline when you use crack plugins
    I dont even have the lan cable plugged in..

    And i never have had any problems other than the Uhe shit and that goes for many years now..
  13. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Really I never seen u-he TB! (including prior lastest R2R releases) :shalom:But using them rarely (I love Diva, however).

    When required, I use "" IP address as default gateway for network interface (only one one my main PC for CM) and all are OK (some plugs like Waves need alive MAC address, by the way you can't disable interface or unplug the Ethernet cable). Also using VMware Virtual NIC works for me, too (using IPs outside my IP private network). DMZ is another alternative, but requiring many networked devices (IP host) and some skills about trafic filtering & analysis (sniffing).

    But of course, offline remains the best way, I agree 100% about this! Most users are using CM computer at the same time for web browsing, email, Skype, downloads, etc...
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
  14. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    A bit off topic but here we go....

    The point is not to "diss" anyone. There fact is there is an issue with the Waves installer that I downloaded from
    their site. As mentioned, they are not the sole focus of my comment. How many mistakes have we had to pay for
    with companies like Avid, Waves, Microsoft and etc... In the instance of Microsoft.

    If you run a company that depends on internal or external technical support such as an insurance agency, it cost
    you verytime you have to upgrade and patch systems.

    Is is great to be able to try software before laying out large amounts of funds only to be bummed out over tech
    issues. Just look at the free upgrade of Studio One Pro 3 to 3.2. There are about 50 new features and improvements
    that don't cost you anything other than the time to download, install, and learn. Very impressive.
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Old Doa key from 2013 used with updates
    The original plugin versions that came with the Doa release dont timebomb
    But you see Urs is clever he made people believe it work with new updates aswell he was of course aware of the Doa key that floated around on internet he made people believe they could update as reg info was still working and it work for a very long time and even when used very often but then some day they BOMBED!!
    I´ve seen pics where the gui melted and other stuff my version only went to demo mode..

    One attack where 4 july two years ago everyone that had Uhe plugins with Doa key got bombed!!
    Change clock to a month forward or back got it to work again..
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
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  16. juanito

    juanito Newbie

    Feb 26, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    seems to be a nice place here :wink:

    I installed this version of waves yesterday, looks like it´s running fine.
    I all the way feel unsure to patch it with a patch I´m not able to read (don´t know, what it does) and how fast the patch was executed.

    But in fact, it works with copying wave shells to the right folders.
    The only thing, which does not work, neither in wavelab 6, not cubase 5, nor samplitude are the abbey road plates.
    It always says "missing plate positions in folder waves/data/platepositions"

    But, the folder exists with content, on its place.
    Any ideas?

    Is it safe to load the plates demo from waves via that installer.
  17. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Works perfectly in Reaper, Pro Tools 12.31 and Reaper 5.20 pre11
  18. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Nobody needs to diss anyone but really take the time to pounder when looking at the reality...

    This release
    It will only work on a 64 bit OS version of WIN

    this is taken from waves website :

    Operating System
    Windows 7 with SP1 64 bit
    Windows 8.1 64 bit
    Windows 10 64 bit

    So you can install the plugs in 32bit modes for a 32 bit daw use within your 64 bit OS only, but you can't install nothing on a 32 bit OS of Win. (And I know this as been said in the commentary of the sister site post...but not in the Header from the original poster)

    and there is a trick to have a successfull installation for those who have fallowed all instrcutions & so far as not yet succeded in proper installation and getting the error message to contact waves.... Let me know & Message Me Private for the guide. I have a simple solutions to ensure it will work...and this have not been mentionned by anyone... they were to busy yelling at those who came to express that they had problems with the installs and package.

    This trick has not been adress by no post so far...and is important in a way to suceed installation on win 64 bit machines...

    Also Original Poster should have mentionned in the Header of The post that it is a 64 bit pack only no 32 bit OS capable because waves installer is made that way & also he should have added for those you have'nt installed the Visual Microsoft packs...links to these installers as well... And also He should have added the link towards an offline installer...

    and people who make music with internet on...are you fucking sercious ... Make music don'T spoil your concentration level in harnessing the beautifull worlds of the neverbefore...

    not enought care...to much wanting of some kinda of momentary glory and gossipin'

    R2R are more aware and carefull when releasing here in general
    Long live to R2R TEAM

  19. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I used the installer from the Waves Audio web site. Installed twice with the same result. Ignored registry
    default path for VST (dll) and gave no option to change. VST3 and AAX were installed correctly.

    Was forced to move Waveshells from C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) to
    the correct VST folders.
  20. Zentropy

    Zentropy Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    For anyone who just can't get the new Waves to work, if you Google for "Waves 9.6.44 offline download", one of the results links to a Russian site. That page has a magnet link to a torrent that has an already-installed/cracked fully working complete set including all the new stuff (Abbey verbs, NX, the G Wells stuff, etc). You just copy/paste the files according to the instructions, don't even need to install Waves Central whatsoever. I checked and all 64bit vst2 and vst3 work perfectly. Also has shell2vst version. Not sure if the 32 bit work or not. Make sure to first fully uninstall all your other Waves stuff and manually clean whatever is left behind/use Ccleaner for your registry/etc.

    Obvious disclaimer: this comes from an ultra-sketchy place and it may be crawling with horrible malware. If you choose to use this version, be aware of it. My DAW computer has no internet connection so I don't really care, but if yours does, be careful!