(bitwig.com) Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC-1 -> RC-5

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by thantrax, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  2. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Forgive me if I do not meet your needs, but I speak 2 languages (Spanish and French) and I'm interested in learning another, but not english, is so boring to me... (no offense to those who speak) sadly, I must learn a little to not offend some people as important as you. So, sorry if i offended you with my bad grammar.
  3. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    You are clueless when it comes to software development.

    Personal opinion.
  4. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    You are absolutely right (objective statement :bow:)

    But I didn't refer to sw development: I meant the results of this development, that is, the software product itself. If you own a car that needs constant updates because it works badly, you say "this car is having a good development" or "what a shitty car"?
    If the car works fine, be sure that no "good update" is needed. The most of Bitwig updates were bugs related.

    Improvements are named upgrades

    And now is up to you to decide if this is a personal opinion or an objective statement
    And believe me, no bitterness in my words, nothing personal too...... :like:
  5. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    mate.....you are absolutely welcome :like:
    you absolutely didn't offend me, I was only trying to give my personal think about a product that costs a lot of money, that was announced as revolutionary and well working, and that only after 2 years is having an acceptable way of working......and still not seeming (to me) revolutionary.
    But if you like it, I'm happy for you :wink:
    This is the difficulty of writing on a board giving opinions, the result is always that you coninuously have to fight against misunderstandings
    Many thanks for the polite reply:mates:
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the web exclusive promition has ended already.
  7. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    You can't compare software to a car.

    Cars are meant to work on a pretty much static OS + hardware combination (roads).

    The nature of a DAW has to encompass thousands of hardware combinations and OS changes, not to mention third party compatibility and it's own upgrades, which often leads to bugs somewhere in the code.

    Don't ever be thankful for a DAW that only releases updates once a year, specially when it's still on version 1.
  8. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Ok, I'm surely clueless when it comes to software development, but it's now clear you're the same about car designing

    Well, now I understand the enormous difficulties that audio sw developers must meet, but it seems there are some DAWs placed on the market with only few bugs, other having many, and a third category with an infinite series of them, solved (not completely) only through an as much infinite number of updates; can you tell me how to define the quality of "software development" of this category ?
  9. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Do cars go through regular updates after they are out? Are there any "new road conditions" that appear along the way? I don't think so.

    It seems to me that you don't take examples well and I am not that interested in your opinion so I won't bother explaining any further.
  10. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Because their software and design are most of times well made (a bad developed software in this case as a result accidents and injuries, not an inappropriate sound or a program crash), and if not, their updates are called "recalls" and unfortunately it happens often (it seems that you never heard anything about wolkswagen....software was really well made, but following their particular way)

    To me it seems that you don't wont to understand: but please, if you are so bothered, I'm really happy with you if disinteresting in my opinion will save you from this unpleasant condition :bow:: this will save me too.
  11. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    @Pereira/@kouros ...
    There is no such thing as bug-free software. The mere diversity of hard- and software simply makes that impossible. Point: kouros

    Reading the list of fixes ...
    That IS not really inducing confidence. That's some MASSIVE bugs there, and especially the Controller API seems to be far from anything stable. Bitwig - to me as a SW-developer - is like nowadays game-developers: "Throw it out as soon as possible - no matter how shaky the program is". The above list is a testament to BAD software-development as bugs of such a severity MUST not make it into a product that is being sold, allthemore when you consider the mere number of major bugs. So what bitwig does is to stuff feature after feature in it, but missing out on what is the most important aspect in software development: testing. Point: Pereira

    If I'd give out a software that creates directories due to slashes in track-names ... I'd go someplace, weep quietly in fetal position and stop calling myself a sw-developer. Thankfully Bitwig peeps don have to do that yet, as the listed version is a release candidate (RC).
  12. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    No amount of testing beats the real world, it's a necessary evil. By the time you had your perfect software, you would be completely out of the market with your old technology.

    Just because other developers don't mention it, doesn't mean they don't have critical bugs. It seems easier for some people to accept an occasional crash than to have a software that never crashed but has a regular bugfix.

    When you read about bugfixes it doesn't mean that the bug was there since the beginning. It might have been caused by other changes in the code, hence the need for repair.
  13. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC 2
    Released on 01.03.2016.

    ■ Automation recording would be turned on by punch in or end of pre-roll if "Write Automation on Record" setting was on in preferences but this should only apply when the user manually turns on the record button.
    ■ Crash due to being able to create a feedback loop by moving tracks between track groups that would cause more than one feedback loop.
    ■ Favouriting an item in the browser column scrolls back to the selected item in the list.
    ■ Controller API: siblings track bank sometimes not scrolls to the correct section when selecting tracks.
    ■ Sensitive area for dragging start/end of events is too small on hi-res displays.
    ■ Overdubbing of launcher clips is broken.
    ■ Pitchbend does not get converted to note expressions anymore.
    ■ Controller API: potential crash in siblings track bank (Push4Bitwig script).
    ■ Control Surface Scripting API does not open anymore from help menu in 1.3.6 on windows.
    ■ Audio Engine crash when reading from disk failed.

    More info here (DDL links)

  14. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I'm loving Bitwig. Its functional and aesthetic designs welcome creative flow. Since it's still a young DAW, it's not rooted in its own deep legacy (and therefore not beholden to its own conventions, nor super-encoded with new features upon old ones), and has forward-thinking elements to it. The editor alone is wonderful. Bitwig might seem "toyish" to established users of Logic, Studio One, Cubase, et al., but it's something new and refreshing - and undauntingly useable. True, it "looks bad" for developers to be consantly ironing-out bugs, but it "looks worse" for people who should've gotten it right by now for this to keep happening on their DAW:

  15. junt

    junt Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    i agree man just needs a lil polishing
    really nice workflow i like that they intentionally didnt put adjustable track heights so its easy to arrange like a true arranger and just edit parts in the edit view/window
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I do not use Bitwig regularly. Ableton's workflow suits me better.
    But, if Bitwig is fixing more bugs than any xyz developer, does not proves that Bitwig contains more bugs than xyz DAW.
    Software developer does not fix bugs regularly not proves that the product is stable. (I am not comparing with Ableton).

    It's been 2 years since Bitwig came out.
    It's been 15 years since Ableton came out.

    It's been 10 years since Reaper came out. (More stable than above two, still fixing more bugs than Ableton)
  17. sgiggity

    sgiggity Ultrasonic

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Maybe one day bitwig will detect my audio devices the way every single other daw does, that day is not today.
  18. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    S1 is my main daw, but I've done more than 10 projects in Bitwig already since v.1.0.15 with no crash whatsoever and none, absolutely NONE of them crashed or ran me into any problems. Just because they fix tons of bugs doesn't mean the software is unusable, when in my actual real world practical scenario i had absolutely no problem to complain about and i'm no beginner in the DAWs world.
    Also, some of you guys must check Steinberg's forum on Cubase section, even at v8.5 you'll still hear tons of complains about bugs, in a daw that's over 20 years old and they still fix bugs in it. So you're complaining about a daw that's 2 years old on the market and that's usable and reliable at the same time... i really don't understand all the "Doubts" and frustration about a long list of bugfixes.
    I'm sure that even Cubase/Logic/etc. when they come up with a minor update showing just a like 6-7 bugfixes per total, that doesn't mean they didn't adressed other bugs in their whole fixing process, sometimes they accidently find some by trying to fix others. Sometimes they have to publicly hide some especially because situations like this. No one wants to look unreliable, but at least Bitiwg is humble and honest. They're also super in-touch with their users and listen to most of their requests and further discuss them with no "run away" atitude. you should check Bitwig staff how often they answer in the betas/RC development threads on KVR. You don't see a DAW's developers team to be so directly in touch with their users.
    Hats off to them! :shalom:

    Just my opinion.
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  19. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    So name me one major software project that was released and has never had any bugfixes?

    Modern software is incredibly complex nowadays, it is impossible to predict exactly how any program will be used and therefore impossible to predict how the many parts of a program will interact with each other, that's also why bug fixes themselves can cause more bugs.

    There is no such thing as a large bug free piece of software.

    i blame it all on event driven programming myself :)
  20. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC-3
    Released on 08.03.2016.

    FIXED Controller API: selecting layers in device layer bank does not work correctly.
    FIXED Controller API: devices on group tracks are not accessible using cursor device.
    FIXED Regression: License registration window for u-he plugin is broken.
    FIXED Problems with delay compensation improvements in previous RCs.
    FIXED Hardware FX does not report latency to PDC.
    FIXED Triplet notes were getting truncated during playback when shuffle is on.

    More info here (DDL links)

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