Pro Tools AudioUTOPIA first time users

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by Rhodes, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    i am always happy when i see it was cracked , then i install it , and after couple hours Uninstall it .
    just a crap DAW a simple Task can take hours , this Daw only good for mastering nothing more .
    and companies should make a price of 5-10$ they will earn more money and people from both side will be happy . (buyer/seller)
    today companies sell their products between 200$-1000$ and they think they will be more rich !
    they never learn business simple calculations if you sell the product for 5$ and you have 1million customers then you will earn 5Million$ and you can do it in couple months , which is necessary for companies to make a fast income when the product only release !
  2. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    or maybe u just can t use it,but just out of curiosity,what is this simple task that takes hours?
  3. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    almost every task take a lot of time , midi is sucks , Automations is sucks , this daw good for Mixing and mastering
    but not as a producer specific on higher Bpm and Midi
  4. pehierre

    pehierre Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    pro tools is like apple or volkwagen, overrrated marketing products.
    volskwagen development department focus on tricking the pollution test
    apple development department focuses on masking by design they sell pc, or samsung phone, with a locked unix os (like linux , you know)
    pro tools has been sold and resold , and development department works on integration of copy protection weither works on plug in compensation (or other basic features that reaper or any other daw does)
    we are far from what the user wants and needs
    it could be useful to use pt in the late 90's to the mid 2000, now , they have some aggreements with several high quality plug ins designers, and it 's the only reason it's still used by pro engineer : force of habit
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Since I opened the thread, here my impressions from a non professional perspective:
    (not first time user, since I used v.7 before, but first time on v.12)

    - It is a great DAW; no stability issues compared to the old version
    - The GUI is the best around (IMO) ...very intuitive, easy on the eyes and a nice balanced 3D feeling
    - Routing and handling of Busses is very simple and intuitive
    - Good choice of recording modes
    - Very fast workflow when You get used to the key shortcuts ... painfully slow if using only a mouse (not ideal for the performing musician with the instrument in his hands, but great if You have Your hands on the keyboard)

    - It takes too long to load
    - It uses too much resources
    - The MIDI section is not on the level of other known DAWs
    - Having to "bridge/wrap" vst plugins and instruments is just unacceptable
    - The price is too high compared to other DAWs

    I will not buy it, because of the price, vst incompatibility and resources handling (I am on a 4 GB of ram)

    Thanks to AudioUTOPIA for the possibility to test the new version !
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  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    As i thought,people complain about something when the simple truth is they can t use it
  7. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    We should def. discuss this after some time... People need some time to dig into PT and properly demo it :excl:
  8. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I agree, but than, it will not be a thread about the first impressions (as a first time user).

    IMO, 2 weeks are more than enough to form some opinions about any daw (no matter if they are wrong... they are the first impressions! )
    There are great tutorials around to help You understand it (ie. the Linda one on AZ) ... You take a few days to watch it and try out the things explained, than You test how it fits Your way of thinking...

    Of course, to become an advanced user, and to learn all the tricks, it will take much more; but that is not what this thread is about.
  9. buglife40

    buglife40 Member

    Jun 22, 2014
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    protools is best for Audio recording. I am a legit owner of pt.12.4 Audio editing is simple after you establish a work flow. I started recording/midi editing with steinberg nuendo so i still use it solely for midi production. Then i'd export the waves files into Protools for mixdown. Seems like a lot but the sound is great at the end
  10. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    There are many reasons why a DAW can be valuated positively or not, and not all depending on user needs and experience.
    A professional will need good support, and let me say, Avid it's not the last company about this aspect
    A professional will need good compatibility toward the side product developers, and also in this case, PT is almost a standard
    A professional uses a lot of HW, the plugins are not the main thing for him, and Avid ones are more than sufficient, for quantity and quality as well.
    A professional studio needs people skilled in short times, most on the market are mainly PT formed.
    A professional needs fast workflows and doesn't care about resouces: PT is the best solution even if resource eater

    I don't wonna say that Gui, midi, routing and handling, etc are not important, they only have a role in the evaluation that can be primary or secondary depending on the user: in case of a professional one, in my opinion it's secondary.

    I personally use Studio One, but every time I had to interface with a pro studio, I had many problem to exhange my stuff.....

    So, if you're not a professional, feel free to use the product which best suits your needs and creativity: but take care that before or later you will find PT along your route.....
    That's my opinion, and as I said other times, I'm never sure of anything:rofl:

    BTW: why every argument becomes here matter of heated discussions and personal quarrels?
  11. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    ofc. that is what "first impression" means, but from my exp. that is far from "first objective(as it can be) impression"

    my first impressions were, on a scale from 0 to 5, solid 2... :rofl:
    but I still think that is unfair from me, mainly because I didn't care (which is case with the most testers who finds their DAW of choice more than enough for their production and they are "testing" for "reasons": bla bla bla mainstream bla bla bla pro ultra super mega supra hyper ultra... etc.:hillbilly:) and I didn't have time to explore PT... not even 240mins... :rofl:
    One month will be more sufficient time for first "first impressions", ofc, from my POV. :thumbsup:
    maybe "we" can adapt to something new over night, but our brain can not do that and is all natural... :)
  12. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    now i m actually curious to know what people find so difficult about midi editing in PT, they keep on repeating it like a mantra in every thread but they never say what so difficult about it.Not that i expect that people who never used PT in their lives suddenly come here giving an answer instead of bashing it
  13. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Automation is time stamped, no other DAW does that... and options available for automation beats every single DAW in the market, closest to it would be Nuendo.

    About midi, they come from Fl Studio and try to "create" music with their mouse... so pro tools sucks, because a step sequencer is missing, piano roll's color is white, plugins which come with it are not kids oriented and there's no sylenth1 aax, do you expect them to fathom out how to use it with a wrapper? Others probably are missing chord pads and shit like that.... apparently it doesn't suck for James Horner and Brian Tyler when they're using it for scoring.

    To integrate VST would be "unprofessional", because lunatics out there refuse to adopt vts3 and every developer has it's own workaround for VST2.4, workarounds means DAWs operating out of whack, so by using its own standard Avid has control over stability, features, performance. Time stamped automation is possible because of aax format.
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  14. spaddu

    spaddu Member

    May 31, 2015
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    Nothing difficult in midi editing anymore. The midi was revamped in version 8 (which was released in 2008) and works fairly the same way midi works in Logic. All the Midi transform functions are there (found with CMD+ NumPad1, 2, 3, and 4 shortcuts). What is missing when comparing to Logic are "smart grid" and "environment" which'll give you full access to changing anything to anything (midi messages etc.) if you know how to use it.

    The mantra is a relic from PT7 days, which people keep repeating because most people who strongly utilize midi moved over to other DAWs long before Digidesign fixed the shortcomings in their software. They're not aware of the capabilities since they don't use 'em.

    However one serious error the coders made with PT is the midi+instrument tracks compensation (at least in PT10): PT compensates both the midi track and the instrument track the midi track is playing resulting in double compensation. What's worse delay compensation can be turned off on a track basis - except for midi tracks! :rofl: This is the biggest game stopper for midi-show in PT, forcing one to render the instrument to audio early in the writing process.
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  15. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Must be a bug, midi is not audio, so it doesn't need compensation, only instruments output, to which midi is routed, needs compensation and in PT 12 that's how it works.
  16. analog61

    analog61 Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Remember the title of this thread is
    "Pro Tools AudioUTOPIA fist time users" "FIST time users..."
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  17. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    LOOOOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

    Edit: becoming tears from laughing... LMAO :hahaha:
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  18. analog61

    analog61 Member

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Just had to add that .. for me, I use pro tools and logic, every now and then I use ableton, but I like to try new daws like studio one ect...
    When I could get my hands on a computer and sequencer it was a Atari running Hybrid Arts Smptecraft with a teac 3340 tape machine Oberheim System ect, before that a roland tr808- and a sequental circuits pro 0ne, at home and major studios for sessions... Be Happy to have all these tools athough some believe,like Brian Eno, having access to some much is a burden to being creative. I do love me some good tools. I hope to see Revoice made available for mac and also all the slate tools.

    Peace Everyone, Happy New Year.
  19. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Thanks guys updated thread
  20. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Not sure if anyone actually has it available, but for people that are just learning PT 12, Avid has a free "Demo Session" file that you can load up. I didn't see it included with the warez'd version. If I remember correctly, the file has recorded and midi tracks demo'd, and is probably helpful if you're just sorting PT out for the first time, as it gives you a chance to see how things actually work on that DAW. It's a free file, but I think you need an Avid account to download it.

    Maybe someone here has a legit copy of PT12, or an Avid account and can share the demo file? I doubt there's a copyright concern with that demo file, and it would probably help people just testing out PT for the first time.