impression on ilok2 cracked plug-ins so far

Discussion in 'Software News' started by ShadowOfTheZ, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    ilok2 plug-ins are usually more expensive and also, very unpleasant to use (dongle).
    Now that we can test them, which ones do you think are worth it?

    So far, I have been hugely disappointed with Revoice Pro. For $400 to $600, it is clearly not worth it. For an EDM track where vocals are heavily processed distorted shifted and EQ'ed, that's fine. But if you want pristine vocals Adele-Sam Smith-etc-type, forget about it: way too many robotic sounds. The GUI and idea is great though, very productive, but the processing is really not fantastic. Thanks to AudioUtopia, I spared at least $400.

    The one that has impressed me a lot on the contrary is AirEq from Eiosis, which I wasn't expected at all. For the same reason as above, I tried it on pure vocals, and the effect is delicious to my ears, very smooth, gives an impression of high-end transparence and extremely expensive vocal recording. Pure beauty. I may even buy it although I already have a couple of great EQ (it's also reasonably priced apparently). Nice one !

    Any other big disappointments / surprises ?
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  3. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Don't be offended but...I think it is time to get back to talk about MUSIC. In the last 2/3 weeks most of the time has been spend talking about that f..k..g iLok. Stop it, please. Get back to talk about music, the production, the genre, the style, the way everyone of use loves/hates it. :)


    I apologise for CAPITAL letters. :mates:
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  4. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    No doubt you've been disappointed in revoice pro for vocal processing, because it does none of what you're expecting, it is actually a vocal alignment tool to auto correct the timing based on a reference track. No offense but it's like expecting great bassline patches from waves maxxbass.
    That being said, Aireq indeed rocks. Surely the only one we'll ever need. Happy new year.
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  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Only use about a dozen of the Waves plugins. Mainly L316 and C6.

    I have never been overly impressed by the overly-expensive ilok software on offer thus far.

    Reaper and Samplitude have given much better results so far than DP,Pro Tools, Cubase
    and Studio one. Also having good results with Mixbus 3 for straight ahead production.

    Remember someone advising to start looking for ways to replace software like Waves
    and others to retain control over loss time and thought given up to these monsters.
  6. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    @ericdared let's be more specific about revoice: if you try to align a background vocal to a lead, and you plan to mix the background vocal very low, that works because robotic effects and aliasing sounds are somehow hidden in the background.
    But if you want to align a lead vocal performance to another session performer (say you have a professional singer and a star who does not sing well) it's no good at all. You can't process a lead vocal with Revoice. Anyways, vocal varispeed and pitchshifter plug-ins all have artefacts, but for >$400 + dongle, I would not have expected such disappointing quality. Especially the pitch transferring process would really be a waste of money.

    @thantrax this thread is about music! What great tool you may have discovered if / because you did not want anything iloked (for multiple reasons)
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  7. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Ok, well i guess it's a chain of elements. If you spend $400 on such a software you're in a pro area therefore your singers etc are worth something and this tool makes you gain time to fine tune details. Like they say: shit in / shit out. I know this tool has been used a lot for voiceovers for lip syncing etc. i think if you're way off artifacts will occur, its like hiring a bad drummer, when it's bad... It's bad. Tools can make talent shine but can't replace it.
  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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  9. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    To me this is a valid thread, good to see some feedback on iLoked software
    (after some time given to test them !).

    Very surprising ...
    I purchased all Slate plugins and never regret because of Fabrice`s creations.

    But, holy moly, knowing them very well on iLok, how fast they can go without the dongle !
    Thanks to AudioUTOPiA for this demonstration,
    developers should think about that ... a waste of cpu cycles.

    Some McDSP`s I was about to purchase are not really mine,
    saved me some undeletable demos on the dongle and some cash.
    Happy with purchased FutzBox though.

    All in all, I couldn`t find any serious disappointments on released plugins,
    each worth their money and not to forget, there are sales over the year.

    What a blessing to have a try and buy for some iLoks,
    the support for developers can become much more accurate and focused.
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  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Don't be offended, but should it be a goal that every thread in the forum should be interesting or worthwhile to you?

    Is pleasing some members taste more important than letting everyone actually discuss whatever they want within the rules?

    As long as within the rules, I feel we should let people discuss whatever they want without being told to stop.

    I actually find it quite rude to tell someone to quit talking in a legit thread even if you feel annoyed by it. We have always the option to just ignore stuff that does not interest us.
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  11. MrRobRancor

    MrRobRancor Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2014
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    I really like the Slate stuff and McDSP is good too
  12. ShadowOfTheZ

    ShadowOfTheZ Ultrasonic

    May 30, 2014
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    @thantrax this is actually my question. Can you get the best result without ilok and expensive stuff?
    Of course the answer depends on the genre. In my case, think of Sam Smith, i.e. top vocal treatment.
    My conclusion so far is that Revoice is pretty much worthless for this genre and also that something like AirEQ may be a good purchase I discovered. That's my feeling I want to share, others can say what they've discovered... or nothing interesting like you.

    Btw, first Star Wars was made with $11,000,000 and brought in $750,000,000.
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  13. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I have always been curious about all the new iLok stuff that I could never try. People talked about Slate stuff like it was magic. Quite frankly the slate stuff is nice, but no better than what any other plugin out there can do. there is no magic. What I am impressed with is SSL X-Verb (for its nice UI and ease of use. I have trouble getting just the right snare tail verb at just the right frequency, and had NO trouble doing it with X-Verb. The SSL Drumstrip, again for its ease of use and the beautiful sound of the mic-comp with and the fact that you have individual wet/dry mix and a master wet/dry mix knob.. I also like SoundToys Decapitator. I have used alot of saturation plugins, and am impressed with the ease of use and the nice, warm, smooth; non digital, pleasing warmth you can dial in very fast. Also like the Zynaptiq Morph 2 (now I can mouth my own basslines, lol) NOT Impressed with the Lexicon stuff, or the Softube stuff, and the SLate stuff. This stuff is good, dont get me wrong. But good in the way of just run of the mill software that had a veil of secrecy over it since you couldnt try before you buy unless you had a iLok2 dongle. The veil has been lifted. Its just normal, run of the mill plugins no better than anything else out there in my opinion. I havnt tried it all yet, but have tried, then uninstalled alot.

    @thantrax - just move along. Its a forum. I have been waiting for a thrread like this simply becuase I dont want to install everything that was released. And if I didnt, I wouldnt have time to try it all, lol. So I would like to hear what people liked so far of what they have tried, witgh reasons they liked/disliked it. The world isnt all about you. If you dont like discussions of this type of stuff, go over to GearSlutz, bro.
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  14. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
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  15. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Guys, Please don't blow this out of proportion, he is entitled to his opinion as such as you are, your post makes him seen, like he's selfish and that's not the case here. Thank you

    No need to get offended, it's seems people jump on the anything these days, just stay on topic and keep the peace and everything will be alright
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
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  16. eboe

    eboe Producer

    Feb 17, 2014
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    You are crazy ;), Soundtoy, Eventide and Lexicon made my day! Just starting to save money to buy them!
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  17. eboe

    eboe Producer

    Feb 17, 2014
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    And the ssl shit is the shit :)
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  18. eboe

    eboe Producer

    Feb 17, 2014
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    And a very Happy New Year to u all!
  19. ericdared

    ericdared Ultrasonic

    Apr 6, 2015
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    I could be wrong but seems that thantrax is annoyed that this forum turns into a warez chat forum, these days it's more like a forum based on Audioz Releases than anything else, what used to take place in the release comments seems now a good reason to open a topic. Based on freedom of speech and opinions, when it'll get out of hands, let's see if it raises some frustrations to those being asked to stop while it seems a common practice these days. time will tell. Happy New Year everyone.
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  20. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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  21. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    That is why Thantrax is annoyed. This, as much as anyone hates to admit it, IS a warez forum. Sure, you can discuss other things as well, but, when you go to Z, the very first thing you read there is the top 20 posts from THIS FORUM. Thats how 98% of the members CAME to this forum and signed up. Thats why So many of the topics are warez related, becuase people are linked here from a warez site. Thats why so many of the warez based threads get so many replies, because people that come to Z for warez see a post about warez on the site that interests them. Its pretty simple to understand. If you want a forum that doesnt talk about Warez so much, maybe this forum isnt for you.
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