Banning discussions on warez and requests is not the answer..

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by dbmuzik, Dec 26, 2015.

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  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    sounds great man.. but really do you think these guys who have been here literally years contributing positively to this place are not going to sound off when they see some guys (registered for less than a week ) running around and peeing on the furniture?
    you're alright with me but... get real !! They have to see this garbage and say nothing right? If these noobs.. and that is what they are, can come in here get away with stinking up the place.. then indeed the old farts should be able to get away with telling them how disrespectful they are being.

    Agreed two wrongs don't make a right. But since literally the dawn of online forums, this is not done. Register ,then start throwing your little balls all over like you own the place.... come on...

    I try to be reasonable, but we all have our limits, there's only one SAiNT anyway
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  2. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    and apparently, he has left the forum for good, so he claimed

    I tend to think of his behavior as aberrant, and not typical of the longer term participants here
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2015
  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    My post was quite long, maybe you did not read it all. I did not say noob requesters should get away with anything. I said their post should be downvoted and reported. And when it comes to the old farts... I'm kind of tired of them. Most often, what they do is starting a flame war, goes off topic and reverts to insults. And since they have quite a few posts and have been here a while a lot of the noobs mimic their behaviour...

    I do get what you are saying and I get your point. I do however think that noone should be allowed to act as they own the place, and this INCLUDES the old farts, as you call them. :) A lot of forums has a rule saying that members are not allowed to confront other members in what should be dealt with by moderators. The reason is that has a calming effect on the general tone in the forum and minimize the flame wars which I really think we need a break from. That is my whole point really.
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    apparently that isn't happening ... hence the complaints
  5. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Can you manage a major triad without shitting your pants?
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  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    How about this .... when a new thread is clearly inflammatory or superfluous, would be great if a mod or someone with the
    privilege could just remove it from the feed list on Z, so that it doesn't get a marquee advertizement for people
    to go view it, as it happens now it seems new posts go right into that feed, and just human nature draws people to it
    where they get bombarded with negativity and nonsense... don't know if it would work, again thoughts ?
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  7. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    A new thread that is clearly inflammatory or superfluous should of course be closed or deleted. What you seem to be wanting is to beat the shit out of the threadstarter without having the thread bumped? Am I wrong?
  8. focusrite

    focusrite Platinum Record

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Herr Durr has a coherent strategy. This is how I get to AS most of the time and I'm sure a lot of others too. I'm sure a lot of trolling behaviour comes from knowing this too. Maybe downvoting the thread / topic would be enough to knock it out of the feed on AZ?
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    you sound really negative in general, this is a suggestion to get things out of the way.. without beating the shit out of anyone..!
  10. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Ok, so your plan was not littering the threads you do not agree with off topic posts, my bad. Sorry about that. Some around here have a tendency to do that quite a lot though. You might have noticed that, I thought you where one of them.

    Your suggestion though do require an action from a moderator. So, don't you agree that clearly inflammatory and superflous threads which of you are talking should be closed or deleted instead of mearly hidden? What reason could there be to not close or delete a request thread, for instance, when such threads are against the rules?

    When it comes to a clearly inflammatory thread the question should be if it was clear that the thread starter meant to flame or not. A legit thread that is turned into a flame war by people simply don't liking it should not be punished by being removed from audioz imho. In that case the moderator should deal with the persons complaining about a legit thread.
  11. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Excuse me but I mimic nobody. I have a mind of my own and I am not afraid to speak it. And now I have to apologise because you said 'most' and not all.

    I should really wake up a bit before switching my computer on in future.
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    i suggest this as a middle step.. or first step, without going to the extreme of deleting.. SO that.. no one could
    abuse the deletion ability, the content is still there.. it just would not be as easy to find, and therefore less likely
    to inflame people noob and old alike...

    unfortunately any corrective measure will have the potential to be abused,

    just an example today.. someone who just joined, essentially made a double post,
    he wanted to be seen and heard, this is not acceptable per poilcy, but he gets away with it
    as either no one is watching, or no one who is here has the access level to delete the duplicate...

    so what do the experienced users do? they point it out to OP, which does not always have to be "beating him up"
    as it's the only recourse they have... simply giving notice
  13. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Perhaps, but over here at least they're allowing alternative points of view. On the other thread its being commandeered by a clone of Catalyst. It's troubling. This is the wrong weekend to be visited by the ghost of Catalyst's past. :winker:

    I was so sorry to see this go on with Remix recently. I didn't actually catch exactly what happened, just the tail end where there seemed to be a number of people upset with him. I first got to know him about 6 months ago, and he always seemed like such a cool guy, with really funny, worthwhile posts, many of which would get a positive reaction from members. I hope he takes the time out to come back around and iron things out. Like I said, I didn't catch what went down, but I liked the guy. I really did. If he did offend some here, maybe its important to remember that none of us are as all bad as our worst moments.

    I wanted to give you a "like", but I'm pretty convinced you probably have me in the 'old fart' category. So on this one I should probably plead the fifth and remain silent.:rofl:

    I guess the problem is that there's only so many mods, its really hard to have constant supervision, and what seems to be happening lately is the site is getting these persistent 'troll attacks'. Some here seem to think its being done by people that have a prior knowledge of this site, not people just randomly popping in out of nowhere to cause their damage. Of course that makes it even tougher to deal with, because if they are familiar with the site, then they're probably also knowledgeable about whether or not there's a mod available at any given moment. Makes it easier for them to pick a time when there's no one around to stop them.

    I've seen lots of forums and sites over the years, but I don't really recall many, if any, that always had a mod on watch. Maybe a decent alternative answer would be to have something like what they have on Z, where posts get downvoted and then 'hidden'. I don't know if SAiNT would be for it, or if it could even be done by him code-wise, but perhaps if a post or thread got enough clicks on "report" for the post/thread, it could be placed in a "hidden" way, like they do with downvoted posts on Z. At least that way the offending post would be kind of out-of-the-way until a mod could come around and make a judgment call about it. How does something like that sound? Maybe that would help?

    That's one of the funniest things I've seen here in awhile-- probably because it has a real ring of truth to it, at least as far as I can tell based on my limited contact with SAiNT. Actually though, IMO that's one of the best things about him, and it probably has a lot to do with the success of his sites. I think all these guys, particularly on the other similar thread, peddling all these anal concepts about control and regulation fail to get that with SAiNT. I'm going on too long here, but I'll give you a funny anecdotal reference of this sort of thing....

    About maybe 6-7 years ago on AudioZ, after I had been around the site for a couple of years already, some guy started directing some comments to me in a release thread. I looked at his nick and underneath it said something about being a Moderator. A few comments went back and forth, and finally I asked him if that "mod" designation was some sort of joke? Was he kidding with that? He said it wasn't joke, but part of me still thought he must be kidding. The reason I thought that was because in several years on Z not one single time had I ever seen a Mod on a thread! Somehow they survived just fine over there, longer than any other music warez site I know of, while having a mod that no one ever saw. That's part of why I find what's going on here now as being kind of suspicious. I can't figure why you'd have so many bad incidents going down over a brief period of time, unless there was someone behind it all with a vendetta, so to speak. How else could you have gone through years here with so few concerns and not even a Mod that anyone knew, only to see it become a near daily event lately? It just doesn't make much sense to me.

    Anyway, sorry to go on for so long. It's much more comfy to speak your peace here than on that other thread. I guess I really do like the 'hippie utopian view of the internet' much more than the regulatory geniuses that are springing up here on a daily basis . I hate too many rules, I value freedom.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    It's great that you are sociable, and social minded... the problem is that there are a good many people dropping in here
    who it seems have no good intentions whatsoever, and just want to stir the pot... and put flies in the ointment.. etc.

    There are rules called laws in the world at large, the problem ? A good number of people decide not to abide ! Then what?
    we have Police to enforce... I wish we lived in a world where everyone saw the light of music and good times, but sadly
    there are those who lust for power and revenge despite all the good.... and some of them are coming here to
    act it out.. :(
  15. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I wish for that too, but I believe if those who can, and are willing to, want to make something work it might make those who do not, realise how much better it can be.
  16. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I really don't understand how you can be so blatantly disrespectful to the person who owns and created this place. Very nice.
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