AudioSEX and AudioZ: Separation or other Solutions?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by ned944, Dec 25, 2015.


Separation of AudioSEX and AudioZ

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  1. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @eddielee Started this a thread but the title was ambiguous and I believe this is a large issue and a definite solution to some major issues and wanted to put it in front of the community more straight forward. (So sorry if i Hijacked your thread @eddielee.

    Currently I believe the major issues between the 2 sites is warez related. I believe AudioSEX was started as a resource for musicians and music related production resources and informational purposes for the community. it has a great many said resources available now, but as of late it is overwhelmed by the influx of warez related flame wars, warez related battles, warez related requests, and generally warez period.

    This as a whole has dropped the value of AudioSEX dramatically and has caused many members old and new to abandon, fade into the background and no longer participate, or get branded as being intolerant for speaking out. when all they want is their forum back like it was intended to function as a resource for the music related community as was intended, not for a bunch of warez junkies.

    Their are a lot of people who will never change their belief that they are not wrong in asking for more, even though they just received incredible gifts in the last week that weren't imagined a month ago.

    It would as @eddielee stated be work for SAiNT, but the rewards would be worth it in the end.

    It would be great if the feed from AudioSEX were to be removed from the front page of AudioZ this would be a first step in separating the 2 sites, and would I would hope start to drop the number of fights between the 2 sites. The membership between the 2 sites should be examined and disconnected as well. Not sure exactlly how that currently works. AudioSEX is a very good an valuable reference and resource for musicians, music producers and a warehouse of knowledge for noobies looking to grow in their skills and should not be saddled by this growing "Warez Connection" with AZ that is harming this site.

    SAiNT if your around and listening, PM me, join the conversation, Help us salvage this resource so we can make it something we are all proud of, and not let it crumble into ruins as it seems to be doing as of late with all of the strife and hatered that has exploded on the pages of AS of the past week. The Community cares about AudioSEX and wants to keep it as it was intended.

    Thanks for listening/Reading. Ned944

    UPD: SAiNT's First Reply:

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  3. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Join the conversation, Lets hear what everyone has to say!

    If you vote, Leave your reasons why.

    We need to solve this not just continue to fight and argue about it.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
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    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Up until 4-5 months ago everything was working fine. With the justified dismissals of some moderators (and lack of replacements) things started going downhill.

    I think first there should be rules for new members like the first 'x' number of comments must be approved by a mod, can't start a thread until you've had 'y' number of comments approved.

    This may discourage some new members from joining and contributing but if those members could be so easily discouraged can they even be considered as valued members?
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  5. Wurlie Rocker

    Wurlie Rocker Producer

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Absolutely, man, should get separated at least, or Audiosex to be strictly moderated or get closed, one of the two. The place is a joke now anyway. Look at the threads, so childish and ridiculous. Someone should fart off these whiners from the forum for once and for all. Can it really go on like this? Give us e-licenser crack, give us MAC ilok plugs, give us turkey for Christmas, give give give. Pffft! Just for how long, Saint? Get new mods, man, or close this thing down, this is really getting out of control!
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  6. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    not to re-open old wounds but you see what the old moderator was keeping at bay has now overtaken this forum, whether his tactics where good or bad is now a mute point seeing the state of the forum. the issue at hand is that warez should not be a part of this forum in any way shape or form. this place was meant to be a forum for learning and discussing music, music production and techniques. AZ was for warez not here. That is what has been bringing down this forum. all the requesting and bickering over warez. it should not be allowed on this forum. their are other sites that can serve that purpose. not here.
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  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Bring Cat back maybe.... forgive... gotta be better than how it is now.
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  8. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Your right about the title of the thread I started ..but thats how this place has got me feeling that you have to tread lightly with what you say in here lately that is why I didnt use an in ya face title for my thread that said I think you have put my message across really well for bringing Cat back offence I have nothing against him personally but he started a lot of conflict in here in the first place so dont think thats the answer sorry to disagree one reason
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  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Have no interest in a return to tyranny, the noobs etc.. are noisy and annoying, yes but they have no power to fear.

    Maybe the pendulum swung back a bit too far on allowing frivolous, and offensive threads to proliferate, and
    childish requests, whining and moaning about butthurt of one sort or another..

    I am fine with the current mods.. but given the climate now, perhaps they should have more license to warn or prune
    posts that aren't positive and conducive to a good experience here...
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  10. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Yes, The issue at hand is whats important. The forum as it stands is sinking under this constant battle it is going through. It is a great resource and can be salvaged, but it needs to separated from the warez issue. I think that is Important. That has lead to the almost all of the problems here over the past as far as i can see or remember. I know everyone is on edge as of late, but it is still related to warez issues. This Was not conceived as a warez related forum from what I understand SAiNT wanted it to be. That is why he set up AudioZ. But it has seeped into and taken over here and caused way too many issues. I pm'd him and asked him to join in the conversation here. Hopefully he will drop in. With the right moderators in place this site would shine again, separated from the warez of the sister site. and could grow as the premiere site for "Professional Audio Lovers" as it is stated under the logo.
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  11. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @Herr Durr , not asking for a return to tyranny. but we need to be free from the issue of warez. this site was not set up for that. as it is stated under the logo "Professional Audio Lovers" is what this place is about not warez, that is what AZ is for. The rules need to be adjusted a bit and ENFORCED when it comes to Warez. plain and simple. this site is about music production, music and resources for budding musicians and those to share their knowledge, not beg and whine for warez. Do you not agree? I did not say i wanted Catalyst to return, We are way past that point. I proposed the separation of the 2 sites. to eliminate the warez issues that are plaguing this site.
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  12. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I like seeing the Audisex feed on AudioZ, both for leads as to new or reactivated threads and for news of new software and libraries (which may/nor appear eventually on AudioZ). If more people would adhere to this forum's rules about posting warez requests and such, that would help the problem. There are times when integration between the two sites comes in very handy, such as the ongoing discussion of dealing with OpenSSH plug-ins. The justifications for wanting to separate the sites point to ineffective moderation, so rectifying that would probably be the solution, no?
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  13. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Maybe, if SAiNT doesn't want to totally ban the discussion of warez, a seperate 'warez discussion' forum subsection could opened on AudioSex, viewable only when a user has reached 'x' amount of posts. I myself have got some valuable information on this forum regarding releases on AudioZ, so I would hate to see warez discussion totally banned. I think a warez subsection forum (with windows and mac releases child forums) would do a good job of containing warez related talk, while allowing free music disucssion everywhere else on AudioSex. :like:

    I also think that new members shouldn't be able to post threads up until they've made 10 or so posts on the forum. This would combat spam and new accounts just posting to request something...

    EDIT: I would like to add that I think seperation would absolutely be a bad idea. I would not know of this forum if wasn't for AudioZ.. :dunno:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @ned944 exactly.. my ref to tyranny was vis a vis the Cat suggestion... sorry for any confusion

    indeed as i have understood it.. there has been a longstanding policy about keeping
    warez requests etc. out of X.. ever since I joined.. (excepting technical issues, installation and
    so on .. ) would be great to refresh on that principle and get back to talking about
    helpful and interesting things..

    I try to keep in mind too, Senor SAiNT has his own life to take care of..
    not only this big hunk of love.. :winker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2015
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  15. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    @ned944: my $0.02.
    Try not to feed the trolls.

    I notice that a newbie who joined today received a reasoned reply from a veteran member but, in spite of that, five minutes later in a semi-related thread the aforementioned noob repeated almost verbatim the same inane comment that had earned him a reply from the respectful vet. Furthermore, after failing in his attempt to win widespread sympathy in any related thread, the newbie decided to fan the flames by injecting foul language into the comment that he'd already made ad-naseum.

    IMHO the noob is clearly indicating a desire to troll AS members - and greybearded vets are providing sufficient fuel to feed the newbie's increasingly bothersome tantrum. Yet, that's all it is; a childlike, immature tantrum.

    I support your sentiment, ned944. 100%. I trust it will gain traction. So far, I'm resisting a strong desire to contribute to the toxic threads. It's not easy but a troll is a troll is a troll and it gets no sustenance from my table.
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  16. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @Herr Durr no problem. @BumBcL0t , @stevitch I understand your comments about keeping up to date about current discussions on plugins, but as far as warez discussions, these should not go on. I know it would be more work for SAiNT but some small sub forum on AZ would be more ideal to handle that, IMO. becasue if you allow just a little on AudioSEX, it will still amount to becoming overblown as it is now. it should be set in stone, no warez on AS and that would solve these issues.I personally love Audiosex, and the resources available. I am helping with the Ambient Album project that is currently in full motion here, and running to Feb. That is the kind of thing this forum was intended for, not the discussion of warez or the requesting or anything warez related. you cannot have it both ways it has to be eliminated, that is what AZ is for and that is where to get you warez fix. not here.

    These projects and the information provided here are what make this forum special. not arguing about mac or pc warez and requesting warez. or hateful arguments.

    Official Ambient Album Thread

    Ambient Album Project - Tutorials And How-Tos
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  17. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    actually it might be an idea to have one section on here where people can mention warez that would prob be doable for saint .... have a rule warez is not mentioned outside that section .. then each to his own ? ...
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  18. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I understand @DarthFader but I want to get the ball rolling, and hope to get SAiNT involved to bring this to the forefront and hope to get everyone involved to initiate change, we can all sit back and be quiet and let this continue or we can all stand up and let our voices be heard and drown out all the trolls and take back our community and let SAiNT and everyone else know that we care about this place and we are not gonna sit and let it be taken away by the actions of a small minority of people that want to destroy this large community of people that have long held together to enjoy what they enjoy most, to make music, to share music, and to talk about music and its production. Don't be the ones that stood by and watched it all crumble way or becomes something you don't like anymore because you didn't want to speak up. you don't have to trash talk, or use foul language in here. as the Mods and SAiNT can see this is a reasonable conversation between reasonable members and will remain as such. so just stand up and let your voices be heard. I have faith in this community that whats right is what will prevail.
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  19. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I'm with you 100% of the way @ned944. Rather than illustrate the problem you focus on the solution in a calm and professional manner. I owe you my respect and I gladly give it to you.

    Power to your elbow, man.
  20. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @eddielee It might be beyond the scope of thing to completely separate the two entities, but if it is then the rules should be clearly defined and Then STRICTLY ENFORCED when it comes to the nonsense that has been happening here lately.
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  21. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    there can be no exception to the rule if they are to be intertwined, warez has to be banned from AudioSEX, end of story. Noob or Veteran. this is the main issue that is causing the problems between the 2 sites. The MODS know this and I'm sure SAiNT is aware as well. this kind of immature, childish bickering, and unprofessional behavior that has surfaced and overwhelmingly taken over here as of late needs to be eliminated. if some of you feel a complete separation of AS and AZ is too drastic a step to take then the alternative is more draconian rule enforcement. you cannot count on change if you do not take the steps to ensure it. I have seen the sentiment in other threads. but now this falls back to the recent cries of tyranny, and puts the MODS in the Hot seat. Which is why I believe that the separation of the 2 is more conducive to the situation. That way no one can fall back into the blame the moderator for mistreatment phase. or he banned me because he just didn't like me. a Clean break with Rules Clearly defined is a better solution.
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