So, we should pretty much give up on Reason ever being cracked??

Discussion in 'DAW' started by xendroster, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    the last one that was cracked was 5 or 6(?), they're now on version 8. Its a wrap on it being cracked huh?

    You think that plays any part in why its not as popular because the new kids that get into producing cant get their hands on it for free , so they never transition to it when they can afford a DAW?.

    For all the talk about cracked warez, for the many folks out there that dont pay for software(for whatever reason), the software that they learn how to make music with is often the ones they can get for free at first..then when they stick with producing and can afford to pay for things, they tend to stay around the familiar...its a double edge sword for developers. Make it readily available for everyone and hope that at the end when the mass gravitate to your product, they can later cover the cost.
  3. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I personally hope it dies

    Any company that decides to confine you into a closed world to use proprietary software isn't worth the time
    no vst's?? what year we in now?... c'mon man

    I'm guessing yes its got great protection.. but why even bother with that pos.

    A potato has more capabilities.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
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  4. xendroster

    xendroster Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    i was thinking about this..

    within the context of the issues folks have been complaining about lately...having waaaaaay too much plugin that bogs down production and output...dont you think having a system that confines you to just the "barebones"..though i dont believe reason is really all that limited.....dont you think it helps you??

    you are forced to use and understand the stuff that is at your disposal instead of always running to a myriad of softwares that you've never taken the time to learn.?

    for some, it might help.
  5. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Spoken like one whom is used by the tools and not vice versa... Reason has Rack Extensions which are pretty much equivalent to VST's with the exception that the format is proprietary, so no surprise CPU spikes because "hey this VST needs 100% CPU all the time"; also Propellerheads quality controls every extension, so no shittily implemented 3rd party crapware... People who have no experience with a tool then try to shit on it are the worst...

    But to answer OPs question... No, it won't ever be cracked... hopefully; it's worth the 300 bucks in all honesty... its even cheaper if you're a student, I just upgraded from 6 (which i bought 3 years ago) to 8 for 99 bucks... in all I spent 298 bucks on the DAW and a couple hundred on odds and ends Rack Extensions... even without the extensions Reason is a solid workhorse audio software!
  6. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    LOL!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking the same thing. I think the reason why people don't use it as much is for both reasons. Seasoned producers don't use it because of that confined problem, new producers don't use it because it's not free and many variants in between. That potato line has me dying.
  7. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    For some of you people, switching to Reason should pose no showstopping issues. Sure, you don't have your favourite compressor/EQ/etc/instrument, but you should be able to get something done.

    For me, I depend on some specialist plugins, specialist workflow, and some DAW feature/s which not all DAWs will support, so anything else apart from my current setup won't work at all(or will barely work).
  8. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I used Reason from 2005 to 2010. It was my main goto program to making beats. Made probably 5000 beats with that thing. Coming from a person with 5 years experience with the program, I agree with @Voo . Reason won't stand the test of time until they integrate third party plugins. You can't make a symphony with their sounds for a theatrical film with Reason, you can in EVERY OTHER DAW. And even Propellerheads don't even proclaim their program to being a DAW. They just don't understand the concept of pleasing the customer. They're stubborn. Native Instruments is taking over and if Propellerheads don't get on, they will be left behind. The fact that I can't just load up Kontakt or Waves plugins inside of Reason, is more than enough reason for me to let it go. Which I did. Haven't came back since. Reason is not made for production on a grander scale. It's only made for home studios. Their live instrument selection is laughable.
  9. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    That's in a way sad, because reason 4 and a bit less 5 bring me memories as being the first software I approached to make sound. By that time copies were circulating all over the net, while kick tunes were made with reason!
    Today aside the master-slave technology (embedded in the DAW) I never approach to anything related to propellerhead.

    And the discussion over whether overprotecting a piece of software really benefits the product, since it might lose visibility, it has been for a while.

    Ok former users might stick to it, but what about first timers....
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2015
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  10. spaddu

    spaddu Member

    May 31, 2015
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    In the right hands that pos can produce these kind of results:

    FYI: I'm not the artist in hand but a friend of him and I know he uses Reason 7 for producing his tracks.
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  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    There are much better reasons to give up on it besides the lack of a cracked version :wink:
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
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  12. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    This statement is false... plenty of composers use JUST Reason... Reason won't be left behind, because its solid... If you jumped ship in 2010 your frame of reference is way off... Its changed by leaps and bounds since then... I'd put Reason up against any DAW any day! Propellerheads has the right to be stubborn, their customer base is satisfied, the software is ROCK SOLID... AND they have 3rd party devs making instruments in their proprietary format (an effect of piracy?)!!! If you can honestly say that ANY major audio workstation software is not "made for production on a grander scale" the problem isn't the software... And again in 2010 maybe their live instrument selection was lacking... wait it totally wasn't; it came with the Orkester sound bank which was plenty good for nearly all musical application... and if you needed more than that there were plenty of Refills from 3rd parties... the same 3rd parties that make all the sample based instruments in VST formats... soooooooooo... yeah
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  13. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Sounds like they have given up winning new customers, sticking to their user base. What do they offer, what others don't?
    Even if that software is not worse than Cubase/Logic/Live/Reaper and all the other tools, could you name the top 5 reasons (no pun intended), why any user comfortable with his current DAW should start to learn Reason (no pun intended again)? I understand that for some it could make sense to go from a linear style DAW to Ableton or vice-versa. But in which case it makes sense to switch to Reason (except for the pun)?
  14. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    No I couldn't give 5 explanations for why to switch to Reason... i don't care if people do or not; I just hate that people are so simple as to attempt to blame the software for their shortcomings with said software... Don't shit on the product because it doesn't fit your needs, or isn't simplified to stupidity (not you personally)... Every software has its perceived shortcomings, the thing is the rationale i've seen given for the Reason hatred is asinine and undeserved; true it doesn't offer VST's but the rack extensions that it offers in their place COST LESS THAN VSTs, are more powerful and infinitely routable... for instance can you use CV from a VST to control the filter (any parameter) of another VST? No... you can mimic the effect with automation but its not really the same thing... Also Reason is as close to a "real studio" as software has gotten, with the patch cords and back of rack... AND THE MODULATION... OMFG the modulation possibilities are fucking glorious!!! In short Reason is a tinkerers DAW; if you don't want to get your hands dirty and possibly develop an addiction you should stick with Ableton or FL or Cubase (again all great DAWs, i use all except Cubase)
  15. Nitrophos

    Nitrophos Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Reason is the slowest moving DAW out there with the least amount of respect to it's users. It's only a matter of time before it fizzles out. The dedicated audio interface they put out a few years ago, the Rack Extention format, the lack of full screen support till recent editions, etc etc they really need to get it together or move on as is.
  16. Nitrophos

    Nitrophos Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Better example might be how Kill The Noise created his entire filth heavy Dubstep sound within Reason
  17. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Just so you people know... Propellerhead software (especially ReCycle and ReWire) is used in just about every DAW manufactured... the good ones anyway:

    About Propellerhead Software
    Formed in 1994, Propellerhead Software is a privately owned company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Renowned for its musician-centric approach, Propellerhead has created some of the world’s most innovative music software applications, interfaces and technology standards.

    Musicians, producers and the media have praised Reason, ReCycle and ReBirth applications for being inspiring, great sounding and of superior quality. Technologies such as ReWire and the REX file format are de-facto industry standards, implemented in all major music software.

    Today, Propellerhead’s products are used all over the world by hundreds of thousands of professionals and enthusiasts for all kinds of music making.... (blah, blah, blah...)

    They're not going anywhere because they are the foundation of every (good) DAW made...
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  18. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    So, based on your writings above, you are familiar with Reason and the timeline of its last cracking. They are now up to version 8, right? So, have you downloaded their 30 days trial which comes with no feature restrictions and dissect the program at all; See what have improved or added?
    Yes, Yes, 30 days for 99% of people on Audioz is way too short, 5 years for free would be more what they are after, I get it LOL.
    I mean honestly, if you really like and wanted to jump on Reason, you'd do that right? OR you may have checked it out and decided it is not for you?

    I just can't understand the whole hope of "ever being cracked" part. With so many other decent DAW to choose from, why cracking Reason matters at this point?
  19. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I'd expect a response like that. Continually saying it's solid and dope is not an argument. But ehh, whateves, Hans Zimmer won't be using Reason for the same reason I won't use it. It's limited. It simply cannot reach that level of ingenuity. And Orkester is WACK! Lol LA Scoring Strings make Orkester sound like a toy. And their third party refills still don't match to the multisamples of other engines. It just doesn't. The way refills are mapped out are no different than a rompler with a few layers. I HATE ROMPLERS! Like their Euphonic Strings. 6,300 samples? Try 24,000 samples. Things outside of Reason are simply too realistic. I rather watch paint dry than try to get a realistic performance out of Reason. Even their pianos don't compare to the plugins that are out now. Their choirs, their real basses, anything that supposed to be a real live instrument just doesn't sound real. You can get a pretty dope beat out of Reason, but for composing, it doesn't compete with the rest of the world that's trying to improve.
  20. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Not everybody uses REX files or Rewire. Saying "the good ones anyway" is a subjective statement. Granted, we have the ability to use those formats, doesn't mean the ivy leagues of production do. Quincy Jones and Hans Zimmer isn't using those things. I will not say that Reason is not good program. It is. It's definitely good. But until they grow up and mature as a software team, learn to integrate what the world is predominately using, they will fall behind in the next 10-20 years. And you think the stuff they have out now is dope, wait in 10-20 years. Hopefully Propellerheads get the memo and try to integrate this stuff.

    I will say this. If it sounds good, feels good, then it is good. That's all that really matters at the end of the day.
  21. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I actually thought those songs were pretty dope! The arrangement and ideas were dope. But I always despised the mix in Reason. It's like this one big muddy ass....thing. Lol. I haven't heard not one track from a producer that uses Reason that showed perfect harmony with instruments. Not in a melodic sense, but in an engineering sense. Always seem like everything has way too much low mids in the 400-500 range. It's like rolling off lower frequencies doesn't exist to the average Reason producer. lol iono. That's what I noticed. Dope tracks though. That first one and second one were pretty dope.
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