I have too much Software. How to stop hoarding?

Discussion in 'Software' started by AlbertoBalsam, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    This is kind of funny as it seems like it wouldn't be much of a problem, but I feel like I amassed too much gear, escpecially plug-ins, over the last 2 years. It kind of holds me back and I feel like I spent equal parts collecting/testing new gear and actually making music. I know that I have way too much stuff that I don't or barely use, but its just so hard to say goodbye to a lot of stuff that I feel I could use in the future! But I really want to stop that, as I won't focus on becoming good with certain gear if I stop being a software hoarder. Often, I also feel overwhelmed by the many choices and end up using built-in stuff or presets.
    Over the past month, I've been weeding out 1/3 of those that I don't use, but it's still too much!

    I know its pretty silly, but I feel like a lot of you went through this. Any strategies or tips on how to stop?
    Should I just delete anything that I havent used for 2 months?
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  3. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Did you really explore the finite depths of each plugin you used? If you really have a grasp on the plugins that you were using it would be easy to identify the shortfalls of each plugin, such as its performance, appearance, ease of use, presets, modulation capabilities, routing and so on. Which should reduce the list even further. Were these plugins capable of delivering the sound you desired in both a simple setting and a complex setting? How many post fx plugins did you have to use to get the sound you want? Just keep comparing and contrasting this list as empirically as possible. When you draft up a project, how many times have you begun with the same synth? Start making a list every time you do this and youll notice a pattern of commonly used plugins. this could also be a filter. Once you have really learned a plugin and its limitations properly then i would advise you move on and start to learn other ones.
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  4. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    Yep, delete away. You won't miss them, and your music will thank you. You will also have the added benefit of really getting to know and use the plugs you do keep to their fullest potential :) Plus, I'm sure you have a backup of everything, so, if you somehow "need" another plug, you can always re-install just that. So, if it was me, I'd get rid of everything but Waves. That alone has everything you could ever need. Although, I must say, the Boz stuff is really nice too :)
    However, I wasn't thinking about VSTi when I wrote that, and since I don't really use many, SyNtH has a great idea to weed those out. Really though, I'd think Kontakt and Waves, done deal....then add what you really miss from there.
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  5. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    At the last count I had well over 20 different reverbs, ridiculous, particularly when I tend to always fall back on the same few. I'm currently trying to slim down my whole software collection and get rid of the stuff I don't use. It's good for the soul.
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  6. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Thanks for your replies. Problem is, especially with "post fx" plugins, that I'm terribly afraid of deleting them. I work as a sound designer and often think I'll miss out on possibilities when I delete certain "sound design" plugins. But you're right. I mostly use Reaktor and user/library ensembles. I will try to cut down on anything that I won't achieve with it. As compressors/eqs etc go, I think that this process of comparing will be a bit more straightforward.
  7. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    I feel you! For me though, reverbs were the easiest to get rid off. I just use ValhallaRoom & ValhallaVintage room for everything and anything. Ableton Verb if I need to save on ressources
  8. Ultram

    Ultram Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2014
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    brighton uk
    I felt the same way a couple of months ago and decided to do a clean install of my OS and then only installed my go to plugins, it feels really good and I find what I need quicker plus I have a snappier system.
  9. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Totally guilty of hoarding!!!! I have 7 terabytes of hard drive full!!!! I am trying to stop and go legit though. What is helping me is actually buying some plugins. I feel if I buy something I have to get my money's worth out of it so I use it more!!!! Then when you use stuff more you actually realize you don't even need it!!!
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  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Randomly select a group of plugins and force yourself to create something with that sound palette and FX. Rinse and repeat.
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  11. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    Good one. I bought a lot too as I am planning to go legit, hard to say goodbye to Softube plugins and Fabfilter tho.
    Buying surely helps to focus on selected software, as nobody likes to feel like they're wasting money.
  12. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    That seems like a very very good solution to go tabula rasa, at least on your plugin folder. Think I'm gonna do this and only install the plugins that I need piece by piece. Gonna back it all up for older sets though
  13. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    1. Try to calculate value of everything you "owe"
    2. Limit your virtual budget (realistic one :yes:)
    3. Separate stuff that you are using, by importance
    4. Squeeze that stuff into your virtual budget
    5. More working, less collecting (music comes from heart, you can't buy the heart! :guru:)
    6. With time buy stuff that you are using, and you will be more happy and creative than ever! :wink:

    If you are buying stuff that you are collecting, then DON'T!
    :excl: Always try before buy :excl:
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  14. GuestStar

    GuestStar Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Decide what you need and Delete all other stuff.
    If you keep them, they will create "noise"(distraction in your mind) to reinstall and trying again and again.
  15. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    I have the same problem, also with hardware. I would say that you are best off having two partitions. One with everything you currently use and another starting afresh, limiting to the bare basics. See how you get on with the new partition and see what you miss or not. I am doing the same due to moving over to Windows 10 which seems compatible with nearly everything that Win 7 runs.
  16. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    I am a recovering hoarder myself:rofl: and here's what worked for me:

    Start/Focus on songwriting. By songwriting, I don't mean trying different synths/plugins/samples till you find something the sounds cool. Sit down and sketch out an idea on paper(recommended) or in your head beforehand. When you sketch out your idea, you have an end goal. And with that end goal, you'll be less interested in plugins.

    Good. The built-in plugins are there for a reason. The only time to replace stock plugins is if: 1) You have a single goto plugin that can do it better or 2) There is a plugin that can do what you need in a simpler way

    MAKE A LIST OF GOTO PLUGINS!!! One of every type: compressor, eq, exciter, etc. Make the stock plugin your preferred unless you have a single plugin that can do it better.

    Not just two 2 months, delete everything else!

    I know it's hard. If you cannot bring yourself to delete everything besides your goto plugins (I couldn't), then yes, delete anything you haven't used in a while. Delete duplicate plugins. For example, not need to have Izotope Mastering suite and T-Racks Mastering suite. Choose one, delete the other. Pick whichever you are looking forward to purchasing when you get the money.

    For whatever non-goto plugins that remain, make it a rule to never used them. Let them sit and be forgotten. That way you don't have to say goodbye, knowing that they are there if you ever (but never) need them. Over time, as you focus more on making music and streamlining your music making process, those lingering plugins will become a nuisance and you'll eventually delete them.

    Lastly, stop downloading s*** from AudioZ. :dont:Even updates/upgrades, unless you specifically need something fixed. New plugin comes out, just say "That's cool, but I don't need it." If you don't intend to buy it, don't try it!

    Matter fact, delete AudioZ from your bookmarks :banned:and replace it with AudioSex. Good music has been made in the past with fewer tools. Now go make music!!!!!!

    *Mic drop*
  17. AlbertoBalsam

    AlbertoBalsam Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    very helpful posts here. I'm sure I'll be able to fight my hoarding syndrome with all this good advice:hillbilly:

    I haven't downloaded anything new for a month now. I own the soundtoys bundle, NI comps, u-he diva, reaktor and absynth as well as a lot of max stuff. I think I'll delete anything that I don't own and build around these that I own step by step If I'm missing something. I actually barely need anything else, I notice.

    Songwriting is not an issue for me fortunately, as when I make music I usually start to compose on piano/with bread and butter sounds. Its just the production/mixing process that got so clogged up with unneeded choices in my mind.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  18. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I know that feeling/situation quite well. :cool:
    I also have a HUGE collection of Plug-Ins (including BETAS) & never cracked versions.
    Though i have other reasons for hoarding and archive them on more than 3 different external Hard-drives,
    i use them to learn the Art of Reversing, analyze, disassemble & patch the codes.
    I know it's a very time wasting *hobby* but it also makes fun. :winker:
    And sometimes i can offer help to people who are desperately looking for older versions which
    developers simply make disappear from the face of the Earth!
    From time to time i delete of course
    some useless stuff too. Best thing to stop massive hoarding is simply to set yourself some limits & goals.
  19. meggedu2

    meggedu2 Kapellmeister

    May 28, 2014
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    A suggestion I have is to keep downloading new programs and stuff that keep releasing. Except to not unzip them or install them for the most part. I say this because maybe someday down the line you realize you need something and then it cant be found. Would be dope to just have a huge library of uninstalled
    software to search when you need something in the future.
  20. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    To stop hoard the answer is simple:

    Contribute. Donate some purchased software to your local releaser. Message if interested.

    It truly is the easiest way to stop hoarding. You learn the cost of software and what you will use and will not use. I only buy what i will use. All else goes away.
  21. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    we could ask saint to ban you from AZ :rofl:

    Problem solved!:thumbsup:
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