(image-line.com) FL Studio 12.2 BETA -> 12.2 RC1

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    FL Studio 12.2 BETA


    What's New?

    • New vectorial interfaces - Updates for your favorite plugins (BeepMap, BooBass, EQUO, FL Keys, Fruit Kick, Big Clock, dB Meter, Delay 2, Delay Bank, DX 10, Fast Dist, Flangus, Granulizer, LSD, Multiband Compressor, PanOMatic, Parametric EQ, Reeverb 2, Slicer, Soft Clipper, Soundfont Player, Stereo Enhancer, Stereo Shaper, Vocoder, WaveShaper, Plucked!)
    • Harmor - 3 x tempo synced templates (2, 4 & 8 bars)
    • New Content - 1650 one shot drum samples in Packs > Drums > Mode Audio (inc. 121 Claps, 50 Cymbals, 353 Hi Hats, 349 Kicks, 219 Percussion/SFX, 57 Rims, 48 Shakers, 286 Snares, 57 Toms, 110 Foley)
    • FLAC export - Lossless compression format.
    • UI enhancements - Separate color and icon menu options for Playlist Tracks, Channel Rack buttons and Mixer Tracks
    • Typing keyboard to piano - 24 new scale presets
    • New demo projects - Winners & some finalists from the FL Studio Demo Contest in Projects > Song contests
    • Many bugfixes - test and let us know if we missed your favorite bug
    DDL here from Looptalk


    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Thanks thantrax, yes I saw it this morning!
    Changing GUI is so good but better than that is adding some useful features. Image-line staffs are genius but They really need to invest more on playlist and think about streamlining the mix process. Drastic change is needed. In this field the competitors are acting intelligently.
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  4. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Ye, it got published tonight by Image-Line and I had the luck to see it right after (6 hours or so)... ;)
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    rather not, if I want the same streamlining as a other daw I go buy that one.
    fl studio is 'different' but certainly can be faster in the mixing process,

    The last thing I would want is that the play-list tracks are binded to a mixer track.

    I want to select where a recording is going to be routed to (preferably before recording),
    shuffle arround in the playlist without paying attention whether or not I put it in the right lane.
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    FL Studio 12.2 RC1
    WHAT's NEW RC1

    Additions and changes

    • Vectorized UI for DrumSynth Live and X-Y Controller
    • Type to piano scripts updated
    • Fruity Delay Bank: right-click to solo a bank (instead of popup menu)
    • Crash when changing input
    • Reverted to ogg codec to load ogg-encoded wave files
    • Ogg file export crashes
    • Preset selectors disappear when plugin window is captionized
    • Freeze changing mixer track assignment
    • Edison: keyboard shortcuts don't work
    • FPC: incorrect pad name in "Change name" window
    • Fruity dB Meter: meter scale is wrong when plugin is resized

    After my previous post here, I worked a lot with the playlist and I take back what I said. FL studio's working flow is not like the traditional multi track mode in most DAWs. It's more than that.
    It's impossible because each track can hold any pattern consisting of any channel routed to any mixer track unless we'd have 2 kinds of track in the playlist one dedicated just to recording that image-line would never do that because of complication.

    BTW, a good paragraph from the help manual of FL:
    If you want to simulate traditional sequencer workflow: Route each Instrument to a separate Mixer track. Use one Instrument Channel per Pattern Clip and use one song-length Pattern Clip per Playlist track that's so limiting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2015
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  7. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    stop trolling me, that's exactly what I said
  8. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I'm so jealous of that scalable gui. ..
    I am sure we won't get a scalable Cubase version before the V12, by 2018, when all the other daws will have that feature since many many years.

    How much of a S.M. we have to be, to dare making the Cubase users click, or rather, try to aim and click, on items not larger than 2x2 pixels, like the previous/next preset icons.

    I wish I could grab some steinberg staff members, make them sit on a chair, in front of a 2560x1440 or 3840x2160 monitor, and make them click 100 times, on that tiny previous/next preset icon, or many others tiny buttons/icons/elements.
    I am sure the few ones who wouldn't get Parkinson's before the 50th time, they would have to stop, because their eyes would be bleeding.

    In one of the news on the steinberg website, there is one interview, where they say they now have hired more developers, and we should be getting more new instruments and plug-ins, from now on. Yeah, steinberg, bring us plenty of new 'SE' special edition products, so we can purchase the full version, like groove agent, padshop, vst connect, etc etc. We love those SE versions, really !

    Cubase: best daw of 2015. Yeah.
    Let me guess: with all the german music companies, magazines, devs, etc, who can surely influence the results, we already know who will be the winner in 2016, right...

    I was hoping there would be some great new features, in the 8.5 update. Purchased it, but it's so disappointing. ..
    Retrologue 2... I tried to find an option 'resize to 150%, 200%'... but no. I can barely see all the elements, on a big 27" at 2560x1440. Everything is just sooo small.

    All the companies are slowly re-designing their products with a scalable interface, like Valhalla. Cytomic. U-he. Etc etc.
    It's just so fucking logical, with all the huge resolutions most people have, today.its a natural obvious evolution.

    And what does steinberg do, regarding the hd monitors and resolutions. Fucking nothing.
    Once, they were the leaders. Today, they are followers, copying and adapting here and there.
    is it so hard, to make, example, a re-skin of the small plug-ins, with a nice look and a resizable interface, instead of those tiny interfaces , like the compressor, delay, etc?

    Yeah, that's too much work.
  9. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    @wouala woualouf

    That's why I've got Bitwig (I'm still using FL Studio, my 1st love). Last time I used Cubase was when I owned an Atari 520 ST: stone age of midi :)
  10. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    yuck... cubase.... barf...
  11. Triple

    Triple Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    I'm still on FL 10 because people told me that FL11 had the same problems with automatic PDC in elaborate projects (when e.g. you route insert1 to both insert2 and to the Master, and on the insert2 you have plugins with latency. The signals of insert1 and insert2 are not in phase).
    Have they fixed this automatic PDC problems in FL 12 ?
  12. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    could be one of my settings is fucked up but when i have a mixertrack with no plugins it's out of sync with the rest, but i do think they fixed it caus i didnt really have this problem before
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Automatic delay compensation = off
    1- A simple sine wave to the insert1.
    2- Insert1 routed to both the insert2 and 3 and insert1 to master is off.
    3- Insert2 panning to the left and insert3 panning to the right for comparison.
    4- loading Izotope ozone7 (latency of 1117 samples= 25.53 ms as specified in the 1st photo) to the first slot of inset3 while the insert2's slots are empty.
    5- loading the scope to the master and you'd see that they are out of phase.

    Automatic delay compensation = on

    They're totally in phase (2nd photo).

    Attached Files:

  14. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    Instead of loading the track directly to dedicated channel you like it assigned to master ch. and than manually re-route to dedicated channel. For the sake of what? lol :D
  15. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Maybe I build-ed my sentence wrong, but I meant was when Recording,

    I do indeed set it to be routed to it's own ch.
    what I was trying to say is that I like the way it's set up.
    instead of being aware of which lane is in use like in other daws.

    this because before recording 16 bars, I always got 4 or 5 channels prepared bundled in a group.
    then after that, mixing always get a little messy switching parts from one channel to the other

    maybe a little to in depth to explain correctly, lets just say fl studio has the the best routing options for me.

    And, sometimes when I'm bored I like to play tetris with the playlist, Now you don't find that in your everyday daw... :drummer: :hahaha:
  16. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    No they have not. because it's not suppose to work that way.
    the solution to your problem is routing the unprocessed part true a separate channel where the delay compensation is applied. This is by design!
    delay picture.png
  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    and still no time stretching comparable to live ... or improved audio recording functioned like punch in\out.

    what a shame... its a beautiful DAW.
  18. Triple

    Triple Member

    Aug 28, 2014
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    Thank you guys for explanation!
    So I have to disable the 'send to Master' knob in insert1, and send insert1 to e.g. insert3 which will be a sort of 'premaster', right?
    We talked about a scenario in which only insert2 has plugins causing delay.

    What if:
    - a synth is routed to insert1 (insert1 has plugins that have 20ms of latency)
    - insert1 is routed to insert2 and insert3 (and not to Master)
    - plugins in insert2 have 10ms of latency
    Is this a routing correct? Will the automatic PDC be working correctly?
    And what about the insert3? Am I allowed to have any plugins with latency in the insert3?
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    No need to picture it again, but in all of the situations that the plugins would have either fixed or variable delay during the playing, FL would adjust all of the streamings so that the justification in time would happen in the whole process unless an odd behavior would happen inside the plugins themselves that I have not seen such things till now in any of them.

    BTW, the problem that you're thinking is an old question in the DSP area that has kept busy the researchers for decades. Fortunately there are successful models like KPN (Kahn process networks). KPN is so successful that the most hardwares and softwares are based on it.

    So don't waste your time like me in discovering them and just trust FL because the staffs in the Image-Line have at least doctorate degree in the hardware and software engineerings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2015
  20. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    It was developed by one guy, who previously was developing simple games, got bored and built a software midi step sequencer, sequencer on which fl is based to this day, not sure about that guy's degree, but doesn't look like doctorate to me, more like college degree... nowhere do I see degree in hardware, anything is possible though...

    Fl studio is pretty much the same since version 1, that's what you get when you don't charge people for new version updates, that is out of time, outdated qwerty sequencer to make tetris knock off music... and that's funny, because in the beginning fl guys had developed some tetris games... karma is a millionaire bitch I guess... because now avvici or whatever his name is, is making almost literal tetris melodies knock offs for literal sheep dummies and get paid for it millions, because this is a business where a sheep is allowed to vote with it's wallet, in most cases parent's wallet that is... it's always a piece of cake to knock a tetris melody into a sheep's head, try to knock some of the Pink Floyd's melodies into it and you'll have an answer why fl studio is popular between kids and avvici is a millionaire.

    Fruity loops name changed to FL Studio, because fruity was viewed as a joke made for kids to put loops together, I'm not being "mean" here, that's why the name was changed... now fl studio is still being viewed as a qwerty seuencer for kids to put loops together, but this is internet, so just like feminazis has their say, so do kids using fl studio... now I'm mean and realistic at the same time..........

    Cheers, lol

    P.S. spare me from shitty cinematic cliche stereo pads playing under dub-step beat as music which can be made in fl studio... you can make something music like on whatever, but for professional minded people a toy is a toy...

    DP- Scoring, orchestral midi mock ups, because of quick multi recording midi set up, swipe record enable feature, video integration,staff view.
    PT - Professional recording, mixing, editing.
    CB/ND - Professional recording, mixing, editing, scoring
    ST One - Recording, mixing, editing.
    RP - Recording, mixing, editing.
    AL - Live, DJ, Ideas mock ups.
    FL Studio - qwerty, trap and avvici.
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  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I bet you don't know much about sound designing and many more and are one of those guys that use DAWs just for recording like guitar players or drummers.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2015
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