Morality & Christianity (Read with an open-mind)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris Wellz, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Okay first, I'd like to say that this is an exercise to actually get people to think with their own heads. This post is long and if you're open minded and like to read, you might appreciate this. If not, you're more than likely intolerant. (Sorry)

    A lot of people don't even realize that the motives and conditioned perception of one's actions today reflect their background. Which is presumably influenced by religion. Even if you were an atheist, your moral guide line according to today's standard has a background of religious influences. Like polygamy, gay marriage, death penalty. Average person opposes these ideas while ironically supporting Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. The death penalty is debatable because majority of people actually support it. The way our government deals with our political engagements, how they deal with the rest of the world and its own people juxtaposes with this adamant background of religious beliefs. Our social life and our basic foundation of morality and justification is surrounding the three Abrahamic religions. If only more people thought of this. They really don't understand that the three Abrahamic religions have actually been one of the biggest plagues to the world. If any of you reading is a Christian, Muslim or Jewish. Ask yourself. Is the God of Abraham moral? If yes, read below.

    If anyone reading are one of the three, you were probably raised to be intolerant. Told to reject all "secular" information and new ideas your background has taught you to reject. In your mind, even humoring the idea of hearing it out would be in direct defiance to your God. That's how you keep a belief sustainable. Make them believe that even seeking knowledge is wrong if it doesn't fit the criteria. It wouldn't even surprise me if you stopped reading right here. The same place racism comes from is the same place intolerable religious believers come from. How they perceive the world and reality itself is inexorable. They made up their mind on what and why life is. But if you have an open mind and want to explore new information, keep reading. And rest assured, you're not "going to hell" for reading some information. What you accept and what you don't determines where you end up in life. And besides, if God is in fact real, he would want you to learn and understand people's point of view, not attack it. Nobody is trying to convert anyone, and I hope you are not trying to convert me and others who comment.

    Now let's begin! (This part is pre-written...mostly from my own ideas and others I've accumulated over time)

    Using basic logic and reasoning, it is proven that the murderous Christian God is an invention of man. WAIT! now before you get offended, let me reassure you that I am in no way trying to offend you in any way. But if you have a moment, take the time out for once in your life to read something with an open mind. (assuming you haven't been open minded to this particularly controversial topic to begin with)

    First, the difference between objective and subjective morality. Subjective morality means that you "the subject" define morality based on what you know, think or feel. Objective morality means that morality "the object" is a thing an end in of itself and is therefore defined by its mere existence. That makes sense right? okay... Well, being a Christian/Muslim/Jewish requires belief in objective morality. For them, God is the perfect center of everything that is real and therefore, morality comes from him. You could say that "God" IS morality. And I doubt many believers would argue with this. If they did, they're probably not worth talking to because it's likely they don't read the Bible/Torah/Qur'an. For the sake of this lecture, and not using all three Abrahamic religions, let's use Christianity and speak on things that are in correlation of the three, that all three would at least agree on. This logical reasoning becomes awkward for Christians who actually take the time to think about it. We'll discuss a few ideas here with God's perfect objective morality in mind. And then we'll look at the only argument Christians have to fall back on.

    To demonstrate a couple of important inarguable lines of reasoning. 1: based on what we know about morality today, we can conclude that the God of the Bible is made up, because he's clearly not moral. Or the Bible is terribly flawed! But according to the Bible, the Bible isn't flawed. Hmm... I wonder what the Bible has to say about this matter. "Wait, what?". and 2: If the God of the Bible is real, then he is clearly not moral according to how we understand morality today. And Christians are serving an immoral maniac.

    These two ideas are interchangeable to the following arguments. So feel free to refer back as we move along and see that they both work quite well... Rape? Is wrong. Rape is not moral. Rape is not mentioned in The Ten Commandments. Why is this not a commandment? Muslims will argue with this since Islam does not accept the absolute authority of the Bible, teaching that it has become corrupted over the years, and therefore it does not accept the authority of the listing of the Ten Commandments that appears in the Bible. Islam does, however, accept the status of both Moses and Jesus as prophets, which means that the commandments are not completely ignored, either. Anyway, can any reasonable Christian person truthfully state that rape is not against morality? Ask yourself if rape is morally wrong and what kind of punishment should be wrought upon a filthy rapist..........Go ahead, think about it. While you're thinking, here's a scripture showing that God "The Moral Guideline" is not only pretty nonchalant about it, he gives instructions on when to do it. Deuteronomy 20:10-14,

    10 "When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
    11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee.
    12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it:
    13 And when the Lord thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword:
    14 But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the Lord thy God hath given thee."

    These women mentioned in this scripture were meant to be taken as wives and concubines against their will. They were UNWILLING vessels for sex! Don't kid yourself, they were rape victims. So if you believe that rape is morally reprehensible and God does not (according to Biblical evidence), either you are wrong about it being so bad, or you are willing to follow a God you know to be morally reprehensible... ...That stings...

    Murder? It's wrong. This IS one of the ten commandments. So for Christians, Its absolute validity as a moral truth CANNOT be denied. Forget for a moment that the vast majority of Christians in this country believe in the death penalty. (go figure, that one) Let's look at God's personal track record, though. God killed countless men, women and children in the Bible. Some might say that God is "just" and his decisions are moral regardless. And if you believe this, then you believe the slaughter of innocent babies is justified. Remember, under the three Abrahamic religion's view, morality is objective. So it MUST be okay when God does it or commands it. He burned entire cities to the ground. These cities would have undoubtedly included innocent children. He destroyed every creature on the planet except Noah and his crew. and child...murdered. So is murder morally wrong? If yes, then God is morally wrong. If no, then one of the ten commandments isn't a moral truth handed down from God. Which is supposed to be?

    These are two big examples that demonstrate that God is clearly not moral according to what we know about morality. This is in direct defiance to what the Bible says is true. So, what the hell is true? If God can't even get the big stuff right, then what are we left to believe about his character? Christians will say that "God is love and we just don't understand his nature." But in saying this, they are plainly ignoring all these nasty bits I've talked about that we are all aware of. However, if God is love, let's look at how the Bible defines love and juxtapose this with what we've discussed so far. The Book of Corinthians chapter 13 states that 'love is patient and kind'. Can anyone honestly say that God is patient and kind? He destroyed the entire world by drowning everyone (C'mon). It says that 'love does not envy or boast'. God self-proclaims his own jealous nature (several times) and boasts about how awesome he is (like, all the time). It states that 'love is not arrogant or rude'. The story of Job reflects his nature as overflowing with both rudeness and being an arrogant asshole just to win a bet. Chapter 13 explains that 'love does not insist on getting its own way'. (I mean, do I even have to comment on this one?) It further says that 'love is not irritable or resentful'. Really? God has continually both resentful and pretty goddamn irritated throughout all of the 66 books.

    So what do we know? Well, God is not moral. And he clearly does not represent the Bible's OWN interpretation of what love is. What argument can Christians possibly throw at this? Well, I'm gonna tell ya. Are you ready? Because here is the ONLY come back Christians have to the devastating blow that these arguments have in their feeble beliefs. Isaiah 55:8-9,

    8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
    9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

    All too often, Christians are going to hear this scripture because the only way to answer the indefensible nature of God is with this unapologetic cop-out. So many Christians wonder about these things. "What answer do I have to give them to give them comfort that we're not wasting our lives? His ways are higher than ours and... blah blah blah?" This simple stupid scripture is so ingrained in the minds of so many, that they truly think it's an adequate response in the face of these tough questions. When it's actually nothing more than absolute proof that God is an immoral mass-murdering megalomaniac (that is if he is indeed real.)

    So keep Isaiah 55 in mind and let's finish by looking at the Bible with a fresh perspective. Let's noted that this God (whose ways are so different from man's and whose thoughts were so much higher than man's) sure did act like a man. Particularly, the way men thought back then in the bronze and iron ages. Is it curious how God was jealous, petty and woefully uneducated about the very world he supposedly created? His ways higher than ours? Are you sure? Women were subjected to exile while menstruating and forced to wash themselves as though they were diseased. This clearly indicates that God had no understanding that something as simple as a woman's period. As a matter of fact, he condemned it as an abomination that which was out of the scope of understanding of simple science. Now I want to state this again because this one is striking. God happen to CONDEMN as an ABOMINATION the VERY SAME THINGS that FREAKED OUT the DUDES who were walking around at the time! How are his ways higher than ours, when he never demonstrated one single knowledgeable idea? Not one. There isn't a single idea or concept in the entirety of the Bible that couldn't have been offered up by a common man back then. Let alone today.

    God was also a baby killing mass-murderer. Think about that. Hosea 13:16 states, "Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child (their pregnant women) shall be ripped up."

    ...............How could this possibly be justified by saying his thoughts are higher than ours, when this is so clearly an act of evil genocide? What makes more sense to your logical mind? That his ways are higher than our ways? That his thoughts are higher than our thoughts? Or that these were rules created by an ignorant, uneducated and warmongering group of men who lived at a time of darkness and cruelty?

    The God of the Bible is unarguably NOT a moral creature and does nothing to represent what we know about altruism, love and compassion. His past nature and crimes against humanity cannot be overlooked or forgotten because he "supposedly" sent his son to slaughter. In what logical universe does it make any sense? The only thing that does make sense, that Abraham's God of the Bible, simply not real.

    You are who you choose to be. I used to be a Christian since I was a little kid, but I don't believe in that anymore, starting this year. To each his/her own, I guess. After finally looking at the bible with an analytical mind and not an obedient mind, a lot of things started to not make sense. I'll explain so you or anybody else can grasp what I'm trying to convey (that is, if the first half didn't). A God, all powerful supreme being that knows all, sees all before, now and after, eons before any word or action or thought ever occurred, suddenly decided to purposefully created a universe (or existence if you will), meaning that God existed in a "non-existent" existence (???), purposefully made the devil (Lucifer) he knew would betray him, purposefully made Adam and Eve he also knew would disobey, purposefully created a tree of the knowledge of good and evil (meaning, he CREATED the knowledge.) and purposefully placed it conveniently near the very people he did not want to eat of it. Purposefully did it all, knew it all, and yet, allowed all the horror and death and bad times the world has ever seen in world history of all the billions that have been murdered in his name.

    After thinking about that, I asked myself "Well why? Why would a loving generous-understanding-gracious God allow all of this to be so? Free Will? Or maybe the story is bologna?" So it made me think about if that was me, imagine you knew a son you never had would pick up a gun 2020 June 16th at 6pm in your living room and pull the trigger, blowing his brains out, would you prevent that from happening? Or would you allow it to be so?

    Why did God tell Moses to convince Pharaoh to release the slaves if he was going to harden his heart anyway? If he wouldn't have hardened his heart, he may have let them go in peace and nobody would have died. That's like telling someone to stop a fight, but you in the back instigating the whole thing to get worst. I read that God wanted to show his awesome power in doing so. But my thing is, a man showing miraculous acts of God that he bestowed on Moses in the first place would have been enough to convince them because OBVIOUSLY the "Egyptian Magicians" didn't have the exact same powers as Moses did at some point. They both turned staffs into snakes, they both turned water into blood, they both made frogs show up, but couldn't reproduce the gnats. The magicians even said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he would not listen, because God deliberately hardened his heart. What if he didn't!? Things would have turned out differently!

    So you're going to have Moses do magic tricks SPECIFICALLY to convince the Pharaoh, who will not be convinced SPECIFICALLY because you will FORCE him not to be convinced, taking away his FREE WILL? And in doing so, punishing him (for something he had no control over) by killing all the first born? Not to mention the old king of Egypt demanded the deaths of the firstborn Israelites and God rewarded the midwives for disobeying the King. Thereby confirming that they had done the right and good thing by refusing to murder the first born sons. So now, God is doing exactly what the evil king wanted to do. God, the almighty, planned to do exactly what he already confirmed was the wrong thing to do! So why didn't God lead by example? "The perfect standard of Goodness" ???

    If God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, why did he send two angels to stake out Sodom & Gomorrah to find out things he already knew and saw up close and personal? Not to mention having unlimited power that could correct things before ever even happening in the first place.........Something's not adding up.
    And the other thing that seemed odd... If God didn't know (which sounds weird to say in a sentence), but he wanted to save "good people" in those cities, Why did he save Lot when Lot offered up his daughters to be gang-raped? That doesn't sound like a good man at all. If you had daughters and threw them on the sex trafficking market, would you be viewed as a good man? And yet, this was the man that God allegedly saved.

    Praising and worship are odd as well. When I'm being praised for anything, I feel slightly weird but humbled by it like "There's no need."... And yet, in the Bible, it encourages that. And the answer to most would be "Well... it's because he's God... that's why it's okay"... But that doesn't add up either. It's like, what satisfaction would an omnipresent/omniscient God get from praise if he knew when and where you were and weren't going to do it? No shock factor, no surprise. In retrospect and prospect, what would be the point?

    Even the story of Jesus doesn't add up. If Satan is not omniscient (having the ability of foresight), that means Satan couldn't have known about the details of Jesus' birth, events or actions. And yet, Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysus and MANY other Pagan gods have the EXACT (or PRETTY close!) same story thousands of years before Jesus ever arrived. Satan couldn't have known how Jesus story took place. So why is it that Horus' story is identical to Jesus? So who's the copy? And no other religion has killed more people in world history than the religion of God. And I'm not talking about bad people, I'm talking about innocent women and children. And I'm not talking about the people God said that were doing these things, I'm talking about the people God ordered to DO these things.

    Only a fool doesn't ask questions and if there is truly a God out there, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want his people to remain ignorant. And if there's truly a God out there, his message would have NEVER been this confusing, this contradicting and this flawed. Which shocked me even more to find out that the majority of my Christian friends go absolutely berserk about the questions that I ask.

    If we are made in God's image, our minds and our thoughts are in correlation with that. Our feelings and our perception on our definition of what is good and what is bad should also correlate. I used to say the same thing everybody else does, "lessons, providing historical account". But then, if I wanted to teach my son a lesson on how to deal with bullies by having a 28-year-old man beat the living hell out of a 8-year-old, there's no lesson in that. Only the wrong thing to do. And another question that's always asked is "How can we be sure all the scriptures were perfectly and accurately translated throughout the centuries?" Well, considering the fact that The King James version is a translation approved by the British parliament quite a long time ago. So we are reading what corrupt, medieval politicians WANTED us to read. Here's something to ask about Christianity: Why is it that the very basis of the religion seeks to suppress knowledge? The "original sin" was Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge. So this sets up a precedent in the whole religion that people who seek knowledge are sinners. You know what religion doesn't do that? Hinduism...and that's why people who do ask these questions have been vilified in the past. Also, I don't trust that the translation of the Bible we have is what was actually written. It really begs the question why there hasn't been a checking of the translation in modern times, and why the only people who are allowed to read original translations are in highly religious universities usually associated with the Vatican. most of the British monarchy of old were really twisted individuals. The Vatican has all of that, plus A LOT of the Bible that didn't make it into the final "approved" version. Scriptures that any modern day Christian would call blasphemous and sacrilegious, inaccurate and false. Although, you can find the dead sea scrolls online and many other original texts, we can't just say something is original just because it says "Original" on them. Not to mention before the 66 books were put together, there were undoubtedly over a dozen books they didn't include in the bible because they "personally" felt they didn't correlate with the rest of the 66 books. But after reading the bible my whole life, it's painfully obvious the 66 books didn't correlate as well.

    I have a theory that Rome never really gave up its conquest to rule the world, they simply found a more efficient way of doing so. "Religion!" What makes no sense at all is if there is a supreme being, why would he or she want their creations to remain stupid? We all want to see our children grow and become intelligent, right? What makes perfect sense, however, is that people in positions of power would want their subjects to remain ignorant and without the desire to seek knowledge. Religious people will tell you not to ask questions, just trust in God. And this is why, it's because the very basis of the religion admonishes seeking knowledge. I'll bet if we could read the original texts, they might paint a different picture. The Original Sin motif is very inherent into the church's brainwashing technique. It prevents people from asking questions and just accepting whatever the preacher or the bible tells them or whatever they personally interpret. In their mind, their interpretation is justified because of the unsettling nature behind how they view "interpretation". The problem with that is, it becomes entirely subjective at that point. The difference between objective truth and subjective interpretation is, your view on truth is not a requirement. It will be truth regardless of how you personally feel or interpret it. By the way, there would be NO need to simplify the bible's text considering the fact that these texts were written around a time that people believed the earth was flat and stars were dots in the sky. These are the people with limited understanding of the universe or anything. Then this information was taken by people that specifically changed the text for people to understand? But according to the bible, it is forbidden to change anything, put in or take out. And yet, the entire bible is a mixture of all of that. This is the part where people "Cherry pick" their beliefs. They pick and choose what they feel resonates their own morality while ignoring all the nasty parts. And if you don't know what cherry picking is: "Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias. Cherry picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. This fallacy is a major problem in public debate."

    If God truly exists, he wouldn't want me to believe in a man made book that makes him look like a warmongering twisted contradictory Omni-hypocritical, Omni-hateful, Omni-maniacal Killing God of war that sends himself to save us from everything he knew eons before it would happen and created it anyway.

    It even says in the Bible that it's okay to have slaves, okay to kill someone for growing different vegetables in the same spot, stoned for wearing clothes with different fabrics. Almost every single aspect to living sets up a way of life where there is no living. I can't live like that. If God is absolute, then he makes no mistakes and his message is 100% truth. So the old testament and the new testament speak of two TOTALLY separate Gods. And last I checked, God doesn't change his mind. It doesn't take worldly thinking to see how awful and sick this God is in that book. Which begs the question "Is that REALLY the true nature of God? or is this book a fabrication to weaken people's process of thinking and to permit madness?"

    The other thing that bothered me is the huge difference between the old testament and the new testament. If God is absolute, if God is truth, if God doesn't change his mind and if God's message is undeniable, why is his message so hypocritical? Why do Modern day Christians say the old testament doesn't matter? Did God seem to feel the same way? But if God is absolute, then everything he says won't contradict nor take back what he says. But the entire bible is an entire collection of that. Contradictions, hypocritical actions, wishy washy tell you one thing, then do the other things. If God is all knowing and everywhere and gave us a message, it should be one message that unifies all. 1+1=2 in America, 1+1=2 in China. A universal agreement. But the stories of God don't do that.

    I look at the entire book with an open mind. If you replaced God in all those texts and replaced him with a man on earth, you could easily see that he was a madman that deserved the fullest extent of the law. A man that loved his people and killed them and loved them and manipulated them and killed them some more. You read it with an open mind and plainly see that. If we are made in the image of God, common sense should be one of them. And if that's the case, it's easy to say this "God" in the book is a tyrant when reading the psychopathic instructions God were giving people (that's assuming the bible is THE true God that we've only heard about through other primitive men). And yes, I've studied the bible my whole life! Nobody needs to quote scriptures from the bible. Google is miraculously available for everyone. Click of a button and anything anybody says in here can be verified or not.

    People that believe in it say that they have this understanding of it without being conducive to what "understanding" truly means. They call it "understanding" but they mean something totally different, even though they think they know what they mean. They literally don't understand no more than you or I do. They just call it that to make themselves not look completely insane, even though their statements are clearly that.....insane. Been a Christian majority of my life. Even preached the gospel. Got saved, baptized, the works. Studied day in, day out. Found out amazing things... but things change, you stop believing in fairy tales and start using your head.

    I know, according to the new testament, everything in the old testament was "fulfilled", but if God is absolute and doesn't change his mind, he seems to not be absolute and changes his mind quite frequently in these books. In contrast, the God of the new testament and the God of the old testament talks about two totally different Gods. In fact, God's behavior seems to be totally separate from the God of the old testament. Which logically does not make any form of sense.

    P.S: If God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, this would undoubtedly mean that every moment, since the beginning of time and before time was perceived, that every single bad and horrible thing that has ever happened, every bad invention, every disease, every death, every murder, every sexual assault, every war, every massacre, every disaster, everything, he was aware of it before it happened and before he even created the universe. Even before he created Lucifer, he knew all of this, when it happened, knew the results of each moment after it happened, and he was a witness to each moment that these things occurred. And not only was he aware before and after, and was there before and after, he also has the limitless power to prevent everything that has ever scourged the world. Which concludes that everything was also predetermined. Which means that every commandment, every story, he knew the outcome. Before he even created the entire universe, he knew how it would turn out. Everything. Making "Free will" a delusion according to the belief of God. So it was all played out, by him... And him alone.......that's if he exists. If there is a God, he is not the one of the bible. And yes, humans will always be the problem, and humans CREATED religion. Some people have motives to do harm without political or religious influences. Unfortunately, the vast majority of major incidents such as this is. We don't need citation by authors, poets, politicians, religious leaders or scientists and doctors to confirm this. ISIS or ISIL (or whatever people want to call it) being a terrorist organization that exists or not, created by us or not, political or religiously motivated is debatable. However, I did say that politics is religiously influenced regardless.

    I hope you enjoyed reading. If you didn't, that's okay, I won't hate you for it. But I will say this. I'm not saying God is not real, I'm saying the God of the bible doesn't sound like the God of reality if there is one. The idea of nothingness becoming somethingness is hard to accept. The idea of there being a God sounds more possible for an existence than without. If there is a God, he's not the one in those books. If he is, he's nothing more than a kid with a magnifying glass just based on the evidence of the bible alone.

    And if you disagree, explain why.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
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  3. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I haven't read it all, but from where I stopped, I'm sure I'm going to agree with you. You're pretty spot on.

    I'm going to read the rest later this evening, and post evidence to what you're saying, too. Most people are going to totally disagree, but I came to a realization a LOOONG time ago: You can't 'believe' and 'know' at the same time.

    Seek knowledge, not beliefs.
  4. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Thanks a lot man! I appreciate it. I can't wait for your feedback #TwoThumbsUp
  5. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    I haven't start to read yet but:
    the first sentence breath immediately the open mind.:wink:
    the guy is intolerant because he doesn't like to read or because he isn't open minded?:rofl:

    However wow! You are prolific!

    Yop, let's read about your mind openness.:)
  6. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    LOL! Well there is definitely variations to that but think about this, people who don't like to read long posts or don't want to read long posts (especially posts they feel go against the very fabric of their being) which would naturally be something you can't tolerate or lack patience in. So you don't care enough to, and keep scrolling. Lol I call that intolerance. Lol you disagree?
  7. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I have read your post the basic idea yea i agree with i think most musicians will. I had written a long dissertation about what you had written then just decided to not post it as i feel it just "preaching to the choir" to coin a phrase . my question is why so long when you could have just asked "do you believe in organised religion?"
  8. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i'm gonna wait till the movie gets released
  10. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I wanted to elaborate on the subject.
  11. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Oh, I feel the same way. It's basically a comparison to which that is subjective and what actually is. I illustrated that in the OP. Thanks for reading.
  12. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Great! I'll let you know when it's released.
  13. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

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  14. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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  15. Arb

    Arb Newbie

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Nice post (de tribus impostoribus), you really dig into it. Personally I've long since stopped trying to make sense or nonsense of the absudities of the bible. To me, organized religion in societies is - and was - chiefly about control. Make the masses mindpolice themselves, much cheaper and more effective than a STASI. Generally speaking the more modern, secular, open and effective state - the less religion and vice versa. But today, religious tolerance should be first on the agenda (Lennon’s borderless, humanist, atheist society will have to wait a while) as people in power are successfully betting on the irrationalities of religion to promote a perpetual state of war in and in-between societies to distract us from appreciating the rationale that it's really all about them or us.
  16. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    In fact, I have already read part of this in the other thread.

    I've growth in a christian culture country, but I am not believer, for me, it's just culture and I see that like greec mythology, nothing more.
    First of all, it could be good to define what moral is. And who said that this unique god was moral. Furthermore, more than the being who created this concept. Plus, greecs and romans had pantheon and they weren't more moral. maybe in this time you would have made the same plea with multi gods.
    you speaking about these three ones like plague but I should put all in the same basket, even buddhism (its history is not as golden as many believe). I think the plague is a minority of humans who lead and control the mass. Before there were religion as now there is technology, both are tools and aren't bad, depends in which hands, often those who use fear to control (i.e.just see who own mass medias).

    It's important to not confuse morality with the common sense. For me subjective morality exist
    only for psychopath, thus don't really exist. Average sane human with education and common sense, there's only objective morality. murder is murder same to do making something to someone against his will whatever the bible or god saids. Humans are morals until their sacrifice or survive instincts, as a luxury that comfort provides us.

    I always find funny the way people personify god as it is human and acting like one. I see the divine more a sa conjecture of a multiverse where causes and consequences are interlinked like a animated tesseract. I leave personification for poets.

    I love to think that Life forms wherever they are, are the senses who pemit to the multiverse its own awerenes. This is divine enough for me, for now.

    If god is a person, he is a spoiled kid who fed up playing with his old toys and maybe had new ones which plays them elsewhere in his room, and humans are in the pitch black derelict in the toys box.:)

    I am agree with you on the substance but the form is not religion detached enough for me.
    I think mythology is nothing more than mythology, tales about human history through divine pretences.
    The sad thing is the evil that men do in the end.

    This is my point of view, the way I see the world, the sky, the nature and life.
    With child's eye and adult humility.:bow:

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  17. Vince Bramich

    Vince Bramich Ultrasonic

    Jan 11, 2015
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    Melbourne, Australia
    yeah I dont need to believe in magic in order to be a good, moral person.
  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    why I have to read all this load of bullshit in an audio forum? please moderator delete the post
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  19. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    If you don't want to read it, then don't. You're not obligated to. And it's in the lounge section. which is "general discussion" about anything. But calling something bullshit you haven't read isn't too bright.
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  20. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    The old testament is about how God is an A hole. The new testament is about how good his son Jesus Christ is. Christians do not follow the teachings of Christ, how ironic. It is all about mind control of the sheep, power and money to aristocrats and leadership of the sects. This sums up Christianity - Professional beggars and controllers of weak minds. Muslims are even worse about following their prophet. They ignore the fact he was severely flawed (way more than Jesus) and was actually not just hated Christians but took to rebelling against the order (powers that be) of the day like a spoiled brat. Killing victims of rape because they are adulterers but letting go the rapist. Nut job. Not standing up and saying that extreme Muslims are wrong and need to be stopped or not even doing something to tip off authorities about the terrorist sympathizers. Most support the extremists in theory which is almost as bad a pulling the trigger or lighting the fuse. Nut jobs. When you get down to it god or his prophets are irrelevant, and are just tales used to control the masses. Sharia law is a perfect example of this. Republican right wingers and their holier than thou so called conservatism is another. I don't think god hates fags or Mexicans.
    Almost all wars are religious. What does that say about how moral religion is.
    I don't need religion to be a good person either.
    Religious people tend to be less good of a people than secular people anyway. :woot:

    I stopped believing in religion at 13, my age of reason. i say "Keep your God Damned religion to your God Damned self".
    I need to get that on a shirt.
    My late night rambling is over.

    Thanks Chris.
    Ash, I like the toy box reference.
    See y'all in hell, what a party it will be. :disco: :dj: :speaker: :guitarhero: :headbang: :drummer: :metal: :cheers: :phunk:
  21. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    You're welcome. And no problem man. Thanks for reading. lol