best cinematic libraries for scoring?

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by junt, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. junt

    junt Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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  3. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Libraries for scoring? :unsure:
  4. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    A frame from the cinematic, Library of Oregon.

    Looks good for scoring!! :wink:
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  5. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    i'll take the chance to ask for some Choirs Libraries, or your favorites ?
  6. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    nice boobz, can i download them xd ?
  7. nickveldrin

    nickveldrin Member

    May 31, 2015
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    I think the better question should be "What is the best DAW for writing orchestral scores that could both be epic in scale/tone, like trailers/action-films,etc as well as orchestral scores to establish mood in a movie/television scene?"

    Hopefully in this way, we can find out what is the best MIDI type tool, the workflow that works best to layer down the parts, and viola!

    I want to know these things in my super early months of basic learning that still hasn't gone anywhere. Someday i hope!
  8. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Dude he asked for libraries, not the daw, the daw is your choice, pick what ever suits you...
  9. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Your question may have an extensive answer, mainly because you don't specify what kind of cinematic are you looking for, if dark one, more orchestral oriented or what. But in any case I can quickly reccomend you some Big Fish Audio Ambient Skyline series for a soft thing, or if you want it darker then Altered Realiy (same company) or try the Zero-G Cinematic Ambiences. Or if you simply like it orchestral I would recommend any Project SAM library.
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  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    U don t use libraries with all the sections jammed together like symphobia or session strings if u wanna really score,so start by excluding those libraries that dont divied each section, they r good only for those who think that the instruments ina parallel way and nevver heard of counterpoint ,division of parts and so on.This said,the best orchestra library hasn t been released yet,sisnce it hasn t been created..Some liobraries come lcoser than others in terms of realism and playability,although each library has its strength and its weakness,so dont expect that just because the double basses in LASS sound good, the violas are equally good.
    Probably the best bet now is spitfire with its modular libraries if your pc resourses aow u to handle al the heavy patches and if u keep in mind that just because during a concert u might her the sound of a player putting down the bow it doesn t mean that the guys at spitfire should have sampled that annoying noises as well.
    For solo instruments the things are trickier.I haven t found yet a solo bowed instruement,or a breath instrument that could sound realistic without a lot of service solo cello so far is the best i ve tested,friedlander violin is pretty good too
  11. mcclaine

    mcclaine Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    I think Project Sam are great for doing mock ups, or even small segments. It all depends on the budget you have, or your clients budget.
    8Dio has good stuff too.
  12. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Are you joking????!!!!!!!

    Every single libary has it's pro's and con's. I currently have around 300 (Kontakt alone) that I would consider for use in scoring for film, tv, video games and advertising. I delete several libraries each year as they become useless or haven't been used by me in my compositions.

    If you're new at this, you better start amassing your collection along with learning each library's strength and weaknesses. DO NOT assume the manufacturer is telling the truth and DO NOT believe the demo's they feature. Those are useless indicator's of the reality that is a library when you open it up and use it for the first time. I know... because, I provide demo work in the BETA stage to several manufacturer's in exchange for their libraries (as payment and exposure). That's why you will see some companies feature demos that are "naked" and "dressed".

    Truth of the matter is that the closest you'll get to emulating REALISM in scores will still require several string libraries as well as horn, woodwind libraries etc. to cover the various articulations that you'll need to create convincing realistic scores. Here's a list of articulations from the single most complete offering from one company (VSL) and even they lack in sonic necessities (be sure to open every single instrument to realize the amount of articualtions for the orchestral elements alone... thousands):!Sample_Content

    Good luck to you... you'll need it!
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2015
  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I would go with the Spitfire Audio libraries.
    Orchestral Tools or SAM are good as well.
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  14. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    There's a ton of really elaborate sample libraries for orchestra emulation. But if you're asking which ones are the best for scoring, I'd hands-down go with the Symphobia/True Strike libraries. You may not have the time to layer each instrument into your arrangement, and the Symphobia/True Strike libraries (get all three Symphobias, if possible) lets you go by sections, rather then have to sweat the small details, in a short amount of time. I also augment this with Miroslav Philharmonik for solo instruments or different orchestral sounds.
  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Strange question, but I would say all Spitfire BML Libraries, Albions and Percussion. And all three Symphobias on top of it.
    I consider it strange, as true film composer can never have enough samples. :rofl:
  16. junt

    junt Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    what pc/mac setup is ideal for these kind of libraries? parts etc. thanks for all the reply for giving ur spare time really appreciate it
  17. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Okey i'll give you my List of a Must-Have-Libraries :

    First of all, start by having the Kontakt Factory Library, it hase something from everything, not that good, but it have some cool stuff that you may find nice, and it's stuff work well if you layer them...

    Download Sample Tank 3, kind of the same of Kontakt Factory Library, but a bit advanced, and it can work well if you layer stuff too, has some good sounding sample, worth the time and energy...

    okey now i'm gonna list my Favorite Soundbank, either kontakt Library or a sound library that you can get easily, just google it...

    Piano :
    - XLN - Addictive keys : They have some good very good Piano Sample, check the Studio Grand - Section > GRAND NOIR, it's my favorite one, it sounds so cool, and even better with my Fav reverb RC48 and some delay, absolutly nice... 9/10 (almost 5GB)

    - Cinesamples - Piano in Blue (V2), a very very good Library, sounds cool BUT, it is so Heavy on the RAM... 9.5/10 (10GB)

    - Heavyocity - AEON Melodic, they do have a hidden Piano it sounds nice but there is some problems with some keys, you may not hear them but i do, worth the try, it can be found : Organic > Keys - Piano Organ Wurli > Piano. check it... 7.5/10 (13GB the whole thing)

    There is other Piano that i have checked these what i've came out with, some others may have some different taste, but i do like these, anyway try Tweaking them, and use some exciters, to get a bright sound with any Piano Library, and Reverb will do the trick, some delay too ? depends on your taste...

    Now to,

    Strings :
    - Cinimatic Strings 2.1 : This is a Must-have-Library, if you don't have this, stop everything and go search for it, it is one of the most used Library in my compositions... although it is a heavy one, but totally worth the RAM, check it and see how it sounds for yourself... 9.5/10 (21.1GB)

    - LA - Scoring Strings 2 : Nice Souding Library, not that clean, you need to do allot of work to get the sound you want from it, kinda if nice if you Throw a lot of reverb on it... 7.5/10 (15.6GB)

    - Spitfire - BML Sable Strings 1.1 : This one is so huge, because of the Mics and Positioning... has some soft Sounding string really loving it, but as i said it is so huge 9/10 (81.5GB)

    - Orchestral Tools - Symphonic Sphere : Very useful this one, love how they made it sound... 8.5/10 (29.3GB)

    -Embertone - Friedlander Violin : Embertone, what a god damn fantastic sounding Library i'm in love with this Company, the most realistic Strings sounds for me, totally worth the time and energy, they do have another library, and it sounds as good as the first one :
    * Embertone - Blakus Cello

    10/10 for both

    (7.66GB) Friedlander Violin
    (3.37GB) Blakus Cello

    - CineStrings CORE : a Huge one yet a good one, i like it, but i don't use it that mush... 9/10 (44.8GB)

    - Native Instruments - Session Strings Pro Library.

    there is still some other libraries maybe other members will mention them...

    Bass :

    - Spectrasonics - Trilian : a Freakin' Must have Library (Not a Kontakt Library tho) it's pure sounds, and the bass instruments that it contains make it #1 Choice for me, whenever i'm working on Metal, Cinematic Stuff or even EDM, i chose this Sick one! totally worth the 10/10 (33.2GB)

    - APOLLO - Cinematic Guitars : it Bass Guitar sounds so good it is light and a different sounding Library, this one is my #2 Choice... 9/10 (13.3GB)

    - Vir2 Instruments - BASiS 1.1 : kinda of Basic and very light, it can get the Job done! 8/10 (7.41GB)

    Percussion :

    - Spitfire Audio HZ01 Hans Zimmer Percussion London Ensembles : Maybe the most Powerful Cinematic Percussion Library ? the problem that it is so heavy. 9.5/10 (67GB)

    - Native Instruments - Action Strikes Library : My #1 Choice : very useful have all kind of Cinematic sounds, you may not need other Libraries... 9.75/10 (3GB)

    - Native Instruments - Evolve Mutations 2 : Check it for yourself, youtube it.

    - Heavyocity - Damage Library : Nice Ready-to-use Percussion sounds, it has some good loops, you can even drag the midi from the Bank to your Daw and edit the Loop to match your choice... 8/10 (14.9GB)

    - Orchestral Tools - The Timpani KONTAKT : Just check this one!! you may love it! 8.5/10 (6.29GB)

    - Shreddage Drums : a Solid bank that may come in handy in some unique situations... 9/10 (11.7GB)

    ** I use sometimes (or maybe all the time) a battery library, Check EZDrummer, and XLN Addictive Drums, so powerful so nice sounding, with the right tweaking you'll get that perfect sounding you're looking for... 9.75 for Both... (8.56GB) the XLN one, the other 30Gigs maybe ? dunno hard to count.

    Choirs :

    - Cinesamples - Voxos Epic Virtual Choir : a good library ? it depends on your taste 8.5/10 (17.3GB)

    - March Soundiron Men's Choir : test it yourself, or Youtube it. (12.3GB)

    - 8Dio Requiem Professional 1.1 : My #1 Choice when it comes to Choirs, sometimes i don't find what i need, but it has some large amount of Samples and allot of stuff that you may find useful/need, but it is my Fav... 8.5/10

    Other Libraries that you may need/a Must have ones :

    - ProjectSAM - Orchestral Essentials (Has everything that you need it is light and powerful a Must-have)
    - Bravura Scoring Brass (may Fav when it comes to Brass)
    - Native Instruments - Rise and Hit Library
    - Best Service - Shevannai Library (The Angel Voice Kontakt Library, it has the Perfect Legato, Check this one it is so nice)

    I have allot more, but it is hard to go through all of them, i wish you the best of luck in your journey...

    some link you may find useful : (Crazy Russian Private Torrent website, they seed like hell, you may find whatever you need there, you may need to register for free if you want to get that good juice...) (from torrent to HTTP, it helps you download torrent at high speed, and it help you stay invisible if you live in a country where download/ and torrenting is prohibited, it is 80€ a year but totally worth, it store the data in their server, then you can download them to your computer, my Fav tool to download big torrent, or even small one... torrents stay in your account, for life, as long as you're paying each year) not bad torrent website. the Kickass Torrent website, the king!

    good luck.
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  18. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Get yourself, a 32Gig, Machine with a good CPU (4790K to 5960X) and allot of Storage room, like 4 2TB Hard drives ?
    32Gigs at least 16 will not get you far if you're willing to make some kick ass Tracks...

    These are the best, fastest and most reliable Hard Drives i've ever seen, grab your self as mush as possible that your motherboard can hundle!

    it has almost double the speed normal HDD have it can get to 200Mb/Sec Speed, most drives have 100to 120 don't go beyond 140Mb/s this one has almost 200, good choice for Libraries.
  19. junt

    junt Member

    Oct 30, 2015
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    thank you thank you so much for your reply really very helpful i appreciate it a lot bless you this will help me a lot thanksss!
  20. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    And... Cello!

    Let's not discriminate. :rofl:
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