Track Made Completely by Single Synth-Request For Feedback

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Dee.P.Tree, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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  2. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    That second piece is mesmerising. Great job! Should you feel like adding tabla doum, tek and dah rhytms in an authentic style, you'd be onto a winner IMHO.
  3. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    @DarthFader yeah... I love ethnic instruments. I've tried Tabla in my early experiments...! The intention here was to create sounds with only one synth. So, I did not use original instrument sounds.

    By the way, little bit out of this thread... But wanna share that... I experimented with Dub Genre with Tabla to remix KSHMR's EDM track Jammu. I made it for spinning records' remix contest for that track. I did not enter because I could not complete it in time. I now have learnt that it is not well mixed track, specially in second part. But it is not tooooo bad to throw it away, I think.

  4. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Really nice creative work! The mix must be good too because it sounds great on my crappy laptop speakers :)
  5. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Thanks for listening and commenting. I appreciate your effort. :bow:

    About mix quality, only experienced musicians and artists can tell... I think. But, I've tried to do better work in that part compared to my previous works with my laptop speakers...and Earbuds. ;-)
  6. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Oh. Mea culpa. I didn't realise that the intention was to use a single synth. In which case, the substitutions that you made for ethnic instruments were spot on. Well done! :bow:

    Looking forward to hearing more of your work. :thumbsup:
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  7. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Thanks... @DarthFader for your kind words and revisiting this thread.

    I had almost lost hope to get any more feedback. It is very difficult to get honest feedback or even harsh words of criticism.

    World is so busy to spare time from its busy schedules.

    So... you and all members here ... who have spent some minutes of their busy life for me.. are worth of my salutes and bows.

    :bow: :bow: :bow:
  8. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    the fact that you create these wonderful tapestries of sound with a single softsynth is impressive. is there a reason that you are limiting yourself? you are obviously very creative. why not widen your pallette?
  9. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Don't know about his reasons but very often these kind of limitations can be the difference between having a song done vs having many projects in your DAW that haven't gone very far beyond a melody with a certain synth sound.

    The last full song I did was all freeware plugins. The other option would be installing gigs of VSTi samplers (in other words, procrastinate) and ending up spending most of the time trying sounds instead of writing music. :rofl:
  10. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    The main idea is to LEARN each and every aspects of music production. From whatever I have read in last year of active production activities, I have understood that sound design is one of starting point to express what is in my mind and thoughts to create electronic music. (The scene changes when there is discussion about live music players or instrumentalists)

    Off course, music theory is the most important thing. It was. It is. And it will be.

    But I think, When we squeeze lemon, we can get more juice of of it. So, I am limiting myself to gain maximum.

    If I would have never started with sound design with single synth, I would have never known that what ADSR... LFO... Modulation... Filter is with respect to music. Would have never tried FM synthesis or Modular synthesis. Would have never thought how drum and percussion sounds are designed.

    I would have never known power of sine wave...ramp wave... triangular wave... square wave.

    So... I am able to now better appreciate electronic musician's job.

    I also love sample based music too. I also try it time to time using freewares.

    One more thing that I can not spend on commercial sounds now... Because can't invest where I am not sure of my capabilities to get return of that investment.

    This is period of testing own self to decide where is my future.
  11. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    And yes... R2R has big role for opening my eyes. I was collecting whatever was up. But later on I realized... What is was for... I don't know how to use them... What I am supposed to do with "GBs of Data"? ( yes... if don't know how to use it, it is only data. 0s and 1s.) This thought was helped by R2R and other teams by closing their doors for general public.

    That realization made me tweak more and more knobs in sensible way to create desired sounds.

    Thanks R2R. :bow:
  12. Just to remind those in the know and to inform those that do not, we have a treasure trove of free synths and effects listed and lovingly tended by our member in good standing, the mighty Green One, Oysters. The internal link to the famous, known, heard of and WTF never knew that existed is: Go knock yourself out and explore the goodies at our very own freeware directory, you'll be glad you did. But wait, for a limited time only, the next 5 members to visit the post for the first time will receive our exclusive tea towel, a 25€ value. Hurry on over while supplies last!
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Mandy must be the hot American Exchange student.
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Well, I dont typically sugar coat and I won't here...

    It's all... ok.. pretty repetitive, not particularly creative.. for me.. Then again.. certainly not what I would normally listen to.

    However, Im assuming your not tooo far into your own musical experience and your Enthusiasm, willingness to take critiuqe and learn from and your polite nature to others will take you far if you stay the course.

    Not great... not bad... IMO.

    Good luck mate.

    (I know who Mandy is now)... above ^ could be an alternative version eh!
  15. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    @superliquidsunshine thanks for reminding. I amnregularnvisitor of this thread for quite some time now.

    I am working with the thread in background. Something will come in near future. Something beneficial to members...!!

    BTW, thanks for passing by.... I appreciate it.:mates::wink:
  16. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Thanks @One Reason for visiting this thread, sparing some time to listen and comment.

    Your assumption is correct, I am not far into my musical experience. Although I have some knowledge of Indian classical music, I am new in electronic music production and its various stages.

    There is no relation to music production in my family, relatives or friends.

    That's why I run after members here to get something heard and feed me back with suggestions critique..whatever they feel to share about the track... which my inexperienced ears don't listen.

    Whatever I have learnt and will learn about production techniques is by various forum members only. I also get things known via YouTube.

    Again, thanks for your feedback. It is important for my future work. :bow:
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  17. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    When in doubt, just slam a limiter on your master track and turn your song into a brick.

    There's a big portion of listeners out there that won't be able to distiguish your brick from another producer's brick so, you'll get praise.

    Seriously, don't listen to me. The loudness trend seems to be fading away. :rofl:
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  18. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I will listen to you, in fact, everybody who spends their valuable time to reply in this thread.

    I take it as production advise when I want louder track. I need to take care that I don't over do it.

    I thought that it might not be very helpful when I want to create ethnic sounding track. Eventhough, I had tried with limiter no. 9 to hard compress the master track but gentle compression sounded better to my ears.

    Needless to say... I'll remind myself with your words in future when I create more electronic sounding track. :winker::rofl:

    If I deserve praise, I will accept it with pride. But, suger coated words... I want be away while learning.
  19. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Here comes my new track...!! My efforts are towards good production tracks with good understanding of sound design, mixing and later on basic mastering. This time I tried FM synthesis and guitar, flute, fire-crackers sounds with nice sounding melody.

    I hope I have improved a bit since my last attempts.

    The track is called: An Old Guitar Ride Of A New Year Eve

    Actually the concept came to my mind when I was travelling to my hometown on regional new year eve just a day after Diwali (English translation: The festival of lights). Diwali is a very famous Indian festival.

    Kindly request for feedback... how it sounds in general. Specific feedback / critique about mixing, sound design and flow of the track is also welcome. It is not at all mastered.
  20. Dee.P.Tree

    Dee.P.Tree Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    OK. That's technical problem at sound cloud. So, the track will not be playable till the problem is solved.

    "We are currently experiencing playback and sign-in issues. Please hang tight while we resolve this. Appreciate your patience and cooperation."

    Thanks who have visited this thread. :bow: