My thoughts about loops and stuff

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by learner, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Ive downloaded almost the interesting files from audioz since 2010. ( 3Tb of kontakt files, tutorials, vst & vsti's and some loops kits...)
    The main reason ive registered on this website it's because i want to know why most of the posts uploaded on audioz are not the vst INSTRUMENTS for mac and pc. I Think & I think a lot of you will agree with me that vstis are more uselfull than loops. I prefer that uploaded with less stuff but with interessting ones to create GOOD music with good sounds not with loops. When i say vstis I mean halionsonic, nexus 2 for mac , uvi soundbanks...
    I also want to know where the loops companies get there sounds from and if its possible to create a stuff like typhoon sounds with a complete package if they are from hardwares esapacially for sfx, special drum kits and percussion... I can create a kontakt file based on drums, percussions, sfx from those loops companies to show you what i mean.
    I'll obey to those slogans : "Try Before You Buy", "Buy this stuff if you make money with it" because we are not millionaires!!!
    Ive made some money with those stuff from audioz by selling beats. The first thing i did is to buy the beats by dre headphone, an imac, a mac book pro, logic pro, 6 external hardrives and my first vsti Titan, i bought this one because he is not on the internet. If there is a keygen of it i'll upload it. I'll buy the others when i'll make more money.
    (sorry for my english if somebody can reexplain what i mean with a better english and tell this to the people concerned it will be fine) THANKS.
  3. Jessycd

    Jessycd Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2011
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    They post loops because there's not New plugins every day...

    If they wouldn't post this "crap" (For me, hope some people find them interesting) the site will probably die quickly...

    Look at websites like avaxhome, it's even worse than here lol

    But I understand perfectly what you are saying !
  4. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I think it is a case of to each his own. I personally don't ever use loops but I'm sure there are many who do. I use very little in the way of synth stuff but many others do. I drool over the latest compressor or eq but many could not be bothered. I too would rather have a VSTi than a loop but it is just my preference. Just some friendly advice, be careful making statements stating something is better than something else...don't want to start a war :wink:
  5. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The odd thing to me is that the loops and tutorials seem to be the main thing that cause all the blacklist issues, when I would imagine in terms of investment and manhours, VSTIs are far more expensive to produce... weird, anyway perhaps a site split would be in order? One site more geared towards technical, software type stuff and one geared towards content, loops, tutorials etc? And whichever one attracts more fire developing stricter and more restrictive membership standards? Just spitballing///
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why is everybody yelling on that loops and soundset stuff - its ok that these things are uploaded - i just got here a very good collection of indian/ arabic percussion loops i never found somewhere else ...

    take it or dont download it - simple is that :)

    besides most of u guys have no idea what is cracked and whats not ...
    nexus 2 for mac isnt cracked also halionsonic, the same goes for the uvi stuff :)

    :rofl: :bleh: i would like to see more loops/ soundsets and i agree audioz would be pretty empty and yh i like it that way ... so more loops ...

    wth split this page up its fine in that way - just search thru and ok ... :bow:
  7. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Guys... Right now the smart thing to do is Download All the tutorials you can find. File sharing is getting limited...
    The more we learn about DAWs and VSTs the more we won't have to rely on soundsets and loops.
    Hear me out, its the smart thing to do before all of these file sharing websites are completely gone...
  8. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Lol! I use Kontakt, Vsti's, Vst's, loops, soundsets, SF2 and I even make my own samples with my synth hardware. If you know how to use this stuff then every bit counts!!! *yes* :wink:
  9. psyfactor

    psyfactor Newbie

    Oct 13, 2011
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    if you only bought all that gear recently, you might want to return the dre beats headphones, because they are pieces of shit.
    use the refund to get some decent headphones!

    you have made $5000+ from selling beats?
    nicely done if so , keep doing it and just buy the stuff you need!
  10. thawizardofahhs

    thawizardofahhs Newbie

    Jan 12, 2012
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    wise words =)
  11. jbaby

    jbaby Newbie

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Look i get what your saying, really though thats just from your perspective.
    Many people on here want to achieve different things. You want to make beats where the next person whats a beat to record on.

    I myself do both, I work a 75hr week NOT in the music industry. So when i sit down at 10pm after work and want to record a song i wrote though the day on a smoke break i dont have the luxury of time to make a beat for it. I jump on audioz and find some cool stuff i can use right away - and im thankful to the many members of audioz for posting it all. I mean you know how long it takes to get a beat sounding good, a sonicly correct beat that doesnt phase itself out, doesnt saturate etc and sounds clean with vocals on top without too much work - its near impossible without spending countless hours. I sleep at 3am and wake at 630am for work - if i had to make all my beats id never sleep literally.

    In saying that though, sometimes i do have nothing to record and i do make beats. I have no music background to tell truth so its all by ear, and it takes me a hell of a long time. A piano riff takes me hours of perfecting as i dont know chord progressions etc where it may take u 5 mins. at the end of the day though when i do compose something it comes out spectacular cause i will spend a 30+ hours on it and every track sits in the mix well. Some of my friends make beats and i can tell you now the very few that i make sound a lot better and they tell me that, again though it comes down to TIME and what you want to get out of your time, essentially, what YOUR GOALS are.

    I do believe if you make money buy the stuff, i doubt anyone on audioz or 99% of the world population can afford to fork out $25000 for the major waves bundle, i mean you may be able to not buy a cart and buy that but really its unaffordable unless you making a lot of money, music type of money. Same goes with samples, if i did sell a song on a sample pack beat i would buy the pack 1st,its that easy. Like many of you though I have downloaded TB's of data and out of all that there may be only a select few things that really you'd ever use - as in pay for - so imaging buying all those packs, how much money would you spend to only know you would be using 1% of it.

    Downloadable samples and plugins are like HARDWARE. Im sure many people have bought hardware after months of researching and money saving to find that its NOT that good or doesnt work exactly the way you thought as everyones situation is different - different application essentialy for everyone. I was happy using a mbox for my 1st few year but wanted an upgrade. My choises were;
    1. MOTU mk2
    2. RME Fireface

    I really wanted the MOTU, so so much and still do in a few ways but i got the RME fireface and im so lucky that i did! Its works perfectly for what i want, my mate got the MOTU and has many issue with it... Just like plugins - many promise things, advertise many things then when you finally get it and use it, it sounds crap, uses up extra system resources etc.

    I just like to say thanks to AUDIOZ, you are king! I think YOU make the home studio a home studio, if there was no AUDIOZ for me i would have still a song base of 100+ songs but they would be on boring instrumentals.

  12. dacalion

    dacalion Newbie

    Oct 31, 2011
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    I like some loops, and I luv VST's...but what I like about loops is most of them have decent drums and/or drum hits that can be easily used and grouped as kits...Then the other instruments in that same loop kit can be chopped or manipulated as well. In other words, just because it's a loop doesn't mean that you have to use is as a loop. I know I'm not the only one here that will chop up a I agree, use it if you want to, if not, don't d/l it! :dunno:
  13. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrm, ReCycle anyone? :dunno:
  14. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Thanks but i disagree with you, the pro ones are great i've mixed a track (ive made the beat too) for a french rapper called passi ( with them and without anything else.
  15. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Not saying it can't be done but there really not ideal for mixing on. The frequency response throughout the spectrum is far from flat, especially 300hz and below.
  16. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I understand what you are saying, because I dont spend all my time to music too, ima a student but all my extra time and my weekends i spend it to first classify all the stuff i've downloaded from audioz make my own soundbanks on vsti's with only the presets that i know i'll use for my beats. I think that i spent more times those few month to classify everything than making beats but know it pays. So I thinks that I use everything from audioz because I've listened to all the stuff i've downloaded and then i select what i like and if i'm bored with my selection i can always go the complete loop package on my exeternal hardrive..., soundbanks from sylenth1 for example listen to presets that i didnt like but with another listen i'll find it cool, same think with kontakt.... I think this method is the more efficient one if somebody has another one , share it. Its more the way u spend ur time, you can spend hundreds of hours of making bullshit, and only an hour by making a good song.
    And i learn the basics of playing piano with a website called warbeats, where people makes remakes of tracks on fruity loops, and then you can practice the basics of chords... by following the melodies on the songs.
  17. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I've heard in a french tutorial buy a guy who made beats for ron browz (its the only one i remeber i know that he made beats for others but i dont want to say bullshit) that they were good and he also said that david guetta had watched his tutorials (they are all in french :, i paid 30 euros for one month but i've downloaded all his tuts with videobox lol)
  18. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I know that they have decent drums but i want to know where those decent drums exactly came from if its possible to make a request to the guy that make typhoon sounds for example to make package with kontakt files with those amazing drums and sfx, and some intruments i can make a video to illustrate clearly what i'm talking about.
  19. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    learner, man, go to sleep bro... GO TO SLEEP.
    I mean, who the f*ck cares about what you do with what you downloaded from Audioz. Yeah, I downloaded 16 million TB of shit from Audioz and I brought the GTX, the Mac Daddy, the Krapicorn and all these craps.
    All of us here on Audioz have a story of what we've done with what we've downloaded, so what?
    A few questions for you: What have you contributed to Audioz since it started?, What do you know about uploading 10 TB for it to show up on Audioz and for all leechers to have a feast on downloading it, have you done that? Are you Strong Sound, Gonbi, DISCOVERZ, Synthicate, beatnik, funtime or any of the dude who regularly hunt for these stuff then take time to upload them, are you any of them? Have you risk your ass anyhow to steal a software package anywhere just with the intent of sharing it with us? What have you cracked? Do you ever hand SAiNT a dime for running Audioz? You may don't even know who is SAiNT and don't give a rat ass? Honestly, with your Beat by Dre, selling a beat to Passi crap. Passi un gua de Ministère AMER et quoi, vous avez fais un peu d'argent? Since you've ask how to make a Loop pack, that means you can't even offer us a pack yourself. So, please tell me what are you complaining about? You forgot how to hit the search button? a big PLEASE READ THIS, all caps subject? You can't be serious.

    You just trolling to find a Nexus 2 for Mac or uvi, you opened a second thread asking the same question bro and obviously got frustrated that you are bumping into Loops pack. That right there tells me that you an amateur in the scene. by now, you'd know NOT to even ask for a Nexus 2, if you want it that bad then pony up and just buy it cause that crack you are looking for ain't coming anytime soon, homie.
    Second, do you think the plugins companies pop plugins off their butt every week? NO. That's why you don't see that many updates on a regular for plugins. Loops packs are a bunch of pre-recorded, chunk of sound that can be put together a thousands times faster than plugins... that's why there's more of them. AND YES, it's normal to have them in Audioz. Look on Magesy, Pro Audio Zone, Avax, they're are there. Just because you don't use them my friend, stop implying or assume that everybody would "agree" with you, NO. Some people DO use them , damn it.

    You can only be thankful for even find a site where you can hang as a tight niche circle. Browse find what you want and bounce. STOP telling anybody, whoever, what should and shouldn't be on Audioz. When SAiNT brings it up, I'll listen, until then zip GO TO SLEEP man. try again some other times and you may find something you need.
    Man, we're even in a hard time figuring out how the scene gonna change in the next couple of months because the powers are hunting the underground scene in the a Post-Megaupload time and all you have to share is your disappointment with Loops? Come on!!!
    How about you get in the debate on what we can expect to get to keep the warez scene going? you have anything constructive for that.
  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    .....urp :wow: dre/monster/dell on...ROFLMFAO.....they got no srs tech.Theyre good for djs that wanna look like everyone else on TV....and your ipod. hmmm, maybe as another refrence when mixing but, not solely. Huh?!?! Guetta siad they were good? Dre and dell said you have to buy them! They need another billion from cookie cutter consumers like you. Thats how you research cans? I wonder what your spread/phase correlation looked like on that track, fukt im sure :rofl:

    uh, I see ultrasones in most of the PRO studios Ive been in, wear those in the booth at the console/desk, not on stage
  21. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I admit that the big PLEASE READ THIS is to much for the bullshit I wrote. And yes it's because I'm frustrated I don't hide it. I always see new loops package swagga this gangsta and I'm bored. And if you think what I'm saying is bullshit why you take the time to reply to an ignorant guy and yes I'm an ignorant too I'm here to learn. 
    I never upload because I'm new to this, I respect those teams that share us all those stuff for free. And if there is thing that I can do to contribute for the community I'll do it. I'm thinking to make a best of all the drum kits like typhoon sounds from those loops package...
    Thanks for this information on pre-recorded... But I heard on some loops package from ynk or MVP loops the broken square presets from nexus that's why I don't like loops so much. 
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