Internal Sharing!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by remix, Oct 4, 2015.


Should the MODS be removed and new ones appointed?

  1. Yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
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  1. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    This topic is ridiculous. Honestly, guys, you have what, like, THOUSANDS of readily available tools to make any concievable music or SFX with...

    Seriously, most important stuff and stuff that most mainstream people use is available. NI? Available. Spire/Serum/Sylenth? Available. Omnisphere2? Available. Latest DAWs? Available. MAX 7? AVAILABLE! Latest Waves? You got it! Damn, what else do you need? Do you expect some MAGIC release to make your stuff BETTER SOUNDING? It won't happen.

    Stuff gets released publicly eventually. Everyone who has watched the scene for a few decades will tell you that. Just work with what you have in the meantime and stop with all the hatred. I could care less about what people share internally. It's their business which doesn't impact me in any way, stop hating on Catalyst, I fail to see him as a source of the problem although I am not an active member of the community, what do I know.

    Anyways. Spend more time working and less time bitching and searching for "internal stuff". It won't solve your problems. I, for one, couldn't care less about anything in the above posted list.

    Best wishes to everyone!
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  2. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    May be good for you but not for everybody.
    Who said to hate Catalyst b.t.w.?
    Of course many disapprove Catalyst's weird behavior because he deliberately filtered & excluded people
    with the obvious intention to create separation, a class of exclusive *elite*. So his way of controlling and
    manipulating (through his threads) - together with his allies - is the main culprit of the actual situation.
  3. Once again it is the logic and syntax that create an air of supposed motivation for anothers behavior, and I too am guity to have done so in the past to bolster an argument, but what if instead you said, "he deliberately filtered and included people." Would not this not more represent his actions, and then we could simply follow with the question of why he did what he did without coming to conclusions based on false premises and assumptions, philosophically speaking, of course. Concrete examples are always welcome, and surely backed up by logic, otherwise we tread once again on the endless and pitted road of mudslinging for the sake of vedettas that leave trails of dispair and broken fellowship. I surely wish Catalyst to chime in somewhere along the way to explain to the membership his motivations and his thoughts concerning the state of our little squabbles. I feel that it would be a great step forward for us all moving ahead.
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  4. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    So, to sum things up, anyone wants to internal share with me?:rofl:
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  5. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    I can't really understand why some people get upset about all this. It's totally logic in my world and yeah "internal" share has always been around and you can't just breeze in to get your coffee served! It's a bit more to it than that. Anyhow, I love it in here and as I have said before... There is a reason for me to stay in here, come back, check out what's up! Thanks for the hard work you guys do! Really appreciated.
    Peace out! :)
  6. willdathrill

    willdathrill Producer

    Feb 7, 2014
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    "At Your Girls House"
    i look at it this way here: its not just TEAMS or any other Members that is doing this. ITS EVERYONE, i look at it this way.
    I shared alot with everyone and how many of you Guys paid for a sound pack, or kit, and gave it to Your Homeboy, or someone who is working on music with you?.. I bet everyone done this and still doing this. so if you have, ur guilty for Internal sharing as everyone else. Dont Just make it as This person or the other, it's everyone if you think of the Question i just asked... I plan on Sharing alot more with everyone but this new job im working, i dont even have time with my Family like i use to.. So just sit back and think about what i said and look forward to More shares to come..
  7. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I don't think it was the internal sharing that pissed most off it was the fact Cat seem to want to turn this Az and AS into a private affair which was against what saint wanted and would have put many out in the cold ...not just leechers and ungrateful peeps by the way ... There's nothing wrong with internal sharing but like I have said before and will say again why oh why didn't cat just leave and do his own thing ... Without trying to skim members from here that would have been fine

    I think this has been done to death guys it's all old news now
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Someone once said.. imagine if all these talented kids around the world that plays video games would spend the time they spend playing on creating music, Wow what great music we would get..

    And seriously, cmon guys.. spending both energy and time arguig about this back and forth is just a waste of time for all of you. Saint has stopped this ship from tipping over so let things be now.. With help of others things will be fine.. Lets help them now by bury the axes or whatever it is and just make this place was it was intended to be.. a awesome place for people that shares the same interest..

    I just miss comin here without seeing all this headlines when poeple are throwing shit aon each others..

    So Take care all and enjoy this place again..

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  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    just one thing.
    some guys talk about having enough plugins, all the plugins they will ever need, etc, and even if the warez scene disappeared today, they would have enough plugins and synths to create music until 2300.

    just one question:
    have some of you guys ever considered the fact that, among the millions guys who use vst plugins and instruments, maybe only 5 or 10% really take music creation ultra seriously, with clear goals, objectives, etc, and the 95% others, are just guys who just like to mess around with a daw and some synths-plugins, 1 or 2 hours per week, max, and they do it totally for fun, as a hobby, just like a guy would paint a few things, for fun, without expecting to be a picasso or dali, one day, or a girl who writes a few comments on disqus or a blog, without wanting to be the next dan brown...

    how many people just become curious about composing, because they went to a party and the dj was using ableton live and pushing some buttons(most used button: sync), and suddenly, they also "want to try it" ?
    how many guys decide they also want to try reason or fl studio, because in his class, there is a guy that composes a little and sings, and that guy has become the next cool guy , and then, they also want to be able to brag about "ohh, i've started a little song".. "ohhhh, really, that's cool, will you show us?" "yeah, we could meet at.."...

    and millions other reasons..

    of course, all these 95% of people, that don't take all this too serious... downloading the next plugin or instrument, freshly released by r2r... that's a great moment. because, hey, with the plugin number 85, v.2.45, instead of v.2.39, and the virtual instrument number 35, v.3.15, instead of v.3.09, for sure, thanks to those updates, they are going to finally finish that famous *track 01* they have started 2 years ago.

    so, with such a hobby (music), downloading, installing and testing some new plugins is just a big part of the fun.
    that's what it's all about. FUN.
    no deadlines, no contracts, no constraints, no panic because the daw doesn't start and can't open the project #24 the client is asking, no fear of losing some precious samples, no fear of losing /breaking that solid ilok dongle, no fear of not having 5000 views on soundcloud the release day, etc etc.

    the track is only 30 seconds long ? don't know what the hell a compressor or gate is ? the 10 tracks are all at 0db ? etc etc.

    because it's just a simple ...... hobby......

    ah, yeah. of course, some famous generous developer from germany, would like 100% of these guys/gals to stop buying their soda or their clothes (and also stop buying food), so they can spend 100-200 euros and buy an effect or instrument... (for those involved, young little brats and pirates, block your firewalls.. and turn your printer off... because the plugin might timebomb, and might print a special train ticket, to go visit some appliance factories, in a polish city ).
    because when it's about money, no one can play and have fun with that, and we should be honest and serious, a bit like Volkswagen.

    tldr: fuck , you don't like me or my comments, anyway

    to the others: not everybody take music, daws, plugins too seriously, so, each new plugin, it's like Christmas.. "huh, let's see what we have here, in version v2.43".
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  10. @eddielee, to the best of my knowledge no members were skimmed, nobody was asked to follow and nobody has any instrument or effect that anybody else hasn't and is or was made available to the general membership. Which of these fits into the category "private affair leaving people out on the cold? If you have other information I would sincerely appreciate it so that I could re-evaluate my thoughts on the issue. If the Boss didn't want internal sharing that seems to be the extent of the matter.
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  11. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I didn't say they were skimmed I said trying and this is to the best of my knowledge ...that was the point and why saint basically demoted him was that he was basically trying to turn this open form into some club .. and there was talk of him making his own site .. dont shoot the messenger this is all taken from what was said , look this has been done I am not here to argue back and forth with anyone ...I know nothing but what has been said ,if saint got it wrong take it up with him ? all i can tell is Cat wanted this place to be something different ... and one thing i am sure of is I like it the way it is !
    and the same goes if you have different Information please enlightem me and others ...I am willing to listen ?
    Its time to move on !
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  12. Sorry for my mis-read. Peace.
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  13. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead Ultrasonic

    Aug 30, 2015
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    best argument to this ever...hats off
    if they do it just 4 fun why they need always the newest and best software?there are 100 of VSTs VSTi's they could spend their whole lifetime on just 1 or 2 plugins and would have the same fun as with 100 different plugins...why u will need a octo/vca comp which was released 2 hours ago if u only want 2 hit some keys on or keyboard....yeah it's great 2 playin' with new "toys" but the most people act like "gimme gimme i need it so bad and can't hit the next key without THIS plugin...and u know what...all this shit about R2R, internal sharing (what the scene was about back in the days where people could be happy 2 get some releases ) and so on is annoying...people ask 4 more....ask 100 times 4 ilok2 protected stuff...ask 4 watermarked kontakt librarys...cry if a release don't work (that's why internal sharing isn't that BAD...2 test the cracked stuff, fix some issues and then maybe release the 100% working version 2 the public) cuz they are 2 lazy 2 read a fuckin' .nfo file...i would be pissed off 2 if i work my ass off 4 nothin and have 2 read things like that...just think about would u day n night 4 nothin only want sum respect and 70% of all these motherfuckers cryin and beggin 4 more...

    yeah it is!
    time to go back what this all is about...tryin things u get for fuckin free and MAKE MUSIC...that it's all about was and ever will...peace and gn8
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    hey mods.. this one's beat to death too.. :trashing:
  15. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i can only agree with peeps saying to get on with making music with the huge amount of stuff that IS available, i look at what i already have and truth is i will be idea before i even explore a percentage of it. so i am grateful in that simple respect for sites such as this ( apart from audio news this is only one i am a member of).. i cannnot pretend to understand how the 'scene' really works and i am in no position to proffer opinions about 'cliques' or what not. i think perhaps the owner of this place should put in words exactly what this is about so we can all at least UNDERSTAND what the score is. the other reason i come here is for info and the forums generally are full of peeps willing to share opinions and info. cliques will exist in any forums as far as i can see, but if it doesn't affect you negatively, why all the ballyhoo.
    that being said i agree with the op in that i have tonnes of stuff but boy do i hate it when i can't get my hands on the latest toys : ))

    not for me dude. i make music everyday, it's not just a hobby, it's a passion. it may be for you dude. people aren't chasing down cubase or whatever as a 'hobby', if it's a hobby get yourself some 'dj'ing apps and leave the rest of us to the business of making real music.
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  16. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    Yup, I sure do, but there is nothing I could offer, lawl. 8-)
  17. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Im Speechless, after fully reading this thread it seem like an all out war against mods here, including myself. I never had full mod status, i was just a mod at what i knew best and that was Kontakt & Maschine.

    I believe we had a great set of mods here and also members from all over the world, where did all this fiasco come from.

    I'm not going to type a story, but i know some of your concerns are vaild, but complaints & concerns should be done in a professional manner, afterall this is what this site strives for, in which this calling out names and she said he did, will not solve anything, we have to be collective & respective to our fellow peers.

    All wounds heal, and if it doesn't it will die out. Please release the fire in your heart and understand it's not all bad

    Peace & love to you all
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  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I'm speechless this thread is still open frankly... anyway.. glad you are still here @Introninja

    hopefully it gets better from this point... it's been a rough and tumble time, with lot's of opinions flying..not always pleasantly

    will be great to get back to making music and having a ( mostly ) peaceful Z and X

    Good friends we have.. good friends we have lost..

    greets xsze
  19. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Before suggesting him to go to play with some 'dj'ing apps, have you read - AND UNDERSTOOD - what he wrote?:

    I'm glad for you you're in those 5 or 10 %, but it doesn't mean - IN ANY WAY - he's a part of the 95 % others. Dig It?

    These kids he's speaking about and who play with and cry for new plugins are... kids who play and cry. They will never stop to play nor cry... and will never buy plugins (with the exception of some privileged, spoiled by mom or dad). That's a fact and it's a HUGE part of the game. They found the fun in the novelty and wants all the latest toys: iPhone, laptop, clothes,... and plugins. Period.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  20. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    that 'elite' group is definitely 'cemented' and is now stronger than ever, with its members more determined than ever, to grow stronger, alone, with the goal of creating some subtile havoc, apartheid (separation) and bringing SAINT to the ground, not by KO him, but with several small hits.

    Cytomic The Glue, available on AZ since a few days, was just one of the many apps the 'elite' was keeping for themselves. What else?

    I start to think that maybe the R2R decision was largely influenced by the elite group ?
    How did R2R feel, when they noticed thay another thread with their R2R-encryptor-tool just vanished ? By removing it, all the AZ users just lost their last chance of redemption , their last chance for contributing with some retail versions, etc, and conquer some of the R2R faith and trust, again. Community, they used to call it ...?
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