this is some BULL it like the land of the dead theres nothing to download

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lyric8, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    WoW i use to look forward to getting in the morning and start my day checking the net for some new goodies to download now its dryer then the sahara desert :sad:
  2. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Know what Ya saying Bro, BUT................

    I think now is the BEST time to run thru all the stuff We already "own" and see whats up.

  3. funlovingfool

    funlovingfool Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Just another example of our "fear mongering" country (USA). Seems they can use fear tactics to get citizens to willingly give up their rights. First it was the "War on Drugs" that robbed us of protection against illegal search and seizure methods. Then it was the "War on Terror" which stole all sorts of freedom from us. Now it's the "War on Online Piracy" this is about to destroy the internet as we know it. They don't need to pass SOPA or PIPA. Just keep using their strong-arm tactics to keep us in fear. My personal opinion is as follows:
    Citizens SHOULD NOT have to sacrifice freedom in order to protect a corporations profit margin! Now I will get down off of my soapbox. LoL
  4. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I agree, This has been an amazing few days looking through the terabytes of bounty. Millions of presets.....

    Funloving- I agree with you, but I must add that the issues you address are the ruling class exercising their power. It is not nor has ever been about profit, it is about control. They want to maintain complete unquestionable total control. Period. Control of what we eat, where we live, how we live, how we die and what we think.
  5. funlovingfool

    funlovingfool Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Wow....terabytes! I'm My problem is what I do have is scattered about on too many different hard drives, which makes it a nightmare to try and back up. I stay constantly paranoid of something crashing and me losing my software or project data. But you are totally right. I remember back when I got my first real synth (a Korg Poly 800).I became very intimate with this piece of hardware. Seems when you get too much too quickly, you barely even begin to scratch the surface of the software's true potential. How many of us own NI Reaktor and only use the factory ensembles? LoL Perhaps this is the time to go back and appreciate what we already have.
  6. Bcardi

    Bcardi Member

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Prince Edward Island, Canada
    There is something to be said about backing up...I have two backups for everything (a total of three copies) from programs to add-ons to Vst's and also all the current tunes I'm working on...Yeah its alot of hard drive space but it beats it getting lost in "The Cloud" hehehe :wink:
  7. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    spot on mate!
  8. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Not only the file sharing doing badly, I just checked the news groups after several days, Guess what no new messages in not one new thing to download.

    People are wondering if the newsgroup is dead too.
  9. studio4

    studio4 Newbie

    Nov 8, 2011
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    Chino Hills
    @ funlovingfool:
    I got two Western Digital 1 terabyte usb hard drives at costco for 89 each. I then backed up all my stuff from my firewire "work drive" to these usb drives. if anything did happen to my firewire "work drive", I have a spare copy of everything. I would be devastated if I didnt have my backups. look into consolidating everything and placing it on one drive as a backup.

    works for me.
  10. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Great point Bcardi!

    This whole episode, especially people losing access to their 'Legit' data on Mega should really change people's opinion of cloud computing and not having control of their own files.

    Hopefully this ripple in the scene will teach us all how important backups are, especially if we are going to keep a scene alive.

    Anyone else read what google is planning on doing starting March 1st? I would really like to see a SOPA/PIPA type protest over that.

    More people need to understand the new rule: In any situation that you get something or service for free, you are the "product" being sold from one company to another.

    I least in Europe you guys are having a public battle over the right to be left alone (control of your own data), here in America they are getting ready to put microchips under our skin.
  11. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    @funlovingtool --

    I agree with your political rant. The saddest part is the degree to which many of us thought Obama would be the turnaround to these concerns. Instead, he's made things far worse. I think for the U.S. the future is zero. Absolute zero.

    @lyric8 --

    I've always believed that downloading stuff has an addictive quality to it. The funny thing is we probably all have more stuff on our drives than we will ever have the chance to use or even learn how to use. Yet, I too wake up with despair that there is little or nothing to download today. Things will turn around. There may be a dry spell for a bit, but the government has yet to find anything that can put an end to all of this. This week they won, but over ten years they've always wound up losing.

    I think what will happen next is we will start to see random arrests (again) of people who just downloaded stuff; not the crackers or those who originally uploaded a dvd screener -- just folks who copy and pasted a link to download something. The government will do that to put a scare into people that continue to download, and to further discourage everyone. After that, things will start to get back to normal.
  12. S.T.A.

    S.T.A. Newbie

    Jan 24, 2012
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    One simply cannot afford not to back up.It's just a default procedure.I myself have project files & RARS distributed on 5 external HDD's;& the latters' extractions of be it libraries,apps,Vsts, 2 of the 3 HD's my box has.Course nothing I can safely change the installation path without causing me problems,goes where the OS is,just in case of the need to format.& yes,sadly Paranoia of losing it all many times also afflicts me too =$.But by far the investment in more storage space sure as Hell is & will always be cheaper than what it would cost to ''legally'' obtain this power from most of these tyrannical companies who don't really give a shit about the musician on a tight budget;& lets not forget the ''affordable'' expenses that come with countless hours of weeding/searching through/for, & downloading.Any who,always back up.There's no other via,unless you want to ''live on the edge'',or exist defying roll-backing decadence ''like a fearless champ'',& thus ultimately most likely converge to your demise.
  13. S.T.A.

    S.T.A. Newbie

    Jan 24, 2012
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    & about the political/judicial climate currently effing shit up for all of us folks who are in this,well Jesus effing Christ I don't even want to know or talk about that as of now.It has gotten me so sick to my stomach,& truly quite depressed to be fully honest.Been ranting & blowing off steam in so many places,that I'm pretty much fed up for today I guess.
  14. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I agree but it's more ironic when it's to help the war on terror since Terrorism is defind as
    the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
    the premeditated, deliberate, systematic murder, mayhem, and threatening of the innocent to create fear and intimidation in order to gain a political or tactical advantage, usually to influence an audience.
    the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

    I can't find oxford's dictionary to quote that one but who do you turn to when the people fighting the terrorists use terrorism?
    Do you think they'll go to jail of useing such tactics to pass laws or Get a bonus?

    I miss the massive stocks of downloads to but I didn't think of stocking up on stuff to try out.
    Any one else only download what they thought they had uses for?
  15. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    You choose a bad example there :) , has been effectively dead for at least the last 6 months i guess. Only seen a copy of alberton posted in all that time.

    Alt.binaries.sounds.samples and alt.binaries.sounds.utilities are both usually upto date. But nothing much there for the past few days either.
  16. CapnCrunch

    CapnCrunch Newbie

    Jun 28, 2011
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    We all had a good run while it lasted.You didn't think it was going to last did you?Be grateful for the time it did and what you managed to grab,lord knows I am.To be honest I am surprised it didn't happen 3-5 years ago.Things will go dark for a few but a new way will be found.Until then EVERYONE enjoy what you have and make music.
  17. juboh

    juboh Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Yup!! Me too!! Lookin forward to it every mornin!! Oh, well!! All good things must come to an end. Yeah, suxx....i know! :sad:
  18. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    The terrifying thing is the "good thing" that is coming to an end isn't the trading of free stuff, it is the end of free speech and exchange of ideas around the world. The internet as we knew it.

    Today even twitter announced it is going to start censoring tweets, and they were the free speech wing of the free speech party. The powers that be realize it is just too dangerous to let all the slaves at the bottom spread all that "Freedom Talk" around. Especially just for the price of an internet connection.

    Google just announced that they are merging all of their data on you (including the contents of your emails and address books) to form super accounts that "provide you with a more personalized experience".

    FUCK THAT!!!!!

    In a few months the internet will be a top-down one way conversation just like cable TV. Controlled by a few corporations, censored, impossible to function in society without (imagine life without a cell phone and an email account in 2012!) and getting more expensive every year for the privilege of watching more and more of their mind-numbing life-wasting commercials.

    If someone gives you your freedom it is not yours in the first place. It is theirs to take away whenever they want.

    I'd say let's organize and do something about it, but by all accounts the ship has sailed. There is too much power in too few hands.

    The 1% isn't going to take any more chances. What happened this fall scared them a little and gave them some ideas, so ready or not here they come.
  19. TkiD

    TkiD Noisemaker

    Jul 24, 2011
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    ^^^enjoyed reading that, I agree completely. Free to do what they say etc. etc. I'm still downloading though, just had to switch filehosts is all, but then I'm not in the US so I'm lucky, but of course the UK could always (and probably will) go the same way. Thank the Gods for the Swiss :rofl:
  20. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Tkid Are you working for the red cross?

    Yes, I enjoyed reading funlovingfool too. He sounds pretty convincing ...
    I can see myself as a pretty mean citizen hiding my bag from corps and institutions...
    and in some extend maybe digging a hole on the ground too!