before we come down so hard on RIAA/SOPA

Discussion in 'Education' started by sunlownja, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. sunlownja

    sunlownja Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I thought now be an interesting time to bring up this discussion. I'm not gonna copy & paste this across, if you feel it's a worthy topic please follow the link & come back ;-)

  3. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    A wall-of-text? No thanks!

    What's the point?
  4. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The point is to understand other peoples views and to see if there is anything there you agree with or even if there is something there you feel is wrong but you think you could explain why its wrong and maybe change someone's point of view.

    But the fact you even ask the question "whats the point?" explains so much that is wrong with the world today. /sadface
  5. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Interesting but very flawed point of view. The first comment underneath it just about says it all. The man has an agenda, not an open mind i think
  6. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Created a Topic ! Then post a Link , Lazy And Pointless No Doubt
  7. BumBataa

    BumBataa Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    The whole industry is sitting on old structures where they could spend money like crazy apes.
    they can only think in old structures, so they try to sue everyone for everything, as they don't want to move an inch off those old structures they came to love.

    there's solutions: e.g. a media-flatrate, where everyone is paid according to downloads.
    But this this would involve artists that no longer necessarily need the industry's support..they make a nice youtube vid, you download, they get paid.
    This would also involve a complete reconfiguration of these old structures as they wouldn't work anymore.
    Understand now why they want to close your internet?
    easy as that..
  8. memorex

    memorex Newbie

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Examine the conclusions of Restoring Music Foundation -

    1. The average Joe feels no fear or remorse for breaking copyright laws.

    Why? Because the average Joe sees that their political and business leaders (the people with all the money) feel no remorse for breaking insider trading laws, tax laws, etc. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's about perception.

    2. People buy bottled water, though it is available for free, because there is a value proposition; it is clean, cold, and portable?

    People buy bottled water because they perceive (often erroneously) that it is better than tap water. In reality, there are no standards for bottled water, so the quality is unknown. And drinking from plastic containers has questionable risks.

    Ask yourself this? Why is it that many people would not pay $11.95 for a cheap wristwatch at Walmart, but they'd pay $43.00 for an almost identical one from QVC because Joan Rivers is selling it. Obviously, it's because they perceive the more expensive one to be more desirable.

    The record industry's problem is that they have not figured out a way to create the perception that paying for music is better than getting it for free. How could they do that? Maybe they should work the cost of a band tee-shirt into the price of a CD, and give one away with the purchase of the record. There's something you can't download from the internet. Or like Prince did, work the cost of a CD and a tee-shirt into the price of a concert ticket, and give them to everyone who pays for a ticket. Better marketing strategy is the only way the record industry will get more people to buy music.
  9. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    dude that just about sums up the debate


    I see you got "Music no theory dude" as your Avatar, did you watch those vids, i really liked them..
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Some politicians are trying to take us back to the feudal system and turn us all into peasants.
  11. Arb

    Arb Newbie

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Yeah, and the fact that in the last 10 years or so, profits in movie theaters, the music industry, software companies etc have totally plummeted, half the record companies out of business, studios gone, musicians out of a job, only way to make a living to fucking dj cuz sales are off, and every kid's hard drive crammed with 1000 TB of illegal music, cracked games, warez etc etc, has got absolutely nothing to do with it. No, we're victims - victims of greedy, selfish companies, plain and simple, and if they couldn't prevent or foresee piracy, they had it coming, and so on.

    But it's too late, and SOPA isn't the answer. The only way to solve it would be to put a general, moderate fee on the use of the internet and distribute revenues to artists, movies, music etc according to dl rates. Simple, easy, effective, no more piracy. That of course leaves software with long, time consuming development processes. Don't know about that.
  12. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    I'll tell you what piracy and sharing has done for music.

    It has forced only good music to be released, with the industry investing more time and money into singles and albums which they believe are 'low-risk'.

    The average person does not listen to music 24/7, they might listen to maybe 0-20 songs a day, max.
    In reality there was no space for those thousands of 'musicians' and 'producers', who couldn't make music that would actually make it onto a person's ipod, or onto your TV, or into the cinema, or onto your video game.

    In a balanced society, there should not be so many people who can call themselves 'musicians' and 'producers' and 'songwriters' and the like, it doesn't make sense for many of them to be able to do 'music' for a living, when only a few hundred of them actually contribute to making the music the rest of society listens to.

    Only the ones who can actually make music that sounds good to many people should be able to call themselves 'musicians'. The rest should get real, and stop wasting our time flooding society with shitty music that either only sounds good to themselves or are attempts at copying what the top composers created. Those people should get real jobs, they're not cut out for music.

    The last 10 years, quality control has been happening, that's what.

    The people who are deserving of being paid, are being paid, in direct proportion to how good their music is. ('Good' meaning the amount of people who listen to the music)
  13. Arb

    Arb Newbie

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Nice, sort of like a well deserved darwinian cleansing. And let me guess, you're of course in the top composer category, just poppin'in on an obscure forum to lay it on the loosers?
  14. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    No I'm not, but I will be. And on the off chance that I won't be, I'll accept it, not saying something like "Oh I can't make a living out of it because of the goddamn pirating and sales have gone down the last 10 years excuses excuses blame and shit".

    People should be able to keep their egos in, accept the fact that they aren't making music that anybody'll listen to, and contribute to society in a better way. People who can't should accept that they can't, instead of overpopulating the world with their shitty attempts at 'art', and blaming pirates and sharing for taking away sales they never had. There's only so much room on the mountain...

    Perhaps I'm exaggerating, but there's truth in what I'm saying too.

    And perhaps you should learn to accept it too, instead of sarcastically insulting someone who's telling the truth plain and clear. Am I wrong about this?

    And yea, maybe it is a 'well deserved darwinian cleansing'. For years I have felt that there has been too much crappy music flying around amongst 'indie' albums, and many big-label releases too. If those people can't make a living out of music because of piracy, good riddance. The good music is still being sold.
  15. Arb

    Arb Newbie

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Well, I am making a living off it fyi (not dj'ying - you dont know me and viceversa), and piracy is very much to blame for the crappy music on the charts and perhaps indie dont know. Still dl is hitting very hard, and before that the market took care of crap as with everything else, but people got payed their due. Noone really live off sales now, live gigs is the only way, even at the top. Only way would be fee on internet, as in my first post. Still hate piracy and all the lame excuses and pseudo rebellious little guy against the multis BS, and btw good luck, you'll need it! Over and out.
  16. repeteor

    repeteor Newbie

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Complete and utter bollocks !

    Frank Zappa warned the industry a long time ago about the dangers of letting corporate pricks decide what we should be listing to:

    Now the corporate owned artists are blaming piracy :dont: Kids today don't want to buy shit commercial soulless music and because they don't value it says a lot for the music of today. The industry was built on greed, is run on greed and it's failing just like the financial industry because of, yes you guessed it GREED.

    The best thing that could happen to the music industry is that it fucked off and died along with the majority of the corporate pricks who call themselves "artists" and the thousands of radio stations that are churning out this audio diarrhea.

    Some good news is that vinyl is making a comeback :wink: So lets go back to smaller labels who sell vinyl from quality artists who write for the art form and forget all about the demon MP3 years. It would be refreshing if people would start educating themselves on the real issues behind the smoke and mirrors and stop cherry picking information just for argument sake.

  17. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Yes I've watched it, Bill Gordon has a good way to explain music! I'm waiting for Level 2! :break:
  18. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    thanks Arb! I will need the luck! :mates: