Why even use the internet except for email..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by panther5, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Why even use the internet except for email as a communication tool? Just find 20 or so people in your community who want to form a "club". Get a jar and put the names on pieces of paper of the shit that you all decide you want, throw em' in the jar and each month pull out a name, and everybody chips in an equal amount to buy software that's on the paper. Then one person registers it, or whatever has to be done, and shares it with everybody. It wouldn't work for everything, but for most stuff, it would. For fuck's sake you could have a $600 piece of software or whatever for $30. Better than paying the fees to the assholes who own the file sharing sites, and you might make some good and knowledgible friends too. Not much, but also a little more ethical. I only recommend this for people who could never afford expensive stuff. At least the software devs would get one good sale that they would not normally get. As for movies and cds in volume, well that's a hole different deal. I wouldn't know how to approach that problem.
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Yes, your idea is a quite good alternative to avoid many troubles!
    The facts show us the high vulnerability of the owners of file sharing sites.
    We have to consider that the developers are getting more and more vigilant,
    they tend to apply stronger protection schemes and many aren't even publishing
    trials or demo software on their sites! Or they just offer crippled copies....

    Your idea would by applicable only if the software shared comes with no watermarks,
    or real names nor addresses showing. Best to start is with real friends. :wink:
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Everybody could use the iLock for 1.5 days per month.
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    ..this is flawed in so many ways. :grooves:
  6. Nightmoore

    Nightmoore Newbie

    Sep 30, 2011
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    Um. Wow. Wildchild, I'm thinking you've never used purchased software at all. That won't even work with PC games....much less with music software.

    I've read so many posts on here lately, and I gotta throw my 2 cents in. You guys do realize that the file sharing site thing is the last rung on the pirating software ladder, right? It goes from IRC to FTP to Newsgroups to Torrents. Then finally ends up on web sharing links. The problem is two-fold: First, this web sharing method was based on paying money to a hosting site. That will never work. For those of us who used to download warez on BBS systems with a 14.4 modem (that's old school homies!), we can tell you a very simple rule about piracy: When you try to profit from it in the United States, you WILL get your ass handed to you. That's not crossing the line.....that's jumping way over it while flipping two birds with a target painted on your forehead. The second problem with this form of distribution is even more important.....it's too fucking easy. Yes, this method is TOO EASY. At least newsgroup servers (like Easynews.com) make you cue a bunch of files up before you start downloading (and search/tag them). When you search for a VST name in Google and AudioZ comes up right under the offical site for the plugin.....that's too easy. And it's asking for grief. Just handing out thousands of links with zero effort....that's insanity and ANY form of SOPA or any legislature that eventually does get passed (eventually something like it will) will not tolerate such blatant handouts to the masses.

    The solution is simple. Torrents. I'm sorry, but it's the only way to roll. One click, open a tracker and wait till its done. People that don't wanna share 10k to 20k (which is minuscule) of their upload stream per second? Fuck 'em. Leechers have always been the brunt of all scene jokes. If you don't have a community willing to share, then they don't need to be part of it. A CLOSED INVITE ONLY torrent hub is the only way to operate with minimum worry. The only reason I ever checked AudioZ was to see quick box covers of scene releases so I could hop on one of the solid community torrent sites to grab something of interest. And yeah, getting into those sites takes a little effort. If you're an idiot, you're toast. And that's how it should be. Minimum fuss, no drama and dependable releases with no virus/trojans or corrupt files. They are ran by mature adults who handle any problems the right way and won't tolerate any nonsense. Such a system also removes the real ass-ache....the hosting sites. It instantly turns it's user-base into the host. And makes it really hard to dismantle.

    This site makes it SO simple (in conjunction with services like Filesonic), I don't even feel comfortable using my standard username from other sites. And I sure as hell wouldn't be putting my pic for my avatar or posting links to any personal data such as Soundcloud or Facebook. There's WAY too much traffic coming here from Google. And way too much exposure for any software dev-house to see. A closed/invite community needs to exist. Any other system is asking for disaster. And yes, I realize this site is not Megaupload. But this site depends on such services to operate. And that's ultimately the real problem. Nobody needs to shut the crack dealers down if they blow up the factory making the crack. You feel me?
  7. mlb4sheaz

    mlb4sheaz Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2011
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    South West
    I agree with nearly everything u said there. Only thing i dont agree with, If i read it right ? Is You shouldnt exclude people who cant contribute by uploading. There are still parts of the world which have Internet connections so slow they may as well be on dial up. And u will always get people with the time on there hands to find and share the goods. I think the audioz on google is a major problem though as u said.... ;)
  8. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Hi Nightmoore,

    I agree with you in all what you've said, except perhaps in the point that madmike is talking in his/her post.

    I still can remember those old BBS and ftp days when you had to download things at 14.400 bps, crossing fingers for the telephone line not going down.
    Cursing all those assholes that after having download something deleted the files (i remember now spending a whole week almost without sleeping,
    downloading things in a hurry that for sure next day would not be there, and of course paying a huge telephone bill that month).

    I've seen so many people complaining in forums, web pages, and so on, insulting the poster while asking for a password that was already written
    in the post, or insulting him or her because uploading in some server and not in another. As you say, things are too much easy this days so most
    of us don't know anything to do than complain, complain, complain ... and in the other shore there are those who take profit from the others efforts.

    This world is a shit! (sorry to say that) and it deserves Internet being shoot down forever. To the hell with downloads. I've heard some voices in audioz
    telling "let's forget about downloads and let's make some music" (hi kook! ;-) ... and why ? ... perhaps because we think that will have some time in the
    future to do something with all those terabytes of material we all accumulate in endless hard disks ... but the future is NOW, not tomorrow where we all
    we'll lose for sure this false security to which we are so attached and which is created by our own mind or that of another to whom we believe without
    further questioning.

    The other day i realized something while asking myself "Why people don't wanna go to the root of things" ... my own insight answered the question:
    "because in the root there's nothing but oneself and to see what one is and not what one would like to be, brings a lot of fear to all of us" ... This
    is why most of the people let others create fantasies for them to attach as if they were reality itself and where their try to live without so much troubles
    without so much success.

    Look the people here, SOPA has not passed, but are people afraid of another SOPA in the near future ? ... of course not, who cares! ...
    The most common answer to that is ... "Let's go to this or that: torrents, other servers, members, and so on ... ( ) ...

    Sorry i'm tired, and not exactly physically tired despite here are 2:01 at night, i'm tired because people talk too much but in fact nobody wants to go
    deep into the root to bring about a REAL change of the present (and future) situation(s) ... For God's Sake!, since when is more important a download
    than the future we'll leave to our sons ?! ...

    Kind regards to you all from SP! ... Goodnight! :( :'-( :'-( :'-( :'-(
  9. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    ha ha ha
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