Unfiltered Audio joins Plugin Alliance with G8 and Sandman

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Unfiltered Audio has joined the Plugin Alliance with its G8 dynamic gate and Sandman advanced delay effect plug-ins.


    The Unfiltered Audio G8 takes dynamic sound shaping to the next level. Deceptively simple, G8 is a tool that reaches far beyond what any normal noise gate can do. While it does a great job at the usual tasks of rejecting noise and shaping transients, the MIDI in/out and alternate gating modes offered by G8 open a world of possibilities that let you forget you’re even using a ‘Gate’.

    Use G8 to create dynamic rhythm patterns on sustained sounds; trigger an envelope on G8 with MIDI input or use it to trigger notes on a MIDI instrument; produce interesting fractal sequences and auto-panning effects with Delay and Output Reject. With Cycle Mode and One-Shot, you can create dramatic motion with G8’s envelope, reducing the time value of the envelope to mere milliseconds, resulting in AM synthesis. The four-channel input in the Expert Mode of G8 allows for complex in-DAW routing of different levels and types of content. G8 can split the amplitude of a single source, allowing you to route two different characteristics of your sound to different tracks – the Mains and the Reject.

    From transient shaping to trance gating to polyrhythmic beat slicing, G8 can add a whole new level of endless creative possibilities to your sound. Activate the 14-day full function demo with your Plugin Alliance account to hear for yourself!

    • ‘Cycle’ gating mode gives you the ability to use G8 as a stutter effect, an AM/granular effect, or a tremolo
    • ‘One-shot’ gating mode allows for surgical transient shaping from any type of sound
    • Custom MIDI in/out: trigger G8 with an instrument or extract grooves from an audio track to trigger an instrument with G8
    • Route post-gate, ‘Reject Outputs’ to another track, or use ‘Flip’ mode to swap Reject Outputs with G8’s main output, essentially reversing the behavior of G8
    • Four-channel analysis (sidechain) input; two internal and two external, each independently filtered and gain-controlled
    • Precise triggering with Lookahead analysis
    • RMS and Peak detection modes
    • Variable reduction of gated signal allows for subtler processing
    • Wet/Dry mix for parallel processing


    The Unfiltered Audio Sandman is far more than just a delay plugin; it’s a wormhole to the dreamtime states of your sounds. It’s a deceptively simple gateway to a microcosm of sonic dimensions bordering the absurd. It’s a new way to extract loops and grains from a sound that can be as close to or as far flung from the original, as you like. From the input of just a single sample, Sandman opens a Pandora’s box of endless sonic possibilities.

    At first glance, Sandman offers the most basic parameters found on a delay plugin – host synch-able Delay Time and ping-pong feedback, along with a wet/dry mix and a filter for good measure. Use these standard features for flanging, comb filtering, or adding string-like texture to percussive sounds. The Sample Rate parameter can add vintage grime or completely decimate a sound by directly lowering the sample rate of the DSP engine; an adjacent Dirt switch gives you the loving character of a lo-fi recording.

    Sandman’s namesake is its unique SLEEP button - the hub for the granular wonders that lay in wait.

    With SLEEP, you can ‘freeze’ audio at a point in time to create a loop based on the Delay value, allowing you to adjust the sample Start and End points. Long Delay values can produce beat-repeats or stutter effects, while shorter values turn Sandman into what is essentially a wavetable synthesizer; the Start and End times can even overlap each other, reversing your sample by up to 100%. Drop the Sample Rate and Delay time while Sandman is asleep, and you now have granular synthesis at your fingertips. Several of these parameters can be modulated by Sandman’s synch-able LFO section, while an advanced de-clicking algorithm ensures clean edges no matter how much mayhem ensues. But if it ever gets out of hand (which it almost certainly will), there’s always the handy Kill switch to wake yourself back up.

    Sweet dreams.

    Widen and deepen your sounds, or harvest mind-blowing samples and sweeteners from the most unsuspecting of material. Sandman is an indispensable tool for the audio alchemist. Activate the 14-day full function demo with your Plugin Alliance account to hear for yourself!

    • Unique ‘Sleep’ function creates locked loops by freezing delay buffer, allowing the Start and End time to be manipulated by up to 100%
    • Sample Rate parameter directly controls the time-frequency domain of the sample, slowing or re-pitching the sound
    • Dual LFOs allow bipolar modulation of nearly every parameter
    • ‘Dirt’ switch for some gritty vintage goodness
    • Ping Pong mode for stereo effects
    • Wet/Dry mix for parallel processing
    • Granulate or reverse loops, then mangle or morph them into a completely different sound
    • Add fluttery spring echo or silky ambience with time, feedback, and filter controls in mono or stereo
    • Create interesting warps and warbles for sound design or live performance
    • Wide-ranging delay times, from 5ms to 5s; get up to 8min by adjusting the Sample Rate!

    SPECIFICATIONS For G8 and Sandman
    • Supported Plugin Formats
    • AAX Native, AU, VST2, VST3

    Supported Operating Systems:
    • OS X 10.6 or higher in 32- or 64-bit
    • Windows XP, Vista, Win 7 & Win 8 in 32- or 64-bit
    • Intel CPU only (minimum 2 GHz recommended)
    • Intel-compatible CPU with SSE2 instruction set (Pentium 4 compatible or higher; minimum 2 GHz recommended)
    System Requirements:
    • Display resolution: 1440 × 900px or 1280 × 960px or higher
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM

    G8 and Sandman are now available for purchase from Plugin Alliance for $69 USD and $49 USD, respectively. The upgrades are free to existing registered Unfiltered Audio customers.

    More INFO: Plugin Alliance I Unfiltered Audio
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  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I think they should enhance its GUI...because it is ugly, looks like first software from mid/late 80's and early 90's...
    I think all the software developers will join Plugin Alliance soon :D
    Brainworx, SPL, Maag, Vertigo, elysia, Millennia, ProAudioDSP, Noveltech, Lindell Audio, Accusonus, Unfiltered Audio, ENGL, Chandler Limited...
    What is next?
  4. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    That WTF user interface.. :facepalm:
  5. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    And now is $49 (was $19,99) :drummer::chilling:
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  6. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    @mild pump milk

    Glad I'm not into any of their overpriced stuff.
    Many of us have enough plugins to make hits :)
  7. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I've got enough plugins as well, its the talent i'm sadly missing :(
  8. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Willum, i can sympathise with you on that one!
  9. You remember Windows 2.0! now you're talking! :mad:
  10. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Maybe what you are missing my friend, is enough Education, not talent!

    Then my only advice is keep reading books and watching some nice tutorials (Not those amateurs on youtube who have no idea on what they're talking about) :rofl:
    And... practice, practice, practice.
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
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