Change of staff, Releases and some other explanations

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by SAiNT, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    just a small question , since when reFX moved to iLok ? lol
  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    They didn't? Oh, my bad LoL. I've never tried Nexus, but I thought the newer versions can't be broken because of iLok. :suicide::rofl:
  3. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    This looks more like a crucifixion to me. We might as well give him a proper burial.

    There's so much here, but the kids got nervous last month because they are not seeing any new software releases.
    They cannot have their "collection" updated and that makes them sad.

    It's hard to believe that one cannot finish his "Master Piece" because they don't have the latest version of some compressor or Eq.They have their HDs full but still not enough. They need everything! Poor souls..

    There's nothing in the rules that says one shouldn't release something new with a R2R key.
    Maybe he was trying to honor R2R for their efforts. Maybe he was wrong...

    There's nothing in the rules that prohibits anyone to share anything with some dear friends.
    Besides Saint and moderators, who the... are you to say I cannot.

    In this case, "The Freedom Fighters", "Avengers of Good Sins" like Mr.Rico88 and Mr.Kook have to step up from Zion,
    in order to save the world from tyranny. How amusing!

    With my deepest respect to you Saint:

    We all get mad when people take credits for our own work. I understand that.
    I'd respectfully add: Welcome pal ! That's what happens here on a daily basis...

    You've allowed first posters to come here and laugh their asses of... This is just sad.
    If you have offered him to do it by himself, I bet the outcome would have been different.

    He, alone, is not the problem. To think otherwise is pure hypocrisy.

    The "trash talkers" ,"where's my download button" and "flip floppers" are still here.
    Maybe you should be more present, and have a closer look. It's not his problem anymore...

    I believe he was just feed up with having to endure shit... this kindergarten. And I cannot blame him.

    After four years here, this is the way the community has thanked him. Let him leave in disgrace.

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  4. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Dear Catalist,

    I don't know you, but I can imagine how you feel.
    I couldn't do your job. Not for a week. Not even for money. Not even for dental(care)...
    It doesn't matter if you're not a musician or a producer.

    What matters is that you can finally free yourself from this daily hassle!
    The old Catalist is finally dead. You can now take your real life back.

    When the storm is gone, the sky is cleared.
    In this spirit I wish you all the best in the future.

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  5. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    What took you so long to find out about the great tyranny?
    And why do you allow this "unholy" bitch fest about a member, disrespecting the rules?

    another ...


    Edit: Just rhetorical. Pointless to express my view in this atmosphere.
    But allow me a proposition, please:
    The "Vice-Admin job" for AZ/AS is huge, workload/members constantly increasing.
    Perhaps an idea to split it in two positions.
    Guess you got a way more elegant plan, already. Just a feeling.
    Thank you for being you and the dedication to an open and free internet for everybody.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  6. oscill8r

    oscill8r Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    "A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on" - William S. Burroughs

    Great Post, clears up a lot.
  7. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I studied you post carefully , and although I have been stung by cats harsh words from time to time (and no I wasnt asking for downloads or whining .etc) I have nothing against him personally .... I have been around this site for more than the 3 year my profile suggests ...I was under another name but lot my pass and login and didn't have my original email...

    Yes I do believe there are some on here who are not artists and do just collect software and probably some do it for monitory gain ...I do believe this is wrong something gained for free should be had for free as said in a post previous ...

    the problem I am having if you believe what some are saying including saint owner of the sites although a mod Cat had no right to do the things he was trying to do ... this isn't his site and it goes against what saint wanted and what a good majority of members wanted especially those that have been around before Cats reign..

    you speak about rules saying there's nothing in the rules about sharing with friends ..but come on from what information I have gained that's not what was really going on behind the scenes was it ? Cat was basically trying to turn something that was not his into his own ....your right he should have been decent and left to form his own site if he was so unhappy with this one ... and he should have done this off his own back not off the back of a site of another, who has given him his power and position ? before anybody starts yes yes yes cat has done good things both here and Az .I will not deny that! But that's where my understanding for him stops ...

    if he was fed up of having to "endure shit" then why did he not leave ...infact why was he a mod in the first place ...we all know mods have to endure shit from time to time ...... that's where Cat would have left with the respect you say he deserves... but he didn't ?
    I am not a cat basher neither will I become one... I would rather help if I can I have no interest in wasting my time being negative ...

    This basically is an open forum anyone can join anyone can leave ... I dont believe anyone here has the right to moan about leechers and the likes ..because you are part of the very thing you moan about ...what I mean by this is you and many others chose to join an open public site ...what where you all expecting everyone to be ...intelegent, greatful artist who know everything about everything and would not possibly ask stupid questions ? by joining this open public site you should be expected to put up with shit like you have been talking about ? Does this place need some rough edges smoothed out? yes of course ...but I for one like this place the way it was and hopefully will be from now on ...
    on a final note, you say Saint should have let Cat leave on his own accord ... well I say Cat had plenty of chances to leave on his own accord but from what I read he had no intention in doing so instead he want to turn this site into his own little power trip ...I say good on saint for taking such an action I Know Cat wouldn't show anyone mercy I have seen this on several occasions ...
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  8. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I was going to "down-vote" your post (which I hope you don't mind me abbreviating), but chose not to do so because the fact is I agree with a lot of what you've said. And then there's this one line I've quoted, which is kind of problematic for me. Clearly, you seem to think I deserve belittling over thoughts I've recently expressed here and at AudioZ.

    To understand the background and context of my recent posts here and at AudioZ, you'd have to have an understanding of my dealings with Catalyst. However, neither you nor most other people here can have that "understanding" because Catalyst, for the better part of a year, deleted almost all my posts. If a few got by they were probably just missed by him. It didn't matter what those deleted posts were about --- positive, negative, some sort of opinion or another, it just didn't matter. He removed them as a matter of course. Were they to be up-voted, they were removed faster than Mario Andretti going down the Indie 500 speedway. An up-voted Rico88 post was definitely something that was just too much for Catalyst's out-sized ego to withstand ---> 'Someone here dares to like something that Catalyst doesn't like???'

    I'm the sort of fellow, for better or worse, that when someone goes ahead and really pisses me off, I don't forget about it. And Catalyst really pissed me off royally -- which was what he wanted to do. So please excuse me if I have my few days of returning the favor. It's actually really nice to post something, and come back and see it still be here a day later. I'm thankful that level of freedom has returned. But does that really make me a "freedom fighter"?

    In terms of your remark about "saving the world from tyranny", please understand; I had stopped dropping by AZ and AS months ago, in large measure due to the issue of Catalyst and my posts. I rarely even tried to post anything because I knew it would disappear anyway. Perhaps most concerning of all, and much to my chagrin with that situation, Catalyst did his very, very best to leave the impression that SAiNT supported his deletion of my posts. So much so, that I didn't even try to contact SAiNT about it, I figured this was their policy. I subsequently learned, quite recently, that Catalyst had lied about that. I assure you, that lie has only deepened my anger, and is the subtext of much of what I'm recently saying in these forums.

    Further, please understand, that since I only returned here and to AudioZ at a point in time when apparently SAiNT and Catalyst were already well on their way to destruction, I couldn't have had much to do with 'saving the world from tyranny' since that was already SAiNT's doing. It would be fair however, to say I've been mightily celebrating 'the world having been saved from anymore of Catalyst'. If I'm to be fair, I'd have to admit to that.

    I've gone on for a bit here, but would like to leave you with one last anecdotal reference if I may, that will possibly help you to understand why your 'belittling' is not really merited. On an AudioZ thread this past week (Little Snitch -Mac software), there was a very heated discussion concerning Catalyst. His little "Cata-Clique" was there in full force and again, given my nature, I embraced the task of dealing with each and every one of them. SAiNT joined the frey, and a tension-filled time was had by all :disco: One of Cat's friends who also posts here, Cav Emp made a very revealing post in reply to something SAiNT said. He told SAiNT he was "upvoting all his [Rico88's] posts simply because he [Rico88] dislikes Cat".

    You can learn a lot about the nonsense that's gone on here, and my subsequent attitude about all of it, by considering that quote. Let's break it down; It would make no logical sense to think that SAiNT would have told something like that to Cav Emp directly, right? Why would he possibly do that? The only logical explanation for Cav Emp thinking that would have to be that Catalyst told him that's why SAiNT was up-voting my posts, or alternatively Cat put ideas in Cav Emp's head that would lead him to that conclusion. If you're familiar with the player's here, there's really no other logical explanation.

    Now consider the level of megalomania that would reach such a conclusion. SAiNT isn't doing it because he likes a post, he's doing it because of me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'ts a sick guy that reaches those type of conclusions. And its a confused person, like Cav Emp that would unthinkingly accept those sort of premises from Catalyst as fact. SAiNT and I have had some pretty healthy arguments here over time. He has no reason to do anything special for me unless he damn well feels like it. SAiNT and I have recently had some PM's. He's said some kind words in those PM's. Catalyst couldn't have seen those private messages, so who's SAiNT putting on a show for then? My point is, Catalyst may have had his fine moments for some of you, but there was also an ill side to the guy, one that infected other's here, and he all to frequently was prone to pointing that illness towards me. I'm no freedom fighter, I'm just really very happy that I can come by here and not have to deal with the likes of this guy ever again.

    I hope that this (admittedly very long) post helps you better understand who I am, and what's gone on.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Looks like I've been exposed. Brb I gotta go find Cat so I can ask him how to respond to this.


    It kills you that you can't pull me into a flame war. Hardlock was unreservedly rude to you. Much more so than I was in my singular argumentative comment. But you're less mad at him because you got what you wanted from him. He validated you by engaging your nonsense.

    I abandoned the opinion that SAiNT was agreeing with your hatred toward Cat out of petty spite. Hence my original reply to him in this thread: an apology for assigning motives to his actions when I only had one side of the story. I still don't agree with many of the conclusions he's drawn about Cat, and I find it distasteful that portions of his post serve no purpose but to ridicule. But I respect the man. That's why I debated him in the Little Snitch Thread. And it's why you're feeling so frustrated: no matter how much you follow me around, nipping at my ankles, you will never get that angry response from me that you desperately need to feel like you've been acknowledged.

    Run along, little lunatic.
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  10. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I agree with Cav Emp about Cat.

    I too only have one side of the story, but regardless, Cat was a great guy over here that made us all feel welcome and from what he was doing on this forum, he was doing a great job making sure all the members were being respectful and feeling welcome. And he was quick to dismiss the assholes, because they were genuinely acting like a bunch of assholes.

    I don't care what people think or whether I get 10000 dislikes or not, I like Cat and think hes a great guy, and also like to apologize to him for quickly jumping on the 'eveyone diss Catalyst' hype.

    Cat you're awesome and you made the audiosex forum community what it was. A bunch of great people just chilling and having a good time.

    These are my final words on this...
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  11. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    1. I've already told you earlier here I want ZERO to do with you. Are you unable to accept and respect that?

    2. My post, which is not directed to you whatsoever, but which you have chosen to respond to anyway, requires no response from you, nor is your response wanted by me in any way shape or form. Why are you even reading my posts?

    3. The only reason you should have any gripe about this post would be were I to have misquoted you. Have I done so? If not, then please get lost. I have no interest in your flip-flopping and your nonsense. I have no interest in you whatsoever. What isn't clear about that to you? Do you seriously think that referring to someone as "confused" is some sort of crime that merits your name-calling and nonsensical diatribe?

    4. Follow you around? Nip at your ankles? Are you out of your mind? Apparently you suffer from the same unending grandiosity as your mentor here, Catalyst. No wonder the two of you hit it off so well. My post responds to "The Dude", not you.

    Again, please leave me alone, I want nothing to do with you here. I believe I am entitled to discuss a thread I participated in at AudioZ if I choose to do so. Further, I can quote whomever I please. You have a problem with that? Go to the mod and complain that Rico88 quoted you as part of a lengthy post to someone else. I'm sure he'll find it a very grave situation.:rofl:

    P.S. I'm not "less mad" at "hardlock". It would seem I no longer have to deal with hardlock. Therefore I have no need to discuss the man. Get it?
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Lmao it's just like the little shit kids in grade school that would punch you in the arm and say "stop hitting yourself"
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  13. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Third time I'm asking you to leave me alone. You're just making yourself look bad. Go away, there's plenty of other people here for you to play with. Or get in touch with "hardlock". If memory serves me well, you like the guy.

    "Punch you in the arm"? You must be joking, right? I quoted you. Learn to be a man and accept it. ---For reasons I can't fully explain though, I sure can see you as the type that a lot of kids were punching in school:rofl:
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  14. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    lol , you have already do this by yourselves that you looks bad , congratulations
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  15. Rico post have almost nothing to do wit you. What you crying about so much? He write almost whole book, you like teensy fly on page. I thinks some of Cat friend try to make trouble for peeps that stood up -- that what you up to, right? Get wit future, your idea of past is gone.
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  16. these same guys as Snitch thread, dont let them throws you. they lookin to pick fight. you better than them, stay cool :) the good ones will rise to top, these other ones will see they lose and fade bye=bye.

    ===sorry english not so good. i keep trying.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2015
  17. And just when I thought it was over, more of the samo samo.

    Ditto, Tin Tin. Adolescent at best, just gave the game away. Just a regular, everyday troll, but that's just my opinion. This is a childish game you play, rico, now very obvious from your exchange with cav emp. To me it is so f****** obvious that the underlying dynamics of your problem is that you adopt the victim's role, of course, unintentionally because you seem so afraid of your anger, deny its existence in yourself, project it onto other people and anticipate aggression or harm from them. And, hand in hand with your expectation comes a high sensitivity to anger in others, and you even go as far to distort other people’s motives, imagining that they have malicious intent towards you. The anger that you are experiencing in response to the frustration is stress, and how you are behaving informs everyone that it is transformed into distrust of others and into feelings of being hurt or wounded. Get a handle on it. Oh, yea...

    My post which is not directed to you whatsoever requires no response from you nor is your response wanted by me in any way shape or form. Why are you even reading my posts?
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  18. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I will respond in this instance, because unlike the above circumstances with me and your friend Cav Emp, you have made the entirety of your post about me. And like your chum Cav Emp, in what seems to have become the norm for the Cata-Clique, you don't address any specifics that were raised to begin with, no real issues. Rather, you offer personal attacks, and now this armchair psychology that leads me to conclude you either just bought a Sigmund Freud book, or else you're in Psych 101 at MYASS Community College. Put a little differently, its not worth the time to even discuss your psychoananalysis of someone you've never even met, and have never before even had a direct dialogue with here or anywhere else. You don't know a thing, and its just stupid. You're trying to see if you can bait someone.

    What is worth saying to you is as follows; first, when I said to your chum Cav Emp that I didn't want to deal with him, something I've said here repeatedly, it was because I wanted to avoid just the sort of problem you and him are now trying to drag this into. Just like hardlock did on AudioZ. However, I won't bite. I meant what I said to your friend. I don't want to have to be responding to his posts, nor do I want him responding to mine. I'd prefer we don't even deal with each other for now. A lot of bad blood went on over at that Little Snitch thread at AudioZ -- in fact, SAiNT compared it to the movie "300". It's going to take a good long while to clear the air on that. Unfortunately, your friend hardlock decided to take it to a level that doesn't quickly go away. We're better off not dealing with one another right now, because any dealings right now will not be productive. Does that really sound so unfair to you?

    Now I understand Catalyst had his little group over here, what I saw referred to on another thread as the "trusted ones". Unfortunately, that whole 'trusted ones' routine is just a spin on 'us against them', and as I see it, you guys want to keep that going even now that Catalyst's role at this site has been changed. Be my guest! I don't believe it will work for you. I do however believe that SAiNT did what he did, because he wanted things changed, and in the end that's precisely what will wind up happening.

    So if you want to keep stirring the pot, or your friend wants to stamp his feet over someone quoting his own words (geez, what a terrible crime!!!) go right ahead. If you feel like it, you can even go quote me. I won't cry about it and claim persecution like he is. This antagonism of yours isn't going to change anything. It's not going to make things go back to what they were. All you will accomplish is making everyone's time here less comfortable. That's it. So, if that's what you want, keep going the way you are. I'll deal with it if that's how you want things to be. On the other hand, if you want this transition that SAiNT has called for to go smoothly, we'll leave each other alone. I'd certainly prefer it that way.

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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  19. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I understand your "english", you're doing just fine. Just keep working at it, you'll get there.:yes:
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  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    What I see here is the same people bullying, being disrepectful and rude and reverting to ad hominem attacks over and over again. What I see here is someone (Rico) who is calling this behaviour out, calling a spade a spade, and getting attacked for it. It is the same people attacking that had an unreasonable attachment and love for Catalyst as what best can be described as a beloved leader instead of respect for him as a member and moderator. These people even mimic the way Catalyst write: blunt, namecalling and swearing but also bashing people around making them feel uneasy at Audioz and Audiosex without any hesitation putting other members down again and again, making them quiet.

    At least Catalyst was his own creation, he did what he did with a sense of intelligent sarcasm and wit. But these vocal followers here are just rude, often hijacking peoples posts, making fun of everyone they feel is below them, call them names instead of trying to help and answer questions. They often talk about how bad Audioz/sex are and how members that are below them has turned Audioz into what they describe as a pathetic place. What I have seen this this last year is this elite to no end talk about how Audioz/sex has been destroyed by beggars and leechers and unworthy people. This is not what I have seen at all, sure there are beggars, but they are not that many, and more often then not they are actually quite polite, even when begging.

    The rude people that really create bad feelings is instead, most often, the small elite click of followers i think we all know who they are. It is the same people that now take the demotion of a moderator to an resident as personal insults to themselves which just prove how unhealthy things had gotten. I think their unhealthy, bullying and down-putting behaviour should be called out whenever it is seen so other members no longer are afraid to speak their minds here, at what I otherwise feel is the maybe greatest site I know.
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