Logic Pro X questions

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Mostwest, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Hi guys, this is my second experience with Logic Pro X. There are things wich i don't really like from Studio One 3, so i got my second hackintosh right and i'm back with Logic. I did a track some months ago but i have still some questions left for experienced users to replay:

    1)In Studio one there is an option called "split at grid" wich i use a lot for midi editing, is there this option in logic too?

    2)I'm using a regular mouse, there is a way to enable double click to create a note in the pianoroll? like S1 or FL??

    3)Is it possible to store only the FX chain without the instrument settings? and be able to recall it in other channels?

    4)I've notice once again that some automations snapping settings are broken, i'm referring to Mute and Bypass for track view and pitchbend for piano roll view. It's just me or someone experienced those problems? Other automations works fine...

    5)I'm experiencing "System Overload" too much this time. CPU is at 20-30% with 6-7 freezed tracks. I heard that this error is caused by HDD wich isn't fast enough (mine 7200 rpm). The last time i got 140-150 without heavy problems, the error popped up few time but the daw was still usable.

    6)Can you guys post me some link or reference to get an optimizated LOGIC PRO X experince??

    7)Don't know if it possible but i'll ask anyway. Is possible to freeze FX tracks?? i'm refering to Reverbs and Delays tracks.

    8)I was playing with the pitchbend and i notice that the value start from -64 to +63, does it make sense?? I was expencting -64 to +64, In Studio I usually have -100% to +100%

    9)There is a "replace" icon on the main bar, tried but nothing happened. What it does?

    10)Disable track will avoid the daw to read the audio clip? Let's say i'm using 2-3 reference track, this will gonna pop up "System overload" more. If disable them the daw will ignore those track or is just like a mute and nothing will change??

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  3. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    no logic users here on AS?
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I wonder if there are users at all here...apart the usual R2R/scene and such posters.

    I asked a simple question about hackintosh file system sharing, and i still wait...probably forever.

    On my side, and about Logic/Studio One, i see some Mac users switching FROM Logic X to S1. There is no perfect DAW.
    And i left Mac side BECAUSE of Logic. I was tempted to try it, so i hackintoshed...and came back to Studio One on Win.
    Logic bundle is amazing, but there are not much improvement recently.
    I know it is not really an answer to your questions, but what you find lacking in Studio One is nothing to what you will lack in Logic (to me).
    The only thing i find amazing in Logic is the bundle.

    PS : here are some answers about Piano Roll/split/Mouse notes :
  5. givinUp

    givinUp Newbie

    Sep 11, 2015
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    1)In Studio one there is an option called "split at grid" wich i use a lot for midi editing, is there this option in logic too?

    I’ve no idea, Logic X has so many midi options. I would say it’s there but I don’t know what it’s called.

    2)I'm using a regular mouse, there is a way to enable double click to create a note in the pianoroll? like S1 or FL??

    It’s possible to make your own shortcuts. The default shortcut to create a note is option(alt) + click

    3)Is it possible to store only the FX chain without the instrument settings? and be able to recall it in other channels?

    Don’t think so. However, you can duplicate a channel, remove the instrument and then save the channel settings.

    4)I've notice once again that some automations snapping settings are broken, i'm referring to Mute and Bypass for track view and pitchbend for piano roll view. It's just me or someone experienced those problems? Other automations works fine…

    What do you mean with broken?

    5)I'm experiencing "System Overload" too much this time. CPU is at 20-30% with 6-7 freezed tracks. I heard that this error is caused by HDD wich isn't fast enough (mine 7200 rpm). The last time i got 140-150 without heavy problems, the error popped up few time but the daw was still usable.

    Don’t see a question here. But let me try something.. I don’t think you HDD should be a problem. Could be the CPU or RAM (maybe not delivering the usual performance with a hackintosh?)

    6)Can you guys post me some link or reference to get an optimizated LOGIC PRO X experince??

    What do you mean with optimized? You can check for the manual and learn some of the shortcuts, you can also increase buffer settings, and another feature which is also nice is the ‘copy/paste time’. Look it up!

    7)Don't know if it possible but i'll ask anyway. Is possible to freeze FX tracks?? i'm refering to Reverbs and Delays tracks.

    Do you mean if it's possible to freeze the aux channels? If that's the case, I don't think so..

    8)I was playing with the pitchbend and i notice that the value start from -64 to +63, does it make sense?? I was expencting -64 to +64, In Studio I usually have -100% to +100%

    Logic makes sense.

    9)There is a "replace" icon on the main bar, tried but nothing happened. What it does?

    The replace icon is for audio recording. Which’ll record different takes and let’s you select the best take or part.

    10)Disable track will avoid the daw to read the audio clip? Let's say i'm using 2-3 reference track, this will gonna pop up "System overload" more. If disable them the daw will ignore those track or is just like a mute and nothing will change??

    From what I know is that the on/off switch is useful for exporting all tracks to wav/aiff (normally this option ignores if a track is muted or not). However, I have the feeling that it’s indeed

    This should a help a little! :)
  6. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Logic Pro is my DAW of preference, though I do also like Cubase, Studio One 3 and Reaper. Each has its strengths and deficits. Some basic tips for optimization, which aren't necessarily specific to Logic:

    a) Re-adjust Buffer size and Latency in Preferences.
    b) Set Number of Cores to "Automatic."
    c) Host sample libraries on an external drive (Firewire 800/7200 RPM or better); write to another drive separate from system drive.
    d) Use bussed (sidechained) effects sends instead of inline effects whenever possible.
    e) Freeze tracks with quantization, amplifiers/stompboxes, inline effects, automation curves, and other CPU-demanding features.
    f) Add the On/Off button to the channels, and turn off those unnecessary for playback while recording. Logic reads muted tracks, but not turned-off tracks. (Note: the Freeze button, not the On/Off button, is what's used to export tracks to AIFF.)
  7. Hades

    Hades Kapellmeister

    Jan 14, 2014
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    HI mostwest
    The problem is how you ask the questions. You don´t need just a Logic X user ...you need one exaclty like yourself. Who was using Studio one before. Or you explain exactly what the function in studio one did. With a little bit of thinking you could answered your question why nobody respondes ?! And if you start reading the Logic manual that would really help you.
    For the system overload there is a thread from copylefter i think in wich he explains how to get best performance in Logic X. The search function is your friend (i absolutely hate to write this) its the first sticky thread in the Hackintosh/Mac Forum called https://audiosex.pro/threads/optimize-osx-performance-for-audio.11881/
    Its easy enough writing nobody helps. But i could prove that you didn´t do a simple search !
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  8. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Found this ...Hope it helps

    by Eli Krantzberg

    1. Split Regions/Events at Playhead Position
    Default key command assignment is Command T. This works great for splitting either regions, or notes in one of the MIDI editors based on the position of the playhead as a reference point for where the split will occur. It’s one of my top ten most used key commands.

    2. Split Regions/Events at Rounded Playhead Position
    Very similar in functionality to the above command. The difference is that when you invoke this command it will not do it at the precise position the playhead is at, but at the closet bar boundary instead. This is great for beat based cutting, when you want edits to happen exactly on the grid at bar lines. It’s a real time saver, since you don’t need to worry about positioning the playhead precisely. There’s no default key command assignment for it. I use Command Option Shift T.

    3. Split Regions/Events at Locators or Marquee Selection
    Default key command assignment is Command Control T. This provides a third criteria for making cuts. In addition to playhead position, and nearest bar line, this function uses locators or marquee selections as the basis for making cuts. If your region(s) overlap both locators, this function will result in two cuts; one at each locator. When using a marquee selection, two cuts will always result. I personally don’t use this command as much as the first two. Here’s why: My preferred method of creating locators is drawing a cycle range in the Bar Ruler. Unless I also have a need to establish the cycle range, I find it easier to drag across the region with the marquee tool. At that point it’s easier (IMHO) to simply click on the marquee selection to make the cut at the marquee boundaries than to use the key command. Particularly since my fingers are already on the mouse from having just created the marquee selection. This has the added advantage of leaving the locators intact, in case they are being used for another purpose (like cycling a different area in the time line.)

    4. Scissor Tool and Option Key
    Using the Scissor tool is of course another simple way of cutting regions or notes. If Snap to Grid is enabled in the Snap menu, cuts will be rounded. Adding the Option key though adds additional functionality. It creates repeated cuts at equal intervals based on the distance from the start of the note/region to the point at which you are cutting. So, if you have a four bar region for example and make your cut after the first quarter note, it will split the rest of the region at every quarter note. This is GREAT for beat based rhythms. It allows for quickly slicing up a loop based on beats or subdivisions. This paves the way for creating beat variations by easily rearranging the slices directly in the Tracks Area of the Main Window.

    5. Slice at Flex markers
    There is no default key command assignment, but the function is easily accessible by control clicking on a region in the Tracks area. Like all of the first three commands, this creates cuts based on user defined criteria. In the above examples playhead position, nearest bar line, and locators or marquee selection are used as the criteria for making cuts. With this function, manually created flex markers are used as the basis.

    6. Slice at Transient Markers
    As with the above, there is no default key command assignment, but it is easily accessible by right clicking on a region. Here the cuts are based not on user defined criteria, but on Logic’s transient detection algorithm. Cuts are made at peaks in the waveform. In advance of using this function, transients can be edited in the Audio File Editor. Either by using the +/- buttons that are visible when in Transient Editing Mode, editing the position of or deleting existing transient markers, or creating new ones with the Pencil Tool.

    7. Cut Sections of Selected Arrangement Markers
    There is no default key command assignment. For those who like manipulating arrangements of regions at the meta level using Arrangement Markers, this is a powerful tool. I use the term “meta level”, because this function is not based on selections. It operates on the entire arrangement, using Arrangement Markers as reference points for making cuts. Working with Arrangement Markers includes not only region data, but automation control points, and markers as well.

    8. Convert Regions to New Sampler Track
    Default key command is Control E, and it is also easily accessible by right clicking on a region and going to the “Convert” sub menu. This command serves multiple functions. It can take a region, cut it up based on transients, and then create an EXS 24 instrument with all the slices mapped. Or it can take an entire track and split it up based on the regions in the track, and map those out across an EXS 24 instrument. This latter function is great when combined with number 4 above. Use the Scissors tool with the option key to slice up a region, then use this function and have an EXS 24 instrument automatically created based on the regions created by splitting at specific beats or beat subdivisions. It’s like creating an instant Rex file, or a poor man’s version of Stylus RMX!

    9. Separate MIDI Region by Note Pitch/MIDI Channel/Articulation ID
    These are three separate commands available form the Separate MIDI Events submenu found in the main Edit menu. These are different than all the previous 8 functions described above, in that they do not cut or split data horizontally along the time line. Instead they separate data vertically, into newly created region stacked on top of each other. They are ways of pulling apart, or splaying, material existing in one region.

    10. Voice Separation Tool
    Like the above, nothing is actually cut or split. Instead, this Score Editor tool is used to separate notes in a single region based on user defined separation points (drawn like a line across the data) and assigning separate MIDI channels to the notes on either side of the separation line that is created. Like the function in number 9, it allows for separating and treating MIDI data vertically; so that notes that exist at the same position in time can be selected, edited, or routed uniquely.

    So, these are just some of the many functions that allow us to edit and occasionally leave selected data behind as we move forward creating our music. There may not be exactly fifty ways, but clearly the more tools and techniques we have to manipulate our arrangements, regions, slices, and notes, the more precisely we can carve out and use or leave behind what best serves our musical vision.
  9. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I mean they won't snap at all no matter what settings i choose, they just don't wanna snap correctly while other automations works when snapping. I had this problems also with LPX 10.0.7 and OSX 10.9.0 and it was a different hackintosh but same problem.

    Thanks for all the replays!
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I'll try these one for sure, thanks!
  11. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    asked because a lot of Logic user start using Studio One when V3 come out...
  12. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Lot of splitting options but didn't find the one i was looking for. I would go for the slice tool wich seems the closest thing i can get. Thanks.
  13. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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  14. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Here are a few additional informations:

    Logic does it the other way around, which I think is better, because it keeps you more options. In Logic you store a Patch which stores all the plugins plus the sends. When you load a Patch, Logic gives you the option to which components to load. In the lower left corner of the Library Window is a Gear icon that opens a Shortcut Menu with the command "Enable Patch Merging". You can select which component you want to add: MIDI FX, Instrument Plugin, Audio FX, Sends.
    Not only that, as the word "merge" implies, you can just load the Audio FX to an existing Channel Strip without overwriting any other components. the Instrument Plugin for example.

    To get the most "optimized Logic experience" is to learn the ins and outs of the app (this pretty much applies to any other app). The learning procedure is often more difficult when you come from another DAW instead of learning your first DAW. The un-learning of previous workflows and the expectation how things are "supposed" to work is the tricky part.
    I can recommend my Logic books in the Graphically Enhanced Manuals series (Logic Pro X - How it Works). I use a lot of diagrams and graphics to explain the various concepts in Logic and not just how to click on buttons. This way, you can see and understand how Logic works differently from your previous DAW and can adapt much faster. With the interactive multi-touch iBooks version of my books, you will have linked terms throughout the manuals that gets you up to speed very quickly.
    On top of that, my manuals are the only books on the market that are written for the most recent Logic version 10.2 (just updated this week). No frustration with commands and menus in Logic that don't match what is explained in the book

    This makes not much sense. You only freeze a Track that has "content", which means Regions on it. The processing of that content with the various Plugins takes real-time CPU-Power so you create a "frozen" bounce-in place version. An Aux Return, (I guess that is what you mean with FX Track) is technically only a Channel Strip and not a Track with Regions on it (there are exceptions), so there is nothing to freeze. If you want to freeze the processing that is going on on that "Track", then you have to freeze the entire single flow, meaning, all the Tracks that feed into that Aux Channel Strip.

    This is just a cosmetic (mathematical) thing to get used to. A standard MIDI Event (i.e. Modulation Wheel) can have a 7 bit value (0-127) which equals 0%-100%. A Pan Parameter for example has a center 0% as its default value and then -100% for its max left position and +100% for its max right position. On the MIDI Draw Area it goes from -64 to 0 to +63 and if you look at the Event List it goes from 0 to 64 to 127. It is just a different way to express values. In the case of Pitch Bend, it goes a little bit further. If you know your MIDI specs (a highly recommended read), then you know that a Pitch Bend uses two 7bit values to defines its values. However, the MIDI Draw Area uses the same way to show as Pan Values -64 to 0 to +63 (because Pitch Bend also has a default center value) and the Event List displays values 0-127. But if you look closely at the Event List under the Info columns, then you can see that it displays the 14bit values (16,384) split in a positive and negative range.

    The Replace Button is a typical example where a "quick try" doesn't get you far, you have to read up on the details. Logic just changed that behavior in its new update 10.2. That button has actually three appearances on the Control Bar (not explained in the Logic User Guide!) and the functionality depends on the Overlapping Recording Settings. It affects MIDI recording and audio recording. the details are pretty complex to the point where I recommend not to use that Replace Button at all. Once you understand the different Overlapping Recording Modes, it is much easier to use those. the Replace Button just adds confusion but no additional functionality
    (Again my Logic book is the only book that actually explains that feature, in great details. You cannot refer to any other Look book, because the way they explain it is outdated and therefore incorrect.)
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    let's say i wanna the ending value being 25% at the ending bar. Wich value is correct?
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    thanks everybody for taking time to answer my questions. I got good answer from everyone and learned new things.