AudioZ and PC Releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eddielee, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    I was gonna post something similar to this in response to this quote from Gaiana in a different thread -"Are we now going to go inception and have a new circle of hackhackers who hack the hacks of the original hackers who hacked the original programmers??" -But the topic was closed before I could reply, lol. I guess it works just as well in this thread too though.

    "In jazz, a turnaround is a passage at the end of a section which leads to the next section. This next section is most often the repetition of the previous section or the entire piece or song. The turnaround may lead back to this section either harmonically, as a chord progression, or melodically." -Wiki

    I must admit I'm a little sad I don't have the latest toys to download, but after reading all this insanity for too long, my eyes went crossed and I can no longer follow the script. It all just began to blur into an odd orchestration. These threads are starting to feel like a perpetual motion machine. All this feedback seems to write itself. If I wasn't a horrible musician, I would attempt to transcribe all this into notes.

  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Boy... that was subtle

  3. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Watch it Cav, using big words like that in this thread might cause a rash of accusations toward you for name calling. It is already apparent that there is rarely a dictionary cracked open with some of the misspellings and such. Better watch them grammer!!
  4. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    People, may I propose that we shift focus from what we "think", "right or wrong" and other mental stuff to what we can "do" to make scene better.
    I am putting here ideas (over several previous posts) how we could help teams get the software to play with. I mean this is their main complaint; "you do not contribute therefore we go internal". If I am wrong and this isn't the issue please let those who know (as opposed to those who just have opinion) correct me
    We are majority and it shouldn't be that hard to find a practical way to help us leechers give small contributions periodically. There should be enough of us to make the difference.
    Do you want sister site filled again with new releases?
    If so let's discuss what can we do.
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    @Medrewb not going to answer you that, people who are part of it, knows whats up with it. :)

    @Kookaboo because its compared with the noob status and its stealing. you can share it in private, but real reversers will not tolerate it.
    if you were part of a real reverser forum you would know about that hex compare is never an option for public releasing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2015
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  6. vibrate on

    vibrate on Newbie

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Mr floyd your idea is great, and if somebody find a technical way to apply it, i am ready to contribute! let's stop this war and find a solution . There is something tho' i would like to be explained: why the comment on Audioz with mirror made by people who make money with warez without contributing aren't simply deleted?
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I would have thought rule number 1 is have some respect for those who work hard to provide the content, but that seems impossible for some people.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @mrfloyd R2R said when they get 100 in they will put 100 out
    then we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselfs around.

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  10. Strawberry fields forever.
  11. cripple9

    cripple9 Ultrasonic

    Dec 27, 2012
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    Like it or not, nothing is forever. When the Captain puts his foot down, there will be more respect given. I for one, would prefer not to have boot prints on my ass.

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  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Sure, and if we can get a page for donations I am pretty sure those will count as thanks and respect more than anything.

    There will always be disrespectful and demanding people especially in public forums however I always believed that not paying attention to them is best way to deal with unavoidable. Commenting on them just add fuel to the fire or increase the noise in best case. As with anything it is much easier to destroy than to build or maintain something valuable. It is unrealistic to expect that all will always be grateful and respectful (and the best of us may have bad days). If we come to terms that this things are unavoidable to certain extent the question remains what the rest of us can do to help the scene.
    I have given one suggestion and tried to dispel very few concerns that were mentioned and I would appreciate others to join the idea or come out with something else.
    A short overview;
    Desired outcome is; we would like to win back teams to share with us as they did in recent past
    They said if we give back that is if we supply them with apps they'll come back
    The question is how we can give back in a practical, affordable and elegant way?
    Most attractive pieces of software are too expensive for individuals especially for those not making any money with them. Yet I am sure that collectively we can fix this and collect just enough for the most attractive apps by making (annual?) donations that our beloved admins or some other friends closer to teams can route to what is needed without us knowing who, what, where etc.
    The simple rule would be; to donate and not to control, question or demand afterwards.
    If this gets somebody in a position to misuse a part of donations I don't care as long as the desired outcome remains accomplished.
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  13. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Looks like you're right. The original retard rated me dumb again :lmao:

    Mark my words... he'll get this post too. And they my feelings will really be hurt
  14. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    no need to offend other members :dont:
    every member of AudioSEX is free to rate a comment how they feel, as long as there is some objectiveness in that vote.
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  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    True. My bad, SAiNT
  16. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree in theory, there are those who are in no position to spend money they do not have.
    You also have to ask yourself, why people who have made it their ambition to become famous or in some circumstances, infamous within the cracking scene, set out not to make money, it is purely to earn respect. Respect for something you work your nuts off to bring to the masses is worth more than money, and to be honest I think that shouldn't just apply online.

    How many times have you done something for people out of the goodness of your heart and all you expected was a honest heart felt 'thank you?' yet the person you helped needed a prompt just to show a modicum of appreciation.

    That's what I have seen more and more evidence of recently, and THAT'S what I think is pushing people away.

    Who can blame them?
  17. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Again: It's not stealing because crack Teams have no (exclusive) rights on original and modified software.
    People who crack on their own put other priorities such as sharing with no shady/hidden interests,
    without any ulterior motives than sharing alone! Teams tend to go in frenzy-mode when it comes to
    competition, rivalry...that's what's killing them slowly. Teams also use their selected couriers which have
    the task to release the "goodies" on specific file sharing sites, which is obviously an interest!
    As a non-conformist & outsider myself i appreciate persons who bring their shares to others,
    secretly or less is not that important. Individual Reverse Engineers have more room to decide for
    themselves and their shares. If they see that developers get seriously hurt by cracks released, they
    can easily stop cracking and sharing.
  18. I for one do not believe that the team that has for the last bunch of years been our trusted reversal revolutioaries will again be blazing the top line of posts here or anywhere else, period. Not because they have abandoned us, not because they are not supplied and not for any other reason but the fact that the general public (not to single out individuals or this or any site or blog) has ruined the vibe and the positive spirit of doing something for the very humanity that has the audacity (grouped together as a whole) to make demands and to criticise, to downright spurn the gifts in hand, out of hand and without consideration for the feelings and emotions of the very people who have been so very kind for so many years. This is not a phenonemon reserved for only the warez community. Another example would be Burning Man. Once it ws amazing, a new parigdigm of sharing and survival in the desert, art and performance, a tactile sense of love and community infused with anachistic tendencies, the ultimate goal being making each other better for the experience and carrying the ideas gathered forward into day to day life. However, now it has become a strange shadow of itself. The vast hoards now leave garbage and cigarette butts littering the ground and have no respect for the land or the citizens trying to make it a positive experience. For me this analogy holds true to music festivals and any place that becomes hip. The warez scene issue is just one way the symptom of the me my mine mindset/illness manifests it'a nasty head. There will be "no winning back the teams". We never lost them, they lost us.
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  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    again it has something to do with respect. lets say you have written a program and somebody steals this method, not the actual the program code, but the method, its the same thing here, you stole the method, tag your name on it and claim its your work. you are always pleading that you are part of the scene, in the scene somebody banned you already, because this is not allowed. if not banned they would have nuked and therefore its like a ban too.

    competition for teams means, that you have to find your own method to crack or unlock something not to hex compare it, therefore no race.
    R2R, AiR and the other groups had no problem with any races, but they do have a problem with fake teams. (hex comparer, team who rip keygens, rebuild keygens with new logo, etc)

    why is this an interest? you really believing giving people FTP access is better?

    the last part happened with KV331 as Assign got asked not to crack a product of them anymore and they followed that.
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  20. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    I count on that. Many will not be able to donate if we get to that solution ever. Most will not donate. And this is OK. We just need enough of those who can.
    If we get 10 members to share 50 annually this will be 500 to spend on most important updates/upgrades (let's say NI since everybody is using that). 100 members could collect 5000, now this will cover let's say Waves updates, most popular DAWs and so on.
    If we have thousands of members willing to pay anything the annual amount could be much smaller for everybody.
    Donations will be used just to purchase licenses so nobody will be insulted by receiving any payment for the "work".
    How many members do we have here?

    As I already said, in public places, forums and such we will always find some disrespectful individuals and some that become such at one time or another for a moment or two and the next day he is back being good. It doesn't netter. It is a bit childish to expect otherwise.
    However if I can use an analogy, let's say that I am in a position to share with some good people in need (for example sending food for hungry). Among those decent people will always be some that are not in need but will take from those in need because they are stronger (in our case louder). Will I stop sending the food because some will be taken away by non deserving? No.
    Now on AudioZ despite inpatient or ungrateful or even rude individuals I always find those who appreciate what is shared. There is a thank button and it is always filled with grateful people as is in the comments.
    There is always some good vibe, excitement etc. and I don't know if it is just me being calibrated to phase out the noise but my impression was mostly positive until shit hit the fan.
    But hey, if there was no negativity how we could discern positive.
    These are all OK and they go hand in hand. We shouldn't take it so seriously.

    Since there is always a good amount of positive waves on Az I do not believe teams left because of bad atmosphere, rather I'm inclined to think that they need from us something substantial, something they can play with. They openly said that.
    Why would they want or need polite, grateful people saying thanks all the time while those people do not DO anything to help them practically.
    Maybe it's not the only reason and maybe those reasons change with time as everything else. If somebody KNOWS please share.
    Until we get an update on reasons why they left I think we are safe to conclude that they want what they say they want.
    Please let's focus on that for a moment.
    Can anybody ask R2R (and other teams) if setting a donation page that would be used just to purchase what they want to crack would bring them back?
    If this wouldn't bring them back or even if nothing would bring them back it's absolutely fine but please let me know so that I can stop insisting on finding solutions which can't be found here.
    If on the other hand they say "yes" than it is our responsibility to make it happen.
    Who's with me on this?
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