Share your setup

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Levitate, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Built the desk myself to accomodate my stuff.. Oak, was about 200 bucks altogether..

    Mostly still the same setup except I added a Trigger Finger Pro recently and I have dual Dell IPS monitors now.

  2. z3r0

    z3r0 Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2012
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    My setup


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  3. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    here is mine

    6 core mac pro
    Krk rokit 10's
    Caldigit 9Tb harddrive (Split into three seperate drives)
    Maschine Studio
    BAE 1073 preamp (Just purchased. Sold my avalon 737).
    Universal Apollo Duo
    Oxygen 88
    Neumann U87Ai
    Beyerdynamic 880DT
    AudioTechnica m50x

    Attached Files:

  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Not as much as we all hate it when people make comments based on their hate of something that other members find enjoyable to partake in. If you don't like the thread then you can easily skip it, that is if you're an adult. I don't understand why you think your freedom to be rude and crass outweighs other member's rights to post here and share their setups with each other without being chastised for it. Like the world would just die if it doesn't hear how much you abhor something. I see already some people have deleted their setups because of your commentary. I don't want anyone being hesitant to share something here for fear of being ridiculed. That is not what we've worked so hard for and is exactly the opposite of what we mean by being a nice person. Beyond that you might want to consider that you don't just get banned when you receive warnings anymore. You can get banned by getting too much negative feedback. We've moved both forums towards this modality because this way everyone's fate is in the hands of the community and not just the staff. We feel it creates a sense of accountability to each other, just like in real life. After all, we are each other's mirrors and you all play a part in designing the environment that you inhabit everyday. Please take a step back and reconsider your dealings with others. Keep in mind that hate is not the reason you sign on to AudioSex everyday. Let's keep the focus on what we like about the place and show respect for each other's interests. I know you're really a good guy so get out of your own way and just loosen up a little man. [​IMG]
    One Reason has worked with companies and individuals that most of us have only dreamed of. He's a very well respected and talented user interface designer and that's reflected in his amazing resume that lists everyone from Dave Pensado to Studio Linked. I'm truly honored that he's chosen AudioSex as his forum of choice, an expression that we're doing something right. I've gotten to know him a little better through some chats (how cool is that feature?) and found out that not only is he a great musician, he's also a really great guy. Your comment is simply for the sake of being spiteful because he wasn't as thrilled as you were about you shitting on someone's thread and all its participants. Furthermore, you'd feel really bad if you had the information I have about the guy but I won't divulge it because that's not my place. He didn't come at you for no reason either, it was actually you that initiated this argument. He was just trying to restore some semblance of balance in a lighthearted way. You on the other hand felt that it wasn't enough to force your opinion on a thread other members are enjoying, you also felt that you simply must insult the guy's job to boot. Really? :woot:
    If anyone should know better, it's you because this is a recurring theme. Is this what we worked so hard for? So that you can tell members how you think sharing setups is the gayest thing in the world? One day you're going to realize that life is too damn short. Why waste it on such trivial matters? I don't like a lot of things, does that mean that I should now go around telling everyone about how much I want to vomit when I see Nexus please every two seconds? No because that doesn't lead to anywhere constructive and it's simply a waste of energy, both for you and others. Instead I choose to look for better ways to improve your time here. How about you return the favor so that instead of wasting my time writing a response about this triviality, I can inform everyone of the updates we've just implemented. [​IMG]
    When they're hateful, include the word gay in a derogatory manner and distract people from the topic at hand then yes. This wasn't a debate on whether sharing setups is cool or not, it was a thread for the express purpose of sharing setups. If you don't find that interesting then check out something more your style, we cater to a diverse audience. Why is that so difficult? Why do you think every thread has to be approved by you in order to exist without the participants being chastised for it? If you prefer to hear the community's music then check out that section of the forums. There's always much to see, hear and do on AudioSex without wasting your time and energy, as well as ours. [​IMG]
    It's not the first time that you're insulting people for no reason whatsoever either. There should be no debate, this isn't a topic that has to be justified to exist. Just because people happen to agree with each other doesn't make them butt kissers either. Some of us just realize that we're here for the things that unite us, not those that would tear us apart. [​IMG]
    He didn't say anything derogatory, he just pointed out that you don't have to be involved in this thread and made a joke about your jealousy. Well within the scope of the rules, especially as a response to your demeaning comments since many people might not have been such good sports about being insulted over their personal interests and their line of work to boot. :snuffy:
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  5. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    All Guitar Based stuff really -

    Fender Strat MIM (modified huge)
    Fender Strat 60th Aniversary 1954 vintage
    Fender Strat Eric Johnson
    Ibanez RG
    Ibanez JS-1000
    Yamaha Pacifica (Seymour Duncan Pickups Modified)
    Some crap acoustics lol
    Engl E530 & Dedicated Engl Power AMP
    Fender 68 Princeton
    Various Cabs, Orange 2x12, Blackstar
    Pod XT Pro :deep_facepalm:

    Lexicon Reflex, Digitech DSP 256XL, Digitech Smart Shirt, TC M350, TC Electronic D-Two multitap, BBEMaxcom Dual compressor, Rane ME15B, Parametric EQ's
    Various Pedals Xotic FX Andy timmons signature, Xotic FX RC Booster, Arlon Prince Keely compressor, Budda Budwah, TC Flashback X4, TC Corona, Tc Hall of fame, T-Rex fuel Tank, DBX-160A, AKG mics, Shure sm57,
    Akesis Q25, M-Audio Oxygen 49, Maschine Studio, Focusrite 18i20, Focusrite 8i6, M-Audio BX8 Deluxe,
    Various other bits
    & a shite computer!! :trashing:
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  6. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    LOL....yeah,my wife got me into it to try to save money.I was smoking way too much,i like the vape but as you can see i still smoke a cigarette now and then.
  7. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    That is really nice.It's a well organized build with a nice desk.Simple yet efficient.
    I plan to build a desk sooner or later but it might be after we move and it'll probably something similar to yours.
  8. @Catalyst ... thanks for putting into words so eloquently what I am sure many of us feel about trolling in these corridors. Again, you prove your asset to all here at both sites. We are all the better for your participation.
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  9. z3r0

    z3r0 Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.
  10. z3r0

    z3r0 Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2012
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    Do people still say wack lmao.
  11. Wack ist weck.
  12. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    My Setup

    lol.. just kidding,, that's Anthony Rother's one.... awesome one
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  13. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Wonder if that dude wears frames to look cool or protect his eyes! He might need some like special goggles or stuff like that :yes:
    Spaceship setup!!
    I'd just spin round on the chair and get no work done at all but nothing new there!!
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  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Thanks, put a lot of work into it!

    @Catalyst ... Cheers mate. :cheers:

    How about I give Remix the benefit of the doubt.. and I retract a little of my venom too..

    and see how that works out, going forward.

    Sorry Remix.. hatchet buried, I actually think your a smart guy, probably decent in many ways..

    Lets leave the past behind mate and on. Life is short.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
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  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    RE: Anthony Rother... Zeus...

    No offense intended.. but... I guess I dont get it... wheres the musicality? if i close my eyes, dont look at alllll that hardware he's surrounded and buried in... I hear the same beat, over and over... no chord changes, no melodies, nothing but add this and that, here and there, and changing volume levels ..

    Other than the gear... I don't find this impressive at all.

    Tell me...what am I missing? Does he actually play those Synths sometimes?

    Seems like hes just riding some faders, twisting some knobs... whats great about this kind of music..

    I ask this of any\everyone..:dunno:
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  16. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    No I definitely agree on that One Reason for me personally that music is not to my taste & that's no dig at anyone who likes this stuff because each to there own & that.

    If you also notice that other dude runs out really quickly when the music comes on because he probably heard it and thought better get out quick

    I'm not a huge fan of this type of genre but I do admire a few artists in that field.

    For me personally there nothing interesting there apart from the gear itself.

    Sounds like some sort of strange alien communication attempt but I guess he could just be messing about or laying out some backing :dunno:
    It's horrible but probably sounds amazing ingesting large quantities of peyote but I don't really understand it at all.

    Maybe he done some other stuff that's great though so am not judging just saying that it not to my taste at all.
  17. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    @One Reason & @Clandestine:
    It's obvious that you're not into this genre at all, otherwise you wouldn't made statements like those.

    Ok, maybe that track is not one of his best, but I just posted to make a joke about the setup.

    Techno music can only be appreciated if you've grown in an electronic atmosphere, going to clubs when we were younger, and like in my case, Djing at home first, and then DJing into clubs, some of them in big events, making dance and enjoy 1000+ people and above.
    I wonder how many of you can say that. :mates:

    That feeling makes you shivers, being part of that, making all those people really having fun for a few hours.

    Since the very beginning, humans have danced static repetitive rhythms as a body expression and to evade their selves, (Africans, Indians, Greeks, Egyptians, Tibetans....) so 4x4 music, whatever the source is, a drum, a gong, or a TR909, is nothing new.

    The ability to create music that is appreciated by Million of people is not exclusive to those that pick up a guitar and a Mic and start singing to an audience of 10 in whatever bar. :bleh:

    Btw, I invite you to check Anthony Rother's Discography (specially his Datapunk and psi49net releases) and discover that he is one of the most appreciated techno/electro producers with a career that 99% of us we could only dream of.

    If you have ever considered being producers or studio engineers, you should be more open minded about genres guys :wink:

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  18. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Sorry Zeus :bow: U right it's not really my kind of thing but I did prefer the workshop kind of thing he did & obviously he knows what he doing or
    he wouldn't have a spaceship :yes:

    There so many different genres now I honestly admit to getting confused.

    I did quite like the synth riff on the last vid could imagine a great melody over that and the backing (atmosphere) nice. I'm not familiar with his stuff & like I said was not to my taste but then again what's to my taste other people for sure would hate.

    DJing to so many would be cool & a rush in itself :grooves:
  19. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    That setup is awesome by the way,Levitate.:like:
  20. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Mine got recently reviewed by a magazine, but I ain't gonna post pictures.....
    But you can check my oldest setup:
