AZ Is A Sinking Ship

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I would gladly donate to a Team to get awesome plugins and software if everybody would do that even if it's only $1 or $5 I wonder how we can make that happen how would someone contact them and would they hear us and listen to us
  2. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    actually it is... and it is on the way to become the most formidable nuclear submarine the world have ever seen :chilling:
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  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Where did you get anything about "amounting to anything"? What exactly did they say that suggested to you that your 'worthiness' to download their releases was dependent on some sort talent/coolness currency? What I got from their last releases was, 'we are pissed at x portion of people, and the rest will just have to deal with being painted with the same brush for now.' Because when you're pissed enough, do you really care that much about collateral damage? Let's look at what they used to say before they got the shits of it all. I believe it was something like... we would like to support you as long as you understand what you are doing and what it means. We would like to support you.

    But see, if I were in their position, this is exactly the kind of stuff the kind of stuff that would piss me off. Putting words in their mouths. Characterizing their actions as some sort of petty, superficial internet eugenics system. No. The answer is simple. They started treating people shitty because that's what they were getting from many people -- enough people to disregard the remaining portion. And frankly what I get from your post is a further demonstration of entitlement, and a thinly veiled attempt at trying to demonstrate to the teams that you're actually one of the 'good guys' while simultaneously calling them a bunch of elitist dicks.

    I hope they don't.
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  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Look on the bright side, we will soon be hearing some superior new music produced by those who have access to these latest internal releases :wink: and in the meantime just take a long holiday, since all of us with the old plugins are now out of the game.

    Personally, I will be taking up knitting :woot:
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  5. No, I did not.

    I'm right there with you Zenarcist, give me a little space on the bench next to you for a little more elbow room. Now where was I...oh yea...knit one, pearl two....
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  6. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i surely did not thought i could make such a fuzz for some time ill keep my mouth shut was interesting to read all your points of view, thank you ...sorry if i caused trouble, these are good places for me to stay, i really enjoy but again seeing members leave also comes to mind questions and things like those here and hoping the next step we will take to be a blast ...respect AZ, AS, the rest of the places, SAiNT, Cat, Arctic, Horsemen, Hex, R2R, CHAOS, Tracer, SYNTHiC4TE, PiTcHsHiFTeR, DISCOVER, AUDIOSTRiKE, MAGNETRiXX, KRock and you guys in here, im out !
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  7. It was never a case of your opinion. To explain it I will make an analogy.

    A bike rider mistakenly hits someone while they are walking down the street. Both the bike rider and the person walking down the street are very hurt as they both hit the ground very hard, but the bike rider more so as his right knee is ripped up and bleeding badly and quite possibly his kneecap is broken. In scenario #1 the pedestrian gets up and though badly hurt herself asks the bike rider if he is OK, and seeing that he is not, pulls out a bandanna to wrap the wound and calls 911 for assistance and holds him in her arms until the ambulance arrives. In scenario #2, although badly hurt, she gets up and screams at the biker for fucking her up, picks up his bike and throws it in the bushes and limps away as the bike rider writhes in pain alone on the cold ground.

    We create the world we inhabit. Multiply the good by the amount of people living on the planet and we have paradise. The opposite also hold true. WE must all decide what we want. AZ is just a mirror that reflects the dream. Peace out.
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  8. IRWT

    IRWT Member

    Jul 18, 2011
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    I can only say to AZ thanks a billion times (or more) for existing,i can't imagine how boring the last few
    years would have been without your hard work EVERY DAY.Don't listen to the sad people,the silent majority
    of the audio people have only but respect for what you give us !!!
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  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    The problem with "private" share is that many good and participative persons have been left behind.
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  10. karlarsch

    karlarsch Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2012
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  11. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Why a sinking ship? Only because most of the Teams providing *free-stuff* have left?
    Well even if so, there's plenty of other options left! Remember: the ones putting limits
    are ourselves, in our minds... So get more creative, share more, do the work expected
    done by others, communicate with care and understanding.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    "A sinking ship"? NOT! Why, because of the natural ebb and flow of changing dynamics; both technical and "social". I've heard this dire clanging bell of doom many times (on Usenet and similar venues). The departure of groups like R2R is certainly not a new 'phenomena'. Groups come and go (as we all do in this life). That has been true since the birth of file-sharing outlets. Of course, most people hate change (or at least the 'perception' of change); I certainly do. But, here's the thing: "change" is a necessary component in evolution. Without it, we become intellectual veggies and worst. Learn to embrace it (even when it hurts or makes you uncomfortable). Sites, such as AZ and AS are always going to survive in one form or other, as long as the content they hold, and disperse, remains relevant and vibrantly useful.

    Catalyst ("Mentor') is one of my favorite commentators and moderators here. He appears to understand the ever-changing inevitabilities that are intrinsically built-in into these types of sites and the subject matter they yield to the public (both registered and unregistered). So, for me, I just sit back, read the various posts (pro or con) and try to make the necessary mental adjustments. In spite of all of this hubbub, the aforementioned, remain at the top of my go-to places for information and/or conversation. After all, sites such as this, are not over-flowing on the Internet...
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  13. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    I totally agree with you both Kookabo & NYCGRIFF
    Limitations are only set by our own narrow perceptions of limited possibilities.
    R2R aren't the be all by any stretch. As brilliant as they've been, the show goes on.
    This sight can still exist outside of that Ideal and the sooner people realize that the better.

    Most people have at least something to offer, It may be uploading software, providing knowledge, helping to keep this sight up and running or just offering up some good old fashioned advise. Is that not enough to be getting on with?
    Downloads may be more sparse right now but there is a vast database of tips, tricks and basic information right here for us to dip in to so lets at least try to stay positive and keep limited mindsets to a minimum.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  14. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Thats exactly what happend with me .
    Twice, I shared somethings expensive that i bought and it got shared on another website on both time.
    The first time i was pissed,.....the second time i felt dumb.

    Now i have other material to wont be on AZ
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  15. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    I would say R2R is a sinking ship not AZ, they didn't realize they exist because of us not the opposite.
    claiming they just reserve the right respect without giving us any is the worse way of thinking.
    we both are the scene, not only you, don't forget R2R.
    Developer and software house design software for us (the users) not for R2R to be reversed, it is not a child game, it is the real underground world, get your head up friend ;) we can wait for the next c++ warrior... you just loosing your title mate.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    When all of this diverse (and important) commentary is said and done, let's not forget that at the root of it all, we are a constituant group of unrepentant "audiophiles". Hopefully, our ultimate goal (both professionally or other) is to seek technical methods to assist in improving the eventual output of our music efforts. That is one reason (though not the main purpose) for my haunting these halls.

    Really good new musicians (or music-makers) are getting harder and harder to find. Sometimes, sites like AZ or AS can make all the difference in the world for aspiring, or even seasoned, musicians. For me, it will be always about the music (regardless of genre). I listen to it all! Remember, "audio technology" only assists; it can NEVER substitute! Just a few decades ago, we had to do it by hand... Maybe, we need to remember that moving forward...
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  17. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    I don't give much credibility to the 'rock is dead' nostalgia because things grow.
    I joined in july of this year, and already made several new friends. plus, like artic says, I've been spending a lot more time using the tools I have.
  18. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Sinking ship? Maybe not, but I'm sure you have noticed that some of our most valuable members there, have stopped posting, even commenting and that Important Releases are hardly being posted by the teams.

    If you consider the amount of stuff that is already there, obviously is big enough to create things till the judgment day, but release-wise (not samples and presets, which are still shared, and in a ridiculous amount), Rels are skipping AZ. I assure you that.

    Audioz WAS the first place when a public release was posted (publicly, not privately because there are other places where releases hit first) but this has changed.

    Releases are jumping AZ because of the people ripping keygens, copying their cracking methods (those two particular things are HATED by ALL of the teams), people requesting for more and more, people complaining about not working when in fact it was that they didn't even read the nfo, LOTS of money makers doing a life with the teams' hard work, fights between users that have nothing to do with the release itself (and yeah... teams read our comments there :yes:) .... reading the 1000000 zillionth request of PACE or WIBU protected stuff... and more...

    But you know.. this is like a drug dealer... a good drug dealer that becomes almost your friend. He has been providing you the goods, and everyday that passes you buy more, and more... and he sees that you are wasting your time, and something' bad is going on. Then he suddenly stops providing you, and you can only do two things: Search for another drug dealer, or you try to kick the habit. That's what happened with AZ and the teams: they did it for our own good. :hifive:

    So now, just enjoy what we have, all the tools we have received, all the samples we got injected, and make some music.

    @virusg: never apologize for expressing your opinion mate, we are an open community that can discuss everything with respect and gentility. Never feel like "I better shut my mouth" because here, every opinion counts. :cheers:
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  19. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    With all due respect its YOUR problem if you can't make great music with what is already out. I can't even believe I even read this! WOW! If you got talent you can make GREAT music just with your DAW and only using instruments/effects included with said DAW. The "best" and "newest" scene releases will NEVER cover up for lack of talent.
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  20. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    could someone explain to me what this is all about?
    << greenhorn : )
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