AZ Is A Sinking Ship

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I can't believe you made a thread about this. ...should I hang myself for saying that or what? ...should I argue with you through pm for this or what? ...who are you to judge me ...8 can make statements like this till morning light if my balls desire ...please don't be an assl***r because that's the way I see it ...I hate behaviours like this ...if I where to say something very good about you wouldn't made a thread for it ...take your toys and leave me; I don't give a f*** about your love for AZ really pushed my nerves with this thing ou love AZ, so what? I love AZ so what type? I put myself into your shoes and boy I wouldn't care less for what someone is saying ...believe me I read AZ and AS every fuckin day and see threads like yours every fuckin hour and I don't fuckin care ...why do you? Could your ba**s do something to save that sinking ship??? ...Am o with my stupid statement influence in a bad way the health of the site??? you care??? Really??? Can you sleep tonight with that statement in your head ...with that negativity. ...ohhh ...well to your liking maybe if I where to have a good life I would save AZ myself dear... but I'm a poor moron and make such statements everyday. ...I help with what I can you maybe ...and still I can live with all the negativity I can find on this and that site ...without making such fuzz ...don't forget to report me to mods for such language ...I should have ignored you tonight but you really pissed me off ...hope you understand ... also this thread should be deleted, now it's full with negativity ... have good night all ...excuse my language.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    This is just freaking ridiculous. Why should you have to drop everything because someone posted bullshit? Just get to it when you get to it. Who was harmed by downloading a non-working crack for REAPER? Was the five second nag screen too much to bear?

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
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  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I didn't get the impression that he was trying to beat you over the head for it. Seems like he was actually trying to be positive. So uh... why are you still being such a jerk?

    Furthermore... currently most/all FL cracks are coming from @r4e who, in addition to being an exceedingly nice person, is an active AudioSex member. Meaning.. the timing of an FL studio release should be the LAST indication of AZ's health. If AZ was one of the last to get it, it was probably just a quirk of timing.
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  4. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

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  5. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Did you saw me asking EVER for something? ...don't care about that he wanted to stay positive... I got angry because he quoted me as I'm an evil or something and I ruin his existence. ...why can't some people turn the other way around and leave stupid like me alone... why do I have to meet such... I said so meting stupid yes so what do you care so much... I've seen very good members leave lately... and if someone dare to say it's not true ban me ...I do care about but if I'm not able to do something what can I do?? I cannot praise something if is just barely enough ...AZ used to be awesome ...and without good members is like almost any other site .... i said almost ...wish I had more uploading speed to be e better user ...also now I have less time to share things... times for me have changed... once elsewhere I was a good known user... but what to say more...
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  6. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Okay, cool. No need to get all upset.

    All he did was quote you. If I were you, I wouldn't take it as such a big deal. My humble opinion.

    Take care, man
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    jayzuzzz man.... assburgers much? no one is castigating you here ok? it was a launch for a whole general discussion
    I don't think superliquid had any ill intent with you !!!

    good one korte1975... where can i get the poster for my wall ! :like:
  8. @virusq...I never dissed you, never said an unkind word about you, and I never did anything except take your advice and did just what you advised me to do, namely discuss the issue in it's own thread. You made a comment that I disagreed with and asked you to explain yourself on your own terms. I addressed you as "a member in good standing" and to reiterate my last sentence,"@virusq, I know you dig it here, but I would like to know your reasons". It was a simple question, not loaded and asked because I honestly wanted to try to understand your feelings. You have not yet answered the question, but rather have gotten quite irritable and defensive. I am truly sorry that you took my post the wrong way. I did not quote you because I feel that you are "evil or something" and that you ruin my existence, but rather the contrary; to see through the eyes of a fellow member of the forum and do my best to see it the way you do in order to get the whole picture, the black and the white, the inside and the better "grok" the whole reality, and in some way better understand myself in the context of my experience at this forum. Namaste.
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  9. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Is r2r not releasing stuff in audioz anymore or they are like just gone???
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hey man, slow down for a second before jumping to conclusions. I just want you to ask yourself a question: is it at all possible that you misconstrued the intention of superliquidsunshine's thread? Perhaps his intent wasn't to make you look evil but simply to inquire as to your reasoning in coming to such a conclusion. Maybe in the process we could even have discovered a means to improve the site. In a way we have because it's clear that the members that have left over the last year have done so because they're sick and tired of the rampant negativity and psychotic behavior and this has reached as far up as the teams. This again brings us back to my suggestions of either making the site private or instituting approval of comments from certain classes of member. I think that maybe we should have a poll on this subject or those of us that feel strongly about implementing some sort of change should all sign a petition. I've already made my own opinion known and have relayed the opinions of some of our best contributors but until there is a show of solidarity towards that end, nothing will change. The most important thing, however, is to have a calm and open dialogue because getting bent out of shape certainly won't further our goals. :no:
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  11. Thanks Cat.
  12. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I truly believe now, mods are deleting posts as I write a reply. Thank God I don't reply much.

    AudioZ used to be a cool place. Great people with great content.
    Now, people the teams think they gave enough for people make crap music.
    And some users actually agree they have more than enough to make their crap music.
    Crap music will continue, and some users will continue to wait for the "something really good is coming! Hint: its for Mac only" crap.
    It's all bullshit.
    The warez scene is not this crap.
    Please ban me as soon as possible.
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  13. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    JeeeZZ! Some people just take life too serious. This and Audioz are great sites. They provide the common man with so many treasures beyond their wildest dreams yet these people find time in their pathetic existence to ridicule and bring down the very fabric of what keeps them going through these tough skeptical political landscapes and precocious times! We all need something to believe in, to agree with, and to share with each other and to keep the Man at bay, to beat the system and to stick two fingers up at this Brave New world!!
    This is a great sight with lots of software on offer for absolutely nothing! No contract, no agreements, no signature, & no payment! I,personally am thankful for finding such a great sight as this and am gratefull for how much it has enriched my musical capabilities & experience. These fly by night ingrates that criticize the imperfections of this sight are a blip on the radar. They soon disappear as fast as they appear. I, for one am eternally grateful for what this sight and Audioz has done to enrich my audio experience and I'm eternally grateful towards the guys that continually help to keep these sights up and running as smoothly as they do. You guys know who you are so no need for names. You put up with a lot of bullshit yet you still, in spite of some negativity and condemnation keep this sight up and running for those of us who truly appreciate a good thing. Thanks!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
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  14. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    AZ is not a sinking ship. If you believe that then get off the ship and start swimming.
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  15. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Well, if anyone thinks I'm trying to bring them down, they would be wrong.
    This audio scene crap needs to be shaken. Everyone thinks he's the king of the mountain.
    No hard feelings for anyone. Except catalyst... Who deletes my stupid replys.
    I like you Catalyst. Go figure...
  16. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I've already started swimming lessons. Quited piano lessons...
  17. exr777

    exr777 Producer

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Nothing's up.
    Only samples and more samples.
    Oh and loops.
  18. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    my 5 cents worth, this year I have bought many things, Xosphere, some cubase stuff, some propellerhead stuff, some independant manufacturers, Xfer Serum , Rapture Pro and some other stuff.I do use a lot of their cracked stuff as well but support when i can!!! Its my interest in life, however I use this site like a religion, and I miss R2R dearly, dream of their return hopefully, but there is some rubbish that goes with it, the them dearly, but I feel sometimes as a newbie that some people treat me like I have no rights to be here, some people treat this as though only they should use it, recently i posted something that was a clue to using software for free, and some hater said "well done, now the world knows and the manufacturers will change their security etc etc" well hello....theres a whole site full of stuff that has been cracked maybe we should should shut the site down so that that guy a few "privilaged assholes" will be the only ones that can use this stuff???? maybe that's the same reason why R2R gave it way??? smart dicks who thought they were better than R2R and others....bless this site and those that take the time to run it, you should be applauded if not remunerated, however, dont forget we owe the manufacturers as well, some do unbelievable work and put it out there at usually very good to all the music and software and hardware makers of this to all :p gratefull to many!
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  19. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Well you really can't expect a lot for free can you?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  20. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    As for the private site thing, I would have never found the site
    if it hadn't just popped up in search one day, when I was looking
    for an instrument that wasn't available elsewhere. What a revelation
    when I landed in that page. Virutally anything I could possibly want?
    In one place? I wouldn't want to deny that to other true music/recording enthusiasts
    who are not scenesters or insiders etc. :mates:

    I would really like to know the name of that place ( pm maybe ) and whos behind it ( former users, so i know its safe to join )
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