AZ Is A Sinking Ship

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. It was a good idea not to deviate from the FL Studio 12.1.2 thread since there was not the place to discuss what our member in good standing, virusq mentioned as he was passing through. And I quote,"AZ is a sinking ship my audiofriend," concerning this sister site not being one of the first to offer the download links to the afore mentioned application.

    I wholeheartedly disagree as AZ seems to me as robust as it ever was. The site itself to me looks and functions better than it ever has and there are tons of different kinds of material available that might suit ones desire. Because certain teams choose not to offer their work to the general public (for only the best of reasons, mind you) is no reason to defame it or deny all of it's other charms.

    To me it would be simply marvellous if all that software was once again available, but even without it AZ is still vibrant and a jewel to behold when paired with this incredible audiosex warehouse of information and friendly kindship.

    @virusq, I know you dig it there, but I would like to know your reasons.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2015
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I too don't get the dire comments I have been seeing lately about the " Z "

    I mean are people just going around with blinders on? chronic state of downer-ism ?

    OK so R2R is gone, there is still enough content, and new content too, that someone could sit and make
    music for the rest of their of their natural born days and still not exhaust the possibilities.

    The world is full of lousy, sucky things, but then there is a great deal of good things available too.

    Must I have that latest update or plug to do what I want? naaaah If I don't have the best or latest so what?
    Still have much more than enough.

    The site appears to be tolerant of trolls and loudmouths, so we can go along, maybe if there was an ignore function so you
    don't have to read the "psycho" comments.. ? :cool:
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  4. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    What???? R2r gone.?? Whhhaaaattttt?n please link me the thread or something??
  5. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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  6. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Now i am embarrassed :dunno:
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  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Oct 10, 2014 just been hanging out in the ocean ?

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  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    members just switched from Thanks R2R & Sunny to this BS now.
    Z has lots of content still, samples, tutorials, education stuff and freeware. also lots of kontakt stuff, what else do we want? shouldnt just get used to our plugins we have instead asking for moar? i guess without R2R taking this action i never found out how awsome Kontakt5 is. i dont want to trade this for any other plugin nor relase. thank you R2R you did well.
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  9. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Everything comes to an end.
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  10. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Ive said this before and ill say it again, Both AZ & AS are the best 2 things around IMHO, Im here for the community 1st ,the goodies second. lets face it kids "the scene" is in a bit of a dry spell release wise, its happened before then new groups will pop up sooner or later with a few poorly cracked apps, and we will all bitch about it. but soon enough they will learn and the releases will get better. I remember when R2R started , they were banned in some circles because there cracks were so bad. bu they learned and they became king. Truth be told how many those must have VSTi are you using now? even being slow AZ has something to play with and every once in a while we get Omnisphere and so on and more often then not its available only here! ok so its slow, but we have AS too which most other places don't . I personally dig this forum, theres lots to learn. AZ a sinking ship? i think not, it looks cool , it works and easy to navigate and FULL of information and most folks here are nice and the mods don't power trip like in some other forums. looking forward to many more happy journeys on the USS/HMS (insert your nationality here) AZ/AS :mates:
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  11. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    I dont know if its sinking but i read not so long ago that some power users were migrating somewhere else.....

    Dont ask me where because i dont have a single clue !!!

    But if anyone want to PM me, i have some material to share for a closed comunity.
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  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I completely agree with you guys and a lot of what is happening is not unique to AudioZ since when the teams curtail their releases, the effects are far-reaching and felt by more than just our community. When I read such comments my reply would undoubtedly be: well what have you done to make it better? Anyone can complain or point out what they perceive as faults but it takes a person of a different caliber to offer viable solutions and work hard towards their implementation. We're lucky to have access to one of the greatest audio catalogs in the world and a community to match, so even without the amount of new software releases that we've become accustomed to, there is enough to keep one engaged for the rest of their days. I've found that I'm spending more time learning and creating which has really helped me keep the focus on what I'm here for, which is making music. Just Spectrasonics' flagship Omnisphere 2 will keep me occupied for a long time to come. I won't even get into the plethora of amazing software that we've been given access to, just in this year alone, from KV331's SynthMaster 2 and Peavey's ReValver 4 to Synapse Audio's Dune 2 and Xfer Records' Serum. This also gives us an opportunity to work together and connect with other musicians on AudioSex which has been greatly elevated as a result of the re-imagining of the forum. There is more knowledge being shared now than ever before and the quality of content here has drastically improved as a result. I see the situation in which we find ourselves, not as a crisis but rather an opportunity. I challenge you all to do the same.

    One area where I'd agree that there are massive problems is the comments where anyone that's having a bad day can sidetrack a thread from its original purpose to trivialities that I think we all would be better without. From my conversations with many of you, you've made it known that you agree. The truth is that people get caught in the cozy trap of misery and this becomes their only method of self-expression. Just recently there were two threads posted containing software that wasn't working (Cockos Reaper and MeldaProductions MTotalBundle). Now, besides the fact that from the outset it was obvious that this would be the case due to the source, somehow it became my fault and this of course was accompanied by the usual diatribe. As I've said a million times before, I'm not in charge of approvals. Beyond that I have a demanding job and can't always be around the minute something like this happens. To say that AudioZ is on a downward spiral because two posts didn't get immediately removed from the list of free software we're lucky to enjoy is inane. The comments are there for just such situations, so that members can be informed as to the status of a particular release. It just so happened that I had been away from the base working on something for an important client and didn't remember my intricate password by heart. Even with those constraints I contacted SAiNT and asked for a password reset so that I could pull them so as not to clutter the site or cause any confusion. It's clear to me that AudioZ could really benefit from going private or at the very least taking on another moderator and implementing comment approvals for certain classes of member. I've been a member of many sites but this is the first time that I've ever seen the aforementioned issue being tolerated en masse. It's obvious that on a public site banning loses all meaning so we need to explore other avenues and I have made my opinion very well known. Unfortunately in the end the site is not mine so the final decision on this matter rests with SAiNT. If you agree with me then I recommend that you make your voice heard so that we can work together towards keeping our site and community thriving. I look forward to the day when the comments section on AudioZ can, once again, be restored to practical discussions of the merits and disadvantages of a release and the camaraderie of the good friends we've made throughout the years. :cheers:
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  13. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Some talk, some work for something better...
    The critic is good IF it sugest a proposal with intend to work for...
    Hey? I offered só many times to help and I think thats no need to repeat right?:mates:
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  14. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    There is an easy answer. Ignore the chaff, ban what is intolerable and move on in one way or the other. There are plenty of nice folks in between and should not be forgotten. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. That said I do see how this can be a nightmare for the moderators and site owners and the providers of content, but there has to be a middle ground of some sort. There are loads of very nice people here and on AZ and that should not be forgotten.
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  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I don't really know what the "matter" with AZ is, but R2R's absence is alreay being felt, apparently. My only real complaint is that there is too much of the "construction kit" fluff, but that's just a matter of taste. There doesn't seem to be as much "good stuff" for Kontakt, but some of the plug-ins of late have been surprising and innovative. Just going with the flow, myself. I do deplore that R2R had been effectively bullied into retirement by ungrateful jerks.
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  16. coconut8

    coconut8 Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2011
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  17. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here's an idea: Why not make a new section in the forum where anyone can say virtually anything about anything or anyone, and purge the whole section every 2 or 3 days to keep it's footprint small. That way people can be assholes, fight with each other, vent their frustrations, or whatever without fucking up the other sections. Plus it would be hilarious to read it.
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  18. devilorcracker

    devilorcracker Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Yeah! Let's name it The Agony Zone!
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  19. Bruttospritz

    Bruttospritz Member

    Aug 8, 2015
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    As a super newbie I've no clue what you're all talking about, just let me say that the above quote is pure poetry (my two cents).
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  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Or The Antagonists Zone :rofl:
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  21. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    pardon the long wind but ... ( inhales deeply... )

    Haven't seen any manifesto from SAiNT on this, but from what I glean,
    he is very big on the free speech side, and very tolerant towards the
    users here. ( If I am correct on that). I would like to see people
    have the ability to voice vigorous opinions here too.

    Comedy, satire, even sarcasm can be informative without being
    outright offensive. Indeed , strong opinions can be offensive at
    first until you try to find the point in them, and get to the grain of truth.

    There has been this debate as long as free speech has been around.
    Say what you want, but not to the disruption of society. Such as
    the argument against people being able to show up to a crowded
    theater and yelling... "I'm the Joker, and I'm back to give all you
    twits what you deserve with my Elephant gun ...!!" Ensuing confusion
    and hysteria, then he laughs and says "Just kidding folks! "

    The mod idea makes sense, within limits. Do we want someone going
    off with the banhammer when they feel personally slighted ?
    Whether what was said was against the rules or not. That kind
    of behavior can ruin things for a site or forum.

    Even now the very few that have been scourged from the site for multiple offenses,
    drop back in on a new ip or whatever, and launch their vitriolic screeds.
    Some of these people are curiously familiar with the site despite having a newly created id.

    I think qrdh20 encapsulated it pretty well.

    As for the private site thing, I would have never found the site
    if it hadn't just popped up in search one day, when I was looking
    for an instrument that wasn't available elsewhere. What a revelation
    when I landed in that page. Virutally anything I could possibly want?
    In one place? I wouldn't want to deny that to other true music/recording enthusiasts
    who are not scenesters or insiders etc. :mates:

    I don't see any big waves, no bailing, no sinking... sail on and rock on " Z " !! :speaker:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2015
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