Samplitude forum at AudioSEX

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by Cav Emp, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    There's a Samplitude forum now! Thanks Zeus, Cat, and everyone else involved. I'll be right here, talking to myself mostly. But at least there's a place to do it!:thanks:
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  3. DFox

    DFox Noisemaker

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Haha, sweet dude! I think I'll have to agree with you, you're probably going to be talking mostly to yourself. :wink:

    I seriously didn't know anybody used Samplitude. What do you use it for, and is it any good?
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  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I produce Sort of glitch-hop, bass music style rap beats and I rap. The producing is done in Ableton. Recording, take comping, audio editing and mixing is done in Samplitude.

    I can't speak for REAPER because I haven't given it a serious trial run, or Logic cuz I don't own a Mac. But aside from that I've tried my hand at pretty much every DAW and can safely say Samplitude is more powerful and flexible than any DAW on the market when it comes to audio recording and editing. There's too much to type right now on why it's a great DAW, so I'll point you to a post I made in another thread recently.

    To add to that list, it's got a built-in audio editor on par with the likes of Wavelab or Adobe Audition. Just shift+double click an audio file and it opens up a Wave Project in a new tab.

    The Object Editor and Object Plugin capability is what makes it so superior. I'm told REAPER can do that, but without quite as much depth. Want to add some distortion to a few words in a bar? No problem. No need to open another track with your whole vocal chain and copy that section of the object to a new track, just to add a saturator to that 2 second clip. Just cut around the area you want to process and slap a plugin on there. Want to accent a couple notes at the end of a verse? Trim around it, and put some plugs and automation on that object. No need to have automation lines running through that whole track. The Object Editor's got it under control for you :wink:.

    I set out to just quote my old post and ended up typing a whole other novel. That's how good this damn program is, lol.

    There's much more to love about Samplitude. It can do everything. It's just not as popular as other DAWs because:
    a) It's quite unique, and very very deep, so at first it's a bit un-intuitive and intimidating
    b) The multitude of options and features makes it a little slower than, say, Studio One or Ableton for certain basic functions. The trade-off is that more complex functions are quicker and easier than in most DAWs.

    Samplitude's main demographic seems to be people who make orchestral music and pro engineers who have figured out how superior it is to Pro Tools (sorry had to throw that in there :replace_me:). Serious people who want serious power appreciate it. Me personally, I'm not so advanced that it's all necessary. I just like how powerful it is for take comping. I'm a perfectionist and [good] rap requires very tight rhythmic precision. So good take comping facilities are a must.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
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  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Actually Olymoon and a few other guys here are all about it. We now also have a BitWig section, a Jobs section and a place for you guys to offer your services. :hifive:
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  6. DFox

    DFox Noisemaker

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Wow... That's quite a reply. Now I feel like I'm gonna have to atleast give it a try. Not only because I've been looking for something to replace ProTools with, but also because it seems to do more than audio editing well. :wink: The only context I've ever heard Samplitude mentioned in is when it comes to audio editing or post-audio. Does it handle videos well?
    I don't know why but I've always steered away from Samplitude. I think I've always thought it was more of a toy instead of a full-featured professional daw, also not a lot of people use, which make it seem less professional.

    That's awesome Cat! You guys are doing some great work here, starting to look real good! :mates:
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  7. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I've been using Samplitude for ever (11 years). and I would agree with just about all that Cav Emp said about it.
    With it I record mix and master. Takes a bit to know for sure but there's no limit to its power.
    In addition, Samplitude comes with a few different skins (which I personally don't much like at all) and can also be customised with skins by "Birdline Skins" of which I have a few.
    If you want video editing then Sequoia (Samplitude brother) is better suited although Samplitude 13 almost closed the gap between the two.
    One major draw back: price! Samplitude is near 600€ while Sequoia will set you back a mere.. hmm... 3.050€ (yes, that's ove 3 thousand).
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  8. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    LOL. some 'toy'.
    i think the main reason that people don't use it as much as others is that it takes a bit of a curve to learn it. if you can do that you will find, as others have already said, it's a VERY powerful app.
    it also just sounds amazing. to my ears anyway.. : )
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  9. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    it is a European thing for the most part (i heard on most forums)
    in the early days i only used it as an editor (for its supreme noisereduction) and because i didnt know better

    now i´m so feed up with Ableton that i looked for a daw for some months now and i remenbered samplitude because of this forum.
    i´ll going to buy it :)
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  10. popeye

    popeye Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    And what about Pyramix........does anybody use it?
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yes, Samplitude is very good DAW, not only for Audio. I used it a lot for in the box compositions, and found it clear, easy and very powerful. The midi edition is very well implemented, then there is a staff view/ edit, which can represent several tracks at the same time, which is very useful if you have tracks that complement each other.
    The integrated effects are very good, and the measurements visualizations are professional and complete.

    But, I had to let it aside, because I had a strange problem of USB conflict with it, leading to BOD (Blues screen of death)
    The other reason is the price almost €600 for PRO X suite, I'd like to buy the DAW I use the most, (Given the actual scene / P2P situation it's not even a choice) and I cant afford Samplitude's price.

    I'm actually working mostly with Reaper €60 and giving a deep try to Studio One Pro €406.
    When Reaper 5 will be out (it includes VST3 and more), I'll decide which DAW I buy.
  12. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Olymoon interesting. I created a problem with my Samplitude by trying to update using an outdated Tracer patch (music computer has no wireless card/not anywhere near a modem so I can't use his online solution) and now it sometimes references a bad memory address or something-- I'm not a computer wiz :unsure:. That's no fault of the program, but it does have me considering other DAWs. I recorded my most recent track in S1 and found it mostly enjoyable -- lightning fast but I did miss having some of the flexibility offered by Samp. It's not as good at switching between takes in real time either, which I like to do when auditioning takes for a comp.

    As a former Samp devotee, how would you say REAPER stacks up? I've heard it can old object plugins, which is promising.
  13. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    funny I was just reading this post when i got an email from samplitude about them lowering their price :o i use samplitude much the same way,great for finishing in, mastering so to speak!
  14. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    there's now a free version of Samplitude available. Some of the limitations compared to the full version are:
    • only up to 44.1kHz sample rate
    • only 8 tracks (MIDI / Audio)
    • only 2 Submix busses
    • only 2 AUX busses
    • only 4 Input / 4 Output
    I can't remember how many plugins you can load on each channel.

    Here you can hear what I do with Samplitude. I record, edit, mix and master, all with Sam:
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  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    @Cav Emp I'm not sure I understand your question (sorry I'm not so good at English) what do you mean by "stacks up" ? and by "it can old object plugins" ?
  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    @Olymoon , my apologies. I did not know. What I meant was, as a user of Samplitude, how does REAPER compare in your opinion?

    As for the question about object plug-ins:
    I have heard that Objects inside of tracks can have their own plug-ins in REAPER. Just like Samplitude. That's nice, since Samp and REAPER are the only DAWs I know that can do that.

    I hope I was clear enough. I have a scattered way of thinking, and it shows in my typing. :mates:
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yes I understand Now. First I must say that this is only my opinion and it's based on the way I work, so it may be very different for each person. I work essentially with vsti, very few recording and no wav. SO in these conditions, I'd say that Reaper is very easy, fast and light in a good sense. ANd its easy way to get costumized to your needs is very handy. Where samplitude gets better its in the effects plugins that comes with, like compressors, and so. But I easily configured Reaper used with external plugins, and it's as good. The thing I miss the most from Samplitude is the midi /score editor together, this tool was very handy for me. But there is a quality / default in samplitude that now, with reaper I dont have to worry about, which is the ability of Samplitude to assimilate high levels, almost like an analog thing, so if you dont take care of your levels, you end up with distortion, but it can be subtle. But with reaper you have the "classical" digital intolerance reaction, so there's no way that you dont hear it.
    All together I would say, there's not a big difference , but I repeat, I'm very oriented to creativity, and technical aspect goes a bit after the workflow.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015
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  18. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    it all comes down to economics for me at least. and i have to say, reaper is unreal for the price, one which i am pretty much decided i will pay for a very customisable and continually updated daw that is also quite reliable and solid.
    it's true there are many things you can do in reaper, like object editing whilst not as powerful as SAM, it functions well enough. ( you can also do some sort of effects on clips thing in studio one, again not as feature rich as SAM but it's there after a fashion).
    IF i could afford to pick and choose i am pretty sure i would plump for samX. but that's a pipe dream until i escape this unending penury ,( IF i escape it...). i think Ableton is more expensive which again rules it out of the game for me plus it is the most crash-prone of all the DAWs i have tried ( and i have tried them all, apart from things like pyramix. or DP as i don't use a MAC..
    fl studio is brilliant to i think.. cubase i have used on and off longer than any other app i can think of.. come to think of it i am just a software slag : (
    the major factor for me has to be speed of workflow above everything, and bug-free.
    if i can get sam the other thing that i am sold on is the fact that it's bespoke plugins are just the dog's nads.
    best i have ever used and, the holy grail for someone like me, a daw which needs nothing else, no 3rd party effects in addition they are THAT good!
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  19. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I use SONAR, SAMPLITUDE, REAPER, LIVE, and FL Studio (FL only for sequencing/programming). REAPER is absolutely rock solid in it's vst handling, organization, and performance. The programmers for REAPER are ex-Cakewalk empolyees, I believe, which is ironic because SONAR is a bit finicky when handling plugins. It's also ridiculously small in size. All day I'll recommend that you grab a copy of REAPER and add it to your toolbox.

    Another important point is that you can mod REAPER to your liking like no other DAW. There are so many skins for it, it's crazy, and so many mods you can download and install to make life easier! It's also........pretty DEEP. The options/functions and tweaks in the menus alone are almost overwhelming.
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  20. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    haha. apart from Sonar ( i went well off that stuff many years ago) a man ( or lady) after my own heart. tee hee
  21. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I don't mean disrespect in any way but I have the impression this thread is turning into one of those (useless) "which is the best DAW" debates... shame.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2015
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