Analoginthebox Mammoth EQ [Nebula]

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by siddolo, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. siddolo

    siddolo Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Hey ppl. I heard a lot of good things about this nebula library: Analoginthebox Mammoth EQ.
    Unfortunately we are waiting since feb. 2014 to buy it, since Analoginthebox closed his online store. I just dropped a mail but they say they won't open again anytime soon.
    Anyone could sell me and to other people this stuff, or could send us the fu**ing zip file and the analoginthebox paypal address to send money?
    Or someone maybe has other ideas on how to offer a mirror to BUY this software?

    Thanks guys!!!
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Unfortunately SOME AITB Nebula products need a Auth file. Ser is generated to which u upload to website & they send u a license or u dowload the licenser. Not sure about this one. Doc Fear does for example.

    So don't fold yor breath :sad:

    Unless u can somehow get hold of a val AUTH File *no*

    As the website now closed u may have trouble validating it even u bought it from someone but don't know enough about that to advise u. May work if u bought it though but not sure

    There now better Nebula alternatives so would maybe look at some of those instead possibly.
  4. @siddolo...This is NOT the forum to request warez. There is a separate section on the sister site specifically reserved for that very purpose. Please delete your post and start again over there. You can leave this part,"Hey ppl. I heard a lot of good things about this nebula library: Analoginthebox Mammoth EQ. Unfortunately we are waiting since feb. 2014 to buy it, since Analoginthebox closed his online store. I just dropped a mail but they say they won't open again anytime soon." Everything else has to go.
  5. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    asking where to buy software used or from a 3rd party is not requesting warez.
  6. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Think OP was edited after superliquid23 suggestion :thumbsup:
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    When I first read it superliquid hadn't yet posted and I don't remember any warez requests in that post but who knows what our brains figure out in this heat :break:
  8. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Yeah, one of those moments [​IMG] :rofl: :mates:
  9. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Yeah I'm in the same position.

    I sent them an email a couple of weeks ago. All they said was "We'll let you know when the store reopens". Since the store's been closed for like a year I kinda translated that to "go f** yourself".

    There is a very good alternative to it but it is very expensive: the acustica audio Magenta. It's modelled on the same EQ. The advantage is that you only have to open one instance, you have all the bands within the same nice interface.

    I guess I'll save up and buy that one then
  10. siddolo

    siddolo Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2014
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    hey guys. no fucking warez here. i'm not so dumb. OP was not edited at all. (it also got passed thru the admin approval)
    I'm brainstorming you all on how we could BUY this product cause the store is offline since february 2014.
    and i only asked if someone sells his one :P

    There are now better alternatives? really?
    Can you please post some names? Thank you :)
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    just get something else, when they dont offer it anymore in their online shop.
  12. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    You can't buy the product I was just saying that some AITB products also require authorization so if u bought it 3rd party ect I'm not sure whether you might have trouble with the authorization also thats all. :dunno:

    If u consider that to run it in the first place then you also need nebula well that brings the combined price up pretty high.

    Sure it a good EQ but there also other good ones that u can get for probably less than you would pay for all of the others i.e Some of the new Aqua plugins better processing, New engine & since u want mammoth and must be a legit owner of Nebula u can also run the Aqua libraies in ther Server bundle.

    I never mentioned warez was saying you may have a problem with authorizing it thats all.

    If I thought you were asking for such I wouldn't even have responded in the first place Good Luck :wink:
  13. I apologize if I was in error about the warez thing. Yea, it is really hot here in central Europe and in addition I am running a fever with a nasty cough. What I saw was, " or could send us the fu**ing zip file" which to me was requesting warez. And @ siddolo, I don't think you are dumb. Again, my apologies for my error.
  14. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    As it's based on a Manley why not try something also based along those lines i.e

    UAD Manley Massive Passive

    if u ain't got accelerator then zero-frag like mentioned Magenta sort of like a Manley clone & since u own nebula u be able to run the aqua library

    There quite a few other Manley clones also
  15. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    My I suggest something?
    We should never buy thing from places that seams instable because we will change our system, shit will happen and probably we will need support.
    Só its better to find a similiar product with a stable company because sometimes we cant afford buy 2 things for one porpouse.
  16. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Totally agree Ovalf. Even better imho possible save hard for the Hardware if possible. Eliminates that problem apart from upkeep & bits falling of & that! You can some pretty decent hardware EQ's for the price of some of these over inflated VST's imo that do a pretty good job. JMO
  17. siddolo

    siddolo Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2014
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    yeah. thanks @Clandestine. btw i'm a legit nebula user of course. and with the warez thing i was referring to the other guys here :) no problem at all, thank you for you help!

    no problem man... and yes, it's hot as hell here in north italy as well!

    yeah. there's no UAD accelerator here, an never will be.
    i don't trust algorithmic emulation in general...but i trust acustica-audio and the nebula sampling thing a lot, so i'm buying Magenta right now. (sigh i spent 140€ for nebula last month and now 150€ .. it's 1/5 of the price for a used real massive passive :( )

    anyway are you guys suspicious on nebula/acqua?
  18. axelfender

    axelfender Member

    Feb 17, 2012
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    IMHO, i think there are mods here that can do their duty
    and it isnt allowed to members to admonest posters?NO? *no*
  19. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Since (I think, as someone said this is not true for all AITB products) you require authorization, you can't just buy it from someone else or transfer the license.

    For what it's worth, the shop has been open and available throughout almost all of 2014 (a new owner took it up).
    But since the new EU vat rules starting jan 2015 a lot of small internet shops just stopped because it's impossible to do the tax handling without raising the prices for one-man-shop kinda style businesses. Or they need to restrict the product to only customers of a single country... which is stupid as well :).

    Henry Olonga had the same issue, as well as a few others.

    I know it doesn't help the OP at all with his problem - which is a stupid problem to have: I know of the product, I want it, I have the money for it, yet they won't sell it - but just wanted to give a little bit of background.
  20. @ axelfender...Firstly, I have been thanked by an administrator for cautioning a member for an ill advised post just the other day. Secondly, I apologised for my false post, but thirdly, I definitely will admonish you for trashing the word admonish in your post. "IMHO, i think there are mods here that can do their duty
    and it isnt allowed to members to admonest posters?NO?" Can you admonish me after saying it isn't allowed in the rules to admonish another member? LOL :rofl:
  21. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Superliquid u did nothing wrong man, I got similar impressions also upon first read.

    Wasn't written in the best way but i deffo not saying anyone should write like however as we all do it different etc :thumbsup:
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