New times in the P2P scene

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by toni_aguirre, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. toni_aguirre

    toni_aguirre Newbie

    Jul 6, 2014
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    I've been here for a few years, first downloading stuff in Audioz and eventually I made some shitty Vst's and decided to share them to this wonderfull community. I haven't been in this community for a long time, but, from what I read, I've seen that there are some problems such as:
    - Teams need money to keep sharing it with us
    - People, once they've seen they can get something free, would not pay for anything (to be honest, I include myself as I'm a poor student) , and eventually would complain when teams don't release something, which is somehow, paradox.
    - Stuff released in Audioz is inmediately shared in other sites (magesy, etc)
    - Developers that produce this instruments (or anything else) may be forced to stop producing because their work is cracked instantly and people wouldn't pay for their products
    - (This is a personal one) As time passes, libraries are heavier and heavier, until there is a point in which for a Spitfire library you would need to download 70 parts. This could be solved with torrents.
    Now, I was thinking, how can you get money from lots of people without having to ask them for money? How can you make that this money is not sucked by other shitty communities that take their stuff from audioz?
    And here is a sugestion: what if, in your releases, you included your own keygen, and make the serials only available through audioz?
    For example: imagine tomorrow Sylenth2 is released. It would be the continuation to a standard, so everybody would like it. What if, for installing it, you asked for a key, which could only be obtained by a kind of web keygen of audioz, which only members could see? I think you could avoid that it's released in other sites, as without the key they would not be able to open it.
    Now, the money-making question, how can you make money without people paying? I've seen that there are sites in which they pay you for watching videos, surveys (I don't like this, but it is an option), I don't know, maybe ads, or audioz could start some money making things, such as a producer talent pool, or a developer contest, I don't know.
    Anyway, I think the only-for-audioz keygen could also help people to download through torrent: I think that people make some money with upload, bitshare and this sites, but if you start making money from visiting your site, it doesn't matter if it was leaked in magesy, or torrent or anywhere, they would end up in audioz visiting this site and generating some money.
    To avoid extremely fast releases, maybe you could make some kind of trial versions. For example, the new apollo guitars from Vir2. Maybe the team that provided it to us could make a kind of "preview library" for a few months and eventually release the full one, to help make some publicity to the developer and force the one that really wants it inmediately to pay for it.
    I invite you to brainstorm as you probably know more than me, and try to reach a reasonable to solution for developers,teams and users. I've seen that some people have started to be very ungrateful, while others have started to become ironic and angry. I think we must solve these problem and don't get angry!
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    :rofl: how many thousands of virtual instruments and processing-plugins we have? and still not enough?
    somebody need crack UAD from hardware to native plugins without DSP-card requiring and that's 99.9999999999% enough))))
    not enough synths? :dunno: serum,spire,dune2,sylenth1,z3ta+2,massive,fm8,roland,u-he zebra/diva/ace,all linplug,all rob papen,all arturia, all tone2,all TAL, all KORG,poly-ana,all d16group,plogue chipsounds,xhun littleone,waldorf,novation,FAWcircle2, synthmaster,surge,helix,cableguys curve2,synth1,discodsp all,audiorealism all,op-x pro II,synapse all old stuff, image-line stuff, superwave stuff, patched reaktor5,kontakt with multiGB libraries, hundreds of drum synths, free VSTIs etc.etc.etc. STILL NOT ENOUGH????? :rofl: billions of presets banks and that's not enough? maybe lack of talent to create many stuff with this??
    what you are still waiting for? what you need guys?
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    What. no impOSCar :wow:
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    nice idea but unfortunately it would not work, simply because the leeches are everywhere, a lot of stuff is available but only internal, however even this sometimes gets leaked too soon and not in compliance with the scene's own rules (omnisphere2?), which is one of the reasons R2R are pretty fed up with the whole scene, a few bad eggs have got into the closed community and are simply abusing their positions of trust, just be grateful of the things that are now available.
  6. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Fast releases always get critic in the posts,só There is a lot auto-critic.
    When we share the intent is to distribute and is really impossible avoid reshares, even with a close site.
    Torrents have a security problem and also could lead to hdd fail, already discussões here in many topics. Also There are torrent sites older than AudioZ tha have litereally all that eas releases here.
    There are lots of rules to share, but really we cannot complain how is done. Its just ingratefull and we always have the option to not doenload right?
    Man looks like you must search more, read more and see more. Only 14 thanks but you have downloaded for years and change the world. Little ambitious for me. You need more interaction, and this is a start, but first you must know that this discussion happens since of the beggining of the both sites :wink:
  7. SomeOtherGuy

    SomeOtherGuy Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I've had thoughts about this too. I'm glad you posted this because I've needed an excuse to finally write this out:

    A realistic option to consider is to PGP encode every (scene) release. There's more than one way to approach it.

    Every UPSTANDING member of Audioz would be allowed to have their public key included in the encryption process, thus enabling them to decrypt the archive with their private keys. In order to achieve upstanding status, or "karma" you'd simply have to obey the website rules. I don't want to define here what those rules are or should be, but just an example might be:

    Be an active member of the community by participating in thread discussions while maintaining a positive ratio (ala Reddit). People complaining, asking for alternate OS releases, people posting mirrors or breaking other rules may be down voted by other members. People providing positive feedback and advice would receive positive feedback. The more useful, the more upvotes you'll get. Perhaps even people providing financial contributions toward running the website could be offered "gold". So the community would essentially regulate itself.

    Again, I'm not saying this is how the site should be run, this is just off the top of my head. Perhaps someone in charge there would have their own criteria to decide who is upstanding...

    So, once you drop below a certain status you will get an automated warning, and if you dip below another threshold, your key will no longer be included in future releases, at least until such time that your site ratio goes back up.

    As an alternative, the entire archive doesn't actually need to be encrypted, perhaps just the keygen or the serial.txt file.

    As we've seen some groups have stopped releasing publicly recently, largely due to dumbasses who can't control themselves, this will eliminate these types of people. Further, it will encourage people to be helpful and friendly and to participate more frequently, and totally eliminate drive-by downloaders.

    Theoretically, you could set it up so that someone who never posts and only downloads will auto-qualify, or perhaps they will need to a member for a period of time before qualifying. So many possibilities... Again, this should be decided by the powers that be, I'm just rambling.

    Another positive is this will allow releases to be PGP signed, so you know it is legit and has not been tampered with.

    Only negative to members I can think of is if you temporarily drop below the threshold and your key is not included in a particular release you would never be able to decrypt it, even later after you return to upstanding status. But perhaps that's just tough titties, you should have been more careful. You probably won't do that again. Likewise, new members joining will not get access to earlier releases. Perhaps some will see these things as a plus, not a negative.

    Perhaps someone will argue doing this would be a waste of time because of mirror sites and torrents etc, but on the other hand, it will keep our community in check and hopefully encourage release groups to share once again. And I believe it will make it harder and slower, though certainly not impossible, for mirrors to pop up elsewhere, thus maintaining Audioz' leading status in the community.

    I don't see this as being a major coding effort, but perhaps it is, I dunno. PGP encryption/decryption tools are easy enough. Adding your public PGP key to your profile shouldn't be a challenge for anyone. Maintaining an up to date repository of valid and upstanding PGP keys would be a single line of SQL code, plus a simple private web interface which the release groups can access. The only tricky part will be maintaining ratios for each member and doing up/down votes. Perhaps there is a optional add-on in the forum software which does this already.

    So that's my idea. It probably sucks, but that's all I have to say about this topic for now.
  8. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    That's because there's people who prefer use a cracked VST/AAX even if it costs
    $15/€10 (ie Nicky Romero Kickstart).. crying like babies if it suddenly stop
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Ok, so something like positive ratios on major p2p sites like oink back in the days or something like that.

    The thing is:

    p2p ≠ scene.
    r2r = scene
    we ≠ scene
    scene ≠ public
    warez ≠ money
    warez for money ≠ scene

    so, basically, stuff from the scene isn't available publicly. And, usually, the scene wants to keep it that way.
    Anything that gets through to sites like audioz is leaked and/or happens out of generosity.

    So none of the scenarios sketched out above are likely to happen because it's not in compliance with the points I stated above.
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    yeah, forgot....
    oddity, impOSCar, Sonic Academy A.N.A., reFX Nexus2, reFX Vanguard, NI Absynth, MEMORYMOON stuff, XILS-lab stuff, Diversion, Waves Codex, Waves Elements, MeldaProduction MPowerSynth, FXpansion stuff, VirSyn stuff, Terratec KOMPLEXER, OneSmallClue POISE,GRACE and blah-blah-blah another hundreds of non-mentioned krakkd synths (and still not enuff of that stuff)
  11. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    + all pitch shifting vst plugins ever released.
  12. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Without saying this as a negative, the point remains that some will always be a leecher, just as some will always contribute. I don't know what would work, if anything. I will say it's good that people are thinking of solutions. That's the attitude that gets us somewhere better.
  13. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Not to mention these...

    Members even made their own and shared them. For some, there is no 'enough!' Haha
  14. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I think that we all are innocents when a topic starter do the first post and never reply...
    We are so lunatic to help and discuss but the starter trow something in the wall and we grab... :wow:
    The purpose of a post must be learn, debate and maybe change our actions for a better thing.
    But changing ourselves instead changing the world is harder then anything. Probably a thing that we cant and nether do not want. So... lets pollute... :(
    The hell is FULL with good intentions! Why? Because if we do not prepare our questions only after the intense study the subject its just another noise right?
    Maybe tony_aguirre will answer all our posts, but not answering became common :wow:
    I wish a day that all topic starters be logged waiting for replies... *yes*
  15. toni_aguirre

    toni_aguirre Newbie

    Jul 6, 2014
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    In the end of my post I mentioned that some people in this site are becoming ironic and arrogant. As I saw comments as yours I decided that it is better to let it all as it is and not try to help. The hell is also full of shitty people with attitude of "I only complain, be arrogant behind a screen and piss off people that try to help". Forgive me for being young and trying to help, I didn't know I had to had 70 years and 10 Grammys to express my opinion.

    I am also sure that EVERYTHING you have in your life is because someone stood up and shut up all the people that think like you. And of course this people might have made mistakes and might have been young and unprepared, but this attitude should be for all your life.
  16. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Arrogant is when someone does not want to hear other people (the good and the bad) or when someone asks and do not want the answer anymore.
    Arrogant is not participating in the forums and without learn a lot information that already exists (and I gave a lot for you) and start to change the world by your rules.
    If all is so easy why do not do you do it yourself? Many people work hard here for free and jokes and all the work in both sites must be recognize as something to accept, understand, joke and offer to work for the people who already are doing something like that, maybe before you're born.
    You do not even start to help because the only help you wanna give is in your way. This is the definition of arrogant right?
    As I said the hell is full of good intention and you cannot see that we are trying to help. You need to prepare yourself, and we are helping and I do not hear any thanks.
    I know theres a lot of complain, maybe its rap thing? :rofl:
    For star I can suggest that you read ALL the posts from Catalist to understand the situation, He is real a well balance guy, always learning and hearing, a gentleman that can be hard when he must.
    There are old people. like my mother, that do not like to hear other peoples opinion, thats the definition of being old. Many people started innocent here and became a changer game.
    You must be on the road and always on the process to be better, accept and learn from mistakes. You should participate more mate. One idea at the time. I also suggest thing like that and someone told me that was not possible, I search, learn more and finally understand.
    Please fight, be grateful for the win or the loose, but you must know what fights to choose right? I do not want to fight with a rhino, do you? The rules of the game are harder then you know and if you wanna change you must be strong and clever. This is a great place to do that.Otherwise the sharks will eat you in the breakfast... :wow:
    I invite you to PM because I am a fighter for the good people here but you must make your part and not quiting.
    There are jerks much worst than me, so lets be friends and there are so many good people that you never believe. :bleh:
    Also you must understand that you posted so many ideas, so people always pick a part to answer, a plate full for the jokers (theres a lot too but who does not need endorfine :dunno:)
    Man joke about yourself too, its a good way to learn. No master achieve that because he didn't do mistakes, masters are people who make more mistakes in quantity and quality).
    Learn with the power of the group and no obstacle will be higher enough :mates:
  17. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    If it weren't for Audioz I wouldn't have the setup or wasted so many years messing about making music like I have been doing. If it wasn't for the great job these people have done over the years in the warez scene I would never have started making music, like most I simply couldn't afford it.
    However, now I'm older (mid 30s) I do own at least 80-90% of the stuff I use now. I have an ok income and when I've had some spare cash or even saved up, I've purchased the things I use. From sound banks to soft synths and a few bits and pieces of hardware also along the way, I really don't mind paying even if I know it's free else where.

    I think it's my age, maybe I've grown up. I used to laugh at people who would spend money on things when they were available for free online. I thought they were crazy and couldn't understand why they would do this when they could put the money other things?
    I guess as I've got older my thoughts and views have changed somewhat and I'm more than happy to pay for something I like and use.

    Don't get me wrong, I still download the odd thing, but it really is few and far between now and tbh free or not, we all should have enough now to get along with, but unfortunately it never is enough for some.
  18. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    No, that's wrong.
    R2R ≠ scene!

    MESMERiZE, 6581, CORE, ZWT and afaik UNION are scene, but not R2R.

    That may be hard to understand and I won't explain it anymore, but face it.
  19. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    P2P = P2P scene
    scene = original scene
    AIR/CORE/RADIUM/TALIO = original scene

    The real scene these days is the P2P scene who in my opinion has surpassed the scene which is on it's last legs and become the origin of your favorite releases in the last decade. Most of the original scene stopped releasing because they began facing a lot of the challenges that the P2P is dealing with now. So basically they got fed up with the morons. They also saw where this was all heading into a bad place with people uploading just for money and not having any respect for the people that made shit happen.

    scene ≠ public yet assholes leak scene releases so for all intents and purposes a lot of it is public now.

    warez ≠ money is patently false these days and not in the negative connotation that it's usually discussed by people that have no clue about what they're talking about and most of the time these people aren't part of either scene so they really have no idea as to how things work (not a shot at you). Back in the day it used to be that way before warez became public and when watermarks and other difficult protections weren't as commonplace. Now things need to be purchased more often so the P2P scene can't get by with this methodology anymore especially with no supplies coming in. I know quite a few teams and I can tell you with certainty that you have no idea just how many releases on AudioZ and those that end up getting supplied to the scene were only made possible because someone used their hosting money to procure new releases. I won't even get into how the team's themselves are involved in these endeavors so at that point this warez vs. money thing becomes a joke. If they depended solely on supplies, the page would be empty. The problem is that a lot of these old-school scene fanboys think that because some methodology worked a decade ago that we can't deviate from that which is simply a close-minded and infantile approach to a changing landscape. Zeus made a great comment to that effect on AudioZ a while before his accident and I really respect him for that. The only way to remove money from the equation is to stop public distribution which I fully support so if people want that to be a reality then they must be prepared for the consequences of that move. Also there should be a distinction made for those teams that reinvest money into supplies and those that try to milk every release for big bucks because not all teams are created equal. And if I were to choose a place to upload to, one where I got a return on my investment of time and one where I didn't then why would I opt for the former. Doesn't make any sense. It's an argument usually used by people that think that everything should revolve around their world views which is just a bunch of garbage. And from my experience those people NEVER contribute so their standards are for everyone else only.
  21. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Perfect words as always boss :mates: