Omnisphere 2 Release A.K.A. Circus Sideshow

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't know if this belongs in the Lounge or the humor section. Why do we have a trillion Omnisphere posts? If the other uploaders respected the first person that released it and just let that person post all the discs we could have had one complete post. Now we have some uploaders that had corruption in their files, some that didn't, some that are scene released and some that weren't, one disc was even a dupe of the previous disc and all these unnecessary posts that have messed up having a complete properly working release right out of the gate all because of impetuousness. Now we have 10 posts and it's just become idiotic.

    Also if Dynamics would have been fueled by quality rather than ego then they would have waited a while and R2R would have eventually released the full boxed version. One team, one set of releases and not this circus we have going on. Now even if they wanted to R2R can't pre the full release in the P2P scene since there is nothing technically wrong with DYNAMICS Omni 2 discs 2-8 so it would be a dupe. Just ridiculous how it all turned out. Completely botched one of the most important releases of this year thanks to a coordinated effort that started in the scene and was finished on AudioZ. I propose a rule that if an uploader has made the first part of a release and states that they're uploading the full set then they should retain exclusivity of the post to prevent this nonsense. I actually made this suggestion long ago and copy just reiterated it in a private convo recently. So sick of the kindergarten bs we have going on in the scene and at the forums that's only leading to a confusing, over-complicated and inefficient mess. :bleh:

    Of course I'm not referring to R2R or HEXWARS who release with a level of professionalism that just can't be beat. *no*

    And all because people think they know better. :snuffy:
  3. freerider197

    freerider197 Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    totally agree with the suggestion... after i saw the first post i was exited, as a baby in a candyshop, but when i realized that there were other 5/6 post with other DVD i fell a bit confused, also because of people saying that some parts were corrupted and some other not...

    Well, i'll probably wait for a unique as you said "full boxed version" released by a reliable team.
  4. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I'd say let them post it if it's a different release but find a way to keep it coherent. (Maybe not post until it's the full release in one post)
  5. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Simply true. It's a pure clusterfuck. I was forced to get DVD 6-8 by torrent. *yes* :rofl:
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    as I stated in the first posting (D4) over on AZ, "oh dear, released too soon me thinks"

    glad I'm not the only one that realized the shambles this has now become

  7. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    What kills me is uploaders that use different file names for the same upload?

    no offence to BuroakenSowend but his omnisphere DVD 8 has been taken down but his mirror links have different file names to the original upload.

    Why do that? i now have to download all the files again to make the set complete rather than just the missing ones.

  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Agreed. One posting per release, and mirror creation for the dcma complaint race, that would be the way. just like the old days.
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I guarantee you that if A) DYNAMICS had let the professionals handle the release when they were ready and B) Someone like Horse or me and Modulus handled the whole post we would have a perfect stress-free release now that would be functional, efficient and perfect for archival and we wouldn't need 10 posts to do it. It really pisses me off how it all turned out because it's SO not what a lot of us had in mind. *no* The whole reason that R2R didn't release the updater version which they could have done right away was because they wanted to make a proper release right off the bat and other teams were trying to help in that regard by getting a rip done of the boxed version. I can't even imagine how the teams that spent so much of their time trying to get this done properly feel right now. I really feel for them because this is a real eyesore. Instead we have Omni 2: The Clusterfuck Files. :snuffy:
  10. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Circus is about right CatBro, except there aint no entertainment at this show! :dunno:

    You`d think that, just maybe, after the announcements in a slow down in releases due to the teams utter frustration at the behaviour of money grabbing leechers, thing would have been a little different. You know, like people would actually heed the fact that for the last few weeks the Z has been little more than a sample library shop. But, nope. As ever, our resident money men throw all semblance of civility out the window in a flat out mad dash to be the first to earn some £$€ off the back of the Teams hard work.

    No surprise it has to be said. Things won`t change. Greed is a powerful motivator that cares not whether it destroys the source or not.

    Great idea with first to share gets to finish the share CatBro. It has long been obvious that unless leashed the leeches are beyond control.
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Can't you just take out the large broom and clean up? I mean, isn't it your place after all, so you could just define and enforce the rules?
    Sorry, I really don't know what's going on behind the curtains, that's just how it looks to me as an outsider...
  12. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    nope, it's not as simple as that :sad: although I'm sure Cat would want it that way *yes*
  13. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    The open war between teams, Catalyst, but it's not a scoop... it's mainly the problem, why? for reputation? to ear money? (only uploaders ear money, not the teams). Exactly what you say in your title : the Circus Slideshow (I've wrote it's the messy in D6 comments, but your expression is more elegant :wink:)

    The Omnisphere 2 post isn't clean and it's difficult to follow, many users are lost (like me), without explanation. Like all of us, I saw DYNAMiCS, then R2R (for a proper D1 - I agree about R2R and HEXWARS, they're serious teams and they work like professionals, sometimes better), three actors they're using different title schemes (no coordination, seems to be posted like an "urgence"), D4 published first, D6 to D8 are simply catastrophic (different archive format, parts badly named for D6, wrong descriptions such filesize, many MacOS X users can't decompress the archive, and maybe other surprises I don't have seen yet). I'm sad to see the primary reason is to make money (affiliation programs) at the expense of quality.

    About users now: many of us come on AZ/AS websites, download, then coming back for complaint (without OS/DAW description of course) and when solved, no more news, no thank message (the Thanks button seems to be hidden for somebody). Yesterdays, I've used all of my day to try to help (as possible) some users, here, in English (I'm French it's not easy for me and I don't use stupid translators). And during this time, on AZ, a Mac user have wrote "if you have the solution, PM me", exactly like a VIP, wanting the solution only for him and not for the community. Simply unbelievable!

    We're living in a world of sharks, it's not a myth.
  14. luizcifer

    luizcifer Ultrasonic

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Thx Catalyst for pointing that out :wink:

    the release made me quit helping people

    i was hit hard by the many Request`s for help my PM Box was full serveral Times since it came out

    normaly it was plain easy to install but with all those Threads and everyone full with every Question that you

    can ask... i can`t help plus the Fact that some Disc`s was renamed or corrupt made it even worse...

    and to be honnest why should i help the unthankfull and the quotes "need help" without any details given

    i was even avoiding to sign in to Sister site because of that...

    and one thing went completly wrong about this...R2R and HEXWARS saved the Release with there Propper Fixes !!!

    They done it for the Comunity and for those who want to put there Hands on it ...if they would not step up then

    prolly some more Thread`s been floated with more nonsense and they Guys who want to help beeing nailed to the Wall

    so a big Thanks goes out to those both Teams for there Kindness of doing so even if they not had to...

    cheers :mates:
  15. moonraiser

    moonraiser Newbie

    Oct 30, 2012
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    to make things clear here what I saw:
    all the following ISO have checksum error in it:
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 - Disc
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 - Disc
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 - Disc
    It's pure shit made by an asshole

    all the following ISO are the good ones:

    Omnisphere.v2.0.DVDR.D8.part01-08 is incomplete part09 is missing. Feel free to fuck the uploader

    7h71e.Spectrasonics.Omnisphere.v2.0.D8 have the same content as dyn-somni2d8
    Spectrasonicsd8 is also the same as dyn-somni2d8 is also the same as dyn-somni2d8

    D1.PROPER as the same content as dyn-somni2d1 and the volume label is the same, so WTF ?

  16. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Cat, you make some very good points. The Scene is sometimes like the wild west.
  17. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I was thinking the same thing: After all the notes from the teams to get a bit more conscience and calm - this happens.. This release was a mess from the beginning - the moment i saw that the first disk was actually not the first DVD in the sequel showed me right. Actually, the whole 8 parts came out in one post on another public site before the upload on AZ.
    I feel ashamed (despite that i have nothing to do with this release - I wont even download it) from the tunnel vision and the deafness of the community and the uploaders. :sad:
  18. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    'Maybe not post until it's the full release in one post' - And this is the point isn't it? Since when was it OK to post a little part of a program in place of the full program? The answer lies with the profiteers, the businessmen at Audioz who can spread out the program over many threads and make money off the downloads instead of waiting til they have the entire program and put it in one post. Making money off warez is not a warez ethic. Why is it allowed to happen while at the same time getting on their high horse about people not respecting scene ethics?
  19. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I am now starting to have a greater understanding of the (whole) situation. I first found Audiosex because I had issues with my legit Pro Tools. The community here was appealing, seeing as though like minds helped each other - for the most part.

    I started learning of & looking at warez and found AZ. Since then, I watched and listened. I was taught not to speak on subjects when I am unknowledgeable of the goings-on. But, now I can see why Cat and others state certain complaints (not the same as complaining).

    This release has really been unnecessarily difficult. Eager users were left in a whirlwind trying to DL and install. I haven't installed it, as I didn't even know about it when it first dropped. But, I saw how the release order of files and different packages caused a maelstrom of confusion.

    Normally, cats just don't know which way is up when installing some crack they couldn't do with a manual. I'm not a cracker, and I applaud the ingenuity of those who do. So, I know how difficult it is to install some new software. It can be trying. I took my time and learned a lot (especially about my own computer). So, I know that end-users need to read. That in itself would alleviate so much tension in the comments/community. We all know that there is a lack of self-reliance & responsibility. However, in response to this post, there was added difficulty.

    I don't know the whole history, but it appears that the first release was rushed. From what I see, R2R has just about always come correct. I don't know the whole deal with the beefs. But, in this instance, the first post was not complete. The comments section will let you know how many people don't appreciate the incoherence of the first release. Plus, there is some backstory to read about thievery and the integrity & quality, which may shed light on how things got so messed up.

    This did turn into a circus. The folks were overjoyed to see the release, but that quickly turned to anguish. Of course, one could buy his own copy. But, we know that argument. After coming here, I used some stuff and bought what I liked. I paid for what I made my money with. I agree with trying things to see if you like it, and you should support the devs who bring you greatness (or tools for making your own money). But, as the Scene and releases go, it would help to have some agreed release measures. Once you release a package, you are responsible for the integrity. It should do what you say it should. If it isn't working correctly, someone else should be able to offer one that does. Profit is playing a part. That is something I think could be fleshed out more, too.

    If someone is packing a piece of software and sharing it without making the downloader pay, I don't have a problem with them getting some type of compensation. It isn't necessarily selling something they didn't make. But, the profit can go to their heads. If someone cracks a DAW and starts selling it, even thieves can see how that is messed up. Karma doesn't sleep. So, for someone who didn't even put the work in to make it useable and available in the first place, s/he definitely knows s/he shouldn't be out to make money off of it. I can understand why some groups don't want to release anything anymore. There is a great level of ungratefulness floating around. I am not offering a solution, since I didn't start it all. I am glad someone decided to share something so expensive with others to try. A lot of us got to practice on something and get better, then get to a place where we could support the Devs. I'm not blind, so I know that doesn't apply to everyone. There are some of us that will never pay for any software. Now, or ever. But, the graciousness and hard work of those that share (now, in the past or future) is appreciated by me, and they should be appreciated by any user of AZ (and the like). Since people haven't had to pay, they didn't value those efforts. That is one fact I've learned, people generally don't value 'free.' But, when you know what went on behind the scenes, you tend to understand. I didn't do the work, but I know more about how it happened. (Plus, we know there is nothing in this world that is actually FREE.)

    Just my 2 cents and some lingering thoughts. BIG RESPECT to the DEVs, our beloved sites, the contributors, the groups, the Scene, and the music lovers. After watching that whole ordeal, I really want to see a thread where everyone posts what they MADE with their lovely downloads.

  20. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    Deleted the uploads.

    To make it very clear, Buroaken was not cashing in, nor is a fucking retard. Moreso saw that impatient people were talking about the other discs that had not been put up, yet Buroaken had them. So, shit, why not help the people out?

    Little did they realize that the service add underscores for any spaces automatically. This becomes an decompression issue. BUT, the compressed files worked perfectly fine with KEKA, which is an OSX application. And yes, PC i have no idea what theyd need to do for it. But you cant speak on what you do not know as to spew false information.

    As far as should one team or poster or group released it? Fuck yes.

    But off the bat, two different people posted the middle 3 discs. Not 1 & 2, not 6-8, but 3 and 4 and 5. So the door was left open to the others. And buroaken wanted to assist get people the other discs. Did they know a shit feast would ensue? No way. Did it? Hell yes. Now Buroaken took them down. Buroaken did not want to aid in a mess. Thats not the intentions at all. But all the bullshit makes any good intentions not seem worthwhile. With mods, posters, members, res and such all pointing fingers its annoying. Like the outcome was intended or for some ulterior motive.

    I believe not.

    This should have been a one person release. By far. But now you have keygens and mods and patches from dynamic, r2r and hex. And updaters from a few of them too. Its a mess. It should all be wiped and put into one post.
  21. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    I just reading this topic. I dont understand every sentence here, but I can figure out and I can imagine what the problem is. In the last few days there are so many topic and mirrors about Spectronisonics O2, and I guess wow. Everybody jump on it. For me I didnt get it yet. At the moment I am very happy with that what I have.I think Audioz have to make new rules here for uploaders (possible?). For me I thank all the guys behind Audioz much respect & love and Im so thankful that audioz here round. And I would like to support only the uploaders that is behind Audioz, and for the guys who make money with it I would banned them from Audioz. I think we need only few uploaders thats it.

    So have a nice week end. Love & Respect for Audioz

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