End the Backwards Evolution in Tuning

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Zealious, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Hi there,

    Here are the proper Pythagorean intervals to make your songs sound harmoniously awesome and give you better inspiration because your synthesizer is actually in tune.

    These Ratios will give your songs the best harmony.

    I am sharing these after spending months and months having found out that most Pythagorean tuning files out there are messed up...

    Use these ratios, and you will enjoy making music better... and people will have more fun as well

    edit: file deleted, i m sure all who are serious about tuning their sounds will be able to do so
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2016
  3. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    someone please elaborate!! it does not apply to vsts right? i am planning to get a small korg synth so is this my concern?? :unsure: :unsure:
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    have never heard of this before... and never heard any musician or lecturer on music mention this...

    some sort of esoteric geometric relations that have an impact on music?

    therefore.. I deem it to be abstruse, and relatively non-relevant to your interests !! :lmao:
  5. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Dude, that is exactly the backwards evolution we are talking about

    Even the Music teachers don t understand what is going on with these tunings... Just ask them, they will say something like: " Equal Temperament is perfect and most evolved tuning method because all the notes have equal spacing in between them...."

    Then you do the actual math, and you look into that statement, and you will see how messed up they are in their beliefs.... ( bc the spacings are, LOL, not equal at all, and the name equal temperament is thus a hoax and without any real merit )

    And by the way Esoterism is a good thing, when it has the correct perception of things, anything else would be a stupid statement.

    Also, There is nothing to do with Geometrics - unless that is the way you want to look at everything - but moreso its baby brother Maths, and when you do the Math... listen to the Music.... and you feel the music, you will realize that the Correct Pythagorean Ratios are the real ratios that are supposed to be implemented in music.

    Just sharing this with you since you asked, and your answer revealed that you did not know anything about how your synths are tuned, and neither do your music teachers And that is the backwards evolution we are talking about... no one knows what the **** has been going on with our tunings.
  6. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Hi there,

    Yes this applies to most all Synthesizers in the market Currently. Most of them have the wrong tuning, that is imposed by a vague group of self appointed professionals..

    Many new Hardware Synths are totally stripped of the capability to Tune them to the Proper Intervals, but you will need to check with the Manufacturer if your Korg will support the tuning.

    However, i would suggest you try out the tunings mentioned above in a VST before you make your decision. There are plenty of people making pretty good music with the messed up tuning that most synths have today.

    But if i were you, i would not buy the synth, if you could not tune it properly. Check for Microtuning and Tuning options if you can tune each key by certain amount of cents.

    Someone else may elaborate on this a bit more, some people say this is a conspiracy to influence human emotions, which it does seem to be, because the tuning that most synths have today, really is flawed and emotionally impairing compared to the Proper Pythagorean Tunings.... So if you are serious about making music, do look into these tunings, because we do want to create the best harmonies for ourselves and for those whom listen to and want to enjoy our music
  7. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    For what ? and how do they escape to its effect when themselves hear the "wrong tuning" everywhere ?

    Seriously asking
  8. Sound as we all know is not only something we hear, but rather something all encompassing and powerful. It is transformational in both body and mind, affecting the spirit and denser forms of our being. Sound can kill and sound can heal. If the way we tune our instruments affects all in it's path as it hits air, it must make a difference. I have seen at some point a video of the physical differences of sound structure observed when salt is placed on a metal board and sine waves of different frequencies are played across it. I recall a difference of what seemed focus and sharpness in favor of the 432 tuning compared to the 440. Maybe it was fudged, but if not then it would be beneficial to tune down a little. This speaks of course nothing to different tunings themselves, the drift of this thread, however.
  9. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Forgive me if this is a silly question, but how exactly does one utilize this in a synth or vst?
  10. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Hey it's not so simple! If you play in C all is well but if you change tonality things will mess up! Equal temperament is a result of many years of trials and errors! If you want to keep those ratios on all tonalities forget the "12" black and white keyboard
  11. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    you almost got me, and the you lost me :rofl:
  12. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Interesting. Thank you for sharing this. I'd like to try it.

    Zealious, would you be so kind to share with us how can we best implement this tuning with Kontakt (as well as with other VST instruments)?
    I presume a good sounding piano would be a natural choice to test the difference.
    Also can yo share some links about the background of your findings?
  13. clem

    clem Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    NE Ohio
    Equal temperament is far from perfect. It is a compromise made many,many years ago to be able to play in different keys and sound relatively in tune. Back when I was doing session guitar work ('60's and 70's) I often ignored the tuner and tuned to the key of the song by ear to get very pleasing harmonics. I didn't know it then but I had discovered "Just Intonation" (Google it if interested). What was important to me at the time was the people who hired me seemed to think I had magical playing abilities which in turn got me more work.

    Many of my older Yamaha synths - tx81z, sy77, tg33 have microtuning tables that can be used as presets or be custom programmed. I was introduced to alternate tunings thru Wendy Carlos' 1986 album "Beauty in the Beast".

  14. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Mmmmhh I think you were hired because you actually were a good guitarist!! You can tune strings by ear but the frets are equal tempered.. However Wendy Carlos did a fantastic work with alternative tunings and definitely it's a field so appealing
  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Yes! The fact of A=4xx variants has been obscured in musical education, not to mention "other" scale structures altoghether.

    Mathematics is at the heart of music, and also of architecture, physics, chemistry, and esoteric science. Music had once been commonly and openly linked to esoterism, and now is merely an "occult" idea. It is thought that the stones of the Pryamids in Egypt had been laid by musical force - generating certain sounic frequencies at such an intensity as to move the large stones with ease and precision. In our modern society, music is considered "powerful" if it merely causes a horde of festivalgoers dance. The mathematic power of music lies in the intervals of its scales, from whence it extenuates into the physical and spiritual realms, including our minds and souls.

    Any pro-level DAW (such as Logic) has a vast selection of "historic," "ethnic" and "experimental" tunings from which to select in its Prefernces, and playing the same MIDI file with different tunings selected should begin to give an idea of the potential for music outside the A=440/12-tone box.
  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    This is a very interesting topic

    Here You can listen (and see) some comparisons between some of the tunings:

    As a luthier, I spent a fair amount of time comparing various tunings and trying to find the perfect one, and this series of videos helped me a lot...

    But! :)

    As I experimented with various musicians (professional ones) by handing them their guitars tuned differently (to my ear better than the standard tuning) ; they all (ALL! 100 % of them) choose the standard tuning as the best sounding one, without knowing how the guitars were tuned (the so called blind test).

    At the end I gave up experimenting and accepted the standard as the best one for my clients. :dunno:
  17. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    17-TET FTW!
  18. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    actually, the more You think about it, You become more aware that when we talk about art, "the beauty lies in the imperfection" *yes*
  19. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    one can download a Pythagorean Scala tuning file and import it in kontakt, then make a Hit with it an let us hear :rofl:
  20. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    my mellon has been twisted...
  21. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Seriously answering

    Even though it looks like you are just wanting to pick an argument and the truth is way too deep for you... Here is a little pearl for you:

    To answer your own question you may begin to think about how do drug companies thrive while the drugs cause diseases and why there are gmo s in foods and fluoride in the drinking water ( like they used in nazi concentration camps to make the population docile and easy to control ) and why you are eating that stuff while someone else is making a profit on you

    Why don t you find your own answers to your own questions, this topic is about the facts of how the tuning is messed up right now

    If you knew anything about the topic, you would have responded differently so that reveals where you come from and you may go debunk aliens controlling humanity with someone else.

    Yes it ties down to a lot of things that are going on this planet now, but this topic is about the facts of how the tuning is messed up right now