How could i send different Pitch Bend Values per Note?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Zealious, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Hi there,

    I wonder how could i send Pitch Bend to a VST instrument, according to the Key that is pressed?

    The value needs to be different on each key/notenumber.

    I am asking because i have tried FLStudio KeyboardController ( it basically works ), but the FL is honestly way too buggy to work with and i ve created a patch in Bidule using the PizMIDI to send different PitchBend Value for each key, but it does not provide consistent results.

    Thank you in advance, if you can help me get forward with tuning some of the instruments.

  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    that sounds kinda far fetched, why would you want to? one can simply draw a pitchbend, record it and turn knobs with your mouse...

    maybe you are looking for something different, many vsts have keyfollow/glide which makes it a pitchbend....

    But hey I'm drunk :wink:
  4. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    If your instruments are out of tune, tune the individual samples or use another instrument.
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Do you intend to play monophonic or polyphonic?
    Also, what exactly is inconsistent with the Bidule/PizMIDI combination?
  6. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Yeah, this is for something different, but thank you for considering sharing
  7. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I intend this only for Monophonic.

    This is to retune instruments that do not have Scala support in them.

    The Bidule & PizMIDI sends inconsistent Data ( pressing a D key for example, will not send the same pitchbend for all notes )

    Also the notes seem like they are out of tune in general
  8. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Years ago, i tried everything to create monophonic microtuning for non-Scala/TUN synths.
    Nothing worked, so you'd better forget it and use a Scala/TUN synth :mates:

    There are inerrant limitations to any so-called "solutions" :
    -monophonic only, because pitch bend is not polyphonic
    -troubles related to "note on/off" MIDI signal. When you release the note, a "note off" is sent. BUT at the same time, pitch bend need to be reset to 0 too, to handle next "note on" with another pitch. At the end, it is a total mess if you play more than one note per second. Never found any solution on my side, being Bidule, VSTs, Reaktor... All breaks at the end. Too many time lost.

    Use a free/paid Scala/TUN synth is my solution, you will loose less time changing synths than trying all non working solutions :wink:
    It will works at oscillator level, be polyphonic, no troubles.

    Here are lists:

    Alphakanal Automat
    BeepStreet Sunrizer
    Big Tick Angelina, Rainbow and Rhino softsynths
    Bitheadz Unity softsynth
    Cakewalk Dimension Pro
    Cakewalk Rapture
    Cakewalk Z3ta+ softsynth
    Camel Audio Alchemy and Cameleon5000 softsynths
    Celemony Melodyne 2
    DashSignature EVE one (not two)
    Devine Machine OTR88
    E-mu Morpheus
    E-mu Proteus series
    Ensoniq EPS/EPS16/ASR10
    Ensoniq TS-10/TS-12
    Fluidsynth (iiwusynth) software synthesizer
    HERCs series, Abakos Pro softsynths
    H-Pi Instruments microsynth and Xentone
    Image-Line Harmor
    Kemper Digital Virus
    Korg M1, M1R octave tuning dump
    Korg X5DR octave tuning dump
    Korg OASYS PCI soundcard (and softsynths supporting its .tun tuning textfile)
    LinPlug Albino 2, Alpha 2, CronoX, MorphoX, Octopus, Organ 3, SaxLab and Spectral softsynths
    Manytone ManyStation, ManyGuitar, ManyOne softsynths
    Marion MSR-2
    Mark Henning AnaMark softsynth
    Max Magic Microtuner for Max/MSP and Pluggo softsynths
    MIDI Tuning Standard (both bulk tuning dump and single-note tuning change, 3 byte), supported in Timidity and Audio Compositor, E-mu: Proteus 3, UltraProteus, Audity/Proteus 1000 and 2000 series, Virtuoso 2000, Proteus FX, Orbit, Planet Phatt, B3, Carnaval, Ensoniq: ASR-X, MR Rack, MR-61, MR-76, ZR-76, Turtle Beach: Multisound, Monterey, Maui, Tropez, Rio
    MIDI Tuning Standard 2-byte octave tuning dump
    MIDI Tuning Standard 1-byte octave tuning dump
    MIDI to CSound
    Modartt Pianoteq 4
    MOTU Ethno 2 and Digital Performer
    Mutagene Mukoco, Macomate 88
    Omringen Oblivion
    OpenMPT ModPlug Tracker
    Native Instruments Absynth 2 (via .gly file)
    Native Instruments FM7 and Pro-52/Pro-53
    Native Instruments Kontakt 2 (via script file)
    Native Instruments Reaktor (via semitones file, frequency file or NTF file)
    Plaka Physical Modeling softsynth
    Pure Data
    Robin Schmidt's Straightliner softsynth
    Roland GS & JV/XP families
    Roland Fantom-X6/X7/X8
    Roland V-Synth Version 2.0
    Roland Virtual Sound Canvas, SC-8850
    Smart Electronix Foorius
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere softsynth
    Synapse Audio Orion Pro softsynth
    Synthesis Technology MOTM-650
    Synthogy Ivory
    Timidity and Audio Compositor MIDI to audio renderers
    Tobybear Helios softsynth and MicroTuner VST plugin
    U-he Zebra, ACE and DIVA
    VAZ Plus, 2001 and Modular softsynths VirSyn Cube, Cantor, Poseidon and TERA 2 softsynths
    Wusik Station, Wusik 8000 and Ravernator
    Xponaut Voice Tweaker
    Yamaha DX7II/TX802
    Yamaha SY77/TG77/SY99/VL-1/VL-7
    Yamaha TX81Z/DX11/DX27/DX100/V50 (both octave and full keyboard bulk data)
    Yamaha XG family
    Yamaha VL70m
    Wallander Instruments WIVI Standard and Professional
    WayOutWare TimewARP 2600
    Wusik Wusikstation v2
    Xen-Arts IVOR, XenFont and Xenharmonic FMTS
    Xenharmonic FMTS VSTi
    Xponaut Voice Tweaker
    Zebra 2.0 softsynth
  9. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Just an idea:
    Wouldn't AutoTune software be able to do this?
    Of course, the AT SW would require microtuning support built-in, like AutoTune itself, AFAIK.

    Another option could be putting a quality pitch shifter (QQ PitchWheel or the likes) and control the pitch shift amount by Midi CC, which in turn has been mapped to a midi notes translation table and is triggered from the original MIDI track.

    BTW, it sounds like your Bidule+PizMIDI setup has errors in it, maybe it does not calculate octave shifts correctly?

    Of course, Pipo is absolutely right if all you want is a micro-tuned synth, and indeed many synths are replaceable by others *yes*
  10. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Thank you for the suggestions
  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Interesting topic *yes* My knowledge doesn't run that deep in this area so could be talking rubbish lol!

    No immediate solutions came to my mind. I suppose Reaktor would be possibly the closest thing you could use as a plugin but like Pipotron3000 pointed out there lots of problems with this. You could of course do it purely on a script level in Kontakt but that isn't going to solve your problem.

    Like pointed out Pitch Bend is specified by specific absolute value. This is valid for everything on the channel untill a new value is specified. I suppose the nearest thing I could think of would be Complete pitch bend to specify or cover entire range with triggered values. Of course CC different. Another option would maybe consider using portamento in legato mode as that similar to pitch bend.

    Would'nt it just simply be possible not use multiple controllers on different channels with specified scale range set via cc 6 as to how many intervals etc u wish to bend?

    Interesting topic :wink:
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Channel split can be a good solution.
    Mackie Control use this with faders sending a single pitch on different MIDI channels, instead of CC :wink:
    It was their way to increase precision without NRPN.
  13. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I am asking this to tune a few Synths that do not have direct equivalents... Such as ABL2, LuSH-101 and Massive ( for MonoPhonic BassLeads )

    Do you mean sending a consistent pitchbend on each channel, and then activating that channel when a certain note is pressed ( and then combine all of the signals to one destination to tune according to the note that was pressed )?

    Or did i get it wrong? Could you simplify a bit what you mean if i could understand?
  14. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    This is actually ingenious Clandestine...

    I could basically trigger a MIDI part that has the desired Pitch Bend it, according to a specific MIDI Note. Then combine both the Note Data and the ( latest sent ) Pitch Bend information to one channel.

    Thank you....

    Did i understand correctly?
  15. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Like I mentioned I am no expert by any means in this area. Pipotron3000 can probably advise better than myself.

    1.)The main problems as highlighted PB is specified by a current absolute value This value is valid for everything on that Channel till a new value is specified. Therefore using one controller is going to be a problem.

    2.) Pitchbend normally specified by CC6 on can be then set to the range u wish to bend up and down etc in octaves via a different value. However as Pipotron pointed out Pitch Bend Change is not Control Change (CC).

    Granularity of PB is in itself a MIDI Channel. As a result every event will set new value. Therefore my way of thinking is that one channel is out the window.

    You can however specify upto say 16 different PB on different channels.

    Therefore one possible solution as highlighted would be to split your channels, specify your PB for each channel and use multiple controllers to implement the PB on each midi channel.

    I don't know 100% if this would work & could be talking rubbish lol but is just an idea that came to mind as there seem to be few solutions to this complex problem.
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