Aegean Music - Doppler Dome

Discussion in 'Software News' started by lerkjurk, May 1, 2015.

  1. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Doppler Effect Plug-In Doppler Dome (free)


    This is a low priority project that is fully functional now but will be worked on more as time permits. It's a free plugin that simulates the Doppler effect (my spell check reminded me to capitalize that). The idea is to have a plugin that can take a constant car engine sound or something, and make it seem like the car speeds past you. Not just past you but it could do a circle near you, or accelerate then slow down. It can be adjusted to have different levels for pan, volume, and pitch effects, so it can make the equivalent of a chorus, panner, tremolo, vibrato, etc, but with a totally flexible LFO. The path has various controls, and the curves use a variable (t) for the point in time, meaning the path can slow down or speed up based on the effect of the control points.

    Things that may need work:

    Latency: By nature this is simulating sound that takes time to get to you, higher pitch scales will probably produce noticeable latency, it's not yes established how this will be reported/compensated. (Usually Aegean plugins don't have latency).

    Not Intuitive - Users probably won't understand what to do with the plugin at first, the below infographic may help but a visual intuitive indication of distance, listening point, other points,and so on might be nice,

    Hard to Control - it's hard to say how the average user will use this and set up the path, midi support for resetting path position or something might help. More ease of use features would be good, I have put them in most projects.

    Expansion into special cases - you could probably make some kind of rotary speaker (2 horns) using 2 tracks and 2 instances of the plugin for example, but it has been considered to make this kind of thing build in some how. It's almost limitless how much control you could have so this kind of thing is more of a distant possibility.

    Download Windows Doppler Dome (please don't distribute)

    Mac Version: I'll try to get this ready soon.

    ((No installer just x86 x64 vst inside 1.5mb zip))
  3. What happens in AS stays in AS *yes*
  4. I tried it out for the few moments I had and I think it is a weirdly cool plug. One can make a very trippy presentation of an ordinary sound as well as your above mentioned Doppler effect. I was expecting to be able to use a knob or two on my controller in a simple way but to no avail, probably it's just my challenged mind these days. It did take me two moments to understand your set-up and the curve thingys were for me a bit non-intuitive. The blend knob is scaled a bit too steeply for my clumsy touch but I worked it out. Thanks for the ride, I like it much. I can't wait to try the finished product. Good luck with The Dome. :thumbsup:
  5. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Nice, simple interface.. A mac version would be cool!
  6. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Minor Updates, Mac version and video:
  7. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Thanks for the Mac version, Nice indeed. I like it better than the GRM tools. I do have a few requests, don't know if they're possible:
    - an RTAS or AAX version for Pro tools
    - Automatable
    - Saveable (user) Presets
    - Low & High pass filters?

    I'd use Doppler Dome in a pretty basic form: to 'doppler' footsteps, car by's & other effects in sound design for film & games.
    The requests would help me in doing so, and I think make Doppler Dome more interesting to other sound designers.
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