"Combining" libraries question

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by TroyT, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I'm organizing my Kontakt libraries into groups so that it's easier for me to find them instead of scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling...

    What I'm doing is, for example, creating a sub-folder in my main Kontakt libraries folder titled "Piano Collection", creating an appropriate .nicnt file, and adding this library to Kontakt. Into that folder I drop all of the various piano libraries that I "possess" keeping them in their individual folders. Now in Kontakt my "Piano Collection" instrument, complete with a stylish wallpaper that I create, has sub-folders with all of them conveniently at hand. I lose the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing all of those libraries and their wallpapers, but I'm over it.

    And the question is...
    Some libraries, presumably all encrypted libraries, don't like this structure and I get the "this patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded..." message. Is there a way around this? Making these combined libraries has dramatically reduced the amount of searching that I do and it's easier to see what I have with all of the libraries in one place. So far I've reduced 40+ libraries into just 5 group tabs.
  3. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I just discovered that if I add one of the encrypted libraries to the browser first, then remove it, the library will load from withing it's group library. That's a bit tedious, but worth it to me. If anyone has a better solution I'd be glad to hear it.
  4. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    This cannot be done with "real" libraries, the ones that are encrypted.
    But all others can. I do it sorted by manufacturer, like I have an "8Dio collection" with my own custom wallpaper, and then place all 8Dio libraries inside that.
  5. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    works well


    if on mac
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ TroyT,

    For 'Groups', I don't know... mainly because I never done it, by cons, for organizing your 'Kontakt' Libraries by, for instance, 'Developers' ('Best Service', 'East West', 'Sampletekk',... ) or 'Instruments' Categories (Pianos, Basses, Strings,.... ), I certainly use the most easy process to do that, and as follows :

    Simply 'click' (dont' 'double-click' !) on the desired 'Tab' Library (left side of your 'Kontakt' Engine) to be moved either upward or downward, then simply move it to the desired location (with the left button of your mouse depressed). *yes* :wink:

    Don't forget to 'refresh' your 'Kontakt' Libraries before to close it... then the next time you'll launch it, you should get all your 'Kontakt' Libraries sorted as desired... *yes*
  7. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Actually I just figured out that it can be done. If you add the library to Kontakt, then remove it via the options "cog" on the library tab it will then load just fine in a folder. Just don't delete any reg keys or Service Center .xml files. Since figuring this out I haven't had a single library not work.
  8. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I used to do this, but you still have the problem with registered libraries. I've since moved away from registry edits and just use the *.nicnt file method, which is easier and simpler. Also, once you make the file you never have to mess with it again if you re-install your OS or move/copy libraries to other systems. It may only work with new versions of Kontakt. I'm using v. 5.4.2245 exclusively now.
  9. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Thanks for the reply. That's what I used to do but with as many libraries as I have it is tedious. Also I've had situations where they get shuffled on their own for some reason. I was looking for a file (.xml maybe) that I could edit their order in but AFAIK it doesn't exist.
  10. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ TroyT,

    Maybe because they use the same 'SNPID' (?)

    For this I don't know... but do you have tried 'KLM v3.0' (Custom Kontakt Library Tool) by 'DoubleY' ?
    It seems that many 'Kontakt' Users are very glad to use that little Program. *yes*

    "This tool will help you Manage your own custom libraries on Kontakt Player 3.5 or higher."

    By cons :

    :excl: WARNING !
    This tool adds and deletes entries in Windows registry... USE WITH CAUTION !!! :excl:
  11. TroyT

    TroyT Noisemaker

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I've looked into that, but I keep a record of all of the <SNPID> tags in use. Do you know if what the alpha-numerical restrictions are for this tag? Is any combination of numbers and letters acceptable?
  12. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ TroyT,

    In case that you don't still have read the following Article (done by one of our most eminent 'Kontakt' Experts ! :wink: ), maybe it can enlighten you a little... and particularly the following :

    Option 2
    This method is used when you want to add a .nicnt but don't want it to clash with other ones

    open Notepad++
    go to your service center folder
    Select all your xml's and drag them into notepad++ (wait for it to load them all)
    Click the Search Tab
    Click Find
    Now in the "Find What" Box Type: New letters & numbers you will use Example like "dc12"
    Click the "Find All IN All Opened Documents" Tab
    Two things will either happen:
    one, A window will pop up below and say "Search "dc12" (0 hits in 0 files)"(this means no other .nicnts is using it, and you can use it on your new .nicnt)

    Two, the search window will close, A window will pop up below and say Search "dc12" (1 hit in 1 files)"( this means that combination is in use by another .nicnt use another combination like "cd12")

    The Full Article here :

    How to View all your <SNPID> Codes from .Nicnt's For Kontakt Libraries
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