Do you buy plugins/software after you warezed?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ArticStorm, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Just because you would never have bought it yourself, doesn't mean other people who find it for free/pirate it wouldn't have bought it. Just because you don't buy it yourself doesn't make it 'OK' or justifiable.

    Your post sounds pretty unreasonable to be honest, this guy is having a reasonable debate with you and you start calling him a fruitloop with mental health issues. No need to attack someone for simply stating what they believe.

    Chill out, bro.
  2. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    There's every need to point out someone's madness when they're so far off the mark. You also appear to be an idiot who has completely missed the point that I made. But I'll make it simple for you - I am not "other people", and cannot justify their actions. I am me, and my post responded to the title of the thread to say what I do, not what other people do. Do you understand the difference?

    And there was nothing reasonable about his post. He called me a thief and said that I stole developer's income. I asked him to prove it, he failed to do so, instead talking about what "other people" do.
  3. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    The thread is about if You buy plugins and software after You warezed... discussing morality, ethics, conscience in this insane world, is just "out of this world"
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    How does a thread on whether you buy your software after having tried a warez version lead to such hostility? Virtual Mark you're getting a warning for insulting manducator, you should know better than that being with us since 2013. We don't have many rules but that is literally the first one. You may not agree with his viewpoint and that's totally fine and can be discussed but there is no need to put the guy down because he doesn't think the way you do. I work hard to keep this a community free from that kind of hostile vibe so respect our simple and common sense board rules.
  6. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Strange, 3 years ago I did an intelligence test (WAIS III). A real one, in real life, done by a psychologist and she assured me I was normally gifted. But I guess your evaluation is more profound.

    I apologize for the derailment of the topic, I started it.

    Back on track:

    Do you buy plugins/software after you warezed?

    My music production pc is offline and it has never ever contained warezed products. So, all music created by me is done with bought products.
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Intelligence non important when it comes to music production & most other things in life. Who cares?

    It's normally people who think they vastly clever that bloat on & on about such meaningless tripe!

    This is clearly exemplified by the state of some of the music put out lol!

    Is a simple question.

    On the topic why would u consider

    That to me suggests motive :dunno:

    Anyway imho intelligence don't mean squat but how you conduct yourself in public is of great importance.

    Some of the most successful guys I've ever known are not brilliantly gifted but mostly they are great with people & communication which of course in itself is a great skill that many people find hard to adopt.

    It's also a marker of true intelligence i.e emotional intelligence :wink:

    There is no question imho sure "test drive" the product & if u like it & use it purchase it. Is the only fair way.

    Also don't use a product if you have no intentions of ever making a purchase. Use the demo instead if there is one available!

    Is a bit like "window shopping" & you only kidding yourself.

    If you can't afford it don't even consider it but rather do a load of overtime if able or consider some of the other stuff that is around reasonably cheap & also the great stuff that is free.

    Also JMO of course & don't mean squat!
  8. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Hey, he started it by calling me a thief. He's wrong, and that's a fact, and I provided a link to show the legal definition of copyright infringement is not theft. So, I think he should apologise to me for his libellous comments, I am not a thief.

    And it's not insulting to call an idiot an idiot, it's just stating a fact. Anyone who gets a very basic thing wrong(such as the definition of theft) is by definition an idiot.

    As for me knowing better.. I think I've posted here about half a dozen times and don't use the site much. It doesn't mean that much to me tbh, it just appears at the top of audioz, the place that I look for my free software. But audionews is far superior.
  9. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Please elaborate? Is this directed at me or the guy claiming he's gifted? I just called him an idiot as he has a warped sense of logic.

    So you don't know what a trial is? Ok I'll explain:

    I download software and try it for a few months, without restriction. The stuff I like I buy, the stuff I don't like I don't buy. As I said, the products I don't like would never have gotten any money from me. It's really simple, I don't know what part you're stuck on?
  10. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Maybe it got lost in translation but I didn't say i was gifted, I said I'm normally gifted. Meaning I have a normal, average intelligence. I'm not an idiot like you claim.

    If I would apologize to you while you keep calling me an idiot, that would make me an idiot.

    Don't bother to reply, VirtualMark, I won't respond anymore. One of us has to act mature. Case closed.
  11. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    And now we get the attempted claim at the moral high ground, then the rage quit. Classic trolling. You may have them fooled, but I see you for what you are.

    I note that you failed to explain how I have taken money from developers for products that I wouldn't have bought. Your original post is thus dismissed wholesale, and you are proven utterly wrong.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Whatever you call someone that doesn't agree with you in the real world is your own business but here referring to another member using the word idiot isn't allowed. Theft in the digital domain is misappropriation. You are misappropriating the developers work which is intended for paying customers, you are redefining the license agreement. Making use of something that you don't have a legal right to utilize. Imagine a movie theater having some empty seats at a showing and you sneak in and when you're caught you make the argument that the theater didn't actually lose any money because you wouldn't have paid for the seat anyway and the movie was playing regardless of your presence. That wouldn't fly. I can see making the argument that a download doesn't necessarily equal a lost sale but that's different. And while you may not have bought the software anyway, someone else might have.

    Comments like this make me laugh. What are you 10? Don't worry Mark, you don't mean much to us either. Other members are far superior. :rofl:
  13. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Virtual Mark I was simply referring to a quote from yourself

    Doesn't that infer that you were already using a product that you had no intention of ever buying?

    Maybe a little like taking a car for a test drive & then returning it three months later stating well I was never going to buy it in the first place?

    If what you meant to say was I download something to try it out & then make an informed decision on whether or not I will purchase it then fine but your statement infers that you had no intention of buying it in the first place?

    I have no arguments & set no rules however I reserve the right to express my own personal viewpoint in a calm & rational manner.

    Attacking people verbally & all that playground nonsense is a little futile but if that's what you do then cool! Fortunately we have great moderators to take care of such things.

    My simple opinion is that if you have no intention of ever buying a product then don't download it.

    However what u choose to do is up to you.

    I also believe that if you use say the full Waves package & know that it is highly unlikely that you will ever be able to afford such plugins then ultimately you are just kidding yourself by using tools that in all reality you will never have legitimate access too.I believe that time could be better spent learning different techniques & cheaper/freeware products that might lead you to a similar result.

    Again each user much make their own mind up about such things & there are no rules I guess really.

    However the way in which you conduct yourself is important imho & there is no place really in an adult forum for childish verbal attacks.

    As for intelligence well, the very word don't mean shit to me but I will leave you to draw your own conclusions & inferences :wink:

    P.s Some of the most "intelligent" people in the universe have a warped sense of logic! That's what let's them see the world in a different way.

    Let's not forget the "higgs boson" didn't apparently exist until a few years back. Did the people who claimed it did have a warped sense of logic or was it those who said it didn't :wink:
  14. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    That's all fine, and I don't have a problem with you viewing it like that and sharing your opinion. What I do have a problem with is passive aggressive morons making snide comments and thinking that I won't notice. He knows it's not theft, and he also ignored most of my comment where I said that I have bought a lot of software that I trialled. He was trying to be provocative, so I responded. Idiots like that need to be told what they are, and I'm surprised that mods would take sides when he's clearly looking for an argument.

    Glad I made you laugh. Just wanted to let you know how little your warning means to me, and how pointless it is. I could create a dozen accounts as I don't have a fixed IP, and troll the board for weeks if I wanted. Luckily I'm not insane and have better things to do. Have fun policing the forum, hope you catch some more people using extremely offensive terms like "idiot". If someone called me that, I'd cry for months and cut myself.
  15. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    There you go, you got there in the end.


    Indeed. It takes someone to go against the crowd, to go against the usual way of thinking, to make change. If everyone thought the same, humanity would never make progress.

    Actually it was predicted to exist many years ago in the Standard Model. We just didn't have the technology to find it until the LHC, which operates at much higher energy than previous particle accelerators. But that's another topic altogether.
  16. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I agree but a standard model & a prediction doesn't necessarily make it so? That truly is a warped sense of logic!

    Think that line out a film or something :rofl: I agree a different topic.

    Anyway hope u good & no hard feelings & stuff & of course your opinion is important but the delivery is sometimes more important than the contents of the message (more warped logic)

    Anyways peace :wink:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Please. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Been there, done that...for years protecting 2 sites (oftentimes by myself) against multiple persistent daily attackers. Still here, albeit with a much larger community now. I've actually put some thought into elegant solutions to this problem which will make it so difficult that it would literally take a lifetime to consistently pull off. So this kind of bravery through anonymity will soon be a thing of the past. It will be worked into the new AudioSex at some point. :thumbsup:

    Well you are having a fit because you think someone called you a thief...I don't think your reaction would have been so calm and collected as you seem to imagine if you were the one being called an idiot. And it's beside the point whether you personally think it's bad enough or not, most people don't enjoy being referred to with such disrespect and there is no reason for it. As Clandestine stated, the delivery is just as important as the content.

    I'm not taking sides in anything, I haven't even given my opinion on the subject at hand. I simply provided a counter-argument. The only side I'm taking is the one where we can have this conversation like adults no matter what position we may hold.
  18. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I really don't see how you can ever stop people from having multiple accounts. It's easy to sign up for multiple email addresses, use proxy servers etc. There really is no way to take away someone's anonymity either, unless their ISP gives out their details. But you'd need to be the police or court to get those details.

    I'm not exactly having a fit mate, I just didn't like his tone. And when I asked him to substantiate his opinion, he failed to do so and his argument fell apart. Opinions are fine, but I prefer it when people can back it up with facts.

    Fine, point taken.
  19. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I think perhaps some people are confusing the word "logic" with "conceptual schema" etc…. just saying… Logic, like Euclid, is built upon the same foundation regardless of how applied, whether it is "sound" or "true" or "fallacious" are different things altogether.
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I can't eliminate the problem altogether but I can make it unfeasible as an attack vector in the same way as some protection systems technically can be cracked but the investment of time and energy is simply too great and in this case the act would be an embarrassing expression of the attacker's pathetic existence. My interest is simply to to prevent persistent threats that intrude on our ability to provide our members with the kind of environment that they've become accustomed to. I had one person causing a lot of problems for a very long time and so I had to get creative with methods of dealing with them. That's when we began requiring approval for the first 5 posts (as well as spammers), a seemingly small measure that isn't an effective method to prevent any serious issues but as part of a larger initiative it works quite well. It was a pain in the ass when it was ongoing but actually this person did free penetration testing for us and as a result I was able to explore/plan responses for such a scenario or eventuality. Our members really appreciate this forum and the close-knit community found here and it's my duty to protect our investment because many have given a lot of themselves to make this place what it is today and I respect their time and contributions even if you may not. We haven't been around for too long but we have to be prepared for whatever may come our way and evolve to face those challenges. We're likely moving to another platform and only beginning to explore how it can be molded to the vision for this forum. It will finally allow us to resolve a plethora of open-ended issues that we have in the system now, give us access to new and interesting capabilities, better SEO and should be a step up in every way. Most importantly we can build the forums on a new foundation exactly to our vision rather than try to see how much we can accomplish on pre-existing infrastructure built long before this forum even began realizing it's potential or needs yet. Personally I'm more excited about this than I was about the AudioZ relaunch and if we can pull off even a tiny fraction of the job that was done there then we will only begin to explore what this baby can do and I think most members here are excited by the prospect. AudioSex Reloaded: coming soon to a forum near you.