Har-Bal 3.0 Available for Mac and PC

Discussion in 'PC' started by Bangkok, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Bangkok

    Bangkok Newbie

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Har-Bal 3.0 Available for Mac and PC

    Match Loudness – Will match your track to the perceived loudness of any commercial recording you input into Har-Bal.
    Loudness Compensation – Har-Bal leaves the initial volume level unchanged even after performing spectral correction (EQ changes) thanks to its “loudness compensation” algorithm.
    IntuitMatch and IntuitQ – “Eyes to the ears” is a more realistic slogan that we like. It does not mean give way to your eyes if your ears tell you everything you need. More the case that when you are struggling to hear what is wrong (but you know something is wrong) it can give visual insight. We don’t suggest you simply trust what you see and go by that. It’s an interactive process of listening and seeing and experimenting with changes. The key word here is “experimenting
    New features!!
    Dynamics Processing

    (Multiband compression will no longer be necessary after you realize what this tool accomplishes)

    The new Har-Bal dynamics processing is based on the envelope information HB3 obtains during analysis: the time series constructed from peak and average power levels for each 50ms frame it analyses when a track is first opened. Those time series are now what you see in the timeline control above the graph in the Har-Bal UI. The green is the average and the yellow is the peak. That same time series is also used to obtain the peak and average histograms in histogram view.
    Mid / Side Decoding

    Our Mid / Side decoding is defined by the following equations:

    Mid = Left + Right

    Side = Left – Right

    You can see that with a mono source Side = 0 as Left = Right. So the level of the Side component relative the Mid component gives an indication of the stereo spread of your mix.

    Now the basic Har-Bal 3 filter block has left and right channels being filtered by left and right filters, then being encoded into Mid and Side using the above scheme with Mid and Side filters applied to those components and then being decoded back into Left and Right.

    To get back to Left and right we use the following equations:

    Left = (Mid + Side) / 2

    Right = (Mid – Side) / 2
    The New Air Tool

    Har-Bal Air as it is now has been replaced with a more powerful and natural sounding Haas zone ambiance process. The ways you use it will is still the same but it will sound better and have a greater range of possibilities, one of which is stereo’ising mono sources.

    The effect the new Air has on the spectrum is actually rather small when used modestly. It is realized as a log normal random deviate applied to a unity gain all pass response with the variance of the deviate tapering at higher frequencies to add warmth. Without the taper it would sound too bright. How the Air then affects spectrum then depends upon whether the peaks and troughs of the Air response line up with the peaks in the spectrum. That alignment can’t be accurately re-constructed with the analysis results because the spectrum resolution is reduced to 1/12th octave and the peaking and troughing of the deviate is finer scale than that.
    Time Splitting

    Imagine if you will a great recorded part of a vocal that explodes in volume on a couple of notes. Those out of control bursts of sounds will show up as excessive peaks in the peak spectrum trace but not in the average trace as they occur rather infrequently.

    Instead on manually trudging through the entire time trace to find the times at where those peaks occur you would use our tool based on placing a threshold line on the peak trace. Any time values with peaks above the line are selected and those below are not.

    It’s complex selection not because the process is complex but the selected time line is patchy and discontinuous. But by selecting the time line in that manner and then controlling those errant peaks by highly selective filters that only act on the minimum amount of time required to fix the problem you end up with much better results.

    Complex time selection and filtering is our take on how to control errant peaks in highly dynamic instruments such as vocal parts. The conventional approach is multiband compression, for which we have a disliking, mainly because to our mind it seems like a poor match to the problem at hand.

    Har-Bal allows you to easily tidy up the sound quality of mastered or un-mastered recordings while preserving the original intent of the producer and/or recording engineer.
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    C'mon you write a topic without setting any link??

    Go here:

  4. Bangkok

    Bangkok Newbie

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Thanks for the links... :thumbsup:

    Just wanted to let our members know it was out.....! I thought my included text was comprehensive enough to let anyone know what was included in the new version... :wink:
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    It's okay. You know, it's time saving to people having the links without having to search for them!
    *yes* :wink: