Peavey 5150 and mesa boogie 2x12?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by venndi, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Hi! :)

    I'm planning to buy a peavey 5150 for homerecording and practicing. I live in a house, not in apartmant, and neighbours is far from our house, so I can crank it on maximum.
    I'm worried about the room size, which is only 12m². It's enough for 5150 and some 2x12 cabinet?
  3. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    If You are planning to commit suicide when You crank it, than it is a perfect choice :rofl:
  4. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, audio lovers,

    true only if the cabinet contains those twelve inch diameter electro voice speakers, plus one uses those jim dunlop delrin 500 standard 2.0 mm guitar picks on some heavy gauge strings... *yes*

    all the best for all of us... :bow:

    later edit, post scriptum, look up the new smaller version of the boogie mark five, you can switch between power modes with it, producing great sound with different stage settings... *yes*
  5. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    I know that I can't crank it on maximum in this size of room...I just say, that the neighbours won't call police or something.
    In 12m² room, can I use this amp with normal volume?
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Well, "normal volume" is a volume that You can handle (and Your room/house)... in that case, if You adjust it accordingly, Yes.

    But I`d suggest something with less power to enjoy the sound of a cranked tube.
  7. SmileVanShooten

    SmileVanShooten Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    I know your problem all to well.

    If you want the full sound of your Amp at low or normal Volumes try a powersoak.
    It will reduce the volume without less sound.

    All the best :grooves:
  8. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    'is it enough'? Depends on what you want from the room.

    ARe you worried that reflections go all over the place? Make sure stuff is on the walls so it dampens the sound, it helps a lot.

    But maybe invest in a attenuator / dummy load with a line-out function. That way you at least have the option to mute the speakers while still crank the amp, and give the line-out to your PC / studio where you can use speaker-emulation to get a recording tone.

    Or wait for the 6505MH to come out (the 20watt mini version of the 6505), which has some built-in speaker emulation with speaker load. That means you can't change the speaker emulation or do it yourself, but it has something built in (to mute it and play through headphones or through your PC).

    Why '5150'? Do you believe it's better or do you have a possibility on a deal or something? Remember that circuit wise nothing is different from the 6505 and the 5150. Only in the first iteration of 5150 the stock-tubes were better.. but since they are replaced by now (30 - 40 years old? I hope they are replaced :P) it doesn't matter and the 6505 is just as good. And the 6505-mini seems to get some praise from the people playing through it.
  9. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    I used to use a peavey rockmaster tube pre (very similar to the 5150 tone) with Mesa 20/20 into an Avatar 2x12 (greenback and a vintage 30). The key is to either attenuate your power amp or get a low output power amp. In your case, it would have to be attenuated with a hotbox of some kind.
  10. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Thanks all to you!

    I don't worry about reflections, just about loudness. I have a marshall MG30dfx, and I use mostly at 2 and 3. Little above 2, is the perfect for my ears, but at 3 mostly hurt my ears, so I turn down the treble.
    Yeah I know that the 6505 mini is coming, but I don't know how much will be identical the sound, compare to 5150 and 6505, the tubes are different...
    I just read, that the 6505/5150 is one of the most used amp for metal, and the price is very friendly, if you compare to other brands. I had try in guitarshop, and has really good sound. And for one more good reason will I buy this amp, I'm currently a student, now I have time, and place at home, NO NEIGHBOURS :), If I finish my studying, who knows, maybe I'll live in an apartment, maybe I won't have a chance to buy one, for other, the time is now, or soon :)
  11. power-breaker is the way! one of the best investment to do if you got a loud amp! :wink:
  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I need to write an article about this one day :wink:

    To me, taming a 100 watts is the worst way.
    100 watts are too much for every situation : at home, at bar and even on big gig (because you are miked in the PA : we are not in the 80's).
    You will need 4 times much electricity than a 25 watts, 4 times more money to change power tubes, 4 times heat in your room...for nothing more than a 25 watts without power breaker.

    For small unmiked gig, 40-50 watts are more than enough, and already too much for home use.
    To give you an idea, 1 single watt on 12" speaker is enough for home use only and mike recording :wink:
    And with 5 watts, you are already at your marshall MG30dfx 2-3 gain.

    I know i'm an old fart, but 100 watts are so 80's to me. I 've gone the 4x12 100 watts way...and i'm back from it.

    I would advice ANY good small power amp and a good pedal in loop return (like an AMT P1 P2, E1 E2 or my favorite B1 B2). Add to that a nice 1x12 speaker cab.
    And so, you can choose your sound (change the pedal) and choose the volume (1-5 watts for home, 40-50 small unmiked AND big miked gig).
    Or a nice all-tube combo.
    Or...anything but a 100 watt on 2x12, 4x12 :wink:

    Keeping master volume of an all-tube amp under 5 is a crime :rofl: :wink:
  13. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Get yourself a Kemper ... and a few hundred other amps for the same money :mates:
  14. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Have you EVER played on a 120w Tubeamp on full volume?Or even a 20w I guess not
    120w or 100w is made for stadium playing not a bedroom 20 w is made for for clubs and rehearsal rooms
    It is gonna make your ear bleed and everything in the room will vibrate including yourself (it is an awesome feeleing though :) ) but the feedback you get when you turn on the volume knob on your guitar is gonna make it impossible to record or practice.
    But hey try it first :) just kidiing build yourself an isobox or buy one or even better buy a "miniversion" of the same or similar amp with 5 w or less (i think Peavey have released those now? otherwise Blackstar and other manufactoras have low watts tube amps) so you could crank it and even then it will be loud as hell
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    No it kills tone sorry to say but it does i havent heard one yet that doesnt take anything away from the original full volume tone
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    power breaking an amp is just an excuse to continue selling big bucks 100 watts amps with 4 power tubes and 4x12 cabs, whereas you can get exactly the same sound with a single 25 watts power tube and 1x12 cab. Exactly same components, 4 times less.

    a kind of "bigger cock" attitude
    even in a stadium, your 100 watts will be miked.

    Blackstar, Krank and much more do killer amps under 25 watts.

    Look at what a 100 bucks pedal can do, and tell me you need 100 watts at home :wink:
    Real vs cheap
  17. well, i must trade my JCM for a Pignose! :boombox:
  18. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I play e-guitars for well over 3 decades and tried really many amps, so I can tell You there is no way You can crank the 5150 in a room... You will die if You try, or at least suffer some kind body damage *yes*

    About various kind of attenuators, what is the point of that ??? I could understand if You already had the 5150, and than You buy an attenuator, but since You are just now planning Your purchase, buy something that fits the place where You play.
    It is like buying a Ferrari and than installing a speed limiter at 70 km/h.

    If recording is the main thing You will do, someone suggested a Kemper... I second that :wink:
    If You want just to learn how to play a tube amp and feel the joy of "dancing" with the tubes at Your fingertips, than something much smaller is needed.

    For example, a Carvin Vintage 16 comes to my mind as an affordable one, or the the Snott Watt, the Mesa Mini Rectifier if You pocket is a bit deeper... and many more...

    Enjoy those moments of choice, they are invaluable :dancing:
  19. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    For the money, it is really, really hard to beat a Rockmaster pre (like $100 on ebay) and a low-wattage poweramp (like the Mesa 20/20). No attenuation, AND you get to drive the power section. This is where the best tube tones come from--a driven poweramp. Almost impossible to drive a 100-150w amp at a volume level that doesn't make your face melt. But Ive been able to saturate a 20/20 easily in my home. Plus, using pre's/poweramps you can customize your tone a bit further than a simple choice of what head to run.
  20. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    About Kemper: The Kemper for me is pricly, becouse isn't much difference between the kemper and some VST like TSE X50, Revalver....both are software amps, so for this money I'll buy a tube amp. I'll definiatly wait for 6505MH, soon will be some comparasion reviews/videos between 6505MH and 6505, then I'll choice between these or Krank Rev. Jr Pro 20W.
    Between, which mini head have the closest sound to 5150/6505?
  21. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    If you are dead set on a 5150, aficionados agree that the block logo model (the one with big blocky, white EVH logo on it) has the best tone of any of the 5150 type heads. I see them locally sometimes for decent prices. But you'd have to search around a bit because some people think the block logo ones should be sold for 2x as much haha.
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