lost group?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by GanjaRa_, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. c'mon people! wake up!

    they are waiting for some good HYDRO's stuff to leech up!

  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    all due respect my friend, and I DO have immense respect for your insight and contributions..... i think there is nothing "vague" of pomposity here. sure, no one is trying to solve the ISIS issues, and race/sexuality equality... blah blah blah... and discourse of "hobby" matters may seem trivial to many, but some of us have made some friends here we can honestly say we care about, and their well being is more important then a fucking sample set. If that sentiment is wrong, or hyperbolic, I will kindly remove myself from threads, discussions, etc. and will simply pm those here who I have learned a lot from and care about....

    I think you would be surprised about who here are not just "hobbyists", and sure, most of us have defined funds (to say the least) in terms of allocution of expenditure on software, in an increasingly overpriced/underpaid market,.... and why this corner of the world has become a place where we can share, discuss, contribute, etc.. And for a lot of us, some of it is just simply "fun".... big whoop. So that it is what it is.

    But with the amount of activity here, and the real life issues some of the members here are experiencing, .... when something happens to someone here who we may never "meet" in a certain sense, but are part of our lives, I will not remove the last vestibules of my humanity to not care. I have met a few people here that are more valuable and whose insight I care about more then people I deal with professionally and personally in my "real" life, ....ones that I trust, learn from, gain from, hopefully help etc... and that is of absolute value to me. And this isn't my first barbecue.

    Sure, this can be a distraction from real life issues, lord knows when I don't feel like working or sleeping, this is a corner bar so to speak.....and it can also be a means to an end, and it can also lead to other things, and "real" life friendships etc. I am no hobbyist. and I am no amateur. I may not exactly be where I would love to be in the grand picture of my ontology.... but who does....? But when friends on here of mine are going through real life issues, injury, pain, suffering etc... call me an asshole for honestly caring if you must, but I will take that badge as honor.

    I know you were trying to bring some perceived levity to the thread, and I respect that...and you. There are just some people here (filtering out the signal from the noise), that I can honestly say I really care about. If that makes me a chump, ..cool with me.... :mates:
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    complaining about "not enaf stuff, wanna moar, endless warez" ? your PCs and notebooks will say you "fk u! not enaf?"
    tens of DAWs and editors, hundreds of synths, hundreds of eqs, compressors, saturators, reverb, impulses, delays, etc etc etc + terabytes of samples and ready2use presets! + maybe midi collections.
    use what u have! =) produce music, stop finding analog vibes, tubeness and warmth from all plugins, they are all digital! :D
    When you get more stuff, you do nothing. It kills the talent. You become a software collectioner, not a musician/composer/engineer...
    Mozart had 1 or 2 instruments + notation book and feather with ink = hundreds of complicated masterpieces.
    You have 2 hundred synths (each one has endless possibilities and endless sound types), 1-2 DAWs or more, 1-2 editors or more, a lot of processing bundles, terabytes of presets and samples, some gear and you want more! Instruments are just tools, not the talent
    WHERE ARE YOUR TRACKS????????????????????
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I didn't take it as pomposity in the slightest, if anything it was a humbling, eloquently worded prioritization and reassessment of the things that truly matter. So there's no releases for a while. I could never see another release in my life and have enough stuff to play with until the end of days. Personally I think all teams should take a break because it would be healthy for everyone and I'm sure if they've ever read my posts they are well aware that I think this is ultimately needed to restore some semblance of balance. When I talk to contributors the theme is always the same. They're basically caught between wanting to help people and just worn out from the state of things. Imagine your own life and your own job and your own problems and then add to that the kind of demand of your mental faculties, time and patience that teams like R2R, HEXWARS, SYNTHiC4TE, etc. deal with for no money but big risk. Our relationship with them is they give and we take, at times we may even demand. Some that have the foresight may bring something to the table to give back but those kinds of people are few and far between. Sometimes the teams even get disrespected: I've even heard the term mediocre being thrown about like it's okay, this is what some have become in this environment. Can you imagine dealing with a dynamic like that on a daily basis? They haven't released something in only 2 weeks and there's a thread already up. I hope those hard working teams kick back for a while because they're people too and they deserve to get some space in which to do so just like the rest of us. Me...I'm just hoping my friend isn't dead and all the releases in the world won't change that because though it may have been the releases that brought me here initially, it's the people that kept me coming back and kept me giving back. The only thing on my mind is that it's been almost a week and we haven't heard from Zeus and he was supposed to be going in for surgery. Honestly can't think about much else, all of this seems so trivial in comparison. Maybe these conversations have more to do with the future of humanity than may appear at a cursory glance.
  5. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Ok, pomposity is probably not a correct word to describe my point, not to find excuses, probably google didn't help me in finding an appropriate term to translate what i would like to mean.....
    ...too serious?.......too grave?.....too deep to be analyzed and solved here?
    Help me if you can.....and "vague" adjective for me was related to pomposity, just to minimize its strength......
    And if I told about hobbyists, reading various posts, I refer obviously not to everybody being here.

    Sorry for misunderstandings, and sorry id I offended somebody. :dunno:

    And to explain better my point, I wont to tell a short story I experienced.
    Two years ago I was about 90 days in the hospital: I don't wont to bore you with stories of self transplants and chemotherapy, I just want to say that the only thing that gave me a minimum of satisfaction was the laptop that I had with me, and the possibility to download new releases from the board I attended at that time.
    Absolutely stupid, isn't it? but it helped me a lot.
    But I repeat, stupid things sometime help more than deep and engaged ones
    Or maybe the final truth is that the fool is me :dunno: : be patient
  6. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    R2R can do as they please. They don't owe us a thing. And I for one could use this time to actually get accustomed with the plethora of excellent, top-quality releases they have provided. Sometimes it seems like releases happen so frequently that people don't appreciate (much less actually learn/use) how lucky we all are to get them at all. Any success I've had with music can be attributed to the fact that I've had such excellent tools to work with. I feel like they should be credited with a co-producer credit on about 3/4 of the people here's work.

    It's like the old Nexus threads that would appear: "I could make sweet tracks if only I had Nexus..." I see the appeal of "that one plugin" that isn't available to you. But in the end, if you can't make music with the enormous resources that have been provided for us, then there is little hope of completing said project--even with Nexus (or your desired plugin of choice). I made almost all of my AudioSexed Album track "(K)atana" in Reason 5.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    They`re gone I tells ya.....

    GONE!!! :wow:
  8. I invoke the name of Zeus once again to send vibes of healing and to relieve him of the tremendous pain he must endure, in this, the beginning of his recovery to 100 percent health and mobility.
  9. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @Catalyst i taught Zeus was out of the worse of it and going to be ok
    i must of misread the other post and didnt no he still has to go to surgery.
    hope you here from him soon.
  10. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Maybe they're coding their own plug-ins to release? R2R 'flux capacitor mix and master button vst' incoming [​IMG]
  11. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Wait, what? You mean R2R are NOT bots???

    As the man said when he first encountered a universal remote, this changes everything.

    The whole scene could die tomorrow and I would remain grateful for what all these hardworking teams have provided.

    And let's not forget what can befall us on the ides of March. So everyone drop the rakes, take a step back and let the poor bastards have a bit of a vacay.
  12. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Well, it's not like anyone would be able to do anything if they decided to stop, other than move on with their lives and let everybody else do the same.
  13. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    So well said.
  14. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You

    You should be a teacher, maybe then kids might learn a damn thing or two
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks Mykal but I'm just a student like everyone else. I think a lot of the other members here said it better than I ever could. Sisyphus' response was bloody brilliant. That man can write. :wow: :wow: :wow:
  16. Horsemen

    Horsemen Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    they need to have time to them-self too

    If you have a real job and are part of a group they can be very little time for youself

    So everyone needs to take time off to enjoy life

    anyway we have enough toys to play with so til they return make some nice music :grooves:
  17. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    You are too nice Catalyst…:)… My apologies for sometimes having a few and getting pissed at the leeches for complaining with all the brilliant stuff they have at their disposal, and little regard for the site, the mods, the reversers, the teams, the suppliers, and the unsung packagers etc…. Have some respect.

    I just want us to not lose our humanity in gear lust. Because we should all know it is more then that… :mates:
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I thought so too but I figured that his condition was serious enough because he had broken ribs, a punctured lung and a crushed knee so there could be complications. He wasn't able to breathe one night and now he has an oxygen tank near him if it happens again but that's a scary thing. Also we haven't even heard so much as a word since he posted on the thread I put up and he knows we're all concerned with how he's doing. He was supposed to be having surgery on the 14th so I wanted to hear how it went. If anyone knows anything please relay the info and I'll do the same if I find out something new.
  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    ohh i thought its all about the no money blahhblah and we want to try new audio ware?

    well just sit down and work your way thru all that warez stuff you downloaded in the last years, i bet you need toward 2020 to check out everything.

    no need for more audio warez right now.
  20. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    in the last month??

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: