Good taste?

Discussion in 'Genre Specific Production' started by ghostinthemachine, Jan 2, 2014.


Do you believe in such a thing?

  1. No

  2. Yes

  3. I'm a bonafide hater and answering this hurts my ego

  1. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    The thing I wanna bring up today is that which makes us choose the sounds we choose. I believe some refer to it as "taste". It has come to my understanding that in the world of music production some have better taste than others. I know we're all stuck in genre's, but we still have to decide what sounds good within those contexts. Which, in my opinion, the possibilities of good sounding things in any given genre are almost endless. Don't know how many of you ever think of this, but lucky for you..................... I exist. :bow:

    Not gonna go any further because I'm sure you peeps understand what I'm talking about. So heres a few questions for ye old noggin

    1. Do you believe your musical heroes have good taste?

    2. Is having any sort of taste even a thought in your musical mind?

    3. Does the thought of someone having better taste than you sound too far out for you to accept?

    4. What do you define as good taste?

    Hopefully this gets you guys thinking about how deep music production can get. Happy new years!
  3. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    1. Most of the time, but not always.
    2. Yes, but I believe that it's very subjective, just like taste in anything else like food or sex or movies etc etc.
    3. Not far out but kinda wrong, cause if it's subjective it can't really be 'better' except for the person(s) who have that specific taste.
    4. The stuff that I like :grooves:
  4. SyNtH.

    SyNtH. Platinum Record

    Nov 27, 2013
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    1. Difficult question, i would say that most of the artists "feel" their music and give off the intended "vibe" which each track they make. As some producers will know some things happen by accident when you make a track that you are really happy with. But then again taste is basically just a set of flavours and its only the commonality in taste which both you and the artist share which dictates who you are more inclined to like or listen to.

    2. Yes, especially with all of the commercially crappy bs in the charts these days. I probably am being pretentious here or an elitist, but i cant understand how peoples taste in music can just be pop music, or even any specific genre in particular. Theres always really nice qualities in various genres in music but having an accustomed taste/passion for the music you listen to is a must for me. At the end of the day music is art, its asif most people just look at a pixel of art, but dare delve further into the picture.

    3.I dont thing anyone can have bad taste but as previously implied, but at least having the taste exist to some degree is fine by me.

    4. Encompasses and appreciates a variety of existing sounds and plays/ utilizes them with skill, but at the same time, tries to innovate the sound and progress it further.

    [email protected] Newbie

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Ontario, Canada
    I think that 'taste' is a construct. Whether in music or film or art it is more the realm of the critic or academic (or perhaps just of the pretentious and heads of sales) than that of the artist. It's in their purvue not the artist's to place items in a hierarchic context based on the criteria they've learned and/or accepted or just collectively decided on, so placing a value (ie. the degree of taste) onto the thing in question and passing the verdict onto the masses.

    There is personal 'taste' but that's really personal preference and I'd argue that it's not at all the same as an overall standard of what is accepted as being 'tasteful' or not as the case may be.

    I guess that all means that I see taste in two contexts. The is the capital T taste that has to do with acceptability, social mores, trends and how many boxes you can tick for the intellectuals etc. and there is personal preference taste which has nothing to do with pleasing anyone but myself and accepting as valid what sounds good or right to me. Do the two intersect? Sometimes yes, sometimes no and even then to varying degrees.

    Here's a couple of follow up questions for thought, if you don't mind me jumping a ride on your train of thought ghostinthemachine...

    1. Is 'taste' just a popularity contest or does the concept of taste have merit on it's own?

    2. Is taste even really relevant given that what is considered tasteful/having taste or not changes with the times and with so many other variables?

    3. Is having taste the same as having a sense of what people will like and providing that? Let me answer my own question there... NO.
  6. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I'd say my answer would be almost identical to thisis theend's. We all like different sounds,in some cases I'd say some of those sounds are used heavily in certain genres.I try to use sounds that are used in other genres in a genre it doesn't typically show up in.Or just go with what I like.Sometimes taste or even the thought of a certain taste or style doesn't really enter my mind when choosing sounds.Though I'd say I have a certain taste sequence wise.My patterns are kinda particular.I stick in minor key or a variation of it (melodic,harmonic,etc) alot though I like mixing up major and minor triads in a sequence but keeping it still in one minor key. Ex A minor melody, with a chord progression of A minor to F major to G major,maybe even throw an E minor(or major)in there,or a diminished in a certain spot as a passing chord or for dramatic effect.So to some degree I'd say I have a particular taste at least as far as arrangement or composition goes,but for sound choices sometimes I'm picky sometimes not.And when I think about other producers,that I like,I'd say they are a bit more particular than I am,but most times they seem to really be pushing to sound like a certain genre.I've made music in one genre or the other exclusively for a long time,lately I try to do something different,most of my stuff has a hiphop or r&b sound to it(because that's what I made for a long time) But I try to make it sound at least a lil different than your average hiphop or R&B.I also try to step out of that genre and make things way different than I normally would,or step into a different genre on purpose,or try something totally experimental.I think about all the sub genres that have came about in the last 20 yrs,I'd imagine a lot of them came from experimentation.Take the TB303 and acid house for instance.I think about things like that.Possibilities are endless.Entire genres where made from experimentation or even by accident.I think it's very possible to create music that no one has heard before.A lot of people would say yeah right with how many genres there are but,they said that before those genres existed too.Sorry for the super long comment,I may have went a lil off topic,but it's inspiring and gets the gears turnin. :thumbsup: Also died laughing at the 3rd choice to vote on. :rofl:
  7. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah guys, I'm with you on this.
    I saw a documentary recently about how New Order made 'Blue Monday', and a lot of it simply came out of experimenting with sounds, technology and instruments that were brand new at the time. Some parts of the mix even happened by pure accident and their inspiration came from a lot of really different stuff like Ennio Morricone, rock and Giorgio Moroder.
    So the worst thing you can do as a musician (or any kind of artist) is probly to restrict yourself to some narrow genre or rules, or just copy what already's been done. That's when things get really formulaic and boring. I guess that could be one definition of poor taste.
  8. Thanks for qualifying this in a thoughtful and logical way.
  9. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    1. In my opinion taste holds merits on every level of production. Straight from bedroom producing and all the way up to the big leagues. Having the right sense of taste can make you a popular musicians/producer/songwriter, it just a given at that point. But like always it depends on what you're doing.

    2. Taste depends on whatever is relevant at the time and another 1001 variables lol. Only the best of the best can stay afloat and reap the benefits of they're art because they are able to redefine themselves time after time. But like we keep mentioning, it all depends on how big or small you want to go with this musical endeavor.

    3. The answer to that one is a yes and a no. Musicians have always been public servants to some degree because they provide a service to other human beings. So you have to know what they are willing to accept to some degree. Theres a definite trade off there that most musicians/songwriters/producers have a hard time with and it's cool. But like some wise man said on something I watched a long time ago......."If your gonna make music for yourself......keep that shit at the house". No offense to anyone who does, but you guys get what he's saying.

    It's all subjective in the end. As long as you like what you're doing.......DO IT!!!!

    Glad this topic picked up a little steam! Thanks to all of you who made the conscious effort to reply and express your thoughts on this. :mates:
  10. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    1. I dont have musical heroes, there are just songs I like, somgs that inspire me and the rest.

    2. Not really...

    3. Normally people who refer to themselves as "people with better taste than others" are just ignorant and small minded.

    4. For me there is no such thing as good taste, at least not like you define it. There's just taste, and whats good in your ears, is good for you. Thats all.
    And there is no such thing as music for people with higerh intelligence. Complex music dont need a intelligent person to listen to it. The complexity of a track isnt equal to the heart, feeling or emotion behind it.
  11. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    In a first approach to the 'Taste' concept applied to sound, I thought in some sort of 'balance', a color palette.
    I don´t think such thing as good taste exists in this approach, because every case or piece is defined by its own 'rules' to conceive that balance. In some cases you know the artist and the intention behind the piece, and if it fits your 'expectations' you agreed with that conception of balance and conclude that it´s good. BUT there´s a lot people also moved or not by that piece that is not so much into music making as you, and something catches their hearts or not at all, and there is no why here (they don´t know the process) because there ís not even a path or interest or the tools to deconstruct the piece, and that´s fine. I´m thinking in taste now as a a bunch of relations or codes that live behind and glue the thing, but just to give some substance to an idea or sensations, and it´s maybe a mistake to judge it by good or bad, because the choices implied serve -or should serve- to the piece conception. I believe in a conception of taste ('good' now, if you want) involved in the music making process, because I know we all are becoming more aware and critic about our choices, and I know we all have been in a situation when something doesn´t fit right and you´re moving things around, tweaking, deleteing, replacing, muteing.. until the vision is clearer again and the balance is restored, even when you didn´t know what was the cause of the wrong balance before detecting it. So there´re two instances of 'taste', one in the conception, and if you´re committed with the piece with some time and luck you develop a certain such thing as good taste, but it´s related with the personal vision of balance and if it´s reached (success) or not yet, and later there´s the reaction, aceptation or not, the outers judgement of good or not, and in art this is a infinite hurricane of readings and subjectivism, so good luck.

    1. Do you believe your musical heroes have good taste?
    Yes. They and also all the people involved in the process.

    2. Is having any sort of taste even a thought in your musical mind?
    Yes, related to the choice making, for every track/case, to build some balance that I think could benefit the concretion. I don´t think there´s a pre-good-taste-(choices/palette)-conception out there related to genres or whatever. Music/sound tends to unifies when a balance work well in the 'second instance of taste', but this is not any warranty of a good idea or a solid vision at the first instace.

    3. Does the thought of someone having better taste than you sound too far out for you to accept?
    No. Sometimes I envy (in a good sense) those artists that really move me, they get everything in the right place and moment and in a better way than me when I´m chasing the same feeling on myself with my own writing. They give me goosebumps without even knowing me. Fucking talented bastards.

    4. What do you define as good taste?
    Good Taste: Balance awareness, reached in a piece.
    GOOD TASTE: Balance awareness, reached in a piece and shared by moved people happy for your existence.

    I hope my english is not so bad, I talk a lot about this with my best friend, but in spanish, at the middle of the night, and with a drink in my hand.
  12. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Good taste!!!

    I have a very simple answar to this issiue:

    If something taste good for your mouth, nose, eyes and ears .... it´s prolly good taste!

    The term "Good taste" is often being used by people who wants to be superiour to others like: "I know about something you dont know about"!, "Im more clever than you"! etc ......

    Could anyone tell what musically style/genre is the best? If you try Im pretty sure its an expression of your bad taste :rofl:
  13. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    1. I think they do. At least many of them. They're already in music history so this should prove they made something worth listening (this does not apply to all of their production). I could also tell by judging the piece in itself.

    2. Not really. I don't even think I like a musical genre. To me there is good music and bad music but I can't tell it from the label or the artist. First I must listen.

    3. I completely accept it but only for one point: if the person that judges has a far more greater musical culture than me. Only then I step back. If not, just STFU!

    4. A good taste is revealed in many things but if I should make a summary I could say that is mainly the result of a good musical culture (listening to a lot of music, very different genres,etc.) and innovation (your piece should be at the same time aware of all the past in music and at the same time take a look into the future). *yes*
  14. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Good taste is usually a metaphor for what a majority of people would find pleasurable. It's not an exact science but there are different musical theories that can always be used because they are palatable to many people.

    But in the end, no. Good taste is not tangible.
  15. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    I belive in Good Taste... it is like the sacred geometry thing.

    Some sounds, grooves, tones just fit perfectly in the "geometry" of all around us and in ourselves.

    Sometimes it is just a matter of chance that You get the composition right; sometimes it is that You just get in sintony with everything, and the result is pleasing to the vast of the "uncontaminated" majority... and of course, there are some people (musicians in this case) that are born in sintony, or they just percive it and understand it.

    Nature has a very good taste, and sometimes people do to :wink:
  16. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Im a full bad taste individual. I have to live with that. I chose combinations that are not mimicking the convention.Im a punk.
    Is this experience as human being or even as a creative character worse in absolute terms than the experience from the ones who are having good taste?
    I mean good taste sometimes seems another domination feature from the ones are in an influencing-decision making position.The historical vector is about domination, not ideas as virtues.
  17. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    Pretty much this. Listen to this man.
  18. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    Make your face symmetrical in Photoshop and see the error of your ways

    This "one" you refer to is mother nature. Does this all the time. Not being able to recognize something can happen due to a multitude of factors, "taste" being unquantifiable and least definable of them all.

    So, most of high fashion designers can be categorized as having bad taste, right? I assume you know what "form over function" and vice versa is? Some people care only about
    function. And they have a multitude of valid reasons.

    That's just utter BS and you know it. If you admire something, you always enjoy it. Otherwise it just means it is beyond you. You will have a really hard time defining "masterfully constructed" if you try to think about it for more than a few seconds.

    Don't confuse STYLE with everything else. What you refer to is style, not "taste".
  19. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    This basically means you're a non-conformist. Nothing to do with "taste" per se.