Where is Cat??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dim_triad, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Gosh that escalated quickly. I'm surprised as I haven't visited AudioZ since yesterday. It wasn't my intention to pick a fight and I apologise for not choosing better, more tactful words. I am known for not having any "tact", though, and lack of socialising abilities. :( However, I can only assure everyone that I don't mean any real harm to anyone even when I use such words. Hell, in my social circles we call each other cunt or a retard for fun. *yes* Musicians and artists in general can be like that, so you get used to it, or not. :bleh:

    Here's little something on the vagaries of English language... :wink: Damn funny, I think. And damn true.
    R.I.P. Dave Allen. You bloody Irish. :) He was a great comedian.

    However, Lukie your PM was absolutely distasteful and surprising. Such reaction over my post. Incredible. :wow: I'm not going to bother replying because there's nothing to reply. :wow:

    Anyway, it turned out not such a bad thread to exchange our feelings about animals, at least. :wink: I'm sorry to hear that your cat died recently, too, Catalyst. :( Here, it happens more often since I have so many cats and I always feel devastated as if my family member died. Most of my cats lived and live up to 15 or more years, though. I'm not sure why, but we probably take really good care of them somehow? Not just I, but my whole family feels the same when one of them dies. One of my cats died just 4 months ago and the memory of her is still fresh because she was the only one who stood up to my dog and she would slam her on the nose when she "misbehaved". :) She was a great black cat, cat with balls. :rofl:

    Cheers :mates:!
  2. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    It's kinda funny to see this topic being able to make Cat's haters reveal themselves.
    Well, the "dead i hope" was a really bad joke... and i thought i'm the guy with the worst jokes, at least in the real life. :sad:
    Btw Catalyst, i have 6 cats here (for real), do you want one? :mates: :rofl:
  3. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Well this sure escalated quickly! :wow:

    I thought Lukie had just made one of them errors in humour often seen online cus a lack of facial clues can easily confuse intention. However, from literally out of nowhere, Lukie enters Cat hate meltdown. From past encounters I had Lukie down as one of the "good un`s" which just makes this all the more weird.

    Bizarre for sure. :dunno:

    It would seem we`ve past the stage where a quick kiss and make up is likely so all we have left to hope for is an adult style agree to disagree and go each his own way. Name calling, threats and such nonsense is just so damn gay! :bleh:

    Gutted for both SirSilly and Cat and their moggie losses. Aint no friend like a feline. Yesper is curled up at my feet right now and I refuse to think of there being any other place for her. :hug:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Lukie has been asking to get booted from here for quite a long time but like always I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt and tolerated the stick he has up his ass for about a year or two. It wasn't just the "joke" but the fact that he messaged me and at least one other member with the word cunt plus threats (those are always so entertaining). The irony is that I didn't send him a personal invitation here. If he has some problems then he should deal with them with a doctor in the real world and find a forum where he feels more at home. However he's not gonna bring that trash into this house. I've worked too hard making AudioSex what it is today to have it devolve into the YouTube comments section and this kind of blatant disrespect will not be tolerated. This is the exact opposite of the environment that I've tried to create where whether you're a novice or a pro, you get treated the same in a friendly community that is happy to help get you to where you need to go. If someone is playing out some juvenile bs then they should do it away from here.

    PS bad joke? Can you imagine if I came in one day and made a joke like that about you? Neither can I because I have class.
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    What is wrong with you, Lukie? sometime i feel i have to take care of a kindergarten here. :dunno:
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    too much weed maybe? :dunno:
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Ahhhh, okay Cat, I wasn`t sure if this had been festering or, if like I said above........ It just came outta nowhere, The Moster from Lukie Lagoon! :headbang:

    You`re right, it is hard to see any time or place where a death wish could be seen as funny, however, when peeps have a history together, funny shizzle can happen that turns the darkest comments and topics on their head. In this case though, as we now know, there is no such history or friendship, this was just simple stupidity and hate in all it`s filthy glory. So sad. :(

    Like I said before, I couldn`t get my head around the seemingly sudden meltdown from Lukie, but you`ve made all clear now. And, as is rather annoyingly ALWAYS the bloody case, (except regards the one topic I don`t think we will EVER agree on!) you are right, you have and do work damn hard to make SEX the place it is, if someone aint a liking it, they need to start a hiking it, right on outta here..... simples. :bleh:

    Let peace and camaraderie reign once again. :mates:
  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d22CiKMPpaY :mates:
  9. superliquid23,

    Lukie has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "cunt".

    Lukie said:

    I love cunts, all shapes and sizes and in all their wonderful varieties, so maybe this isn't a put-down after all, but still I am glad to let him go to some other forum where he might be more welcome. ======================================================================
  10. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    limited vocabulary.

    not surprising.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    AudioSEX is the *only* forum I feel completely comfortable with. I think that says it all. :wink: Although, it is a *subjective* opinion, of course.

    I frequently comment on KVR, Gearslutz, and DOA, and DIY audio and The Guardian website when I find the time.
  12. clamz

    clamz Newbie

    Jan 16, 2014
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    maybe instead of throwing a tantrum like you just did, you should take a look at yourself and wonder what you did to make someone joke about you dying. Take a little responsibility. There are a lot of posters you rub the wrong way by acting like you should have a say on their personal decisions and opinions. You cross a lot of lines quite frequently. And what's with the tough guy act? I can tell by the way that you power trip online that you are one of those people who feel powerless in their real lives so they need some type of control on the internet. That's why you always speak out of turn to people. And now you want to act like you'd slap a guy in real life. My money would be on luke or any man vs you because I can see you are an inferior person that does his best to act big online. Whatever step back you've been taking, you should continue. This website is your crutch and fantasyland where you are an important powerful person, while in real life, it's pretty clear, you are the opposite of those things. Go fix yourself and learn how to co exist with others in a healthy functional way, then maybe you won't have people joking about your death, calling you hitler, leaving the site, etc.
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    If he's really the opposite in real life, then how does he got inspired to achieve the "helping others" behavior, even "others" who never had to give him something in return. Every action that becomes a habit in our lives, are usually generated by the way we live and our enviroment. If he's really a weak real-life-guy in need for "Hitler" attitude over the internet, then tell me why is he still willing to help, an action which basically doesn't brings him anything in return.(except unforced appreciation from some of us) You don't need to do good in order to be strong, but look at him, he's doing it since forever. Also... before overlooking his post, shouldn't you ask yourself what was his exact mood in that moment when he written it? We all have problems and we all gets over-the-head pissed off at some point. The fact that he "overreacted" proves him as a normal human being.
    Now it's better to calm down my friend, there's no point in overlooking other people's anger. We all have it, regardless if it's hidden for some time or not.

  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow that's a lot of psychoanalysis from someone that I've never met and knows absolutely nothing about me. First of all maybe instead of trying to find an opportunity to pick at my character (which isn't up for debate) you could take a look at how YOU act which is the only thing within your control but that's conveniently ignored (as we can see by your warning status). It's funny you never make a helpful comment but when it comes to spouting some bs you're first out of the gate. What does that say about you? Not much. I didn't do anything to deserve someone making a joke about me dying (ever, even in real life) and certainly not to Lukie who I've never even given an actual warning to here so the simple answer is that some people are just douchebags, really as simple as that. I'm not in the placating douchebags business and that's why they elicit such a response. They want to be able to do whatever they want with no repercussions and that's just not gonna happen. A lot of posters don't rub me the wrong way, it's actually a very small minority of people on both forums that make this job way more difficult than it needs to be. And I can tell who is going to be a problem from a few interactions and so far I've been 100% spot on about that. Second of all you can't tell anything about anything because you don't know me, you just think you do. Neither does Lukie or any of the other people that make everything personal like I betrayed them in real life. That kind of mental illness is beyond the scope of what these forums are about. You simply have an image that you've built up in your mind and now I've somehow become accountable for it. The absurdity of talking about who someone is in real life when you've never even met them. Fantasyland? Again you would have to actually know me to make a statement like that. I've never misrepresented myself in any way or pretended to be something I'm not. Neither have I ever taken credit for things that I haven't done. I've even been in the middle of heated arguments and stopped mid-sentence to say: You know...I was wrong and I apologize. Probably more than you'd ever do in your whole life.

    Tell me more about coexisting with others when you haven't made a helpful comment for all the time you've been here but here you are for another one of your boring misinformed rants. One thing you and others like you don't seem to understand is I really couldn't care any less about what you think. Literally. I'm not here to win any popularity contests and If people like you and Lukie have problems then I must be doing something right, you can call it my yardstick. It's not possible for everyone to like me nor my methodology and I certainly don't want that because it's inane. In the end my presence here is not for the purpose of molding myself to what you want. My decisions as an administrator are also not up for discussion and I think most people would agree that I do a great job even in the most unpleasant of circumstances which you yourself wouldn't tolerate for a minute even for a hefty salary. That's why there are so many people backing me up and so many people that write in to express what my work has meant to them. They see the same person and the same conversations that you do but somehow they make different distinctions and I can guarantee you that there are a lot more of those kinds of people than the handful that take issue. Boy that must piss you haters off. As if somehow people liking me is taking away from you in some way. The only people leaving (usually I actually have to kick them out to get them to leave which really says it all) are the people that can't seem to integrate into an excellent community where people get along and that's fine because they will simply make room for others that can and the forums will flourish as a result as they've been doing all these years. You guys certainly aren't bringing anything to the table besides problems and it's always the same story: 0 contributions but a whole lot of bs that we could all do without. I guess you actually have to do something to open yourself up to criticism. It's a lot safer to do nothing and talk about those that actually got off their ass. Excellent misdirection: never do a thing and appear like you would have done it better without all the work. Some just need drama or discussions about the shortcomings (or imagined shortcomings) of others to feel alive (or draw attention from their own character defects) and that's quite sad. Also a person is never completely powerless or completely powerful. Some things we have more control over than others and so I'm just like anyone else in that respect. I know my faults, I never tried to hide them and certainly not from myself. Don't really get what that has to do with anything but whatever. And at the end of the day if this were really true then why would you log-in here? I hate KVR and so I don't go there. Very simple. Actions speak louder than words. And I love you calling me inferior. Inferior to what? You? Wake me up when you've done anything worth even mentioning. We don't even have to talk about your real life, we can keep it to what you've done here. That will be disappointing enough to drive my point across. Even our choice of nicks is funny to compare. I'm definitely not the one logging into your forums every day right? That says it all for me. In the time you guys have been hating, I've put AudioSex on the map. Results speak louder than hateful words.
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