Where is Cat??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dim_triad, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    But what I'll never understand is that dogs are actually more fun than cats and there's lack of funny dog videos and photos. :) Or maybe it's just my dog?? :rofl: She's so funny. Or maybe she's so funny because she became crazy living with 10 cats?! :rofl: They seem to get along well... as long as cats are in charge. :rofl: But seriously speaking, the dog thinks of us and the cats as her "gang" or a "herd". That's what I figured. She hates everyone outside of her herd, and protects everyone inside our herd. Dogs are such wonderful beings, too. We have so much to learn from animals. Re-learn, actually. We are animals, too, just ultimate predators, and that blinded us completely to the world around us. :(
  2. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    "Time to put aside the judgment of each other's duty" -- Path of Beauty - Denean
    Exactly, boundless love. Yet I see more and more people using words like "hate", "fucked", "retards", "shit", "n...a", "f..kface", etc. It's so easy, so impersonal, so "normal" to hate, but rarely we say I Love You to strangers (like in Wayne's World). Just the other day I realized there's no antonym for "depression" in my language. Sad. We are taught to be depressed, yet we lack words to describe the opposite thing. "Excited" or "Euphoria" are not exactly antonyms. Also when one calls another one "retard", what part of another one's being could be associated with this term? Just because another one behaves like that, doesn't make it true. In fact mind's importance on another one's being is quite insignificant. There's a book that describes this topic in detail, what "I" "me" "mine" "my" actually mean. Can't remember the name though..
    So much emphasis is put on mind throughout human life, yet it's one of the weakest parts of one's being, totally non-optimized for the usage we use it for. Like CPU which lacks important instructions and has to use its raw power to perform calculations.

    Jokes about death? Why not? I mean is death REALLY something grim? Yes we think so, because WE are afraid of it, afraid of what happens. Death is not something to be afraid of, really. In fact that reminded me of the famous quite from Gladiator: "Death smiles on us all...only a man can do is smile back."
    What if Lukie meant something different than you understood from his statement? Like "Ascended I hope". In that context, it does make a difference, right? :thumbsup:
    My great-grandmother died few months ago. Did I mourn her? No. In fact I felt happy for her and wished her good luck on her journeys. My mourning wouldn't help anything anyway, it's just my emotional state that I'd invoke on myself, emotional state taught by dysfunctional society for SO LONG. So rhetorical question for you - What does death mean to you?

    I love you and all that encompasses all beings, only my mind and ego still has to learn and experience that as well. :wink:

    Parrots and birds overall are fun too. :rofl:
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You must be one dumb fuck to be sitting on a forum I run for your ingrate ass daily and make a retarded tasteless comment like that. Makes me wonder what exactly you're doing here because I sure as hell didn't invite you. Maybe you're lost little boy. Let me make it clear so your eight your old pre-pubescent brain can absorb it: you're not welcome here anymore. Get out of my face.

    Of course it's the internet. In real life Lukie's undescended testicles would make it difficult for him to say that to someone's face before they smashed his teeth down his gullet but he likes to pretend he's a big man where it's safe. Another Showroom Dummy. I actually appreciate SineWave's response because perhaps you'd like to read stuff like that on the forums that you run but there ain't no way that I'm tolerating that nonsense. Internet or not but making a joke about hoping that someone is dead especially where you know they'll see or hear it is in bad taste no matter the medium even more so when you're doing it on a forum they run. Maybe that kind of attitude that "it's only the internet" is the reason that we have so many little punks that are willing to say online what they'd never say in real life or risk getting bitch-slapped.

    You're not going to believe this but my 10 year old cat died a few weeks ago too. :sad:

    Thanks for the concern and the laughs. Been going through some personal stuff and I just needed a little break from the forums. I've been popping in here and there but mostly just keeping to myself. Would love to take a week or something off but unfortunately all the mods are preoccupied and I have to run the forum by myself so it's really not possible.
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Glad to see your answer.
    Yes the internet is full of super strong MF boyz.
    Fortunately there are not so much in real life, or we had our hands red at the end of the day.

    So sorry about your cat. C. I. P.
    (May he Catnip In Peace)

    Thank you for all you do here. This was a forum and it really became a place thanks to you. :wink:
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's funny to me that he would even say something like that. Not only because it's so ridiculously tasteless and idiotic especially considering I didn't kidnap him and bring him here but also one has to wonder what in the world I could even have done to little Lukie that scarred him so bad that he would wish for my death. World of fools.[​IMG]

    Thanks man. It was the cherry on top of my sundae finding my cat dead and I don't even know what happened or if maybe I could have somehow prevented it. Just can't seem to catch a break sometimes.

    I really appreciate the kind words Oly, you know it's always my pleasure to help good people. Your comments always lift my spirits. :mates:
  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Hope someone noticed my comment on the matter on previous page, that was buried on the last spot.
    Anyway hope things get resolved well for you, Catalyst. :wink:

    BTW, still eagerly waiting for your PM on AZ, when you have mood, tome and energy of course. :mates:
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Although being more a dog-guy than a cat-guy, I feel with you guys.
    Our 13 yo bunny is on his last loops, or should I say lops. Partly paralized since two weeks ago, but he just doesn't want to give in. Old fighter.
    When we first got him, you couldn't touch him and he wouldn't leave his cage... Now he comes to visit on the couch for a cuddle. Well, until two weeks ago at least. Damn :sad:
  8. luizcifer

    luizcifer Ultrasonic

    Nov 14, 2013
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    well our Cat didnt die or got lost :mates:

    sometimes i dont get the hysteria about the thing that a Mod is not so active in Forums for a Day or Two...
    i mean we not need to track them down forcing them to be around all the time..
    we all have a Life besides the almighty I-net so why not a Mod i mean no one turns up and says where is SAINT
    his ghost is always around :wink:
    dont get me wrong here i know how much our Staff does for us but i think if they dont show up they have there own personal Reason
    and we should not be so selfish... just let them do there buisness and if they have spare time they will surly be here
    if you helpless or lost... i know there are a lot good peeps around here who are willing to help anyone at anytime
    most of us are adults so we should act like it
    this means not that we dont need Staff but we can manage to survive on our own
    just to mention yep the coment about "dead i hope" is not respectfull but... all what comes around will go around..in good or bad...
    free world free speach but sometimes its a lack of respect that lets people think everything is funny...

    btw was great fun to see the Cat.rar :rofl:

    cheers :wink:
  9. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    He's just busting a nut real quick. *yes*

    @Andrew :bow:
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Or... maybe their own personal Cubase (some of them guys here know what i mean).

    Respect can be relative sometimes. A respect-worthy person if he never have a friend able to treat him "disrespectfully" in a joking way, then it means he's bound to miss something pretty important out of his life.
  11. Get lost. Don't come back...ever.
  12. Cat, sooo sorry for your loss. I've had some best friends that were cats, Jo Jo, Thomas and Lucky. I feel for you.
  13. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    F-ing big behind your keyboard pussy cat, Ive sent you a pm and I will ofter you money for the fare to meet up and sort it as men do
    but shits like you going running to the f-ing old bill.

    I gave the same ofter to sinewave
  14. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    A man would step up and apologize for being an asshole.
    Someone with no spine needs to pick up a fight because he has not enough self esteem to admit a mistake.
    Emphasizing your own manlyhood leads to the conclusion your ego is not the only thing you have to compensate for.
    Now good riddance to you.
  15. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Apologize for what

    A man would step on you fraifikmushi
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    No, ego of a man might step on him. *no*
    Men aren't brutes, only mistaught and misunderstood.
    Sorry for offtopic.

    Maybe a clarification for us common folk, could you Lukie, explain, what's happening, that is before this thread gets locked?
  17. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Why don't you wake me up when the other man gets here because all I see right now is a troglodyte trying desperately to overcompensate for something. Don't worry little Dookie, it'll get bigger in time. Sadly you're the only one that doesn't realize how pathetic you sound. If you have some kind of problem then I can make it really easy for you: there's the door. It's funny to hear how much you dislike me and see you show up here every day. I'm proud to offer a troll free friendly environment where members can enjoy all the great things this community has to offer without the soapbox bs that pervades too much of our online lives. Therefore it is my duty to get you the fuck out of here as soon as is humanly possible. Don't worry though we'll all drop by ain'tdoneshit.com and visit you sometime. :rofl:

    Fraifikmushi you nailed it brother. *yes*
  19. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I think it's because dogs are more emotionally open and available, whereas cats are more sneaky and not so trusting, thus making it more fulfilling or special when you capture their silly moments or get them to show affection.

    Here's something for you, Cat the sneaky admin:

    So true. :rofl:
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :mates:

    Yeah dogs are emotional whores. So true. :rofl:
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