Buy Ableton Live

Discussion in 'Live' started by TwistedCycles, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    (Well, i feel a bit ashamed to ask so much questions these last days on this wonderful place but i hope i'll be enough skilled to give the money back one day)

    I'm working with a cracked version of Live for a while now and it always irritate me when it comes to crash in light session or loud session either.

    it doesn't happens with specific plugins so i'm wondering if it could result from the Live 9 DAW itself.

    Sometimes i sincerely think to buy Live but as my purse is always quite empty, spending 500 euros keeps me hesitating.

    All the opinions would be appreciated. Is a legal version worth it from a stability point of view ?

  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Not really... Usually only the license of the software is affected by crackers, not the software itself. But anyway, depends :dunno:
  4. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    If you have crash problems with existing one, then you will have with the payed one :)

    ... and wait for Bitwig, be patient and then decide
  5. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    do you have an audio interface?

    There's a huge difference if you have one. Asio4all is not an audio interface but a cheap/cheat way to use "pro tools 9" ? Back then you need it an audio interface to use daws.

    Might wanna post your computer requirements. There might a problem with that too.

    I probably have the same version as you and i don't have much problem. I try to avoid using 3rd party plugins. I mostly use the stock plugins in ableton except for synths or a few fx.

    Upgrading SSD hard drive or setting up your buffer might help too.
  6. caspertheunholyghost

    caspertheunholyghost Newbie

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Im sorry but I was just curious what you meant by this being the last days of this site... Is this site being shut down or anything along those lines that I do not know about? I would hope not I love both of these sites and it would really suck if these sites were to disappear. Please elaborate on this and let me know what you meant by this!!!!
  7. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Dude, depends which Live (k) version are you using, os , which plugins ( k) or not etc…
    If you are using Live for your music production every day, and you can afford to buy a legit version, it worth it, for sure.

  8. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I've always used a legal version. It does occasionally crash, but that is usually dependend on the 3rd party plug-in. Most plugin-ins fron AudioZ work fine. The bizarre thing is that sometimes it crashes because of legal plugins......(Ohmforce/Cakewalk Rapture fir instance).

    Do make sure you use always the latest versions.

    Support by Ableton is excellent. If it crashes they put a real effort in helping you find the course. In Europe it's all 7 days a week during office hours.

    If you consider to purchase a legal version watch the occasional offers. Sometimes it's up to 25% discount. Subscribe to their newsletter to be alert.

    Also, you can compare if you take a monthly trial. If you call them and you say that you are in the middle of an important project, they will gladly expand the trial.

    You can also attend the one of the many Push demonstrations the give. Sometimes they make a special offer: buy Push and get Live free.

    I am a happy customer using both Windows 7 and OSX Mountain Lion and the Focusrite Forte.

  9. moneycat

    moneycat Newbie

    Apr 23, 2013
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    it shouldn't be the crack
    and ableton ive used for 5 years as my main daw and it works perfectly fine

    if you're having constant crashes more than likely is connected to your computer or compatibility to your computer
    ableton updates often with insite from users on there forums if this was a common issue related to the software it would have already been fixed

    make sure you have the latest versions (if you already do try a slightly older version and see if that makes a difference)
    if you have any music friends or a second computer test on that (also make sure your computer specs are at least somewhat decent)
    there are multiple cracks of the software (atleast 3) try a different versions to see if it's crack related
  10. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Thanks everyone,

    for sure i own the last K'ed version of Live (9.1.1) downloaded from AuZ, and i think my computer is not the problem. i run OSX mavericks for 2 weeks ago now and my specs are great enough since i bought a second hand macbook pro retina last year.
    i own too an external audio interface so the problem should not come from there.

    BUT i've tried to run only native plugins on a session today and all was fine, so yeah, the problem might be using 3rd party plugin as i use them a lot. :sad:

    Finally, using an illegal version for several years begins to titillate me, stability or not, so i'm gonna wait for Bitwig release which interest me before digging into a legal Live version, otherwise, i'll wait the next discount to "make the step", i'm decided. (consciousness)

    You misunderstood me i guess.
    i'would be hurt too if these sites disappear. Hope no meteorites will crash on the servers.
  11. Evil_Burrito

    Evil_Burrito Newbie

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't know what that means. Are you trying to say that when the audio output level is too high or too low Ableton crashes? That would be the weirdest glitch ever. I hope I am understanding you incorrectly.

    If you just need help diagnosing plug-in related crashes, I would start with removing old and unused plug-ins. Go ahead and reboot your computer. Then I would do a full vst re-scan. To do this hold "alt" and click Rescan in the options window. When you do the complete re-scan it should identify and hide broken plug-ins.

    There are thousands more possible scenarios, but without more specific details, this is the best help you can expect.

    Oh and if you did not know, Bitwig is being "officially" released March 26th.
  12. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    Thanks for support, sorry for misunderstanding, i do my best with english but there is headroom for progress : )

    So to answer you, no, there is absolutely no crash depending on volumes. All my plugins are working fine too and don't crash when i put them on a track, i just believe that stability of Ableton is a little bit weakened by usage of many different plugins.

    It crashes pretty randomly (both with 8 tracks session with few plugins and 36 tracks session with a lot of plugin ) so it's would be hard to know what plugin would particularly compromise the stability of Live 9.

    i think the key is to use less plugin and more native tools in my case.

    Hope i've been clear
  13. twinny123

    twinny123 Noisemaker

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I used to use a cracked copy of Ableton when I curios as to no how it worked, when I first started using it. I had the same problem with it crashing, but was told by a friend who had a Licensed version that it was down to bugs that were only present in unlicensed versions. After I had decided that I liked it enough to use it to produce Music with, I bought a copy and I must say that it is very rare that it crashes and if it does it always gives the option to recover your work.
  14. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    My unlicensed version allows me too every time to recover my work but it can break down the workflow. Anyway, i really plan to buy it now if i'm not seduced by Bitwig, your opinion cumforts me to do this. :wink:
  15. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Don't buy it.

    I've used both. Crashing is about the same.

    Try the 30 day trial - write for 30 days to test.

    Crack is only the licence. .. Not the app.

    The licence Crack works on the full download.

    Save your money
  16. twinny123

    twinny123 Noisemaker

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yeah, well when ever I have downloaded a cracked copy that gives a link to the Ableton download website, the patch never works with it and the cracked versions that come with a crack that works are never the same as the versions that are availabe for download on the Ableton site. They are always a similar version to the one which you get when you buy them on cd/dvd but always come with an exe file that replaces the one in the installation directory and quite obviously are not in any way accessed in the same way as the purchasable versions. When I tried writing a full song with the cracked version I always got errors that said I was out of memory, when I had 16 gig of memory, using win 7 64bit and had hardly used any memory and that was just before It would crash, which was almost every time I loaded it up. I bought on DVD and it and have hardly had any problems with it.
  17. TwistedCycles

    TwistedCycles Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    That's definitely not my case as i'm using Mac OSX, for me any "crack patcher" which come with the version of Live 9 works well and Live 9 x64 uses without any difficulty my 16 gigs of ram too ( using Kontakt libraries for example ).

    By the way, glad to hear that your legal version solved the problem.

    i want believe you but and try the demo : great idea. if i still meet this problem i will think to change for a more stable DAW and buy it, (supposing such a stable DAW like this really exists)
  18. sekizbitli

    sekizbitli Newbie

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Hi guys,

    I have another question worrying me for a few days. So, I will have a chance to buy 'Ableton Push',
    but I wonder if it will be %100 compatible with the non-registered (or to be honest cracked) version of
    Ableton Live 9? Is there anyone controlling cracked Ableton with Push?

    Any feedback would be appreciated.
  19. SK77

    SK77 Noisemaker

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Hi, I know this is an old question, however, I was also worried that Push wouldn't work with cracked Live. I bought Push anyway due to a local company having a great deal, and it works 100% *yes*