Choosing the right hardware comp, help needed

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Sonar Sounds, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Sonar Sounds

    Sonar Sounds Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Hi everyone,

    I'm making this topic because in a month it's going to be my birthday (hurray hurray!) and I have about 400/500€ (500/550$) to make myself a gift :wink: One thing I've always wanted to have in my studio is a flexible, well-round hardware compressor (something to give a bus some glue or to add the analog character to a single channel) that does the job when needed.
    I'm looking for something analog, no digital involved (both internally and externally speaking since I hate plastic buttons and digital meters :bleh: ), and something that is not too harsh on the audio. One piece of gear I've always loved is the Chandler series of compressors, they all sound amazing and with an analog tone that's not too silky nor too harsh, but the problem here is price, which is in the range for something pro-sounding but not too classic or pricey. So, in the end, it's a versatile analog compressor with quality components that will last long, but not a classic choice that costs an eye.

    Any help from analog lovers would be gold, since my knowledge of hardware spans from knowing that the 808 has the ''bassy'' kick and the 909 the ''punchy'' one... :rofl: :rofl:

    Cheers!! :wink:
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Sonar Sounds,

    Go to the following Page, then simply take a look at what most of the 'Audio Professionals' consider as the Best 20 Hardware Compressor Units ever made...

    'Top 20 Compressors of all time'

    Something is strange through that selection, because the First is selected by the N° 20, then the Second by the N° 19 !?! :dunno:
    Anyway, simply select the 20 choices and you'll get all these 'gems' !!! *yes*

    Maybe you can find one of these in more or less good conditions as a 'second hand'. Others can fit within your Budget... (i.e. 'Alesis 3630') *yes*

    Good Quest... and Happy Birthday then !!! :wink: :mates:



    Despite your wish to absolutely get a 'Hardware Unit', you should also take a look at the following Product, which in some sense, can be considered as a 'Hardware Unit', with plenty of Great Emulations of very famous and well-known 'Hardware Compressor Units', often unreachable due to their respective prices !!! :sad:
    Moreover, you not only get Great 'Compressor' Emulations, but also Great 'EQs' Emulations as well... *yes* :wink:


    Focusrite Liquid Mix


    The included 'Focusrite Liquid Mix Software' (to be used within your Computer)

    I got a 'Focusrite Liquid Mix' a few days ago, and despite I still don't have make its complete tour, I'm very surprised of the quality of both Emulations : 'Compressors' & 'EQs', as well as the very pleasant Option to use it with all the provided Knobs as with real 'Hardware Units', hence my suggestion ! *yes*
    Its price as second hand could fit your Budget as well... :thumbsup:

    By cons, you'll absolutely need to have a 'Firewire' Port available within your Computer, either via the 'Motherboard', or via an added 'PCI Card', but it worth to try it, trust me ! *yes*

    Here you can have a look at the 'Factory Emulations' of these 'so famous' Hardware Units : '40 Compressor Emulations' and 20 'EQ Emulations' :

    'Liquid Mix Emulations'
  4. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Don't forget to tell us what you brought!! :hug:
  5. miklan

    miklan Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2012
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    I was about to recommand you the famous "Fairchild 670", but ichecked the price........ :wow: ............$45,000.00
    Maybe on day......if i sell my kidneys, my eyes......

    hope you'll find your dream, Mate....

  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Miklan,


    Okay to sell your 'kidneys' or any other of your organs, but keep at least your eyes, your ears and your fingers... if you absolutely want to have an almost perfect and full control over a 'Fairchild 670' !!!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    You will need a stereo compressor for the main bus .. 2xWA76?
  8. sos review

    This is what I read when I dream of a $600 fantastic 1176 clone. I own the Tonebeast and couldn't be happier with this transformer based pre. Zenarcist turned me on to it and I have been all grins since.
  9. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Look on ebay and search out Valley People there are various models they go at a reasonable price because people who sell them generally haven't got a clue how to use them and people who do don't sell them.

    Avoid at all cost the Alesis 3630 its a toy.

  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    They have just released a "Pultec" valve EQ to go with their other goodies :bleh:

  11. Skelitor

    Skelitor Newbie

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I was in the same spot a few months ago and got the Chameleon Labs 7720 Bus compressor.Check here
    There are great reviews, for the price it is certainly well built and sounds fantastic.
  12. eheavy

    eheavy Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Here are 2 great alternatives that you might want to consider, inexpensive and wont tarnish your image when people see them in your rack

    WA76 Discrete Compressor


    DBX 676

    Happy hunting
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    For $400-600 you can always make a do-it-yourself [DIY] G-SSL bus compressor [SSL G-4000 console bus compressor], Urei 1176, Teletronix LA-3A, or DBX 160 from a kit. All you need is a bit of knowledge of electronics and how to solder. It's much fun and you can learn a lot! It's great bang for buck, because all these compressors cost far more to buy in the shop like frontendaudio, vintagekingaudio etc. Just look at the prices of these there! ;)

    This website is best known for DIY people to hang out and this is the help thread about G-SSL bus compressor clone: which is easiest to make out of all these and costs around $400.

    Yes, stay away from cheap <=$400 compressors from ebay in general because they're absolutely not worth it. I've been there. ;) But making a G-SSL or stereo 1176 is absolutely worth it! What's also worth making is some great preamp [Neve console preamp clone] and an SSL E-4000 console EQ clone, IMO. There are also some interesting vintage spring reverb projects... ;)

    Cheers! :mates:
  14. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    You already got your basics covered!! :rofl:

    I'll recommend brands instead of specific models, so depending on your country, budget and usage, you can decide by yourself…

    - DBX
    - Grace Design (m102 is a killer!)
    - Joemeek
    - Valley People

    And more difficult to find, but a real gem is the PBC-6A by FMR Audio (mono comp).

    Good hunt! :wink:

    PS: Compressors are some of the most versatile pieces of equipment out there, so being clear about what you want to achieve (glue, parallel, limiter, side-chain, drums, vocal, master, etc) will help you to choose just the right one...
  15. Sonar Sounds

    Sonar Sounds Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Thanks to everybody that answered to my question, I'm truly astonished by how many responses it had, it's amazing how big and welcoming the Audiosex/AudioZ community is! :mates:
    I'll read through all the posts here and try to make a list of what best suits my needs, that'll definitely give me a clearer idea of what to hunt for when I'll be in the store :grooves:

    Cheers!! :wink:
  16. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Depends on what kind of uses you need it for, but You could go with a used DBX 160A for cheap or an ART VLA. The WARM audio 1176 style (above) looks great too. A good comp isn't cheap. Ultimately I'd look into a used Distressor, though it is an intimidating beast for a 1st comp, and runs $800-$1000 used.

    Get in touch with RJR and ask him if he can create something in that price range.

    Regular John Recording

    The transformers are what I look for in a tracking comp, but I do have a Foote P3S with cinemag trannies for 2-buss, , UBK fatso for a dirtier 2-buss sound, and Xpressor for clean EDM/Electro stuff. Tracking = FET II, 10DC, Vogad, Anamod, 1176, and a VLA.


    This is an option too :

    Lindell Audio 503 a :

    Lindell 7X-500 (1176 clone)

    You could probably get both the Lindell "box" and the 7X-500 compressor from musician's friend during a 15% off holiday sale too. ;-)
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