Tearing Down My Studio

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mercurysoto, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I just want to share some of my confusing thoughts now. I am changing premises because the landlord asked the place I rent back. The good thing is that I've finally decided to make changes in my family property to adapt two rooms for my new studio setup. It's not a big place, but according to the SOS Studio Guide I can make do. One room is going to be the control room sized 3.1 x 5 meters and the other room is 3.1 x 3.6. The smaller one will become drum booth and storage.

    Anyhow, as I am tools in hand removing panels and tearing down separation walls, I am getting nostalgic and blue like only few times in my life. I have flashbacks of my girl and I working hard to pimp the place up and building dreams and illusions on what was to be my first commercial attempt at recording and mixing for a fee. I just can't get it. I know this is for the better, that even though it will take me a while to get set up, I'm going to be rent free and it should feel great. But it doesn't. I am blasting my 8020s with Deep Purple's Machine Head and I should feel good. I am not.

    Anyway, thanks for reading by. All this blues will pass and the dust will settle. It's just that right now, with my goggles on and chisel to the side as I write nostalgia has taken over.

    Have a good year this year, old good audiosexers.
  3. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    figment of my imagination

    I went thru the same thing about two years ago and I felt like i was tearing down my soul. I made the move by choice after being roped into a bad lease on a 'office' turned studio , I took a pretty tough hit financially and I can't say I'm not still bitter at the situation still because I am, especially the mother fucker that lied to me to get me into the room. ( Everyone gets their due in time ) Now the good part, after a tearing my room down I took a month to think out the new space. All the things I would of done different. My mind was ready to go the next day but my spirit wasn't and that took a month to build up. What I have now is 1000000xxxxx better than the room I tore down. I couldn't of even imaged it back then so don't despair CHANGE IS GOOD. Make the room your way and follow the guides for certain things but follow your gut for the rest and just say fuck it and go for it. I can say experiencing this was one of the better things that happened to me mentally. It made me aware that it's not really the room or the gear it's heart that matters. I'm not trying to be hokie about it but I know exactly how you feel and I'm telling you from experience it works out better you just don't 'know it yet. The asshole that lied to me and fucked me over, well he's still doing the same shit but for less and I couldn't be happier to be away from that whole situation. Having your shit on your own property is the way to go if you can do it because no one can interfere with your vibe. Keep your head up and good luck I promise you this, when you rebuild it's going to surprise you how much better it will be for you !

  4. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    You seem to have the right idea in that time will change your prospective, it's not mean't to be easy and life likes to give you the opportunity to learn and grow from it's experiences, so as long as your passion for what you do stays lit hope your back to doing what you love.
    I've had better places to work before in my life but if your heads not right I can't say those spaces made things any better, if I was in your position now I'd work hardest on how to make the small spaces work for you as best as possible, planning always used to help me concentrate on the future and not feel too glum about the bits of the past that could not be changed, can't buy wisdom and it doesn't come without some price, All the best man
  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    When one has lost everything at least thrice over, and has had no familial resources upon which to draw nor back on which to fall, one learns not retain much sentimental attachment toward stuff, including the memorabilia of dreams and aspirations.

    Must be nice, to not have to pay rent.
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    you should get someone to give you a hand
    hope your new studio works out for you, :wink:
  7. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Thank you all for your kind support. Of course, progress and change are always good and I know this change is for the better. However, it amazes me the dark feelings I thought I wasn't going to have about this. Had my studio not been in the tear-down process, I would've sat and written a song I guess.

    Once again, thank you all.


    The job is starting to take shape, and it keeps me sharp at it. Definitely, fundamental in all the process just like at the beginning, my woman is supporting me throughout this. Now this doesn't feel like an end anymore but rather like a new beginning. Once again, thank you for the replies. I'm lucky to be an audiosexer myself surrounded by guys like yourselves. :mates:
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Good to hear a story with a happy ending ,or even better a new beginning
    all the best M3RCURYsoto :wink:

    The greatest song ever writing was in the moments of despair
    when all the world felt lonely and you taught that no one cared
    the feeling from the music then made all the people sing
    and happiness was born again and look at what it brings. :)
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