Toontrack EZdrummer v2 Installation Problems

Discussion in 'Software' started by oidua, May 17, 2014.

  1. friko

    friko Newbie

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Actually i can't even i'm able to register the program. When i try to authenticate it it says the authorization key is invalid.
  2. pointer5

    pointer5 Newbie

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Hey guys, i've got some problems with the authorization too, i'm using windows 7 64 bit and tried it with both versions (32/64). But if I trie to use the keygen ver 1.1.2 with the not updated ezdrummer 2, the keygen works fine, but the authorization file doesn't work. And if I use the Keygen ver 1.2.3 with the updated version of ezdrummer 2, i get an error from the keygen after klick on the button to generate the authorization file, everytime it says "make sure that your network card is aviable". I tried everything to "aviable my network card" whatever that means, but it still not work. Can somebody Help me pls?
    Greetings, pointer
  3. Ezdrumhead

    Ezdrumhead Newbie

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I am having the same problems. I am using a mac along with winbottler for the keygen and every time I try to activate it tells me "activation failed, wrong file?" I tried renaming the .ttauth file, but still nothing.
    I also do not see an AAX file in my Ezdrummer 2 download location, I see .dmg .dll and .zip Also I am a n00b, obviously. I don't know how to patch files does that work on a mac? Really need to get this program working, please help!
  4. Alexandertosky96

    Alexandertosky96 Newbie

    Aug 29, 2014
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    I've got the same big problem of pointer5. I can't authorize EZ2 cause RSA keygen gave me this "This code will be rejected by Toontrack" and "make sure that your network card is aviable"

    ID: GE3DG-QBYG2-A9D22-F8KCT-C Anyone can help us?
  5. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I do apologize for the time taken to respond back on this matter.I regret to say that I can not look into this issue until I have another mac on hand to test.I had a mac mini for awhile but I never got an hdmi cable to get display and the guy took it back because he needed it.If this is still unsolved by the next time I have a mac available to test it on I promise I will do just that.I know I had a hard time with this on that MBP I did for a friend but after much trial and error I got it to work.And it was all in the order things were done.It was very specific but I assure you there is a way to have the latest R** version of EZ Drummer 2 and all the expansions and midi packs on mac.I had it all working on Mavericks on a mid 2010 MBP,and it's still working beautifully for that person.

    I can tell you that it took forever,I used a win keygen in wine(possibly multiple different versions of the keygen as well) and I had to type every key in by hand.And I had to install at least 2 expansions manually.(Copying from disc to directory) And they showed up funny until it was updated.But once updated everything works wonderful.

    Again I apologize,I really wanted to help everyone and solve this problem but unfortunately without a mac available I'm at a loss at this point.
  6. fercholoco

    fercholoco Newbie

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Hello friends, not English but I used a translator to answer this problem we've all had.

    message gives the attempt to authorize EZdrummer 2 is because the ID of printable generated wrong ie reconose not as completely.

    I solved the problem deactivando and then activating the Network Adapter in Control Panel / Device Manager / Network Adapter, and then connecting it to a network of Internet

    When you open the program Ez gave me a different ID when not using the Network Adapter

    From here it is just a matter of doing the regular steps with Keygen

    Greetings and I hope that works for them
  7. uss

    uss Newbie

    Sep 12, 2014
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    Hi All,

    I finally figured out what is missing from the installation steps.
    When you run the EZD2 installer, the VST component is selected to be installed by default (in grey), there is a leyend saying the VST need to be installed in order to run the standalone app.

    So what you need to do, is replace the installed vst plugin with the given EZdrummer.vst, then run the standalone app and follow the steps.
    The VST plugin is installed at /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/EZdrummer.vst

    Confirmed it works on 10.9.4 + wine.
  8. johnny30

    johnny30 Newbie

    Sep 21, 2014
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    hi everyone , in mew here and have a big issue with ezdrummer 2 , it work well as standalone , i deleted the aax file but when i open it in pro tools 10 it ask me again for authorization code , does someone know how to fix that , thanks , im using windows 7 64 bit , and i install both 32 bit and 64 bit version of ezdrummer , but i notice that even i use win 7 64bit its no use install the ezdrummer 64 bit version as pro tools 10 is a 32 bit version , plz if someone knows what to do , help me , thanks
  9. j_casu

    j_casu Newbie

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Sorry I do not speak English, I have the same problem it only works EZD2 but when I run protools express authorization asks me, how I can fix, I have no files .vst
  10. paultma

    paultma Newbie

    Sep 23, 2014
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    OK, I'm struggling hard to get EZ Drummer 2 authorised. I'm getting pretty stressed about it. I'm on a Mac running Mavericks and use Logix Pro X.

    These are the instructions given:
    For those having problems with keygen, try this;

    1. Start EZDrummer
    2. Select Autorize Offline
    3. Start Key Generator
    4. Select product (EZdrummer 2)
    5. Click Patch RSA-1024 Public Key
    6. Point to EZdrummer.dll
    7. Copy ComputerID and paste to KG
    8. Generate Serial #
    9. Generate and Create Code/File
    10. Type any name
    11. Select this file in Authorization screen
    12. Done! worked for me

    I have no issue with opening the Keygen with Winebottler. However, I'm confused about "Patch RSA-1024 Public Key". There is no .dll file that I'm aware of. I've "EZdrummer_200_Patched_OSX" into a folder containing 3 files, ezdrummer.component, ezdrummer.vst and ezdrummer.vst - what am I meant to do with them? Are they meant to be moved somewhere? I don't understand what file I'm supposed to use for generating the authorization code file is, as there's no ezdrummer.dll.

    PLEASE someone help me out with this, I'm so close to having this good to go, I've been trying to fix it for so long. I'd be so grateful if anyone could help! :)
  11. julen_una

    julen_una Newbie

    Sep 23, 2014
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    hi guys, I have a similar problem; I have the correct installation, use win 7 64bit, and I installed the EZdrummer 2 32bit working and cracked, but when I start it with pro tools 10 and run the pluggin the EZdrummer 2 asking for the authorization and I see no possible way to fix it, I tried everything. Any solution, please help .... thanks.
  12. paultma

    paultma Newbie

    Sep 23, 2014
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    Can anyone specifically address the issue I have stated above? There's a lot posts from people with different mother tongues on this thread, very hard to follow.... PLEASE HELP.
  13. j_casu

    j_casu Newbie

    Sep 21, 2014
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    hi guys, I have a similar problem; I have the correct installation, use win 7 64bit, and I installed the EZdrummer 2 32bit working and cracked, but when I start it with pro tools 10 and run the pluggin the EZdrummer 2 asking for the authorization and I see no possible way to fix it, I tried everything. Any solution, please help .... thanks.
  14. Disfracture

    Disfracture Newbie

    Nov 25, 2014
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    Hello you all!

    I only registered to help you out you guys.. since internet and its community has done so much for me, I will give back as much as I can.


    1.Install/Update the software.
    2.Copy patched AU/VST/RTAS.
    3.Run our keygen on Windows.
    4.Run the software and start activation.
    5.Select offline activation.
    6.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
    7.Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File.
    8.Register and Enjoy!

    All those steps are necessary, but the root of the problem is in the understanding of step 2.

    You need to open the Keygen in Mac with the help of Wine (not part of the team, but is an excellent app if you have the chance donate whatever it comes from heart, do it) why you need to open the Keygen in your computer?, because you need to patch the .vst and .component files in your computer in order to make the EZ2 accept the auth file.

    So when you open the Keygen, in the option after selecting the instrument you want to create a file for, go and patch both files created when you installed EZdrummer, EZdrummer.component and EZdrummer.vst, directory is next:



    After doing that, (you must do both) a legend will appear for each of them at the bottom of your Keygen, saying that you successfully patched freekey, then you must tape your computer ID -> create a keycode -> create auth file -> rename auth file (just name, no extention) and finally you can go, run the EZ drummer in your DAW (I didn't tried directly on Standalone, choose auth offline, load your auth file.

    AND DONE! ;)

    Thank you for all who posted before me, I really appreciate your effort, and hope to hear this finally worked for you as well.

  15. Disfracture

    Disfracture Newbie

    Nov 25, 2014
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    Check my response above dude. And let me know if it worked for you, I'm pretty much sure that will fix the problem.
  16. 1999

    1999 Newbie

    Dec 4, 2014
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    It seems there's a problem getting or generating ttauth with Computer ID Codes starting with GE3DG ....

    I'm on the same boat ..
    If someone has a solution to that, I'd be willing to learn it.

    Thanx in advance

  17. 1999

    1999 Newbie

    Dec 4, 2014
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    EDIT: I sfinally solved my problem generating AUTH Code - as explained above , my Comp ID starting with code GE3DG .. generated an error about the code not being accepetd and about Network card not being installed..
    The root of problem was that my WMI didnt start obecause of some corrupted files.. I downloaded the program at the following addy ...

    That utility repaired my WMI and i was finally able to generate Auth Code ...

    Hope that helps

  18. gusdebel

    gusdebel Newbie

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Hi ! When I point to the ezdrummer.dll file in the toontrack folder, the keygen tells me that the file is write protected ... so the wollowing steps don't work. I mean that I generate the authorization file, but the authorization fails.

    Thanks a lot for your help.
  19. martyr

    martyr Newbie

    Dec 26, 2014
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    hey, i've got the same problem and i repaired my wmi but it didn't help...however can i fix it in another way? anyone got solution? help will be appreciated,thanks
  20. Must

    Must Newbie

    Dec 27, 2014
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    For those having problems with "Authorization not working" follow these steps. Most likely you have your network cards disabled and have an usb WIFI card.

    1.go to your computers device manager.
    2.look for your network adapters tab.
    3.enable all devices under that tab.
    4.follow the instructions as normal in the R2R.txt keygen folder.

    1.Install/Update the software.
    2.Run our keygen and select a product.
    3.Patch VST/RTAS with our keygen.
    4.Run the software and start activation.
    5.Select offline activation.
    6.Copy ComputerID to the keygen. ***You should now have a "new" ID after enabling your network devices.
    7.Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File.
    8.Register and Enjoy!

    You should be good to go.

    After much trial and error I found this worked for me. Hope it helps you.
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