I Think my "Videox" account has been hacked

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by dim_triad, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I have gotten some very, VERY odd email messages last night...

    They "appear" to be one of those messages that one receives when they have subscribed to a thread... and then someone comments... initiating the email-notification.

    However, here is what is very odd.

    1) It wasn't the usual "Videox.eu" comment-notification... it just looked different.

    2) This email lists MY supposed thread-comment that had been replied to (hence initiating the notification).. however, this supposed message, not only did I NOT post a comment like that anywhere ever, BUT, it also doesn't even make sense... it is literally as if a computer OR person, analyzed all of the terminology and audio production jargon that is used on these sites, and then created a message out of randomly chosen words used on our website...

    Seriously... the message contains words like: Ableton, Pro TOols, tracks, compressors, slave, master... but as I said, the message (that I clearly DID NOT post anywhere) is very VERY fishy...

    3) to top-it-off, it has a link that I can "click" on that will take me to the supposed release-thread that is being referenced... and this link thread-name?... is some made-up Bitwig v1.1 thread that I have never even heard, NOR participated in...

    obviously, I was not going to click on the link...

    I think it might be hy2ro?... or those Nigerian scam emails.

    ANyone else with some odd notifications recently?

    P.S. maybe I should post a copy/image of the message so you can all see how odd it is... especially the wording of this supposed thread comment.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    just delete it, if you haven't posted anything for a comment to be made, most likely just a bot doing some (ph)ishing, clicking on the link will definitely tell the scammers your email address is active and may also introduce malware into your puter via the web link, view the email header (source) to confirm that it actually came from videox.eu
  4. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    yeah ok.. thanks :wink:
  5. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I think it might be hy2ro? :rofl: i doubt it he was a wannabe
  6. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, audio lovers,

    really sorry for bringing this thread into the off topic realms, but did not want to begin one new thread with the question... *yes*

    might this here present me be in the know about what exactly caused the banning of the person? :dunno:

    for me, it would be interesting to know more about the things happened, as formerly, on quite loads of occasions, somehow have felt compelled to defend her, him, against the seemingly senseless attacks by certain, partly also banned, users on the other site... :dunno:

    does not really bothers me, rather want to see if those occasions were, in some strange ways, judged amiss or perhaps just did not have enough information... :dunno:

    back to topic, check if you can log in with your former user name, password, then change it... *yes*

    deluge of thanks in advance for any reply, all the best for all of us... :bow:

    post scriptum, later edit, if one feels it is more appropriate to do so, please just use private mail with the details, will be very glad to respond... :bow:
  7. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Sounds like Markov chains http://www.yohng.com/articles/tech/text-ai.html
  8. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    could be markoz... intersting *yes*
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    He went berserk on the moderator in charge of approvals and SAiNT banned him. He was already given chance after chance after chance for a long time and was explicitly told that this is the last time. Also keep in mind that he's banned at pretty much every forum on the net. You know that I defended him as well many a time but we have rules and we can't have members losing it like that and the crazy PMs it just never ends. As soon as he doesn't get his way or misconstrues something all of a sudden we're forced to read the caps lock diaries. It's the opposite of the kind of place we're trying to run. It's hard enough getting things done but when there's this crazy drama every day it makes work unpleasant for all of us and it shouldn't be when we provide what is in effect a community service.
  10. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, Catalyst, Audio Lovers,

    real deluge of thanks for clarifying everything about her, him, about the things happened. :wink:

    many times have also felt that much too much what she, he, has done, also did not, could not, see behind the mostly sorry state of affairs. :sad:

    always felt some strange nauseating wobbliness the times when reading about the health problems, those this is the last time messages, brought up in those correspondences. :sad:

    have no regrets defending her, him, also now it is so much better that most of these things are, became, known. *yes*

    please understand, there was no need to, thus did not want to, justificate my actions, there were countless occasions where the only motive of all those disturbing exchanges stemmed from clear enmity, malevolence, indignity, from certain users. :sad:

    so, thus, again, many thanks for clearing all these up, Catalyst, it feels much better now... *yes*

    will try to be more on topic, next time, promise... :wink:

    all the best of all of us (pray include non-hacked accounts, pray exclude markov chain generated quasi-essays, negativity, malevolence, etc.)... :bow:
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