Which College should i join? Help Me

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by globalpeace, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Any Specific College you can suggest?
  2. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    @fraif You're right and @Studio 555, I'm not falling for your marketing.
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I'm not saying that Calvin should become the next Dyro. When i mentioned Dyro, i meant about WHY did business chased him. That was only due to his potential/productions. There's lots of examples like him.
    Regarding mic. positioning, is that really a good reason for joining collage? I know that stuff since 2 years ago and now i'm 22. There's lots of tuts for that as well, look at Puremix, they covered all the stuff regarding sound recording, from drums, guitars to full band. They also explain in depth how and why they approach their techniques. Fab said that his goal is to offer all the audio-engineering knowledge which a young musician would get from a collage, but with less hussle and more convenient. They turned it into a more enjoyable experience.

    Just watch Fab's tutorial regarding audio recording and see for yourself if the video really lacks any knowledge which you would actually learn it as a plus in the collage.

    Have a great day :mates:

  4. blznx

    blznx Newbie

    Dec 13, 2014
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    what's your guys and girls opinion about music production courses i mean especially ones that are focused more on electronic music production?could those prove helpful?
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Waste of money if you mean about the EDM "schools". They teach you the "basic" secrets, as you would learn in the paid tuts or even free YT ones.
    What you do actually need to succeed is to actually have a bit of "uniqueness" into your quality productions. That is achieved by extra-mega-tons of time spent producing constantly and daily. There's no shortcut.
    Tell me ONE single EDM star who became what he is right now through an "EDM school". These schools take advantage on people's hope, making them thinking that they represent the shortcut for their success.
    These schools also features "Masterclass" series where they bring famous artists to interview in the front of their students, but the funny part is that these featured artists never went through that "EDM school" in order to become what they are, but the "school" itself takes advantage on that in order to make their students even more hopeful and wallet-opened. *yes*
    Think about all the money-ready kids coming from wealthy families, wouldn't they become instantly the "next big EDM star" if the money could've buy the shortcut to success? The stage and fans are never yours if you're not good enough.

    Have a great day!

  6. blznx

    blznx Newbie

    Dec 13, 2014
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    Ah no,i wasn't speaking of those ones although not quite sure i think i have more or less a similar view about them.I was thinking more of college courses which if you will complete offer a real university degree for example in the UK a bachelor of arts and they get advertised like "if you want to be a producer,dj,sound engineer blah blah...." if those could help with putting you in track to become a producer and dj,of course not magically turning you into one talent and experience i guess is irreplaceable,or if they could help with opening other doors for other music work.See i am in my 3rd year,on and off,of being self-taught and i still feel i don't have a mastered understanding of some basic things so i was thinking in an academic environment and more personalized if it would help me understand better as well as learning tips and tricks that otherwise would take longer to learn and if the degree could open other work opportunities in the music field while i keep trying to become a good producer.My goals by the way are really not that high as in becoming world renowned or swimming in riches,i would be more then happy if i could just produce music i like while making a living from music one way or the other.

  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    As always, Evo is right on the money.

    Not to forget it will take you a long time to become a master of your craft.
    Just because you are able to use the same tools as your idol it doesn't mean you will come to the same result.
    Think of your computer as an instrument and it will become pretty obvious. Listen to someone who'splaying the piano since one year and there will be no doubt how far this guy is away from mastery.
    The same applies to electronic music producers.

    Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY who's on top of the scene got where he was over night. It's hard work with years of dedication and there is no shortcut. Period.

    @blaze: there are some real good 1on1 online tutors who maybe can help you with specific problems. Also, there are some great webinars you can take on specific topics.
  8. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Hard Work Beats Talent! But I Need to get a degree to convince my parents to allow me Producing Music, I'm good at Production side so far but I lack on Musical Side. Can you Suggest any college for musical learning ?
  9. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I attend my Local City college and i must say that the staff is exellent. Its surprising how very accomplished musicians choose teaching at the end. As far as my experience i was the same way as you, i was pretty ok with the production side of it, but i lacked the Musicianship aspect of it. One thing that i would advise is to be very patient, learning theory and becoming a musician can seem like it has nothing to do with electronic composition at first. Then eventually when you start fully understanding theory you will see how all music is tied together. Results wise all my production has gotten better everything more musical, that was very important because i noticed what i enjoy the most was the melodic aspect of my tunes. It also keeps my parents quiet, i understand that coming forth to your parents saying that you wanna be a faous DJ can be very difficult. To date i dont think my parents even understand what im trying to do haha or the rest of family to be honest.
  10. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    To be Precise, We both share the same story :wink:
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