Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack and FREE Revival Plugin - Available NOW

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    After two years of tireless development, the long awaited
    Virtual Mix Rack and Free Revival plugin is now available!


    The ‘VMR’ includes four world class mix modules, including two classic equalizers and two versatile mix compressors, with more modules to be developed.

    The ‘VMR’ operates as a Virtual 500 series rack with hot-swappable modules, putting your whole processing chain in ONE WINDOW. This allows you customize your own channel strip, with signal flow following the modules, in any order you choose. Mix and match filters from different EQs. Chain an EQ before or after your compressor. Moving modules around is easy, fast, and creates no break in audio playback. Audition signal chains faster, easier, and in real time with the Slate ‘VMR’.


    VMR features:

    Customizable virtual rack of processors.
    4 world class mix modules.
    2 classic EQs, and 2 versatile mix compressors.
    Models every nuance of the circuit paths and recreates all that makes up their trademark tone.
    VMR for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX) is available for purchase for the introductory price of $149 USD for a limited time.

    A purchase also includes a FREE iLok 2 Dongle!!

    VST3 WARNING: Please use VST2 in you VST DAW. VST3 issues are being fixed.

    And because Slate loves you:


    Revival just might be the most musical two knobbed processor ever! And it's because behind those two knobs lies some extremely sophisticated analog modeled that has been tuned by ear to create an amazing effect for both individual tracks and vocals!

    And the best part is, that it is FREE!
    Download the VMR demo and Revival will never expire!

    Either get it when you download the VMR demo, or directly HERE.

    More information: Slate Digital / Virtual Mix Rack
    / Revival - FREE
  3. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    Ill try the day I feel like freeing up a usb port for my ilok dongle. ilok sucks.
  4. machupichu

    machupichu Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2014
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    iLoLed *yes*
  5. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    See the thing I don't get here is that to use both these products you need iLok 2. i.e Dongle you can't even register the free plugin though iLok 1 as it only works on the key. Therefore slate is saying buy the whole package & we give u a free iLOk 2 & you also get Revival free which also requires iLok2??.
    The whole issue confuses me & quite possibly I got it wrong.
    Is revival part of the bundle or seperate & if that's the case what's the point behind all of this.
    Is it just if u have iLok 2 u can get a permanent license for revival that only works on iLok 2 if you demo the bundle.
    If u buy it we give u iLok 2 free. I'm pretty confused! Doesn't take a lot but it seems a strange setup :dunno:
  6. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I liked how Eventide handled their business: they gave out UltraChannel for free which had to be activated via iLok Manager without a Dongle. That's what made me buy UltraReverb, which is really dope. But what Slate is doing is real bullshit marketing. Either the shit is free or it's not. If I have to buy an iLok2 just to make the shit work it is not really free in my world. And it doesn't make me want to buy ANY Slate Digital products at ALL.
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yeah, gotta admit my spidee senses were tingling hard when I saw Slate Digital and Free in the same title. :wow:

    Simple rule of thumb:

    If it seems too good to be true, it more than likely IS too good to be true! *yes* *no*
  8. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Or "There's no such thing as a free lunch"
  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Complete agreement 5t33z0 & theDingus & Pilzy

    From what I can work out if you don't have the iLok 2 dongle. NONE of this shit works even though it says FREE! I agree eventide did it far better coz u didn't need the dongle.
    So what Slate is saying is Buy my (whatever price) plugin rack & u get a free iLok 2 dongle. However BOTH this & the FREE plugin procuct require iLOk2 dongle. So unless u have a spare iLok2 dongle lying around u ain't getting shit for free. A complete bullshit con imo unless I missing something :dunno: Only furthers my opinion that Slate a scumbag *yes*
  10. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    iLok 2 Dongle.................. = $49.95
    Revival Sonic Enhancer = FREE!!
    Total Cost...................... = $49.95

    VMR................................ = $149 (for a limited time)
    iLok 2 Dongle................ = FREE!!
    Revival Sonic Enhancer = FREE!!
    Total Cost...................... = $149 (for a limited time)


    But it's not like Slate is making any money from iLok sales. They're just strong-arming you into purchasing the VMR.
  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    But the even stranger thing is that the Revival IS included in the VMR package!! So unless u ain't got a spare USB dongle your getting nothing for free whatsoever unless u are going to buy a 49 dollar Ilok 2 dongle to use a 'free plugin' comes is included the VMR package which includes a free dongle LOL!!

    Anyway is probably sale price, once Rhianna needs one, price will be commercial, estimated around 40,000 dollars without the free dongle! *yes*
  12. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    149 Bucks with a dongle is an okay prize for what I believe are probably high quality plugins. Plus 25 $ more for shipping to Germany, which still would be ok, I guess.

    Who needs another Neve and SSL EQ as well as an 1176 Comp? I don't know what the Red Comp is supposed to mimmick…


    I am using the Waves SSL for 2-3 years now on my Hip-Hop Drum Bus. I know what sound I am going for when I use it. It is just aggressive and it gives me the classic boom bap type of drumsound. People say, oh the highs are bad on this and this is true. But I only mainly use the Filter, the LMF (blue) to turn down the Mud around 200-250. And then some of the green.

    For my Snares I usually take Stillwell 1973. And you know why? Not because it is a "well" modeled plugin like the Scheps 73 or the VEQ. No. It's becaue it is designed to be controlled with a Mouse. All these other models are falling in the trap of sceumorphisism just because they think it is good marketing to sell something that looks like hardware even if it would be easier to work with a GUI that was designed for mouse usage. All these knobs with 2 rings, one for the frequency and one for the level – this might work in real life but not with a mouse. The API 550 from Waves has the same problen. I don't want to work with these types of interfaces.

    And as far as Comps go – how many 1176es are there now? Stillwell's "The Rocket" (supposed to be one of the best), Softube has 2: "FET Comp" and the "VC 76" via NI, "CLA 76" by Waves and the "Black 76" by IK Multimedia which is my favorite. That makes 5 already. And there are probably 5 more I forgot. ;)

    SSL Comps: Waves SSL Comp, NI Solid Comp, SSL Duende, Cytomic "The Glue" of course.

    I think all theese plugin manufacturers want to trick people into buying their shit by suggesting you "hey if you buy this, your shit will blow up and your sound will become more professional"

    Case is: There is one Plugin Category where this is true – and that is Reverb in my opinion, where a good Reverb makes a huge difference.

    But at the end of the day a shitty Song stays shitty even with the supposedly best plugins around. At the end of the day it is all about your musical ideas, creativity, technical know how and experience to make a dope song. Because the people out there who are listening to music don't say, "oh I like this nice sparkly highs on this track". No, they go for emotion and the feeling the musical idea evokes. The enigineering can ad to this feeling. But in the end, I think we gearsluts fall victims to this tricknology of always looking for something outside ourselfs when we really should be searching and find inside of us…

    I hope that didn't come out to emo ;)
  13. BudSpencer

    BudSpencer Producer

    Sep 14, 2013
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    Spot on, Dude. *yes* :mates:
  14. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I'm sorry to spoil the rant, but I've tried it and love the freebie. The install process activates the whole four lunchbox emulations plus Revival. I deactivated the comps and eqs (although I could test them for 15 days) and I was left with Revival. It only has two knows, and they add a lush top end and tight bottom. You don't have to run the paid-for processors, but the the VTM is needed to load Revival. You can instantiate 3 units of Revival and have lots of warmth to play with. If you already have a dreaded ilok dongle, then picking Revival is a no brainer.
  15. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Don't forget, according to Slate, VMR is the result of two years of tireless development.
    Think about that... Two whole years with NO tires!
  16. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Or..... "NEVER mix coloured with whites on a hot wash!" :dont:

    ....... "Too many cooks spoil the broth." :(

    ....... "Blue and green should NOT be seen, unless with something in between." :unsure:

    I hope we`ve ALL learnt something here today. :dunno:
  17. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    BTW, Fabrice Gabriel (Eiosis) finally released his AirEQ. And guess what – it needs an iLok2, too just to demo it…
  18. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I´ve got that dongle and it weight about 50 grams or so - so charge 25 us for shipping.... is hmmmm---- pretty expensive imho!
  20. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Couldn't you purchase an iLok 2 a little closer to home?



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